Local leaders set March 13 final service for East Whittier congregation Changes are unfolding in Episcopal Church ministry along the north Orange County-L.A. County border in the neighboring communities of East Whittier, La Habra, and Buena Park. In recent years, both St. Joseph's, Buena Park (pictured at top left), and St. Stephen's, Whittier (below left) (also serving La Habra), have participated in a shared ministry with the Rev. Mary Trainor as priest for both churches. Recently, after a period of discernment, the leadership of St. Stephen's determined that it is no longer financially viable despite the vitality of its ministries, and has decided to close after more than six decades of service. This decision was announced at services Feb. 7 during the visitation of Bishop Suffragan Diane Jardine Bruce on behalf of Bishop J. Jon Bruno. The last day of worship at St. Stephen's will be Sunday, March 13. "We give thanks for the faithfulness of the people of both congregations, and look forward to new ways of coming together in service to God in Christ," Bishop Bruno noted. Trainor praised the Bishop's Office for its support of St. Stephen's as the community struggled to carry out ministry while facing an uphill financial struggle. "Bishop Bruno has given us every opportunity to continue our ministry here in Whittier," Trainor added. "However, in more recent discussions, and in the face of a couple of financial reversals, it became obvious that we no longer are financially viable, despite the vitality of the ministry actually done here." St. Stephen's ministry in recent years has been focused on environmental stewardship under the theme "Reclaiming Eden." It began with a community garden in 2008, has an active recycling program, and a pet food pantry with monthly distribution through six community agencies. Trainor said she now will devote more of her time to ministries in Buena Park, "where hopefully current St. Stephen's parishioners will transfer. It makes so much sense for people to continue their ministry at Buena Park, given how much overlap there has been already, and how closely people from the two communities have worked together."
Holy Spirit Fellowship relocates from Silver Lake to Atwater Village Holy Spirit Fellowship's popular 7 p.m. Thursday "Lord's Supper in Three Courses" is now hosted in Atwater Village following a Feb. 1 relocation from Holy Spirit's previous site in Silver Lake. Holy Spirit has been welcomed by the Chapel of St. Francis to share its worship space at 3621 Brunswick Ave., just off Hyperion Avenue. St. Francis Chapel Sunday services are now led by the Rev. Roberta Morris following the retirement of the Rev. Ellen Murasaki Wekall. The St. Francis ministry center is also home to IRIS, the Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Service. Canon Randy Kimmler, a co-founder and longtime lay leader of Holy Spirit Fellowship, praised and thanked the people of St. Francis Chapel for their hospitality and warm welcome for shared ministry - including a creative Feb. 11 "Ash Thursday" service. Holy Spirit's 9:30 a.m. Saturday yoga classes and other monthly arts offerings also now continue at the new location, Kimmler said. More information is online at www.holyspirit-la.org. (Photo is a stained glass window at St. Francis' Church.)
MonteCedro celebrates grand opening in Altadena MonteCedro, Episcopal Communities & Services' new nonprofit continuing care retirement community in Altadena, hosted a grand opening celebration on Feb. 4, spotlighting its state-of-the-art campus and unique approach to aging in place and creative living. Dignitaries from across the region, including Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich, representatives of the Altadena town council and members of the ECS board of directors attended the event. "MonteCedro truly gives residents the opportunity to live creatively," said James Rothrock, president and chief executive officer of ECS. "The community provides much more than simply a place to live. It's a place for residents to pursue their passions, gain inspiration and be challenged. This grand opening is an opportunity to showcase what a premier senior retirement community can offer, not just to residents, but to Altadena as well." The Rev. Michael Bell (pictured above right), chaplain at ECS's Canterbury facility in Rancho Palos Verdes, gave the invocation. Others participating included Ed Johnson, chair of the ECW board; Marty Tamburrano, recently retired ECS president and CEO; Bob Long (above), member of All Saints Church, Pasadena, and chair of MonteCedro's board of directors; James Rothrock, current ECS president and CEO, and David Weidert, executive director of MonteCedro. The Jack Latz Big Band provided music. For more information about MonteCedro, located at 2212 El Molino, Altadena, visit www.montecedro.org or call 877.357.8521.
