2011 IPDP Board of Directors
| Indiana Professional Dairy Producers |
IPDP Executive Board
Click on a name below to email an Executive Board Member
Executive Director
Doug Leman
LuAnn Troxel
Vice President Ron Fuhrmann 260-438-4940
Secretary Kelly Heckaman
Tamilee Nennich Ph.D.
Purdue University
Treasurer Mike Schutz Ph.D 765- 494-9478
Dave Forgey
Board Members Joe Hibshman Sarah Wagler Ben Rothert Henk Sevenhuysen Steve Obert
Brian Huber
Liz Kelsay
Dr. Ken McGuffey Todd Janzen, JD
Silver Sponsors
Click on the logo to visit sponsor's website

Looking for a Christmas gift idea?
 We have a great suggestion for service oriented businesses who like to give something to their dairy clients at the end of the year to show your appreciation. How about giving a one-year $20 membership to IPDP! It could truly be the gift that keeps on giving! We would send them a card acknowledging what you have given them and tell them what they can expect from us--a gift of information and many other opportunities for a whole year! Give Doug a call at 317-695-8228. Merry Christmas!
Visit Our Bronze Sponsors
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Click on above button!
IPDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IPDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IPDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
LGM Dairy Education Info
Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Click on each logo to learn more.
NMPF Resource Manual

Visit the Residue Prevention Page at NMPF by clicking the photo above.

Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.
Click Logo above to read the October/November Dairy Market Report. |

