Update header 2013
January 24, 2016
  News ...
Coadjutor search Coadjutor search committee extends nomination deadline
The Bishop Coadjutor Search Committee has extended the deadline for nominations to the end of the month, Jan. 31, when all applications must be complete. A bishop coadjutor, who will become the bishop diocesan upon the November 2018 retirement of Bishop J. Jon Bruno, will be elected at Diocese of Los Angeles' convention Dec. 2 - 3, 2016. Candidates may nominate themselves or be nominated by any adult (16 years or older) communicant of the Episcopal Church in good standing. By canon law, a candidate must be an ordained priest, at least 30 years of age, to be consecrated a bishop. The committee encourages those submitting nominations to first read the diocesan profile in full. In the profile, the committee outlines characteristics they seek for the next bishop of Los Angeles, as informed by information gathered at listening sessions and an online survey.

To download the profile (in English or Spanish) and a nomination form, visit the Search Committee web page here. The form may be completed online or be downloaded in PDF format and the printed copy mailed to: Bishop Coadjutor Search Committee, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, 840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90026. Questions may be addressed to the Rev. Canon Julian Bull, search committee chair, at bullj@campbellhall.org.

Candidates will participate in extensive background checks, medical evaluations, leadership and psychological assessments. The search committee expects to publish the list of candidates for election by September 2016. Candidates will spend a week in the diocese as a group during the last week of October or first two weeks of November 2016, subject to scheduling.

Eucharist at MLK service 2016
Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce celebrated the Eucharist and Bishop Wayne Smith (below) of the Diocese of Missouri preached at the Martin Luther King Jr. commemoration service at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul on Jan. 16. Smith discussed the civil and religious challenges of racial strife, as evidenced by the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by police in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014. As the service ended, the congregation joined hands to sing "We Shall Overcome," led by the Episcopal Chorale under the direction of Canon Charles Cheatham.

Cathy Salser Church women invited to annual conference Jan. 30
Opportunities for connection, service, worship and assistance will be offered at the annual meeting of the Episcopal Church Women-Los Angeles on Saturday, January 30, 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul, 840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles. All women who have been baptized, confirmed, or received into the Episcopal Church belong to the Episcopal Church Women, and are invited to this meeting, which will follow the "Stir Up the Spirit" theme begun at the church-wide ECW Triennial meeting in 2015.
"We hope to have at least one woman from every congregation in the diocese attend, even if they don't have an active ECW chapter," says Martha Estes, ECW-LA board president. Read more here.

  People ... 
5 priests ordained at ProCathedral
Bishop Jon Bruno, with Bishop Suffragan Mary Glasspool, ordained (from left): Gregory Milikin (All Saints', Beverly Hills), Nathan Biornstad (Holy Trinity, Covina), Gina Gore (Thad's, Santa Monica), Peter Pi-Sen Huang (St. James, South Pasadena, & St. Francis, Palos Verdes Estates), Michael Corrigan (Trinity, Santa Barbara) to the priesthood at St. John's ProCathedral, Los Angeles on Jan. 16.

Prayers of the People_ by G. Woodward Prayers of the People by
George Woodward published

St. Mark's Press has published The Prayers of the People by the Rev. Canon George Woodward III, rector of St. Edmund's Church, San Marino. It includes prayers for each Sunday of the church year (for Revised Common Lectionary readings, years A, B and C) and for special services. Congregation responses are included. The book is offered as a downloadable PDF; prayers may be copied and pasted into service bulletins. It is priced at $20, and may be ordered here.

 News from the congregations ... 
Pet memorial garden
Pet memorial garden opened at Santa Clarita church
St. Stephen's Church, Santa Clarita, celebrated the first memorial service in its new St. Francis Pet Memorial Garden on Jan. 17  for four beloved deceased pets (two dogs and two cats). Kelly O'Connell, rector, presided over the laying of three memorial stones with a congregation of pet lovers in attendance. The garden is located in an area adjacent to the church's parking lot and is open to the public for reflection and meditation dawn to dusk seven days a week. A ministry of St. Stephen's Youth Group, the garden is now ready to accept orders for engraved memorial stones for the departed pets. With the purchase of a stone, arrangements may also be made to inter the ashes of deceased dogs, cats or other small animals in the garden. For further information, call St. Stephen's office at 661.259.7307.

