Indiana Professional Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
June 8, 2012 www.IndianaDairy.org Issue 36
"An organized voice for Hoosier Dairy Farmers" Mission Statement To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of dairy producers while providing educational opportunities for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice for Indiana dairy producers.
 | June 7 Summer Tour Attendees, taken at Swisslane Dairy, Alto, Michigan |
Click on any logo to reach company website
2012 IPDP Board of Directors
| Indiana Professional Dairy Producers |
IPDP Executive Board Click on a name below to email an Executive Board Member
Executive Director
Doug Leman
LuAnn Troxel
Vice President
Henk Sevenhuysen
Secretary Tamilee Nennich Ph.D.
Treasurer Mike Schutz Ph.D 765- 494-9478
Dave Forgey
Kelly Heckaman
Board Members Joe Hibshman Sarah Wagler Julie Bommer Steve Obert
Ranell Rexing
Brian Huber
Industry Advisers
Liz Kelsay
Dr. Ken McGuffey Todd Janzen, Attorney
What's HOT in Commodity Ingredients
Zeeland Feed Update
Call 866-888-7082 |
IPDP Visited Zeeland's impressive headquarters (above) and toured their facility as part of the Summer Farm & Industry Tour on June 7
Cottonseed prices have fallen as crops emerge and look good, and should be reconsidered in the ration. This product has not followed other ingredient prices higher and is undervalued versus alternatives. Cottonseed is a good source of fiber and protein for the balance of the summer. New crop contracts are available. Contact us for quotes.
High protein distillers, guaranteed at 36% protein and 5 �% fat, is a good protein replacement source with high bypass fat. Availability is high and should remain steady throughout summer, making it a good value in the ration.
Hominy as a corn replacement in the ration remains steady in the market. With corn trending up, along with the basis, hominy should be considered a good value. Contracts are available.
Canola meal new crop contracts are available at a good basis compared to soybean meal delivered to the farm.
Thank you to the IPDP members who visited Zeeland Farm Services, Inc. in early June. It was good to meet you and we enjoyed putting faces with the names and voices some of us have known primarily via the telephone.
Silver Sponsors
Click on the logo to visit sponsor's website

Calf Notes and Links
LGM Dairy Education Info
Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Click on each logo to learn more.
NMPF Resource Manual

Visit the Residue Prevention Page at NMPF by clicking the photo above.

Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.
Click to read the April 2012 Dairy Market Report. Click to read Projected MILC Payments |
Visit Our Bronze Sponsors
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Click on above button!

on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
The Summer 2012 Farm and Industry Tour was a huge success! The bus was full, friendships were made, ideas were born, the food was excellent, and to top it off, the weather was beautiful. I want to take this opportunity to share the experiences of some of our participants.
One of our producers said, "I didn't think I should leave the farm but I am so glad I did, I was able to see what is going on 'out there.' I picked up ideas and I know this will help me as I make decisions about our future."
Another producer noted, "Back on the farm you get a feeling of being all alone. This time of mingling and visiting is so important, it helps me get my attitude back where it belongs." Another producer echoed, "I didn't realize the importance of actually seeing and learning. You can read about it all day, but this is so much better. I will be a better manager because of this tour."
We also had some of the younger generation with us and their comments revolved around the technology. "I saw the future of the industry." "I thought the research was very interesting and seeing technology in action."
One final BIG thank you to our tour and banquet sponsors: Stewart-Peterson, Indiana Corn Marketing Council, Indiana Soybean Alliance, and Milk Specialties; also our tour sponsors: DeLaval Direct, Kaeb Sales/Lely USA, Prince Agri Products, Merck Animal Health, NorthStar Co-op, and our lunch sponsor Zeeland Farm Service. Without your support these opportunities wouldn't be possible!
You still have an opportunity to register for our CME Tour coming on June 26th. We will be getting a larger bus, but seating is still limited so please contact me soon! Bring your lender or a key person from your management team. We may do another event like this, so if this date doesn't work for you but you do have interest in attending, let me know.