Lenten resources ...
Presiding Bishop Curry sets Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday Feb. 14
Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry has invited all Episcopalians to join in observing Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday on February 14, the first Sunday in Lent. "I urge all congregations to devote the first Sunday in Lent to reflecting on the life-giving work of Episcopal Relief & Development and giving meaningfully to support this vital ministry," Presiding Bishop Curry said. "As the season of Lent calls us to re-examine our priorities, let's unite in truly seeking and serving Christ in all persons, through the important work of Episcopal Relief & Development." Lent was designated by the 2009 General Convention of the Episcopal Church as a time for remembering Episcopal Relief & Development's work to heal a hurting world. Although the first Sunday in Lent is the official day of observance, congregations may hold a special service on any Sunday. Read more here.
Selected Lenten Resources
(compiled by ECF Vestry Practices and Episcopal News Service)
Meditations on the theme of Go!
Daily reflections on a Scripture verse containing the word "Go!," prepared by many authors including Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, other bishops, and members of United Thank Offering, Episcopal Migration Ministries, National Association of Episcopal Schools and Episcopal Relief & Development, will be will be available on the Episcopal Church's website and Facebook page.
Journey Through Lent 2016
Journey through Lent 2016, an iPhone/iPad application from Forward Movement, provides daily images and reflections illustrated by cartoonist Jay Sidebotham alongside daily Eucharistic gospel readings, a space for journal writing, and more. Click here.
Episcopal Relief & Development: 2016 Lenten Meditations
"Walk the Path of Lent" with reflections on spiritual practices, written by ERD's staff, partners, and friends from around the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. Available in English and Spanish in print and digital formats.
Lenten Series on Racial Injustice
This free online series of five courses is based on Trinity Institute's 2016 conference, Listen for a Change: Sacred Conversations for Racial Justice. Presenters include: Michael Curry, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Kelly Brown Douglas, Jennifer Harvey, and J. Kameron Carter. Available through Lent 2016 from ChurchNext here.
Praying in Color: A New Way to Pray
A simple meditative practice involving reflection and drawing/doodling. Praying in Color offers four, free calendar templates and suggests ways one might use their calendar to reflect on a word or a name each day during Lent. Click here.
Repairing the Breach: Discipleship and Mission in a Global Economy
The recent economic crisis devastated the lives of many and revealed unsustainable patterns of consumption and self-interest. This Lent, join in prayerful self-reflection on our economic life with daily meditations and videos written and produced by the House of Bishops' Theology Committee. Find daily reflections and videos beginning Ash Wednesday here.
Lent Madness
Lent Madness 2016 will begin on Thursday, Feb. 11, the day after Ash Wednesday, with a matchup between St. Helena and St. Monnica. Now in its seventh year, Lent Madness is a fun, engaging way for people to learn about the men and women listed in the church's calendar of commemorations. Thirty-two saints will compete in four single-elimination bracket rounds for a chance to win the coveted Golden Halo. Vote for your favorite saint here.
Events & announcements ...
St. James, Los Angeles, to host Trinity Institute video presentation St. James in-the-City Episcopal Church, Los Angeles, will host a video presentation of this year's Trinity Institute (from Trinity Wall Street, New York), titled "Listen for a Change: Sacred Conversations on Race," on Saturday, Feb. 13, 9 am. - 4:30 p.m. The day's schedule will include an opening sermon by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, keynote address by NPR journalist Michelle Norris; a presentation by New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristoff; Vanderbilt Divinity School dean and theologian Emilee Townes; and womanist theologian and Episcopal priest Kelly Brown Douglas, intersperced with discussions and conversations. A suggested $10 donation will cover refreshments and lunch. For information, contact Lauren Azeltine at 213.388.3417. St. James' Church is located at 3903 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles 90010. More about the Trinity Institute is here.
