Indiana Dairy Producers Logo
Indiana Dairy Producers Email Archives Homepage
Our goal at Indiana Dairy Producers is to be a resource for our membership, allied industry partners and the public on matters related to our Indiana dairy producers.  To be a better a resource, having access to previous E-Updates will be important in your search of desired information.  We encourage you to use the E-Update archives to assist you in seeking the information valuable to you.

Our archive is updated about 1 month after the original e-update is sent to regular IDP members. Join IDP as a regular or associate member to receive them in your inbox at the time they are published.
Indiana Dairy Producers
205 W. Gordon Street
Francesville, IN  47946
For timely e-updates in your email inbox, please consider joining IDP as a regular or associate member today! 
For a membership brochure, click here.