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The Episcopal News Update
The Episcopal News Update is published each week by the Communications Office of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.  
For additional news and information, visit The Episcopal News website.   
Notices for the Update may be emailed to the Editor. We regret that we are unable to accommodate articles or listings that do not have a direct connection with the Episcopal Church.   
Event notices will be run as soon as possible after the information is received by the Communications Office. Except in special cases (for example, diocese-wide events), notices will not be run on a weekly basis. Events are included in the online Events Calendar or the Arts & Liturgy calendar as appropriate, and are listed in the Update calendar sections ("This week around the diocese" and "This week in liturgy and the arts") for two issues before the date of the event.   
Each Update is emailed on Wednesday evening (publication date) and is dated for the following Sunday.

Reports from General Convention 2015
The Bloy House News
Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological School at Claremont, issues a newsletter each month to keep clergy and interested laity of the diocese informed on what's going on at the only Episcopal seminary within the Diocese of Los Angeles. To subscribe, send a request to [email protected]
Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
Cathedral Center of St. Paul
840 Echo Park Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90026