We appreciate ALL our sponsors so much and we are happy to welcome our new Bronze level sponsors, Glycerin Traders and The Farmers Exchange. We thank Merck Animal Health for their confidence in IPDP and moving up to become a Silver Sponsor.
We still have many slots to fill to serve in the dairy bar at the State Fair on August 3rd and 10th. There are many opportunities to participate at the State Fair as this is the "Year of Dairy Cows."
Contact me at dougleman@indianadairy.org or call me at 317-695-8228 for any of these opportunities or with any dairy need. Thank you, be careful, and God bless!
Doug Leman
IPDP Executive Director
Summer Robotic Tour Provides Education, Fellowship and More
 | Michigan State's grazing dairy at Kellogg Biological Station |
Around 60 people participated in the 2012 IPDP Summer Tour, visiting three robotic dairy farms in Southwest Michigan, as well as a conventional dairy. The trip included an evening banquet and overnight at the lovely Bay Pointe Inn. Then the group stopped at Zeeland Farm Service and toured their very interesting enterprise. Judging from the laughter, engaging conversation, and general enthusiasm by the entire group, we believe the event was very successful. To watch a picture slideshow of the event, click here.
We Need YOU!!! Indiana Dairy Farmers' Presence Needed at the Indiana State Fair!
 Calling all Indiana Dairy Farmers! We need you! Every available dairy farmer and dairy industry person is needed at the Indiana State Fair! This is our year, folks. This is the Year of Dairy Cows. This is our chance to share our stories, our knowledge, and our passion for what we do every single day. So, plan some time away from the farm to attend the Indiana State Fair sometime between August 3-19. We will continue to report on the many specific events planned in upcoming e-updates. But rest assured, Indiana is going to be aware of dairy cows at the Indiana State Fair! Here's a direct invitation from our friends at Milk Promotion Services of Indiana, who are coordinating this massive effort! "Join us as we celebrate the Hoosier Dairy Industry during the Year of Dairy Cows at the Indiana State Fair August 3-19, 2012! Do you have a passion for educating consumers about the dairy industry or improving the image of dairy farming? Studies show that consumers want to hear directly from dairy farmers about dairy farming practices. If you are interested in talking with the public at our booth in the Cattle Barn Foyer and/or DuPont Food Pavilion (formerly Our Land Pavilion), please contact Kimmi Devaney at Devaney@WinnersDrinkMilk.com or 1-800-225-MILK. Shifts are available each day of the fair at 2 p.m.-5:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m." In summary, here are some specific needs for the Indiana State Fair, so check your calendars!
- Work at the Dairy Bar on
- Friday, August 3 from 7-11 PM (call Doug Leman 317-695-8228)
- Friday, August 10 from 7-11 PM (Call Doug Leman 317-695-8228)
- Work at the Indiana Cattlemens Beef Association Ribeye Sandwich Tent (New this year--provolone cheese is an option on the ribeye!) Call Dave Forgey to work any of the following ICBA shifts (574-652-2461):
- August 15 5-10:30 PM
- August 16 1-5:30 PM
- August 18 9 AM-1:30 PM
The following events are available for participation every day:- Dairy Farmer Presence in the Cattle Barn
- Dairy Farmer Presence in the DuPont Food Pavilion
- Dairy Farmer Presence in the 6:30 PM parade (line up at 6 PM)
Also, please save the date for the ice cream social, especially for Indiana Dairy Farmers, on August 14 from 11AM-1PM behind the Farm Bureau building.
IPDP Partners to Provide CME Tour June 26, Openings Still Available!
 | Farm Marketing-the good, the bad and the realistic |
IPDP, along with Stewart-Peterson and BMO Harris Bank, are partnering to bring IPDP members a rare opportunity to see the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and participate in an exciting discussion on dairy marketing. This isn't really a seminar on dairy marketing. It's an informal chance to have a real conversation on the system and practices that dairy farmers use to have a more effective marketing plan.This event takes place on Tuesday, June 26th. A day in Chicago touring the Chicago Mercantile Exchange - with lunch, dinner and lively discussion.