Transfiguration_ Arcadia
Transfiguration's bike program will benefit
former foster youth

Church of the Transfiguration, Arcadia, is holding a bicycle fundraiser for Hillsides' Youth Moving O program, which offers support and life skills training for young people who have been emancipated from the foster system. The project was inspired by a presentation at their recent annual meeting by Jackie Broxton, Hillsides' director of major gifts and planned giving, who explained that these young adults need ways to commute to their schools or places of employment. Led by the parish outreach community, members of the congregation are donating towards the purchase of a bicycle, helmet, lock, pump, lights and tool kit. Any additional funds will be used to purchase bus tokens for the former foster children. To assist, contact the parish office at 626.445.3340.

 events Events & announcements ... 
Cross at Mt. CalvaryMt. Calvary monks
seek reconnection

with associates
When a fire in November 2008 destroyed Mt. Calvary Monastery and Retreat House in Santa Barbara, records listing several hundred associate members of the sponsoring Order of the Holy Cross were also lost. The order is now attempting to reconnect with associates. "This is an official shout-out to all associates," the brothers wrote in a message to the diocesan community. "Please reach the retreat house in Santa Barbara to let them know where you are and how you can be reached for all Associate activities. The community needs you to step forward and reestablish yourself. You are loved and you are needed." Holy Cross associates and those who are interested in joining them may find information here, or at a  Facebook page established by Associate Tom Bickley, which includes photos and information.

 This week around the diocese ...


Peace & Justice Film Series: The Russian Woodpecker
 Church of the Messiah
614 N. Bush Street, Santa Ana 92701
Information: 714.543.9389
      Fyodor Aleksandrovich, a Russian artist "with radiation in his bones," sets out to discover the truth behind the Chernobyl disaster. A genius of conspiratorial analysis, he finds his way to the deepest layers of the political reality of that time and of our time, before the violent present intrudes on his quest. Described as part Don Quixote, part Edward Snowden, Aleksandrovich is one of the fascinating personalities of our time. Parking is free at Hands Together Preschool across the street.  Metered street parking is also available.
IRIS Information Session:
Forming a Refugee Welcome Team

St. Johhn'sProCathedral
514 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 90007
Information: Lynn Mackenzie, 323.667.0489, ext 128, or lmackenzie@ladiocese.org
     Are you interested in learning about how you and your church can work with refugees? Join Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Service (IRIS) to learn about how to form a Refugee Welcome Team. Refreshments will be provided.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 5 - 7 p.m.
Reception in honor of Bishop Gene Robinson
Cathedral Center of St. Paul
840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles 90026
Information: The Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija, 213.482.2040
Reservations: Jim White, jimwhite@sbcglobal.net
     Hosted by the Bishop's Commission on LGBT Ministry.  As the first openly gay person to be elected a bishop in the Episcopal Church, Gene Robinson, retired bishop of New Hampshire, has been an active voice for full inclusion and equal rights for LGBT persons. Bishop Suffragan Mary Glasspool is scheduled to attend the reception, which will feature festive beverages and hors d'oeuvres.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
ECW Los Angeles Annual Meeting:
'A Window Between Worlds'
Cathedral Center of St. Paul
840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles
Information here
     The conference will focus on the work of A Window Between Worlds, a nonprofit organization dedicated to using art as a healing tool to empower and transform individuals and communities affected by violence and trauma. Cathy Salser, AWBW's founder, will speak about the work being done in the area and what ECW members and chapters can do in their own communities to promote and further their good works. The conference agenda also includes a business meeting, keynote address, lunch and Eucharist, at which Bishop Suffragan Mary D. Glasspool will preside. Registration is $30 before January 25: $40 thereafter. Childcare will be provided.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
'Racism, Privilege and Denial:
Healing White America's Blindspots' with Tim Wise

