Update header 2013
January 17, 2016
  News ...

Bishop Wayne Smith All are invited to Martin
Luther King commemorative service on Jan. 16

The diocese's annual Martin Luther King Jr. commemoration will be held at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul, 840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 16. Guest preacher will be the Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith, bishop of the Diocese of Missouri. He will share his story of the Michael Brown tragedy in Ferguson, which is located in his diocese. The Program Group on Black Ministry invites all to a reception following the service. George Wayne Smith became 10th bishop of the Diocese of Missouri in 2002. He served on former Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori's council of advice, is a member of the House of Bishops Theology Committee, and was cognate chair of the Standing Committee for Liturgy and Music at the 2015 General Convention.

Primates logo Welby urges reconciliation,
not agreement, among
Anglican leaders

[Episcopal News Service] Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is hoping that senior Anglican leaders meeting in Canterbury, England, this week might be able to find a path towards reconciliation rather than schism over deeply held differences of opinion concerning human sexuality issues.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today program ahead of the Jan. 11-16 meeting, Welby said, "Certainly I want reconciliation. Reconciliation doesn't always mean agreement; in fact it very seldom does. It means finding ways of disagreeing well and that's what we've got to do this week."

Of the 38 Anglican leaders attending this week's Primates Meeting, a handful of African archbishops have threatened to leave the meeting unless Welby meets their demands to discipline the Episcopal Church and other provinces whose actions they dispute.

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will be attending his first Primates Meeting since his installation as presiding bishop and primate last November. Curry and many of his fellow primates have called for prayers as the leaders gather for the first time in five years.

Read more here.

  People ... 

Holy Currency Eric Law's new book released: Join a conversation with the author online Jan. 26
Chalice Press has announced the publication of Holy Currency Exchange: 101 Stories, Songs, Actions, and Visions for Missional and Sustainable Ministries, by the Rev. Canon Eric Law, director of the Kaleidoscope Institute, and will sponsor a livestream conversation with the author on Tuesday, January 26 at 12 noon PST.  According to the publisher, "Eric Law's foundational Holy Currencies (2013) demonstrated a new way ministries can think about the resources needed to do their work in their communities. Law's follow-up book, Holy Currency Exchange, shares a variety of tools for thinking differently about how those resources can mobilize ministries into new life, mission, and vitality. Examples include a restaurant ministry, programs for youth, an emergency rent loan fund for people in the neighborhood, worship service in Mexican restaurants, and many more. What could your ministry do?" Law has also included 19 songs in the new book. A CD that includes these songs as performed by Theodicy Jazz Collective and N2K (the Rev. Norm Freeman and Katherine Cash) will be available at the end of February through the Kaleidoscope Institute. Holy Currency Exchange is available in print or electronic book format here. To celebrate the book launch, all of Law's books will be available on Kindle for $3.99 until Jan. 26. Register for the Jan. 26 livestream conversation with Law on Facebook here.



The Rev. Jane Crase 
1945 - January 10, 2016
The Rev. Jane Crase, priest-in-charge of St. Joseph of Arimathea Church, Yucca Valley, died Jan. 10 as the result of injuries suffered when she fell from her horse. She was 70. Her husband, Gary Crase, died on May 1, 2014; the couple, who were married in 1983, had no children. Survivors include a brother. Bishop Diocesan J. Jon Bruno will preside and preach at a requiem Eucharist on February 20 at 2 p.m. at St. Joseph's, located at 56312 Onaga Trail, Yucca Valley 92284-3616 (760.367.7133). Read more here.