GFS invites all girls to 'Not So Quiet Day' March 12
Girls Friendly Society-Los Angeles invites all girls ages 5 - 21 to a "Not So Quiet Day" on Saturday, March 12, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Trinity Church, Orange. Titled "Sign of the Times," the event will include a private tour of the "Icons in Transformation" art exhibit now in residence at Trinity; games and art activities; and a service project to benefit "A Window Between Worlds," a nonprofit organization dedicated to using art as a healing tool to for individuals and communities impacted by violence and trauma. Lunch and snacks will be provided; childcare will be available. Parents are asked to accompany participating girls under age 8. For information, call Alex Jacobs at 714.323.5891. There is no charge, but registration is requested by Feb. 29: click here to register online. A flyer is here. Trinity Episcopal Church is located at 2400 N. Canal Street, Orange 92865.
Forum to study gun violence and public health
All Saints Church, Pasadena, will be the venue for "Gun Violence from a Public Health Perspective: Educating and Equipping for Effective Gun Violence Prevention Conversations and Actions" on Saturday, Feb. 20, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., sponsored by the parish's Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. Presenters will include Loren Lieb, retired epidemiologist in the injury prevention program of the Los Angeles County Department of Health; and Virginia Classick, co-chair of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. There is no charge for the event, but registration is required: click here. For more information contact Ada Ramirez at 626.583.2734 or aramirez@allsaints-pas.org. All Saints Church is located at 132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena 91101.
Stories of faith will highlight Lenten series in Malibu
St. Aidan's Church, Malibu, will hold a Lenten group discussion series titled "Sharing Stories of the Experience of Faith" on Wednesdays, feb. 17 - March 16. All faiths are welcome to attend and share their everyday experiences of religion. The group will be moderated by Charlene Underhill Miller, a psychotherapist with degrees in marital and family therapy, as well as theology. Session dates and themes are:
- Wednesday Feb. 17: Our Faith: looking for inspiration
- Wednesday Feb. 24: Our Faith: in moments of doubt
- Wednesday March 2: Our Faith: our community
- Wednesday March 9: Our Faith: my joy
- Wednesday March 16: Our Faith: concluding session
The session will begin with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. followed by discussion at 7 p.m. concluding around 8 p.m. Each group meeting will be about fifty minutes long. The series will be held at the Point Dume Clubhouse, located at 29500 Heathercliff Road. At the guardhouse, please mention you are attending the St Aidan's Church event. Disabled access is available.
Lenten 'Soup and Spirituality' series to begin Feb. 17 in Westchester
The Church of the Holy Nativity, Westchester, will begin its Lenten "Soup and Spirituality" series on Wednesday, Feb. 17, 6:30 p.m. The five Wednesday evening sessions will featuring representatives and scholars from different faith traditions, who will give their responses to Pope Francis's encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si'. Each session will begin with vegetarian soup and salad at 6:30 p.m., followed by a talk and discussion at 7:15 p.m. Dates and speakers are:
- Wednesday, Feb. 17: Alice Druffel (Christian)
- Wednesday, Feb. 24: Jihad Turk (Islam)
- Wednesday, March 2: Elizabeth Rice (Buddhism)
- Wednesday, March 9: Jason van Leeuwen (Judaism)
- Wednesday, March 16: Chris Chapple (Indic)
Holy Nativity Church is located at 6700 West 83rd Street, Westchester (Los Angeles) 90045. For information call 310.670.4777.
All Saints, Pasadena, featured in recent issue of Vestry Papers
The February Vestry Papers from Episcopal Church Foundation's Vital Practices includes an article that features All Saints Church, Pasadena, and its approach to measuring how well its ministries are succeeding in the community. The article, by Frank Logue, references a Harvard Business Review story by Zachary First that featured All Saints. Vestry Papers, which contains information and resources for church leaders, is delivered by email each month. For information and a free subscription, visit the Vital Practices homepage.