We're calling it Farm Marketing - the good, the bad and the realistic. The purpose? To help you learn how to protect your operation from market price volatility - it's about capturing price opportunities in milk and feed, and minimizing risk.
We encourage you to invite your lender or other management consultant.
After lunch and the CME tour, we'll gather to discuss what's on your mind. Brad Guse from BMO Harris Bank, a CME representative and Mike Rusch from Stewart-Peterson will be on hand to listen, answer questions and provide perspective on the challenges you face with the wide swings in milk and feed prices.
Your day wraps up with a cocktail hour and a unique dining experience at the Union League Club. We'll have you back on the road by 6:30 p.m. A comfortable bus will negotiate all the traffic from Indiana to Chicago and back.
Space is limited! For more information, click here.
June Dairy Month Brunch on the Farm
 Everyone is invited to June Dairy Month Brunch on the Farm at Willemsen Dairy in Frankton, Indiana (Madison County) on Saturday, June 23 from 9-noon, eastern time. Full directions and more information are available here.
Merck Animal Health Moves to Silver, Announces Dairy Market Central Smart Phone App for Dairy
 IPDP sincerely appreciates the support of Merck Animal Health. Merck had been a bronze level sponsor but they have now decided to move up to Silver! Today's Merck is a global healthcare leader working to help the world be well. Merck Animal Health, known as MSD Animal Health outside the United States and Canada, is the global animal health business unit of Merck. Merck Animal Health offers veterinarians, farmers, pet owners and governments the one of the widest ranges of veterinary pharmaceuticals, vaccines and health management solutions and services. Merck Animal Health is dedicated to preserving and improving the health, well-being and performance of animals. It invests extensively in dynamic and comprehensive R&D resources and a modern, global supply chain. Merck Animal Health is present in more than 50 countries, while its products are available in some 150 markets. For more information, visit www.merck-animal-health.com. Merck also announces a free effective dairy tool for smart phone users called Dairy Market Central. "Apps like Dairy Market Central provide dairy producers with relevant and up-to-date information at our fingertips," said Don Jensen, calf and heifer manager at Lawnhurst Farms in Stanley, N.Y. "Merck Animal Health's new app reflects the progressive shift in the dairy industry and how dairy producers will be accessing information more dynamically in the future." "Dairy producers need to keep up with a lot of information in order to manage risk and make critical decisions," said Hansen. "We are committed to delivering high-quality products, services and solutions like Dairy Market Central to help them be productive and profitable." The app provides users a quick summary of dairy commodity markets with more detailed information available by simply selecting the commodity. It lists current prices on a variety of markets, from cheese and fluid milk contracts to cow sale prices. The latest U.S. Department of Agriculture dairy, hay and auction reports also are easily accessible. All versions of Dairy Market Central show the latest weather information, including current conditions, forecasts, and severe weather alerts. Dairy Market Central is free to download via the iTunes Store and Google Play (formerly Android Market).
Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange Just Around the Corner on July 31-August 1!
 | Remembering a moment from the 2011 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange
The Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange is an annual event that IPDP and Purdue Extension partner with the University of Kentucky. This year's farm visits will include dairies near Shelbyville, Kentucky. We alternate between states each year, and you may remember last year's event in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area. This year, the Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange will take place on July 31 through August 1. You can download a preliminary brochure here. Please note that times may be subject to change. There will be bus service and a great value to any dairy producer or industry person who can get away for a short visit to Kentucky!
Follow Grazing School Online!
 Pastures for Profit is a comprehensive management intensive grazing school offered annually throughout Ohio by the Ohio State University Extension Forage Team. The Team consists of members from OSU Extension, the OSU Department of Horticulture and Crop Sciences, and the Natural Resource Conservation Service.
To find Grazing School Presentations online, click here.