Jeannette Shackell Mary Jeannette Grimsley
Fayram Shackell
July 19, 1924 - November 30, 2015
Jeannette Fayram Shackell, widow of the late Rev. Richard Shackell, died Nov. 30. Survivors include her children, David Fayran, Margaret Friederici, Richard Fayren and Sarah Shackell; 11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.  Another daughter, Mary, predeceased her. A memorial service was held Jan. 9 at Trinity, Santa Barbara, where she had been a member since 1986. Jeannette's first husband, Richard Fayram, a nuclear engineer on assignment in Norway, died in 1956, leaving her with three young children. In 1960 she married the Rev. Richard Shackell and became mother to his two daughters, Sarah and Mary. She shared in her husband's ministry at several congregations in the Diocese of California, and the family took part in a pulpit exchange in Fellbridge, UK, in 1967. They moved to the Diocese of Los Angeles in 1976 when he was called as rector of Grace Church, Glendora, where he served until his retirement in 1984. Together the Shackells were involved in a senior housing project in Glendora; when it was completed, they moved to Santa Barbara where they became members of Trinity Church. Richard Shackell died in 2008. In retirement, Jeannette Shackell continued her longtime work as a classroom volunteer.

 events Events & announcements ... 

Icons in Transformation Lenten series at Trinity, Orange, will feature works of artist Ludmila Pawlowska

Trinity Episcopal Church in Orange will sponsor a Lenten program in February and March showcasing the contemporary icon art of Russian-born artist Ludmila Pawlowska. Icons in Transformation is a 120-piece exhibit that presents the mystery and spiritual power of the icon transformed into modern masterworks, and highlights traditional Russian icons as the source of inspiration. Featuring paintings and sculptures created over the past decade, Icons in Transformation explores relationships between the major icons of Russia's historic Vasilevesky Monastery and the artist's own work, examining what it means to be known, seen and loved by God. Pawlowska has exhibited all over Europe as well as in many cities throughout the United States. Trinity Church will host a series of lectures, music programs, and docent talks relating to the writing of icons, exploring the icon process, icon history, and Russian music. A service of Compline at 6:30 will precede each event in the series. 
Trinity Episcopal Church is located at 2400 North Canal Street, Orange 92865. For information, call 714.637.1390. Schedule is: 

Musical Program: "The Year 1915" 
Music written by Kristapor Najarian and performed by the Santiago String Quartet 

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 7 p.m. 
Russian Icons: A Sacred Tradition
in an Age of Transformation 
Lecturer is Dr. Wendy Salmond of Chapman University. 

The Icon: Medieval, Modern and Beyond
Lecturer: Dr. Roland Betancourt of University of California Irvine.
Propaganda in Ancient Art:
From Architecture to Icons 
Lecturer: Nicole Hartshorn, Fullerton College. 
MONDAY, MARCH 7, 7 p.m.
Christian Icons and Visual Abstraction 
Lecturer: Dr. David Albertson, associate professor of religion, USC. 
MONDAY, MARCH 14, 7 p.m.
Theology and Spirituality of Orthodox Icons 
Lecturer: Dr. Eve Tibbs, adjunct assistant professor of systematic theology, Fuller Theological Seminary.
Bishop Gene Robinson Reception to honor
Bishop Gene Robinson
The Bishop's Commission on LGBT Ministry will host a reception in honor of the Rt. Rev. Gene Robinson, retired bishop of New Hampshire, on Sunday, Jan. 24, 5 - 7 p.m. at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul, 840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles 90026.  As the first openly gay person to be elected a bishop in the Episcopal Church, Robinson has been an active voice for full inclusion and equal rights for LGBT persons. Bishop Suffragan Mary Glasspool is scheduled to attend the reception, which will feature festive beverages and hors d'oeuvres. For reservations, contact Jim White at jimwhite@sbcglobal.net; for information, contact the Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija at 213.482.2040. 