All Saints Episcopal Church
132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena
Information/Registration: Ada Ramirez, 626.583.2734 or aramirez@allsaints-pas.org
      According to anti-racism author and educator Tim Wise, "Being well intentioned, sympathetic, and understanding will not be enough to dismantle institutional and structural racism - each and every one of us must do our part. In order to think and act in new ways we must become more skillful in these matters - a process that requires both resources and one another." Cost is $20.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 7 - 10 p.m.
The Bishops' Ball
St. Michael & All Angels Church
3646 Coldwater Canyon Ave., Studio City
Information/Reservations: wilsons@campbellhall.org
     With the theme "Hooray for Hollywood," the event will offer dancing, games, movies, food and fun. High schoolers and their chaperones are invited to dress up for the theme -- old Hollywood, new Hollywood, glitz and glamour will be welcome. Cost is $10 for each young person; chaperones are free. Reservations are requested as soon as possible.

 artsThis week in liturgy and the arts ..


The Wellesley College Choir 2016 Tour
All Saints' Episcopal Church
504. N. Camden Drive, Beverly Hills 90210
Information/Tickets here
     Conducted by Lisa Graham. Wellesley College is a private liberal arts college for women in Wellesley, Massachusetts, established in 1875. Tickets: $20 ($10 for students). Net proceeds will benefit Neighborhood Youth Association, an ourtreach partner of All Saint's Episcopal Church.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 8 p.m.
Chatham Baroque: A Mediterranean Odyssey
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
1031 Bienveneda Avenue, Pacific Palisades 90272-2314
Information: 310.454.1358
Chatham Baroque returns to California with a sultry mix of French, Italian, and Spanish music featuring the core ensemble plus guest violinist Adriane Post and percussionist Danny Mallon. Sponsored by the Edwin W. Pauley Foundation.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 7:30 p.m.
Concert featuring Christina Borgiloi, soprano
St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church
7501 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles 90046
Information: 323.876.2102
     The varied repertoire on this program features music by Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Wolf, Strauss, Boulanger, and Rorem. Ms. Borgioli will be accompanied by the St. Thomas Memorial Organ, played by Jeffrey Parola, St. Thomas' master of the music . Free admission.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 4 p.m.
Stillpoint - Celebration of a New Ministry
Holy Spirit Retreat Center
4316 Lanai Road, Encino 91436
Reservations: Becky Smith, smith4sbcc@gmail.com or 310.476.3892.
     Stillpoint: The Center for Christian Spirituality will institute its new executive director, the Rev. Elizabeth Rechter, with a Taiz�-inspired service.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 4 p.m.
Realizations: Jazz into Classical
with Bevan Manson & friends

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
3290 Loma Vista Road, Ventura
Information: 805.643.5033
     World-renowned pianist and composer Bevan Manson will perform with Phil Ayling, oboe and English horn; Jennie Hansen, viola; and Charles Levin, percussionist. Hors d'oeuvre reception. $10 suggested donation.

Taiz� Worship Service
St. Francis' Episcopal Church (chapel)
2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates
Information: 310.375.4617 or www.stfrancispalosverdes.org
     A meditative, multi-faith Taiz� service of healing and wholeness that includes candlelight, periods of silence, chants and intercessory prayer with a prayer team leader, followed by a reception with light refreshments. Taiz� is a calming and beautiful form of sung contemplative prayer developed in an ecumenical monastery in France. Parishioner Nancy Backes and Director of Music, Youth & Arts Jeannie Cobb, will lead the congregation in chanting, accompanied by USC graduate, Robert Backes (a prot�g� of Christopher Parkening) on classical guitar and Clayton Cobb on mandolin. Taiz� services are offered monthly throughout the year on the fourth Tuesday. Donations are welcome.
Jazz Pianist Tamir Hendelman
St. Francis' Episcopal Church
2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates 90274
Information: 310.375.4617 or here
     Tamir Hendelman, award-winning jazz pianist, composer and music educator, has performed and recorded with Barbra Streisand, James Moody, Roberta Gambarini, Paul McCartney, Natalie Cole, Quincy Jones and others. Hosted by KJAZZ Radio personality Bubba Jackson.  No admission charge. A free-will offering will be taken to support the St. Francis Jazz Vespers ministry. A reception with light refreshments will follow the concert.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 5 p.m.

