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Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
Dave Forgey
Joe Hibshman
Sarah Wagler Julie Bommer Brian Huber
Brian Houin
Cory Craig
Industry Advisers
Andy Tauer
Todd Janzen, Attorney
Silver Sponsors
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.
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RESOURCE CENTER Click on each picture or logo to learn more
 | Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website |
 | Calf Notes and Links |
 | LGM Dairy Education Info |
 | Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy |
NMPF Resource Manual also Animal Care Training Videos and Johnes Assessment Info 
Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care. |
IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
Greetings! I had the opportunity to attend the World Dairy Expo during which we had another National Dairy Leaders Coalition meeting with nine states being represented. There are definitely some issues happening in other states that we will be more aware of. I came away feeling pretty good about Indiana! It was good to see several of our producers and many of our sponsors during my time at the Expo. We have lots of important events coming up very soon; please get the dates on your calendar. First up will be our first marketing/risk management webinar scheduled for October 29th beginning at 12 noon EST. We invite all producers and sponsors alike to take part. It is being put together exclusively for IDP by our friends at Stewart-Peterson, and I know they have put in a lot of effort into planning this after I approached them about it several months ago. Please see a more detailed explanation below. Next up will be our Margin Protection Program (MPP) information meetings to be held in six locations around Indiana. Again, please see more information below and plan to attend the one most convenient for you. We are very pleased as we welcome two new sponsors to our wonderful IDP team. We look forward to working with Soy Plus as a new Silver sponsor and having Vi-COR join us as a new Gold sponsor. The best way to thank our sponsors is to work with them! The Purdue Dairy Club kindly invited me to speak to them about the Indiana dairy industry, always a pleasure when you can be with young folks; we welcome you as new IDP collegiate members and hope that you will join us at events whenever possible during your time at Purdue. We wish you the best as you pursue your degree.
As the weather continues to be somewhat of a challenge this harvest season, please take time for safety, if we are not careful, urgency can take over our common sense! Remember, as always, I am available for any dairy need; contact me at 317-695-8228 or by email at dougleman@indianadairy.org. Take care and God bless! Doug Leman, Executive Director
Indiana Dairy Producers
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It has come to our attention that Gmail and some other email services, see a "clipped" version of our e-update. For best results and to view all the articles and pictures on our e-update, please click the online link at the top of the newsletter.
Purdue Extension, FSA and IDP Announce Six Margin Protection Program Info Meetings in Indiana
 A series of MPP dairy producer information meetings will be held at locations around Indiana in November. Please check the schedule for the location most convenient for you. These meetings will last approximately 2 hours and are free and open to the public. Dairy farmers are encouraged to attend. Membership in IDP is not required. Meetings are conducted by Purdue University Cooperative Extension and Farm Services Agency. Indiana Dairy Producers is teaming with these agencies to deliver these programs that are aimed at understanding of the details of the Margin Protection Program and Demonstration  of Analytical Tools available to help dairy producers make decisions about participation, percentage of production to protect and margin levels. For the meetings on November 3 and 4, the programs will be delivered by Dr. Chris Wolf of Michigan State University, who was integral in developing analytical tools accompanied by Purdue, FSA, and IDP. For the November 18 and 19 meetings, programs will be delivered by Dr. Nicole Widmar of Purdue University accompanied by other Purdue specialists and FSA and IDP. For additional info on locations, visit our IDP website or click here. All times are Eastern Time. Light snacks will be served at all meetings. Please contact Doug Leman at 317-695-8228 if you have any questions about these info meetings.
 IDP is very pleased that Vi-COR has made the decision to support IDP at the Gold level. Please click the logo above to visit their website. Vi-COR� (Varied Industries Corporation) headquarters, located in Mason City, IA was purchased in 1998 by Mark Holt, President. Vi-COR is a manufacturer of All Natural Animal Health Products Specializing in Refined Functional CarbohydratesTM (RFC�). Vi-COR has expanded sales and marketing efforts by launching several new products and hiring key personnel for research, international sales, domestic sales and technical service positions for all species. Dedicated to the all-natural market and knowledge in today's technology Vi-COR has implemented new products with a unique blend of feed ingredients for the end user. Products are available in three concentrations dry, liquid, and a SCP (soluble concentrated powder). They are Research proven at Universities and on Farms. Vi-COR provides a global on farm service F.E.E.D. (Feeder Education Employee Development) and parlor education through our Milk to the Max Dairy Specialist at no cost in Spanish and English. Vi-COR distributes to over 70 countries emphasizing on customer service. The Power of V� for animal health and nutrition.