Spark Stillpoint to sponsor Lenten retreat, institute Elizabeth Rechter as director 
Stillpoint: The Center for Christian Spirituality will present its annual Epiphany program, this year titled "Following a Spark: An Epiphany Writing Retreat" and led by Judith Favor, on Saturday, Jan. 23, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Church of Our Saviour, 530 Roses Road, San Gabriel. The retreat theme is taken from line in "The Note" by poet Wislawa Szymorska: "... to follow a spark on the wind with your eyes; and to keep on not knowing something important." According to a Stillpoint release, "Participants are invited into gently guided reflections and writing practices that include Stepping Stones, Twilight Imagery, Meditation Log, Dialogues with Persons, Body and Work, and Testament.  Writing in an atmosphere of cared-for stillness offers each person time and space -- while embraced by community -- to follow sparks on the wind and explore the hidden realms of not knowing something important." Tuition is $48. More information and registration here. Stillpoint, which has offered spiritual formation programs for more than 30 years, was accepted as an institution of the Diocese of Los Angeles by vote of its convention in December.

Elizabeth Rechter Institution of new Stillpoint
director is Jan. 24
Stillpoint will institute its new executive director, the Rev. Elizabeth Rechter, with a Taiz�-inspired service of Celebration of a New Ministry at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 24 at Holy Spirit Retreat Center, 4316 Lanai Road, Encino 91436. For reservations, contact Becky Smith at smith4sbcc@gmail.com or 310.476.3892.

St. John_s ProCathedral Interfaith event to honor
St. John's ProCathedral as
'house of prayer for all people'
The Guibord Center invites the diocesan community to a celebration of St. John's ProCathedral as "A House of Prayer for All People" on Saturday, Feb. 6, 7 - 8:30 p.m. At the event, which will launch the center's 2016 season of interfaith events, representatives of major faith traditions  will present St. John's with a prayer book from their faiths; St. John's will present each one with a copy of the Book of Common Prayer. Each representative also will talk briefly about what it means to attend events in the magnificent space at St. John's. A reception will follow the event. "This opportunity to get to meet and experience the heart of those of other faith traditions is core to all we do," said a release from the Guibord Center. "We believe it benefits participants and attendees alike and deepens each person's own spiritual understanding. It is this experiencing of the sacredness of one another that allows us to stand up to those who urge us to turn against each other. We will not let fear and hatred pull us apart." Guibord Center events are offered at no charge and open to everyone. Donations are gratefully accepted. Registrations are requested here. St. John's ProCathedral is located at 514 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90007.  
 This week around the diocese ...

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Eucharist
Cathedral Center of St. Paul
840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles
Information: 213.482.2040
     Guest preacher will be the Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith, bishop of the Diocese of Missouri. He will share his story of the Michael Brown tragedy in Ferguson, which is part of his diocese. The Program Group on Black Ministry invites all to a reception following the service. George Wayne Smith became 10th bishop of the Diocese of Missouri in 2002. He served on former Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori's council of advice, is a member of the House of Bishops Theology Committee, and was cognate chair of the Standing Committee for Liturgy and Music at the 2015 General Convention.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 1 - 3:30 p.m.
Change Over Time: Racism and
Civil Rights in the 21st Century

All Saints Episcopal Church
132 N Euclid Avenue, Pasadena 91101
Information/Reservations: Edna: 626.298.5681
     Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with a soul food luncheon, and program featuring Patricia Coulter, recently retired executive director of the Philadelphia Urban League, and Brian Biery, documentary photographer and recent director of community organizing, Flintridge Center. Suggested donation: $10. Childcare provided: please call with a request 48 hours in advance at 626.583.2781

SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 6 p.m.
�lred & Hildegard LGBT Fellowship Potluck
Church of the Messiah
614 N. Bush Street, Santa Ana 92701
Information: 714.543.9389
This month's meeting will feature a panel discussion on the impact of marriage equality on long-term same sex couples. Everyone is welcome to attend A & H events. A social hour begins at 6 p.m., followed by a potluck dinner and the discussion. The meeting concludes with Compline, dessert, and a brief business meeting. Parking is free at Hands Together Preschool across the street.  Metered street parking is also available.