Course on 'Partnership' to be offered in Haiti
Social justice leaders, especially those interested in work in Haiti, are invited to consider attending a one-week course on "Partnership," to be held in Haiti May 7 - 13, 2016. The course has been developed by Centenary College of Louisiana and the Christian Leadership Center, with assistance from an Episcopal Church Volunteer in Mission, "to equip those seeking justice the ability to promote effective engagement and cooperation in their local and global communities." Cost is $1,150 USD, not including airfare. For further information and to register, click here.
Theologian Matthew Fox to speak at Trinity, Santa Barbara, March 11 - 12 Trinity Episcopal Church, Santa Barbara, will welcomes theologian and educator the Rev. Matthew Fox to this year's Lenten Series March 11 - 12, speaking on "Spirituality Named Compassion: Uniting Mystical Awareness with Social Justice."Fox is the author of more than 30 books, including Original Blessing, and The Coming of the Cosmic Christ. An Episcopal priest and former Roman Catholic priest, Fox has been renewing the ancient tradition of "Creation Spirituality", which is feminist, prophetic and committed to eco, social, and gender justice. On Friday evening, March 11, he will speak and sign books; Saturday morning he will facilitate a small-group workshop. Both events are open to the public; tickets are available for $10 (Friday lecture) and $20 (Saturday workshop). For tickets, visit Brown Paper Tickets or TrinitySB.org. For more information, contact Georgia Noble at gnoble@trinitysb.org or call 805.965.7419. Trinity Episcopal Church is located at 1500 State Street, Santa Barbara.
Planned giving workshop slated for March 12 in Santa Barbara All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, Santa Barbara will host a free workshop, "Setting Up a Planned Giving Program For Your Parish," on Saturday, March 12, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Presented by Jim Murphy, managing program director of financial resources at the Episcopal Church Foundation, this workshop will take the mystery out of planned giving. Learn in easy-to-understand terms how planned giving differs from annual stewardship and capital campaigns, and how congregations can build endowments through wills and life income gifts. After a review of the available planned giving instruments, participants will learn about the importance of a parish vision, protecting and growing their endowment, and how to invite others to remember their church home through estate and financial planning. Participants will leave the workshop with a plan of action. To register, email Kathleen Winters at kathleen@asbts.org by March 9. All Saints is located at 83 Eucalyptus Lane, Santa Barbara (805.969.4771)
This week around the diocese ...
Lecture: Russian Icons: A Sacred Tradition in an Age of Transformation
Trinity Episcopal Church 2400 North Canal Street, Orange 92865 Information: 714.637.1390 Lecturer is Dr. Wendy Salmond of Chapman University. A companion event to Icons in Transformation, a 120-piece exhibit featuring the works of Russian-born artist Ludmila Pawlowska. The exhibit and a series of performance and lecture events presents the mystery and spiritual power of the icon transformed into modern masterworks, and highlights traditional Russian icons as the source of inspiration. A service of Compline will precede each event at 6:30 p.m. For a full schedule click here.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Youth Leader Gathering
St. Cross Church 1919 Monterey Boulevard, Hermosa Beach The Program Group on Youth Ministries invites all youth leaders to a casual barbecue lunch, where they can meet with others investing in youth and young adults in their areas. Admission is free.
"God Is Not Here" Book Event
Bell Tower Regional Community Center 22122 El Paseo, Rancho Santa Margarita Information: 949.505.5015 ext. 1 or sisorgangeco@gmail.com Lt. Col. Bill Russell Edmonds, author of God is Not Here: A Soldier's Struggle with Torture, Trauma, and the Moral Injuries of War, will speak, answer questions, and sign copies of his book, which will be available for purchase. God Is Not Here, published in 2015, recounts Edmonds' experiences as a U.S. Army adviser to Iraqi forces at the height of the anti-U.S insurgency. Admission is free and open to the public; free-will donations are appreciated. Light refreshments will be provided after the talk. Event sponsors are Strength in Support and the Higher Calling.