World Dairy Expo's Lovely Ladies Photos and Comments by Sherry Bunting
 | Venus, Supreme Champion WDE 2014
The Jersey from Illinois -- bred in Nova Scotia -- was Supreme Champion over all breeds when the World Dairy Expo closed Saturday evening, October 4. Classified EX 93 and judged the best Jersey earlier in the week, TJ Classic Minister Venus -- owned by Nic, Jeni, Ben and Andy Sauder of Tremont, Illinois -- was top cow among open shows for 7 breeds. Jerseys at 401 head and Holsteins at 582 were the week's largest shows. All told: 1,743 exhibitors from 37 states, 11 Canadian provinces and Mexico were shown. The trade show also broke records as 77,204 people attended, of which 3248 were for 94 countries. Top five countries of registered international attendance were Canada, Mexico, China, Brazil and Colombia.
 | Sunrose Jess, Reserve Champion Jr. Show
Judge Molly Sloan of Columbus, Wis., gives Sunrose Jess the nod as Reserve Holstein of the Junior Show. This was the second Reserve Champion honor of the World Dairy Expo Junior Holstein Show for this aged cow, exhibited by Bryce and Brant Gingerich and Riley Treat of Millersburg, Indiana. Over 700 youth showed among 7 breeds, with 241 head showing in the Junior Holstein Show held on the first day of World Dairy Expo, Tuesday, September 30.
IDP Welcomes Soychlor
 IDP is very pleased to welcome SoyChlor as a Silver level sponsor! Please read the important message below about how this company can help your dairy farm. SoyChlor: Effective DCAD Management for Pre-Fresh Cows Displaced abomasum, retained placenta, metritis, ketosis, fresh-cow mastitis, calves that are weak at birth - not to mention milk fever - all of these can be greatly reduced with "DCAD done right" for pre-fresh cows. Among the most research-tested and farm-proven preventive practices known to the dairy industry is the use of anionic supplements to adjust dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) for pre-fresh cows. Palatable commercial supplements like SoyChlor� make it easy to supply the chloride ion that is needed to lower DCAD. SoyChlor� also provides highly bioavailable calcium and crucial magnesium. Blended into feeds at a feed mill or on the farm, SoyChlor� is easy to handle, economical, and effective. The improvements will be easily noticed particularly by the folks working with the fresh cows. So why resist this proven science? For just a pound or two of SoyChlor� each day in a properly balanced close-up diet, you can prevent a ton of post-fresh problems from ever happening. To learn more about SoyChlor for your herd, contact our dairy nutrition team offering a full line-up of products:
Price Management webinar scheduled for Wednesday, October 29
IDP and Stewart-Peterson are excited to announce the first Dairy Producer Commodity Price Management webinar scheduled for Wednesday, October 29 at noon Eastern time. This hour-long webinar is the first in a series. This is a great opportunity to empower yourself and others on your dairy's team to hear how you can manage the pricing of your production and inputs. Also, you learn the mechanics of a strategically-driven approach to managing your pricing decisions.
Click here to read more. Webinar access information will be sent in a separate email next week.
Temple Grandin to Visit Fair Oaks Farmhouse Restaurant October 21
Brownfield Ag Network, Meghan Grebner
 Dr. Temple Grandin will participate in a public discussion at Fair Oaks Farms' The Farmhouse Restaurant. Grandin will discuss reducing fear and stress in animals, breeding, handling stress in livestock, and gestation stalls. A question and answer session will follow Dr. Grandin's presentation. The event is October 21 from 2pm to 4pm Central Time, preregistration cost is $15 and space is limited. Click here for details.