on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
Support IPDP
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We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IPDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to be a corporate sponsor of IPDP, download an information sheet
Individual membership in IPDP is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IPDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IPDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
US Dairy Farmers Care!
Click here to watch a new video by Merck Animal Health. |
It has been a very busy and exciting time within our organization. We had an absolutely wonderful turnout for our second annual Partners in Success Luncheon. We appreciate every person who took the time to join us. A special "thank you" to our friends and supporters at Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Soybean Alliance for providing us with a delicious meal and conference room to hold our meeting. Also, ISDA State Director and IPDP member, Joe Kelsay, delivered a powerful and thought-provoking message on the many things we have to be thankful for in Indiana agriculture. We are also excited to announce a new Gold Sponsor, Stewart-Peterson, along with new Silver Sponsor, Diamond V. We sincerely appreciate your support and confidence in us! We also welcome our new members and are thrilled that we now represent 65% of the dairy cows in Indiana! I was privileged to participate in media training offered by MPSI. It was a great experience and I would encourage anyone interested to take advantage of this kind of training. MPSI will be offering it again in the future. Let me know if you are interested. It is so important to have a unified voice to speak in support of Indiana's dairy industry. We are mindful of those who have lost a loved one and those who have been spending time in the hospital. Please contact me with any dairy needs at 317-695-8228 or dougleman@indianadairy.org. Take care and God bless!
Doug Leman IPDP Executive Director |
Comment Period Ends for Youth Farm Labor Regulations
December 1st marked the end of the comment period for farm youth labor regulations. Many people have expressed concern regarding the Department of Labor's proposed changes in regard to youth labor on farms. In their proposed form, these restrictions would have a significant impact on all farms, including dairy farms of any size. Even though there is a parental exemption for farms that are classified as a sole proprietorship, many of our family farms are structured as a corporation, a limited liability company or a partnership. Indiana Farm Bureau certainly provided excellent information about the proposed rule on their website here.
IPDP submitted official comments to the rule. You can read those comments here. Special thanks to Todd Janzen and the IPDP Board for formulating the IPDP comments.
Stewart-Peterson becomes Gold sponsor of IPDP!
We'd like to extend a warm IPDP welcome to Stewart-Peterson. They recently made the decision to invest in IPDP at the Gold level. Read their message to IPDP members: Hello, Indiana, from the team at Stewart-Peterson! We are a commodity consulting and marketing services firm in West Bend, Wisconsin. We're proud to sponsor dairy organizations that provide you with educational opportunities. Education is crucial to understanding how marketing can help you protect what you work hard to earn. If you'd like to know more about us, please visit www.stewart-peterson.com or call 800-334-9779 and ask for Mark Ludtke or Janet Schneider.
2012 Indiana Livestock, Forage and Grain Forum on Monday, February 27 The Indiana Livestock, Forage and Grain Forum will be held in Indianapolis on Monday, February 27.
After a thought-provoking morning program, the afternoon dairy breakout sessions will highlight some great speakers and dairy specific topics. The breakout session will begin with the IPDP Annual Meeting, including the awards for the Indiana Dairy Producer and Young Dairy Producer. Next, Dr. Frank Mitloehner, a featured speaker from the morning session, will highlight research he has done specifically addressing air emissions from dairy cattle and silage. The second breakout session will feature Jim Dickrell, Editor of Dairy Today magazine. Mr. Dickrell will address the important topic of dairy policy and will provide an insightful look into how the various proposed policies will potentially affect dairy prices in the future.
Mark your calendars for this great event! We look forward to seeing you there. Online registration will soon be available at www.indianasoybean.com.
Nominations Needed for Outstanding Indiana Dairy Farmers!
Again in 2012, Indiana Professional Dairy Producers will be awarding the Indiana Dairy Producer of the Year and the Indiana Young Dairy Producer of the Year Awards. These awards are to recognize outstanding accomplishment, professionalism, and leadership among Indiana's dairy producers. Award recipients will be announced at the IPDP annual meeting on February 27, 2012 and also during the Indiana Regional Dairy Meetings.
The Indiana Dairy Producer of the Year is awarded to a dairy producer who has portrayed the dairy industry in a positive light and has been successful in the dairy industry over a period of time. Past recipients were Fred Beer (2007), Tom Neuenschwander (2008), Doug Leman (2009), Dave Forgey (2010) and Brian Rexing (2011).
The Indiana Young Dairy Producer of the Year is awarded to a dairy producer, 35 years of age or younger, who is actively involved in a successful dairy farm and shows promise as a leading dairy producer for this industry's bright future in Indiana. Past recipients were Lukas Hively (2007), Joe and Amy Kelsay (2008), Max and Carrie Jo Bollenbacher (2009), Nathan and Sarah Kuehnert (2010) and Kerry and Christiana Estes (2011).
IPDP is seeking nominations for the Dairy Producer of the Year and Young Dairy Producer of the Year awards. Nominations for both awards can be downloaded by clicking here. You can also download a Word document from our website. Please send nominations by January 15, 2012, to Dr. Mike Schutz, Purdue University Animal Science Dept., 125 South Russell Street West Lafayette, IN 47907, mschutz@purdue.edu, Fax: 765-494-9347.
Be a Part of the Food Dialogues |  |
US Farmers & Ranchers Alliance has developed a very interesting web resource www.fooddialogues.com.Considerable effort has gone into helping to bridge the gap between producers and consumers. Why not look around and take part in the conversation!
Diamond V Becomes Silver Sponsor
We are very grateful for the support of our new Silver Sponsor, Diamond V. Click on their logo above, and visit their website. Diamond V is a manufacturer and international marketer of nutritional fermentation products. It is recognized throughout the animal nutrition field as an innovative, scientifically-motivated feed ingredient supplier. Diamond V provides nutritional products that optimize digestive function and nutrition key to animal health, productivity, efficiency and profitability. Their reputation for innovation, technology and quality has earned Diamond V a global reputation of trust and reliability within the animal feed industry for over 65 years.
End of Year
Tax Management for Farmers |  | Purdue Cooperative Extension is offering a webinar on income tax management for farmers who may be looking for ways to reduce taxable income and self-employment taxes. Income Tax Management for Farmers in 2011 will run on Tuesday, Dec. 6 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. EST/8 a.m. to 10 a.m. CST.
Click here for full details.
Partners in Success
 As Doug stated in his welcome message above, the 2011 Partners in Success luncheon was a resounding success. We have wonderful industry supporters, and we received some very good suggestions on how IPDP can be a more effective voice for Indiana's dairy farmers. We'd like to especially thank Andy Tauer and the Indiana Soybean and Indiana Corn Marketing Council, our special guests from Purdue University, and Joe Kelsay, director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture. Joe gave an inspirational talk on thankfulness and the wonderful role that agriculture plays in our society's progress. You can watch a picture slideshow of the luncheon here.We were grateful to have several members of the ag media attend our event. We appreciate the articles we found linked below. Hoosier Ag TodayFarmers ExchangeBrownfield Farm World
Purdue Animal Sciences Stakeholder Survey
The Department of Animal Sciences at Purdue University is in the process of developing a new strategic plan to help strengthen and improve the department in the future. As part of this process, the department would like to collect thoughts and insights from stakeholders. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey to help provide direction for the Animal Sciences Department. Click here to take the survey.
Research proves America wants tasty, affordable food by Andy Vance for Feedstuffs
Hunger is a reality; farmers and agribusiness have both the social responsibility and the economic opportunity to help alleviate the challenge and tragedy of global food insecurity. That is the essence of a mission and message Jeff Simmons is carrying across the country. Simmons, president of Elanco, the animal health division of pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly & Co., speaks of his mission with the fervency and zeal of the activists bent on wrecking his - and his customers' - business. That's largely because he says we all need to become activists in our own right. "The responsibility lies in our hands," he says. "Activists make it personal and believe they can influence people. We as an industry need to become activists because this needs to become personal for us, too." The bottom line: Simmons is right. Read more.
(Note: You can watch Jeff Simmons' very thoughtful video here.).
IPDP Board Members Needed! |  |
At the 2012 IPDP Annual Meeting on Feb. 27, IPDP will vote on 2 new board members to serve a three-year term. Currently, there are openings for an at-large member as well as a member from the Southern District in Indiana (South of US Hwy 50). IPDP Board members must be a current IPDP member and be actively engaged in dairy farming in Indiana. If you are interested in serving on the IPDP Board, please contact Doug Leman at 317-695-8228 or LuAnn Troxel at 219-508-3433.
Contacting Your Legislators
With all the movement in dairy policy legislation, it's more important than ever for you to build relationships with your legislators.  Nationally there are around 54,000 dairy farmers (out of 307 million total US population). In Indiana, there are 1288 Grade A dairy farms (6.4 million people in Indiana). Our legislators need to be educated about dairy issues, and they are looking to you to deliver. If you don't know them personally, why not take the time to introduce yourself? We live in very interesting times, and you have a message that our legislators need to hear. Click here to get contact information and more on your Indiana legislators. For US legislators and agencies, click here.
Upcoming Events 2011-2012
DECEMBER December 9-10 2011 Indiana Farm Bureau State Convention JANUARY January 24 Regular IPDP Board of Directors meeting, MPSI office, Indianapolis. 10 AM January 25-26 Heart of America Grazing Conference, Mount Vernon, Illinois Conference Brochure FEBRUARY February 9-11 Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference, Mount Pleasant, Michigan February 27, 2012 Livestock Forage & Grain Expo at Marriott, downtown Indianapolis. February 27, 2012 IPDP Annual Meeting February 29, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Decatur February 29, 2012 11th Annual Midwest Women in Agriculture Conference, Shipshewana, Indiana MARCH March 1, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Goshen March 1, 2012 11th Annual Midwest Women in Agriculture Conference, Shipshewana March 6. 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Warrenton March 7, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Columbus March 8, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Rockville APRIL April 10 & 11, 2012 Indiana Milk Quality Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana