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Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
Julie Bommer, Secretary/Treas.
Joe Hibshman
Liz Kelsay Brian Huber
Brian Houin
Cory Craig Nathan Kuehnert
Industry Advisers
Andy Tauer
Todd Janzen, Attorney
Nathan Hrnicek
LuAnn Troxel, Business Mgr.
Silver Sponsors
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Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
RESOURCE CENTER Click on each picture or logo to learn more
 | Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website |
 | Calf Notes and Links |
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 | Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy |

Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site: Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care. |
Visit Our Bronze Sponsors
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Contact Chris Moore for free insurance consultation and quotes on your farm and agribusiness Insurance needs! IDP members receive an exclusive discount on SECURA Insurance.

on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
Please click online link at the top for best viewing of our e-update.
It has come to our attention that Gmail and some other email services, see a "clipped" version of our e-update. For best results and to view all the articles and pictures on our e-update, please click the online link at the top of the newsletter.
I wish you all the best as we enter the New Year! IDP has many opportunities early in the year that you need to take advantage of, starting with the Regional Meetings. We have put together what we feel are very timely, informative meetings about your farm's financials, with the theme being "Dollars and Sense." Please see the information and brochure below, figure out which meeting you will attend, and then RSVP. You will have good information to take home and make your farm better!
We are so grateful when we have sponsors that believe in IDP enough to move up to a higher level. With that being said, we welcome Vita Plus as new Gold sponsors! We are also very pleased to welcome Seneca Dairy Systems on board as new Bronze sponsors. Each of our sponsors is appreciated and I really encourage you to work with any of our sponsors when the opportunity arises. I believe we have everything you need to be successful through our network of sponsors; let them know they are appreciated!
Special thanks to all who have sent in their membership dues. Remember, we are here to support you! Don't forget to join us for our annual meeting on Feb. 3rd if you have the opportunity - see more information below.
I will look forward to seeing many of you at the Regional meetings. The planning is done, the table is set, you just need to register and then participate and enjoy.
Don't hesitate to contact me for any dairy need at dougleman@indianadairy.org or call me at 317-695-8228. See you soon, take care and God bless!
Doug Leman
IDP Executive Director
IDP Annual Meeting is February 3
 Indiana Dairy Producers will be holding the 2016 Annual Meeting on Wednesday, February 3 at the new offices of Indiana Corn / Indiana Soybean at 8425 Keystone Crossing in Indianapolis at 10 AM. We hope you can plan to attend this meeting!
The Outstanding Dairy Producer and Outstanding Young Dairy Producer Awards will be presented. In addition to a short business meeting, 2 open board seats will be filled.
Dr. Mike Schutz, Professor of Animal Sciences and Assistant Director of Purdue Extension, will give an update on the current state of Indiana's dairy industry.
Lunch will be served. There is no cost to attend, but we do need your RSVP by January 29 to plan for the meal. Please contact Doug Leman at 317-695-8228 or email dougleman@indianadairy.org if you plan to attend. |
2016 Regional Dairy Meetings on "Dollars and Sense"
The 2016 Regional Dairy Meetings are just around the corner! IDP is so pleased to be partnering with Purdue University Extension to bring valuable information around a financial theme, Dollars and Sense. Download a brochure and RSVP.
Nationally recognized speaker, Gary Sipiorski, will be our featured keynote speaker at the Evansville, Monroe and Plymouth meetings. Gary has extensive banking and ag lending experience and teaches dairy financials at UW Madison. He has a knack for making the complex understandable.
Melanie Strait-Bok is a regional vice president of financial
services at Farm Credit Mid America. Melanie will be presenting at the Rushville and Shipshewana meetings. Gary and Melanie will present information on How the most successful dairy producers utilize their financial information.
In addition, Dennis Hicks, CPA with Clifton Larson Allen LLP will also be presenting on dairy farm budgeting. Dennis expertise includes auditing, accounting, merger & aquisitions and more.