Choral Evensong for Epiphany
All Saints Episcopal Church
504 N. Camden Drive, Beverly Hills 90210
Information: 310.275.0123
     All Saints' Choir will perform Craig Phillips' Domine Jesu Christe (World Premiere); Gerre Hancock's Preces & Responses; John Taverer's Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis; and John Tavener's "The Lamb." A reception will follow the service.

 recurringRecurring Services ... 

The worship services or events listed below occur on a regular basis; weekly or monthly. Note that some are suspended on holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas or Holy Week. Please check with individual churches for exceptions to the regular schedule.

MONDAYS, 10 - 11 a.m.
Centering Prayer
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
1014 E. Altadena Drive, Altadena 91001
Information: 626.798.6747
     Meets in the Brown Library in the church office

MONDAYS, 5 - 5:30 p.m.
Lectio Divina
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
428 Park Avenue, Laguna Beach 92651
Information: 949.494.3542 or parishoffice@stmaryslb.org
     Lectio Divina is the ancient practice of holy listening to scripture. A passage from the upcoming Sunday lessons is read, and in silent prayer we are gradually led from mind to heart, taking the word of God deeper and deeper into the self. Followed by Centering Prayer (see listing below).

MONDAYS, 5:30 - 6 p.m.
Centering Prayer
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
428 Park Avenue, Laguna Beach 92651
Information: 949.494.3542 or parishoffice@stmaryslb.org
     Preceded by Lectio Divina (see listing above).

MONDAYS, 7 p.m.
Centering Prayer
St. James' Episcopal Church
1325 Monterey Road, South Pasadena
Information: 626.799.9194
     Come and experience a method of Contemplative Prayer. This group is led by parishioners, and meets weekly in the Guild Room.

TUESDAYS, 12 - 1 p.m.
Contemplative Eucharist
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
242 E. Alvarado Street, Pomona 91767
Information: 909.622.2015 or stpaulspomona@yahoo.com
     Join us in the Lady Chapel for a celebration of the Eucharist and contemplative worship service.

TUESDAYS, 6:15 p.m.

Centering Prayer
The Church of Our Saviour
535 W. Roses Road, San Gabriel
Information: 626.282.5147
   No previous experience is necessary. Centering Prayer group meets  in St. Luke's Chapel.

TUESDAYS, 6:30 p.m.
Evening Prayer
St. John's ProCathedral
514 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90007
Information: 213.747.6285

TUESDAYS, 7 p.m.
Contemplative Prayer
Church of the Messiah
614 N. Bush Street, Santa Ana
Information: 714.543.9389
     Contemplative Prayer meets every Tuesday evening for an extended period of silent meditation and prayer in the Upper Room. Those unfamiliar with this method of prayer are welcome to join others who have practiced contemplative prayer before.

WEDNESDAYS, 5:30- 6:30 p.m.
Lectio Divina
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
1014 E. Altadena Drive, Altadena 91001
Information: 626.798.6747

Eventide and Supper
All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
83 Eucalyptus Lane, Santa Barbara 93108
Information: 805.969.4771
     The midweek service is at 6:00 p.m. every Wednesday and combines the language, symbols, music, and actions from the rich heritage of the worshiping Church. Eventide has become an important worship opportunity for those wanting a mid-week boost in their spiritual lives and a main worship service for those who prefer this more intimate, casual, yet distinctly Anglican worship experience. Casual supper to follow.

WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 p.m.
Contemplative Mass
St. John's ProCathedral
514 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90007
Information: 213.747.6285

Taiz� Worship Service
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
330 E. 16th Street, Upland
Information: 909.920.5565

THURSDAYS, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Rosary & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
242 E. Alvarado Street, Pomona 91767
Information: 909.622.2015 or stpaulspomona@yahoo.com
     Join us in the Lady Chapel for "Holy Hour" with praying of the rosary and adoration & benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Centering Prayer
St. Alban's Episcopal Church
580 Hilgard, Westwood (Los Angeles)
Information: The Rev. Paul Elder, 818.398.4541

Bible Study
St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church
5306 E. Arbor Road, Long Beach 90808
Information: 562.425.4457 or stlb47@verizon.net
     Currently studying the Gospel of Mark

THURSDAYS, 6 - 7 p.m.
Taiz� Worship
All Saints Episcopal Church
132 N Euclid Avenue, Pasadena 91101
Information: allsaints-pas.org/worship/taize-prayers
     With candlelight, music, and prayer, join us during our weekly service in an intimate chapel setting. Our peaceful worship offers an opportunity to sing and pray on a regular basis.
THIRD THURSDAYS, 6:30 - 8 p.m. (January 21)
Outdoor Community Labyrinth Walk
Prince of Peace Episcopal Church
5700 Rudnick Avenue, Woodland Hills 91364
Information: Chantel Zimmerman, chantel@aratndsoullab.com
     Labyrinth walking, an ancient form of moving meditation, offers stress reduction, contemplation, and increased relaxation. Found all over the world, labyrinths provide space to decompress from the busy-ness of life. Free and open to the public. Rain or shine; dress appropriately. Facilitated by certified Veriditas-trained labyrinth facilitator Chantel Zimmerman of Art and Soul Lab.

FOURTH TUESDAYS, 7 p.m. (January 26)
Taiz� Worship Service
St. Francis Episcopal Church (chapel)
2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates
Information: 310.375.4617
     A meditative Taiz� service of healing and wholeness that includes candlelight, periods of silence, chants and intercessory prayer with a prayer team leader. Followed by a reception with light refreshments. Taiz� is a calming and beautiful form of sung contemplative prayer developed in an ecumenical monastery in France. Taiz� services are offered throughout the year on the fourth Tuesday of each month.  Donations are welcome.
FOURTH TUESDAYS, 7 p.m. (January 26)
Taiz� Worship Service
St. Francis Episcopal Church (chapel)
2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates
Information: 310.375.4617
     A meditative Taiz� service of healing and wholeness that includes candlelight, periods of silence, chants and intercessory prayer with a prayer team leader. Followed by a reception with light refreshments. Taiz� is a calming and beautiful form of sung contemplative prayer developed in an ecumenical monastery in France. Taiz� services are offered throughout the year on the fourth Tuesday of each month.  Donations are welcome.

FOURTH THURSDAYS, 6:30 p.m. (January 28)
12-Step Recovery Eucharist
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
242 E. Alvarado Street, Pomona 91767
Information: 909.622.2015 or stpaulspomona@yahoo.com
      Join us in the Lady Chapel for a contemplative worship and centering prayer (no prior experience necessary)

FOURTH THURSDAYS, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. (January 28)
Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina
St. Augustine by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
1227 Fourth Street, Santa Monica 90401
Information: 310.395.0977

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 opportunitiesOpportunities ...


Pilgrimage to Italy: 
Following in the Steps of St. Francis and St. Benedict 
April 16 - 29, 2016 
     Join Christopher McCauley, executive director emeritus, Stillpoint: the Center for Christian Spirituality, and Frank Ramirez, veteran international pilgrimage guide, for a contemplative pilgrimage, including stays at the Villa Palazzola, the magnificent 500 year old former Franciscan Monastery, the medieval city of Assisi, and ancient Rome, including stops at Subiaco, Monte Cassino, village of Castel Gandolfo, the regions around Assisi, the Tiber River Valley and Orvieto, and concluding with the great pilgrimage churches of Rome, two visits to Vatican City with worship, private tour of St. Peter's Basilica, and  general audience with Pope Francis.  Along the way, the pilgrimage will be pause for prayer, meditation, short talks, and sharing so that the journey can be savored. Fourteen days. Cost: $2,825 - $3,125 per person, depending on room requests. Airfare not included. Space is limited, with payment schedules available. Click here for complete details, fees, full literary and registration form. Early registration is strongly recommended. 