Lecture: The Icon: Medieval, Modern and Beyond
Trinity Episcopal Church 2400 North Canal Street, Orange 92865 Information: 714.637.1390 Lecturer: Dr. Roland Betancourt of University of California Irvine. A companion event to Icons in Transformation, a 120-piece exhibit featuring the works of Russian-born artist Ludmila Pawlowska. The exhibit and a series of performance and lecture events presents the mystery and spiritual power of the icon transformed into modern masterworks, and highlights traditional Russian icons as the source of inspiration. A service of Compline will precede each event at 6:30 p.m. For a full schedule click here.
This week in liturgy and the arts ...
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 4:30 p.m.
Solemn Evensong
St. James' Episcopal Church 3903 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 90010 Information: 213.388.3015 or saintjamesla.org Choir of St. James'; James Buonemani, director.
Organ Recital: David Baskeyfield
St. James' Episcopal Church 3903 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 90010 Information: 213.388.3015 or saintjamesla.org
Benefit Concert: Francesco Attesi, piano, and Matteo Balli, organ
St. Mark's-in-the-Valley Episcopal Church 2901 Nojoqui Avenue, Los Olivos Information: 805.688.9533 The program includes works by Bach, Brahms, Ravel and Wagner among others. Attesti and Galli are returning to Los Olivos during an international concert tour from their native Italy. Tickets are $20 general admission/$10 student admission and are on sale now at the Arts Outreach office, 2353 Hollister Street, Suite A in Los Olivos or by calling 805.688.9533. Doors at St. Mark's will open at 2 p.m. for first-come, first-seated admission. A reception will follow the concert.
Lenten Vespers
St. George's Episcopal Church 23802 Avenida de la Carlota, Laguna Hills information: 949.837.4530 Featuring the Chamber Singers, the Canterbury Quartet and soloists.
Chamber Music: Ancienne, Moderne et Romantique
All Saints Episcopal Church 504 N. Camden Drive, Beverly Hills 90210 Information: 310.275.0123 Camille King, soprano; Ian Pritchard, harpsichord; Peter Myers, violin perform a program of works by Couperin, Poulenc and Byron Adams. Tickets: $20 adults / $10 students & seniors. Admission free with Music Guild donor season pass.
Russell Ferrante Plays Jazz
All Saints Episcopal Church 132 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena Information: 626.583.2725 or mhayes@allsaints-pas.org Russell Ferrante has performed with the likes of Jimmy Witherspoon, Jim Pepper, Joe Farrell, Joni Mitchell, Bobby McFerrin, Robben Ford, Al Jarreau, Marilyn Scott, Kevyn Lettau, Ernie Watts, Sadao Watanabe, GRP, Big Band, Lee Ritenour, and he currently teaches in the Jazz Studies department at USC. Ed Bacon will offer a meditation. Child care provided.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 7:30 p.m.
Episcopal Church of the Epiphany 5450 Churchwood Drive, Oak Park 91377 Information: 818.991.4797 or tcote.org With a liturgical history that dates back to the 4th century, this contemplative service is the final liturgical office of the day, and features entirely unaccompanied singing by the Epiphany Schola.
A Service in the style of Taizé
All Saints Episcopal Church 504 N. Camden Drive, Beverly Hills 90210 Information: 310.275.0123 Led by Parish Choir in the intimate setting of All Saints' Chapel.
Recurring Services ...
The worship services or events listed below occur on a regular basis; weekly or monthly. Note that some are suspended on holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas or Holy Week. Please check with individual churches for exceptions to the regular schedule.
MONDAYS, 10 - 11 a.m.
Centering Prayer
St. Mark's Episcopal Church 1014 E. Altadena Drive, Altadena 91001 Information: 626.798.6747 Meets in the Brown Library in the church office.