Purdue Extension's Dr. Nicole Olynk Widmar and Elizabeth Byrd, JD, will have a practical and necessary presentation on understanding and figuring your cost of production.
All meetings begin with registration at 9 AM, they include lunch, and they will conclude at 2:30 PM. Membership in IDP is strongly encouraged, but it is not required.
2016 Regional Meeting Dates and Locations:
January 27 Rushville (new location!)
Rush County Fairgrounds, Root Building
January 28 Evansville
(Central Time) Hornville Tavern
February 9 Shipshewana
The Farmstead Inn
February 10 Monroe (new location!)
Adams County Fairgrounds Dining Hall
February 11 Plymouth (new location!)
Christos Banquet Center
Although there is no cost to attend these meetings, pre-registration is required. Please RSVP by contacting Doug Leman at 317-695-8228 or by email at dougleman@indianadairy.org, or you can RSVP online here.
Vita Plus Moves Up to IDP Gold Level
IDP is very pleased to welcome Vita Plus as a Gold level sponsor. They have been a long-time supporter of IDP, but it is very gratifying to have them move up to a higher level.
Vita Plus is an employee-owned company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin with facilities and a strong dealer network across the upper Midwest. They've been serving livestock producers since 1948 and their consultants offer the latest cutting-edge technology, nutrition and management information to help your operation succeed. Contact Nutrition Specialist Stacy Nichols at 574-595-0901 or visit their website at www.vitaplus.com.
IDP Seeks Outstanding Producer Nominations!
| 2015 Outstanding Young Dairy Producers Luke and Kim Minich |
Each year, IDP names an Outstanding Dairy Producer and Outstanding Young Dairy Producer who is 35 years of age or less. We are seeking nominations from our dairy farmer members and industry representatives. Do you know a producer that you feel is doing an exceptional job?
Help us continue to tell the good news stories of Indiana's best dairy farmers!
Please download a nomination form with more details here and be sure to submit it by the January 19, 2016 deadline. |
Devastating Goliath Storm in New Mexico/Texas
Dennis Halladay, Hoards Dairyman Intel
 Most milk producers in eastern New Mexico and the adjacent Texas Panhandle had never seen anything like winter storm Goliath, which brought the region to a standstill just after Christmas. None want to ever see anything like it again. For the dairy industries in both states, the storm could not have picked a worse place to hit, and the price they pay will likely last all of 2016. Goliath was a blizzard of "state of emergency" and "call out the National Guard" scale - both of which happened. It wasn't so much the snowfall in big herd dairy towns like Clovis and Roswell, N.M., and Friona, Hereford, Muleshoe, and Dalhart, Texas, but the tornado-force winds that pushed the snow into roof-high, cow-killing drifts. Clovis and the surrounding counties account for about 75 percent of New Mexico's dairies, cows and milk production. It is the nation's ninth largest state for cows and milk, and ranks first in average herd size (nearly 2,500 cows) and milk per cow (just over 25,000 pounds.) The Texas Panhandle, meanwhile, is home to several dozen dairies that are equally as large. Continue reading the entire article here.
Update: An estimated 15,000 dairy cows were killed in the storm, according to the Texas Association of Dairymen (TAD).
ZFS Feed Update, USDA Report
USDA pegged soybean production at 3.93 bb, a decrease from its previous 3.98 bb. It came in below the range of pre-report expectations. The national average yield is 48 bpa, 0.3 bpa lower than USDA's last estimate. Soybean stocks are larger at 2.72 bb, even though demand in the first quarter was stronger than the five- and 10-year averages.
Farmers harvested a 13.601 billion bushel corn crop in 2015, according to USDA's last estimate of production. That's down from 13.65 bb estimate in November and within the range of pre-report expectations. Corn stocks as of December 1 came in at 11.21 billion bushels.
After report now, there is a slight up-tick in the futures market today. The US Dollar remains strong, weakening commodities overall, with exports down considerably.