Peace & Justice Film Series: The Russian Woodpecker
 Church of the Messiah
614 N. Bush Street, Santa Ana 92701
Information: 714.543.9389
      Fyodor Aleksandrovich, a Russian artist "with radiation in his bones," sets out to discover the truth behind the Chernobyl disaster. A genius of conspiratorial analysis, he finds his way to the deepest layers of the political reality of that time and of our time, before the violent present intrudes on his quest. Described as part Don Quixote, part Edward Snowden, Aleksandrovich is one of the fascinating personalities of our time. Parking is free at Hands Together Preschool across the street.  Metered street parking is also available.
IRIS Information Session:
Forming a Refugee Welcome Team

St. Johhn'sProCathedral
514 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 90007
Information: Lynn Mackenzie, 323.667.0489, ext 128, or lmackenzie@ladiocese.org
     Are you interested in learning about how you and your church can work with refugees? Join Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Service (IRIS) to learn about how to form a Refugee Welcome Team. Refreshments will be provided.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 5 - 7 p.m.
Reception in honor of Bishop Gene Robinson
Cathedral Center of St. Paul
840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles 90026
Information: The Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija, 213.482.2040
Reservations: Jim White, jimwhite@sbcglobal.net
     Hosted by the Bishop's Commission on LGBT Ministry.  As the first openly gay person to be elected a bishop in the Episcopal Church, Gene Robinson, retired bishop of New Hampshire, has been an active voice for full inclusion and equal rights for LGBT persons. Bishop Suffragan Mary Glasspool is scheduled to attend the reception, which will feature festive beverages and hors d'oeuvres.

  Save the date ... 

SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

ECW Los Angeles Annual Meeting:
'A Window Between Worlds'
Cathedral Center of St. Paul
840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles
Information/Reservations here
     The conference will focus on the work of A Window Between Worlds, a nonprofit organization dedicated to using art as a healing tool to empower and transform individuals and communities affected by violence and trauma. Cathy Salser, AWBW's founder, will speak about the work being done in the area and what ECW members and chapters can do in their own communities to promote and further their good works. The conference agenda also includes a business meeting, keynote address, lunch and Eucharist, at which Bishop Suffragan Mary D. Glasspool will preside. Registration is $30 before Jan. 25; $40 at the door. Childcare will be provided.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 7 - 10 p.m.
The Bishops' Ball
St. Michael & All Angels Church
3646 Coldwater Canyon Avenue, Studio City
Information/Reservations: wilsons@campbellhall.org
     With the theme "Hooray for Hollywood," the event will offer dancing, games, movies, food and fun. High schoolers and their chaperones are invited to dress up for the theme - old Hollywood, new Hollywood, glitz and glamour will be welcome. Cost is $10 for each young person; chaperones are free. Reservations are requested by Jan. 15.

 artsThis week in liturgy and the arts ..

SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2 p.m.
Chamber Music Concert
St. Bede's Episcopal Church
3590 Grand View Blvd., Los Angeles 90066
Information: 310.391.5522
Featuring Kristi Lobitz, piano; Susan Greenberg, flute; and Carolyn Beck, bassoon, performing music of Beethoven, Claude Bolling, and others.  Suggested donation: $15 or Friends of Music Season Pass. 

SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 4 p.m.
Timothy Howard, organ, in concert
St. Gregory's Episcopal Church
6201 E. Willow Street, Long Beach 90815
Information: 562.420.1311
     Dr. Howard's playing has been hailed as "precision cut" and filled with "superb grace and elan." Recognized as both a soloist and collaborator, he is featured regularly on AGO chapter, community, and church recitals and series.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 4 p.m.
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
122 California Avenue, Monrovia 91016
Phone: 626.357.7071
     The St. Luke's Choir will sing music for Epiphany.  They will be joined by many of their favorite guest singers, including a contingent from Grace Episcopal Church, Glendora, whose choirmaster, David Aldrete, will share in the directing.  Of particular note is John Gardner's "Entry of the Three Kings," which was written in 1950 but not published until 2012 by Oxford University Press; featuring Jacqueline Stong, oboe. A free will offering will be taken. After the service, there will be a wine and cheese reception in Guild Hall.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 5 p.m.
Chamber Music of Craig Phillips
All Saints Episcopal Church
504 N. Camden Drive, Beverly Hills 90210
Information: 310.275.0123
     A benefit concert for the 2017 tour by All Saints' Choir to Wells and Salisbury Cathedrals. Craig Phillips, organ; Pip Clarke, violin; William Wood, bassoon; Lucinda Carver, piano; and other guest musicians.Featuring Phillips' "Scenes from a Gallery;" "Three Pastoral Scenes;" "Suite for Flute, Bassoon and Harp;" "Archangel Suite"; and works for piano and violin. Tickets: $20 adults / $10 students & seniors. Admission free with Music Guild donor season pass.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 5 p.m.
Jazz Vespers: Peter Erskine Trio
All Saints Episcopal Church
132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena
Information: 626.583.2725 or mhayes@allsaints-pas.org
      Featuring music by Grammy Award-winning drummer Peter Erskine, who has played the drums since the age of four and is known for his versatility and love of working in different musical contexts. He has worked with such artists as Diana Krall, Joni Mitchell, Vince Mendoza and Steely Dan. He is professor of practice and director of drumset studies at the Thornton School of Music, University of Southern California. Childcare provided.
The Wellesley College Choir 2016 Tour
All Saints' Episcopal Church
504. N. Camden Drive, Beverly Hills 90210
Information/Tickets here
     Conducted by Lisa Graham. Wellesley College is a private liberal arts college for women in Wellesley, Massachusetts, established in 1875. Tickets: $20 ($10 for students). Net proceeds will benefit Neighborhood Youth Association, an ourtreach partner of All Saint's Episcopal Church.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 8 p.m.
Chatham Baroque: A Mediterranean Odyssey
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
1031 Bienveneda Avenue, Pacific Palisades 90272-2314
Information: 310.454.1358
Chatham Baroque returns to California with a sultry mix of French, Italian, and Spanish music featuring the core ensemble plus guest violinist Adriane Post and percussionist Danny Mallon. Sponsored by the Edwin W. Pauley Foundation.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 7:30 p.m.
Concert featuring Christina Borgiloi, soprano
St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church
7501 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles 90046
Information: 323.876.2102
     The varied repertoire on this program features music by Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Wolf, Strauss, Boulanger, and Rorem. Ms. Borgioli will be accompanied by the St. Thomas Memorial Organ, played by Jeffrey Parola, St. Thomas' master of the music . Free admission.

Taiz� Worship Service
St. Francis' Episcopal Church (chapel)
2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates
Information: 310.375.4617 or www.stfrancispalosverdes.org
     A meditative, multi-faith Taiz� service of healing and wholeness that includes candlelight, periods of silence, chants and intercessory prayer with a prayer team leader, followed by a reception with light refreshments. Taiz� is a calming and beautiful form of sung contemplative prayer developed in an ecumenical monastery in France. Parishioner Nancy Backes and Director of Music, Youth & Arts Jeannie Cobb, will lead the congregation in chanting, accompanied by USC graduate, Robert Backes (a prot�g� of Christopher Parkening) on classical guitar and Clayton Cobb on mandolin. Taiz� services are offered monthly throughout the year on the fourth Tuesday. Donations are welcome.

 recurringRecurring Services ... 

The worship services or events listed below occur on a regular basis; weekly or monthly. Note that some are suspended on holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas or Holy Week. Please check with individual churches for exceptions to the regular schedule.