Anglican Pilgrimage 
June 13 -24, 2016 
     Featuring: Worship in Canterbury, Ely and St. Paul's Cathedrals. Visit Shakespeare's church in Stratford, and Coventry Cathedral, a center of reconciliation since WW2. Arundel Castle and England's oldest wooden church. Possible visit to Lambeth Palace in London and lunch with Bishop Rowan Williams at Magdalene College, Cambridge (pending). Theater nights, including Shakespeare at the Globe on London's South Bank, a current London show, and A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Royal Shakespeare Theater in Stratford. Travel by air-conditioned coach, with a driver and guide. Entrance fees, hotel porterage and most meals are included. For a full itinerary with details, contact Canon Colville Smythe, cssmythe@charter.net or 626.791.3111.

Celtic Christian Pilgrimage 
September 11-23, 2016 
 A life-changing journey to the sacred landscape of Scotland and Northern England Led by experienced Celtic Christian retreat and pilgrimage leaders Frank Shirbroun and Teresa Di Biase. Pilgrims will follow in the footsteps of the Celtic saints who nourished the seed of Christianity in Britain centuries ago, and meet contemporary Christians in communities at Iona and Lindisfarne who are living in the holistic spiritual tradition of the Celts. Cost of the 12-day pilgrimage is $3,850, and includes lodging, most meals, and entrance fees. Limited to 18 pilgrims. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: January 15, 2016. For more information, contact Celtic Christian Pilgrimage, Bloy House (Episcopal Theological School at Claremont, CA) at bloyhouse@cst.edu or 909.621.2419.


CLAREMONT: Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Bloy House, The Episcopal Theological School at Claremont. Responsible to the dean; providing student support services, financial management; communications; hospitality. Full-time, 12 month position. Full job description and application instructions are here.

LONG BEACH: Preschool Director, The Olive Branch, St. Luke's Church. Exciting opportunity to be on the ground floor as we open a small (32 maximum capacity), close-knit Reggio-inspired Episcopal Preschool in the heart of downtown Long Beach. The director, with the support of the preschool board, will be responsible for the development of the preschool from licensing to aesthetics, curriculum to marketing and enrollment, staff hiring and everywhere in between. Full job description and application instructions here.

UPLAND: Director of Youth Ministries at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, to spearhead the formation of a youth ministries program for middle school- and high school-age youth. Part-time. Job description and application instructions here.  




IRIS seeks volunteers 

to aid refugees
Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Service (IRIS), a program of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, is seeking volunteers and interns for a variety of programs and positions including: 
  • Volunteers to help with its food pantry on Friday mornings, 9 a.m - 12 noon. Volunteers package and distribute bags of groceries to newly arrived refugees and low income community members. 
  • Mentors and teaching assistants for ESL/Civics classes. Classes are held at various hours during the week. 
  • Bilingual English/Spanish legal services volunteers to work under Attorney supervision and assist IRIS' Central American Minor Family Reunification program. 
  • Bilingual English/Spanish legal services volunteers to work under Attorney supervision and assist with IRIS' Citizenship program. 
 To volunteer, contact Lynn Mackenzie at 323.661.8828 or lmackenzie@ladiocese.org

For volunteer opportunities, click here.


The Episcopal News Update
is emailed on Wednesday evening each week. Deadline for submissions is each Tuesday at noon. Send items for inclusion in the Update to Janet Kawamoto, editor, at news@ladiocese.org, or mail to The Episcopal News Update, P.O. Box 512164, Los Angeles, California 90051 (email is preferred). Submission guidelines are here.
To subscribe to the Update, click on the link below, or send a request to news@ladiocese.org