Improved weather in South America favors an improved good soybean crop. Crush holds steady at the plants in the Midwest has favored lower soybean meal basis offers to the farms. With a CME soybean meal Futures decline of approximately $42 since October 14th, it has helped the dairies tremendously in protein costs. Canola meal processors continue to struggle with margins, keeping that basis a little narrower than we would like to see this time of year. The spread remains steady vs. soy on farm cost. Supply has been real good and the crop was bountiful after the rough summer.
With warm weather the last few months showing less demand, soybean hulls seem to be plenty of supply in the west and are starting to move east into the local markets. A good fiber source that's cost effective if you are in need.
Cottonseed harvest started out extra wet, but acres that missed the rain and floods faired quite well in volume and quality. Ginning is complete now and USDA reports about 3,000 less bales harvested in U.S. and inventories will start to weigh on the market where patience in buying may pay off to fit or increase back in rations. Cottonseed is also crushed for oil food products, so feed market value depends on that market direction as well. Cottonseed hulls are a lot lower in cost than the last few years, as demand lightened up, and are available. If you have needs, let us know.
Corn Hominy continues to ride the tight rope in supply in January, though showing better supply and lower offers February-July for contracting. Quality has been good and clean. As corn basis stays steady to higher, hominy may play in your ration best cost savings vs ground corn locally.
Corn gluten feeds have tightened slightly at the processors for both wet feed and dry pellets with high demand and a steady to higher market supporting that cause through March. Wet seems to be the better buy if can use up within 8-9 days or so. It's a good time to lock in your needs to ensure supply on farm into summer.
Dried distillers grains (DDGS) continues steady to lower in the export market, keeping domestic costs steady to lower slightly in this quarter. Occasionally you will find a dip in the market if cars or containers get delayed, watch for bargains as this protein product is quite popular in the dairy ration again, as well as all species. There are different fat and protein levels available to you, depending on the brand/plant, ranging from 9% down to 5% fat. Inquire when buying for your needs. Modified wet distillers are available from a few plants at 45-50% DM, if need moisture in ration.
Beet pulp pellets in full swing of production on a very large crop. Pellets are available thru August and the wet pulp (75%DM) is available thru March from the plant. These are both good buys and a steady source of fiber.
Citrus pulp pellets are in full production now in Florida and begin to head north to storage. The citrus crop continues to shrink slightly each year, keeping offers steady. Supply is steady now thru November on pellets to the Midwest if you are interested in a little sugar/fiber source let us know.
Sources: USDA report.
Safe Handling Guidelines
After a LaPorte County dairy farmer nearly lost his life in December due to accidental self-injection of an antibiotic, we wanted to share safe-handling guidelines that are worthwhile implementing on farms. Never become casual about using medications. Hind site maybe 20/20, but regrets are very painful; so use caution and care for everyone involved. Click here to read the guidelines.
Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference
The 2016 Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference is fast approaching! This year's event will take place at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, Feb 4-6, 2016. Leading experts will make presentations on topics ranging from labor management and genomics to the future of the dairy industry, dairy nutrition and human health, and the economic outlook on the global dairy industry. For the best deal, register before Jan. 23 here.
Upcoming 2016 Events
Jan. 27 IDP Regional Dairy Meeting, Rushville 9 AM at Rush County Fairgrounds Details
Jan. 28 IDP Regional Dairy Meeting, Evansville 9 AM Central Time, Hornville Tavern Details
Feb. 3 IDP Annual Meeting Corn/Soy Offices in Indianapolis, 10 AM Details
Feb. 4-6 Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference, Mount Pleasant, Michigan Details
Feb. 9 IDP Regional Dairy Meeting, Shipshewana, 9 AM, The Farmstead Inn Details
Feb. 10 IDP Regional Dairy Meeting, Monroe, 9 AM, Adams County Fairgrounds Dining Hall Details
Feb. 11 IDP Regional Dairy Meeting, Plymouth 9 AM, Christos Banquet Center Details
March 30-31 IDP Farm & Industry bus tour to central Illinois, more details to follow, but SAVE THE DATE!
IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
Support IDP
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.