MONDAYS, 10 - 11 a.m.
Centering Prayer
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
1014 E. Altadena Drive, Altadena 91001
Information: 626.798.6747
     Meets in the Brown Library in the church office

MONDAYS, 5 - 5:30 p.m.
Lectio Divina
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
428 Park Avenue, Laguna Beach 92651
Information: 949.494.3542 or parishoffice@stmaryslb.org
     Lectio Divina is the ancient practice of holy listening to scripture. A passage from the upcoming Sunday lessons is read, and in silent prayer we are gradually led from mind to heart, taking the word of God deeper and deeper into the self. Followed by Centering Prayer (see listing below).

MONDAYS, 5:30 - 6 p.m.
Centering Prayer
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
428 Park Avenue, Laguna Beach 92651
Information: 949.494.3542 or parishoffice@stmaryslb.org
     Preceded by Lectio Divina (see listing above).

MONDAYS, 7 p.m.
Centering Prayer
St. James' Episcopal Church
1325 Monterey Road, South Pasadena
Information: 626.799.9194
     Come and experience a method of Contemplative Prayer. This group is led by parishioners, and meets weekly in the Guild Room.

TUESDAYS, 12 - 1 p.m.
Contemplative Eucharist
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
242 E. Alvarado Street, Pomona 91767
Information: 909.622.2015 or stpaulspomona@yahoo.com
     Join us in the Lady Chapel for a celebration of the Eucharist and contemplative worship service.

TUESDAYS, 6:15 p.m.

Centering Prayer
The Church of Our Saviour
535 W. Roses Road, San Gabriel
Information: 626.282.5147
   No previous experience is necessary. Centering Prayer group meets  in St. Luke's Chapel.

TUESDAYS, 6:30 p.m.
Evening Prayer
St. John's ProCathedral
514 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90007
Information: 213.747.6285

TUESDAYS, 7 p.m.
Contemplative Prayer
Church of the Messiah
614 N. Bush Street, Santa Ana
Information: 714.543.9389
     Contemplative Prayer meets every Tuesday evening for an extended period of silent meditation and prayer in the Upper Room. Those unfamiliar with this method of prayer are welcome to join others who have practiced contemplative prayer before.

WEDNESDAYS, 5:30- 6:30 p.m.
Lectio Divina
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
1014 E. Altadena Drive, Altadena 91001
Information: 626.798.6747

Eventide and Supper
All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
83 Eucalyptus Lane, Santa Barbara 93108
Information: 805.969.4771
     The midweek service is at 6:00 p.m. every Wednesday and combines the language, symbols, music, and actions from the rich heritage of the worshiping Church. Eventide has become an important worship opportunity for those wanting a mid-week boost in their spiritual lives and a main worship service for those who prefer this more intimate, casual, yet distinctly Anglican worship experience. Casual supper to follow.

WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 p.m.
Contemplative Mass
St. John's ProCathedral
514 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90007
Information: 213.747.6285

Taiz� Worship Service
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
330 E. 16th Street, Upland
Information: 909.920.5565

THURSDAYS, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Rosary & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
242 E. Alvarado Street, Pomona 91767
Information: 909.622.2015 or stpaulspomona@yahoo.com
     Join us in the Lady Chapel for "Holy Hour" with praying of the rosary and adoration & benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Centering Prayer
St. Alban's Episcopal Church
580 Hilgard, Westwood (Los Angeles)
Information: The Rev. Paul Elder, 818.398.4541

Bible Study
St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church
5306 E. Arbor Road, Long Beach 90808
Information: 562.425.4457 or stlb47@verizon.net
     Currently studying the Gospel of Mark

THURSDAYS, 6 - 7 p.m.
Taiz� Worship
All Saints Episcopal Church
132 N Euclid Avenue, Pasadena 91101
Information: allsaints-pas.org/worship/taize-prayers
     With candlelight, music, and prayer, join us during our weekly service in an intimate chapel setting. Our peaceful worship offers an opportunity to sing and pray on a regular basis.
SECOND WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 p.m.  (January 13)
Candlelit Recovery Eucharist
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
100 N. Third Avenue, Covina
Information: 626.967.3939
      On the second Wednesday of each month Holy Trinity Church offers a Candlelit Eucharist (Bilingual). Come find the serenity and strength a loving God and a supportive community can provide you in recovery. Everyone is welcome.

SECOND THURSDAYS, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (January 14)
Monthly Contemplative Gathering
Prince of Peace Episcopal Church
5700 Rudnick Avenue, Woodland Hills 91364
Information: Chantel ZImmerman, chantel@artandsoullab.com
     Based on "Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton."

SECOND THURSDAYS, 6:30 p.m. (January 14)
Centering Prayer & Liturgy of the Hours
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
242 E. Alvarado Street, Pomona 91767
Information: 909.622.2015 or stpaulspomona@yahoo.com
     Join us in the Lady Chapel for a contemplative worship and centering prayer (no prior experience necessary).

SECOND THURSDAYS, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. (January 14)
Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina
St. Augustine by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
1227 Fourth Street, Santa Monica 90401
Information: 310.395.0977
THIRD SUNDAYS, 6 p.m. (January 17)
Service of Taiz�
St. Alban's Episcopal Church
580 Hilgard Avenue, Westwood (Los Angeles)
Information: The Rev. Paul Elder, 818.398.4541
     Dinner is served at 6, followed by the service.

THIRD SUNDAYS, 6 p.m. (January 17)
St. James' Church
1325 Monterey Road, South Pasadena
Information: 626.799.9194 or www.sjcsp.org
     A monthly, candlelit Eucharist that blends ancient liturgy with new music, media, reflection and prayer. Sacramentum is on the third Sunday of each month at 6 p.m. Childcare is available.

THIRD SUNDAYS, 9 p.m. (January 17)
Compline at the Cathedral
St. John's ProCathedral
514 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles
Information here
     A community of prayer for students and young adults. Thirty minutes of candlelight, prayer, stillness and song, followed by food and fellowship. First and third Sundays.
THIRD THURSDAYS, 6:30 - 8 p.m. (January 21)
Outdoor Community Labyrinth Walk
Prince of Peace Episcopal Church
5700 Rudnick Avenue, Woodland Hills 91364
Information: Chantel Zimmerman, chantel@aratndsoullab.com
     Labyrinth walking, an ancient form of moving meditation, offers stress reduction, contemplation, and increased relaxation. Found all over the world, labyrinths provide space to decompress from the busy-ness of life. Free and open to the public. Rain or shine; dress appropriately. Facilitated by certified Veriditas-trained labyrinth facilitator Chantel Zimmerman of Art and Soul Lab.

FOURTH TUESDAYS, 7 p.m. (January 26)
Taiz� Worship Service
St. Francis Episcopal Church (chapel)
2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates
Information: 310.375.4617
     A meditative Taiz� service of healing and wholeness that includes candlelight, periods of silence, chants and intercessory prayer with a prayer team leader. Followed by a reception with light refreshments. Taiz� is a calming and beautiful form of sung contemplative prayer developed in an ecumenical monastery in France. Taiz� services are offered throughout the year on the fourth Tuesday of each month.  Donations are welcome.

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 opportunitiesOpportunities ...


Pilgrimage to Italy: 
Following in the Steps of St. Francis and St. Benedict 
April 16 - 29, 2016 
     Join Christopher McCauley, executive director emeritus, Stillpoint: the Center for Christian Spirituality, and Frank Ramirez, veteran international pilgrimage guide, for a contemplative pilgrimage, including stays at the Villa Palazzola, the magnificent 500 year old former Franciscan Monastery, the medieval city of Assisi, and ancient Rome, including stops at Subiaco, Monte Cassino, village of Castel Gandolfo, the regions around Assisi, the Tiber River Valley and Orvieto, and concluding with the great pilgrimage churches of Rome, two visits to Vatican City with worship, private tour of St. Peter's Basilica, and  general audience with Pope Francis.  Along the way, the pilgrimage will be pause for prayer, meditation, short talks, and sharing so that the journey can be savored. Fourteen days. Cost: $2,825 - $3,125 per person, depending on room requests. Airfare not included. Space is limited, with payment schedules available. Click here for complete details, fees, full literary and registration form. Early registration is strongly recommended. 