Genomic testing heifers has big payoffs for Indiana dairy Cheryl Marti, Progressive Dairyman
 | Brian Houin
From its humble beginnings with nine cows in 1945, Homestead Dairy of Plymouth, Indiana, has embodied steady and continued progress. It's a value that third-generation owner-manager Brian Houin takes seriously.
Today, Houin, along with five other family members and two non-family managers, oversees more than 3,500 lactating cows and 8,000 total animals on three sites in north-central Indiana. The young dairyman attributes much of the exponential growth of the business to strategic adoption of new technologies and management practices over time.
"We always are looking for new ways to become more efficient," said Houin. "We don't adopt new things for the sake of trying them just because they are new. But if they fit our business goals and make financial sense, we'll give them a serious look."
An example is the dairy's decision to start genomic testing all heifers. In just two years, Homestead Dairy is already reaping positive results from strategically selecting high-genomic replacements.
Houin said an inventory of excess heifers initially triggered their interest in genomic testing. "We were selling springers and wanted to make sure we kept the right ones for our own herd," he said. "Parent averages alone only provide reliabilities in the 20s, whereas (with genomic testing) reliabilities approach 70 percent. It made sense to try to get more accurate information on those animals."
Homestead Dairy's first 50 samples were run on bred heifers ready to sell. "It didn't take long to figure out that those animals already were too old to make the best decisions for them," said Houin. "Some of the lowest genomic heifers were bred to sexed semen, and some of the highest ones were bull bred."
Homestead Dairy now does genomic testing on young heifers prior to breeding, so the results can help dictate mating and culling decisions. Read more
Annual Partners Luncheon will feature Strategic Plan
IDP will have our annual Partners in Success Luncheon on Friday, November 14th at the Normandy Barn at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis. This event is designed for our sponsors and potential sponsors where we will unveil part of the strategic planning process we are currently working through. If you have an interest in attending, please contact Doug Leman at 317-695-8228.
Check-off Update, Meet Larry Jackie Barber, ADAI
 There's big news from your dairy checkoff's partner, Quaker Oats! Quaker's iconic mascot (named, by the way, "Larry") is now sporting a milk mustache! Quaker took out a full-page ad in People and People en Espa�ol magazines. People magazine has a readership of 46.6 million and People en Espa�ol is the largest Spanish-language magazine in the country, with a readership of 6.4 million. Look for "Larry" to be sporting a milk mustache on upcoming Quaker products. Quaker Oatmeal will also begin list the nutrition facts of the oatmeal alone and when made (as is recommended!) with milk. The public will be able to see the added protein and calcium that dairy brings to the breakfast table. Quaker is also running a social media campaign where people can show off their milk mustaches! Click here for more information and make sure to share with your friends. For more information on dairy promotion activities and how your checkoff dollars are working for you, please contact Jackie Barber at 317-842-3060 or email barber@winnersdrinkmilk.com
Upcoming 2014 Events
October 15-16 IDP Board Strategic Planning
Oct. 21 Temple Grandin at Fair Oaks Farmhouse Restaurant click here for details.
Nov. 3 Goshen MPP Producer Info Meeting 9:30 AM Registration Elkhart Co. Fairgrounds and Greenfield MPP Producer Meeting, 6 PM registration, Hancock County Fairgrounds, all times are Eastern
Nov. 4 Seymour MPP Producer Info Meeting, Jackson County Learning Center, 9:30 AM Registration and Huntington MPP Producer Info Meeting, 6 PM registration, 4-H Community Building, all times Eastern
Nov. 14 Annual Partners in Success Luncheon, Normandy Barn, Indiana State Fairgrounds.
Nov. 18 Jasper MPP Producer Info Meeting, Dubois County Fairgrounds 1 PM Registration Eastern Time
Nov. 19 West Lafayette MPP Producer Info Meeting, Beck Ag Center, 9 AM Registration Eastern Time
Nov. 29 Stewart-Peterson / IDP webinar at noon Eastern Time. Click here for details.
Feb. 18-19 Women in Agriculture Conference 2015, Radisson Hotel, Merrillville, Indiana

on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.