The Drought Monitor
 The National Drought Mitigation Center, in cooperation with the USDA and others, brings an interesting tool for providing drought information. Unfortunately, it appears that drought could be a severe challenge for us here in Indiana this year. Tracking drought blends science and art. No single definition of drought works for all circumstances, so people rely on drought indices to detect and measure droughts. But no single index works under all circumstances, either. That's why we need the Drought Monitor, a synthesis of multiple indices and impacts, that represents a consensus of federal and academic scientists. The product will be refined over time as we find ways to make it better reflect the needs of decision-makers and others who use the information. Click here to visit The Drought Monitor. It's updated every Thursday at 8:30 AM.
Young Dairy Leaders Institute Taking Applications
The Young Dairy Leaders Institute is a nationally recognized three-phase leader and communication skills development program for young adults (ages 22-45) working in the dairy industry, with all breeds of cattle. Each participant develops top-tier skills and the personal network needed to succeed in today's dairy business. Through interactive sessions and working closely with industry experts and dynamic leaders, YDLI participants are prepared to take leadership roles in the dairy industry, become effective spokespeople and advocates for the dairy industry with consumers and the media, and much more. Learn more about this wonderful organization and dynamic dairy leadership opportunity by visiting their website and downloading an application for Class 8 here.To be more effective, class size is very limited. The deadline to apply is August 1st.
Senators Lugar and Coats Call for Clear Identity for Dairy Products Brownfield Network Click here for original article
 Three U.S. Senators have sent a letter to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg requesting the agency enforce its Standards of Identity regulations and stop nondairy products from using dairy terms in their marketing. Senators Richard Lugar and Dan Coats of Indiana and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York say the U.S. Standards of Identity are clearly established for milk, cream, sour cream, yogurt, ice cream and some cheeses. They cite soy milk as the most flagrant violation of those standards and note the increasing misuse of the terms by products made from rice, almonds and hemp. The Senators write that while consumers have every right to choose imitation dairy products; "it is inappropriate for the manufacturers of these products to violate the law and continue to mislead consumers by capitalizing on dairy terminology." The letter requests that the non-dairy products be allowed only when accurately labeled. The National Milk Producers Federation has been trying to get the standards enforced for 12 years.
Farm Safety ReminderKelly Ewalt, Michigan State University Extensionfrom the Dairy Herd Network
With the constant rush to get things done around the farm, safety is not usually the first priority. The PTO or Power Take Off shaft supplies power from the tractor to an attached implement. Always make sure that the safety guards are in place as recommended by the manufacturer. Removing these guards exposes the operator to potential entanglements. With the PTO shaft rotating at 540 or 1000 RPM, body parts, hair or clothing can become entangled in a matter of seconds, resulting in serious injury or death. Read more.
Support IPDP
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Individual membership in IPDP is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IPDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IPDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IPDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to support IPDP's efforts in Indiana, download an information sheet here.
IPDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IPDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IPDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
Upcoming 2012 Events
June 20-21 80th Annual Indiana Farm Management Tour, Marshall and St. Joseph Counties Tour Brochure
June 23 Brunch on the Farm, Willemsen Dairy, 9-12 EST, Frankton, Indiana, details, contact MPSI
June 26 Farm Marketing Tour at the CME in Chicago, open to first 20 dairy farmers. Get all the details! Read the full brochure by clicking here.
July 13 Ice Cream Social on the Circle 11-2, Monument Circle, Indianapolis
July 31 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange in Kentucky (SAVE THE DATE!) Preliminary brochure here..
August 1 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange in Kentucky Day 2 (SAVE THE DATE!) Preliminary brochure here.
August 3-19 Indiana State Fair, featuring the Year of Dairy Cows
August 3 IPDP turn at Indiana State Fair Dairy Bar evening shift. Volunteers are needed! Please call Doug at 317-695-8228. Free state fair entrance ticket!
August 10 IPDP turn at Indiana State Fair Dairy Bar evening shift from 7-11 Volunteers are needed! Please call Doug at 317-695-8228. Free state fair entrance ticket!
August 14 Dairy Farmer Ice Cream Social, Indiana State Fair, 11-2. Postcards invitations are in the mail!