MONDAYS, 5 - 5:30 p.m.
Lectio Divina
St. Mary's Episcopal Church 428 Park Avenue, Laguna Beach 92651 Information: 949.494.3542 or parishoffice@stmaryslb.org Lectio Divina is the ancient practice of holy listening to scripture. A passage from the upcoming Sunday lessons is read, and in silent prayer we are gradually led from mind to heart, taking the word of God deeper and deeper into the self. Followed by Centering Prayer (see listing below).
MONDAYS, 5:30 - 6 p.m.
Centering Prayer
St. Mary's Episcopal Church 428 Park Avenue, Laguna Beach 92651 Information: 949.494.3542 or parishoffice@stmaryslb.org Preceded by Lectio Divina (see listing above).
MONDAYS, 7 p.m.
Centering Prayer
St. James' Episcopal Church 1325 Monterey Road, South Pasadena Information: 626.799.9194 Come and experience a method of Contemplative Prayer. This group is led by parishioners, and meets weekly in the Guild Room.
TUESDAYS, 12 - 1 p.m.
Contemplative Eucharist
St. Paul's Episcopal Church 242 E. Alvarado Street, Pomona 91767 Information: 909.622.2015 or stpaulspomona@yahoo.com Join us in the Lady Chapel for a celebration of the Eucharist and contemplative worship service.
TUESDAYS, 6:15 p.m.
Centering Prayer
The Church of Our Saviour 535 W. Roses Road, San Gabriel Information: 626.282.5147 No previous experience is necessary. Centering Prayer group meets in St. Luke's Chapel.
TUESDAYS, 6:30 p.m.
Evening Prayer
St. John's ProCathedral 514 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90007 Information: 213.747.6285
TUESDAYS, 7 p.m.
Contemplative Prayer
Church of the Messiah 614 N. Bush Street, Santa Ana Information: 714.543.9389 Contemplative Prayer meets every Tuesday evening for an extended period of silent meditation and prayer in the Upper Room. Those unfamiliar with this method of prayer are welcome to join others who have practiced contemplative prayer before.
WEDNESDAYS, 5:30- 6:30 p.m.
Lectio Divina
St. Mark's Episcopal Church 1014 E. Altadena Drive, Altadena 91001 Information: 626.798.6747
Eventide and Supper
All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church 83 Eucalyptus Lane, Santa Barbara 93108 Information: 805.969.4771 The midweek service is at 6:00 p.m. every Wednesday and combines the language, symbols, music, and actions from the rich heritage of the worshiping Church. Eventide has become an important worship opportunity for those wanting a mid-week boost in their spiritual lives and a main worship service for those who prefer this more intimate, casual, yet distinctly Anglican worship experience. Casual supper to follow.
WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 p.m.
Contemplative Mass
St. John's ProCathedral 514 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90007 Information: 213.747.6285
Taizé Worship Service
St. Mark's Episcopal Church 330 E. 16th Street, Upland Information: 909.920.5565
THURSDAYS, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Rosary & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
St. Paul's Episcopal Church 242 E. Alvarado Street, Pomona 91767 Information: 909.622.2015 or stpaulspomona@yahoo.com Join us in the Lady Chapel for "Holy Hour" with praying of the rosary and adoration & benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Centering Prayer
St. Alban's Episcopal Church 580 Hilgard, Westwood (Los Angeles) Information: The Rev. Paul Elder, 818.398.4541
FRIDAYS, 5 p.m.
Bible Study
St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church 5306 E. Arbor Road, Long Beach 90808 Information: 562.425.4457 or stlb47@verizon.net Currently studying the Gospel of Mark.
THURSDAYS, 6 - 7 p.m.
Taizé Worship
All Saints Episcopal Church 132 N Euclid Avenue, Pasadena 91101 Information: allsaints-pas.org/worship/taize-prayers With candlelight, music, and prayer, join us during our weekly service in an intimate chapel setting. Our peaceful worship offers an opportunity to sing and pray on a regular basis.