Anglican Pilgrimage 
June 13 -24, 2016 
     Featuring: Worship in Canterbury, Ely and St. Paul's Cathedrals. Visit Shakespeare's church in Stratford, and Coventry Cathedral, a center of reconciliation since WW2. Arundel Castle and England's oldest wooden church. Possible visit to Lambeth Palace in London and lunch with Bishop Rowan Williams at Magdalene College, Cambridge (pending). Theater nights, including Shakespeare at the Globe on London's South Bank, a current London show, and A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Royal Shakespeare Theater in Stratford. Travel by air-conditioned coach, with a driver and guide. Entrance fees, hotel porterage and most meals are included. For a full itinerary with details, contact Canon Colville Smythe, cssmythe@charter.net or 626.791.3111.

Celtic Christian Pilgrimage 
September 11-23, 2016 
 A life-changing journey to the sacred landscape of Scotland and Northern England Led by experienced Celtic Christian retreat and pilgrimage leaders Frank Shirbroun and Teresa Di Biase. Pilgrims will follow in the footsteps of the Celtic saints who nourished the seed of Christianity in Britain centuries ago, and meet contemporary Christians in communities at Iona and Lindisfarne who are living in the holistic spiritual tradition of the Celts. Cost of the 12-day pilgrimage is $3,850, and includes lodging, most meals, and entrance fees. Limited to 18 pilgrims. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: January 15, 2016. For more information, contact Celtic Christian Pilgrimage, Bloy House (Episcopal Theological School at Claremont, CA) at bloyhouse@cst.edu or 909.621.2419.


CLAREMONT: Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Bloy House, The Episcopal Theological School at Claremont. Responsible to the dean; providing student support services, financial management; communications; hospitality. Full-time, 12 month position. Full job description and application instructions are here.

LONG BEACH: Preschool Director, The Olive Branch, St. Luke's Church. Exciting opportunity to be on the ground floor as we open a small (32 maximum capacity), close-knit Reggio-inspired Episcopal Preschool in the heart of downtown Long Beach. The director, with the support of the preschool board, will be responsible for the development of the preschool from licensing to aesthetics, curriculum to marketing and enrollment, staff hiring and everywhere in between. Full job description and application instructions here.

UPLAND: Director of Youth Ministries at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, to spearhead the formation of a youth ministries program for middle school- and high school-age youth. Part-time. Job description and application instructions here.  




IRIS seeks volunteers 

to aid refugees
Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Service (IRIS), a program of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, is seeking volunteers and interns for a variety of programs and positions including: 
  • Volunteers to help with its food pantry on Friday mornings, 9 a.m - 12 noon. Volunteers package and distribute bags of groceries to newly arrived refugees and low income community members. 
  • Mentors and teaching assistants for ESL/Civics classes. Classes are held at various hours during the week. 
  • Bilingual English/Spanish legal services volunteers to work under Attorney supervision and assist IRIS' Central American Minor Family Reunification program. 
  • Bilingual English/Spanish legal services volunteers to work under Attorney supervision and assist with IRIS' Citizenship program. 
 To volunteer, contact Lynn Mackenzie at 323.661.8828 or lmackenzie@ladiocese.org

For volunteer opportunities, click here.


The Episcopal News Update
is emailed on Wednesday evening each week. Deadline for submissions is each Tuesday at noon. Send items for inclusion in the Update to Janet Kawamoto, editor, at news@ladiocese.org, or mail to The Episcopal News Update, P.O. Box 512164, Los Angeles, California 90051 (email is preferred). Submission guidelines are here.
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