SECOND THURSDAYS, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. (February 11)
Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina
St. Augustine by-the-Sea Episcopal Church 1227 Fourth Street, Santa Monica 90401 Information: 310.395.0977
SECOND FRIDAYS, 7 p.m. (February 12)
Celtic Contemplative Prayer: Presentation of the Lord
St. Columba's Episcopal Church 1251 Las Posas Road, Camarillo Information: 805.482.8831 Are you looking for an alternative to the stress and busyness of life? Come and be a part of this Contemplative Prayer experience, inspired by services from the Iona and Taizé Communities (spoken word and prayer, meditative song, silence).
SECOND SATURDAYS, 11 a.m. (February 13)
Lectio Divina
St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church 5306 E. Arbor Road, Long Beach 90808 Information: 562.425.4457 or stlb47@verizon.net Lectio Divina is the ancient practice of holy listening to scripture. In silent prayer we are gradually led from mind to heart, taking the word of God deeper and deeper into the self. Followed by Centering Prayer.
SECOND SUNDAYS, 4 p.m. (February 14)
Jazz Vespers
St. Francis' Episcopal Church 2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates Information: 310.375.4617 or www.stfrancispalosverdes.org. The traditional service from the Book of Common Prayer, with jazz as its musical language. An informal time of fellowship will follow the service. Jazz Vespers services will be offered monthly throughout the year on the second Sunday. Donations are welcome.
SECOND WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 p.m. (February 17)
Candlelit Recovery Eucharist
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 100 N. Third Avenue, Covina Information: 626.967.3939 On the second Wednesday of each month Holy Trinity Church offers a Candlelit Eucharist (Bilingual). Come find the serenity and strength a loving God and a supportive community can provide you in recovery. Everyone is welcome.
THIRD THURSDAYS, 6:30 - 8 p.m. (February 18)
Outdoor Community Labyrinth Walk
Prince of Peace Episcopal Church 5700 Rudnick Avenue, Woodland Hills 91364 Information: Chantel Zimmerman, chantel@aratndsoullab.com Labyrinth walking, an ancient form of moving meditation, offers stress reduction, contemplation, and increased relaxation. Found all over the world, labyrinths provide space to decompress from the busy-ness of life. Free and open to the public. Rain or shine; dress appropriately. Facilitated by certified Veriditas-trained labyrinth facilitator Chantel Zimmerman of Art and Soul Lab (www.artandsoullab.com).
THIRD SUNDAYS, 6 p.m. (February 21)
Service of Taizé
St. Alban's Episcopal Church 580 Hilgard Avenue, Westwood (Los Angeles) Information: The Rev. PaulElder, 818.398.4541 Dinner is served at 6, followed by the service.
THIRD SUNDAYS, 6 p.m. (February 21)
St. James' Church 1325 Monterey Road, South Pasadena Information: 626.799.9194 or www.sjcsp.org A monthly, candlelit Eucharist that blends ancient liturgy with new music, media, reflection and prayer. Sacramentum is on the third Sunday of each month at 6 p.m. Childcare is available.
THIRD SUNDAYS, 9 p.m. (February 21)
Compline at the Cathedral
St. John's ProCathedral 514 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles Information here A community of prayer for students and young adults. Thirty minutes of candlelight, prayer, stillness and song, followed by food and fellowship. First and third Sundays.
FOURTH TUESDAYS, 7 p.m. (February 23)
Taizé Worship Service
St. Francis Episcopal Church (chapel) 2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates Information: 310.375.4617 A meditative Taizé service of healing and wholeness that includes candlelight, periods of silence, chants and intercessory prayer with a prayer team leader. Followed by a reception with light refreshments. Taizé is a calming and beautiful form of sung contemplative prayer developed in an ecumenical monastery in France. Taizé services are offered throughout the year on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Donations are welcome.