Indiana Dairy Producers Logo
Indiana Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
November 14, 2012                                                              Issue 43

"An organized voice for Hoosier Dairy Farmers"

Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.   

In This Issue
Resource Center
Support Indiana Dairy Producers
Connecting Students and Potential Employers
New Diamond Level!
Seven Hills Dairy Visit
Nominations Needed
Partners in Success Recap
Raw & Pasteurized Milk
Election and Dairy Policy
Welcome, NorthStar Gold!
Whey Protein Concentrate
Tell EPA what you think
More on Aflatoxin
Zeeland Feed Update
Cat 14 Training Module



Click on any logo to reach company website

MPSI Diamond PNG

Indiana Corn Diamond PNG

Indiana Soybean Diamond PNG



Click on any logo to reach company website

Kaeb-Lely Logo
Hubbard Feeds Logo
Byron Seeds


Click on each picture or logo to learn more

Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website
Cows on Grass

Calf Notes and Links
Newborn Calf

 LGM Dairy Education Info
LGM Dairy

Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Innovation Center

Residue Prevention
 New 2013 Manual!
NMPF Resource Manual
also Animal Care Training Videos
and Johnes Assessment Info



Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.


National Milk Logo  


Click to read the
October 2012 

  Dairy Market Report 




Gold Sponsors
Pioneer logo
Dairy Farmers of America  


Milk Specialties Global  

ZFS Official 



Kalmbach Logo

DeLaval Logo  


BI Logo

Indiana Farm Bureau

2012 Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
Indiana Dairy Producers Logo 
Indiana Dairy Producers

IDP Executive Board

Click on a name below to email an
Executive Board Member  

Executive Director

Doug Leman 




LuAnn Troxel



Vice President

Henk Sevenhuysen 


Tamilee Nennich Ph.D. 


Mike Schutz Ph.D


Dave Forgey 



Kelly Heckaman 

Board Members
 Joe Hibshman
Sarah Wagler
Julie Bommer
Steve Obert

Ranell Rexing 

Brian Huber


Industry Advisers

Liz Kelsay

Dr. Ken McGuffey
Todd Janzen, Attorney 


Support IDP  

Indiana Dairy Producers Logo

Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $20. Membership dues will be $50 in 2013. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.   


We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.

Silver Sponsors

Click on the logo to visit sponsor's



  Venture Milling 


BMO Harris Bank 


RP Feed Components 


Prince Agri Logo


Diamond V


ABS Global Logo 


 Arm & Hammer Logo




 Michigan Milk Producers Logo



Specialty Hybrids  


Prairie Farms


Fair Oaks Farms Logo



Farm Credit Logo 2012



on the Archive button to access previous issues of our 


and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.

Connecting Students and Potential Employers in the Dairy Industry

Do you need an intern, a full time employee, someone interested in being involved in the dairy industry, or are you currently looking for a position? Doug has a file of resumes of good candidates, and he continues to collect additional resumes of students and others who are interested in dairy industry and dairy farm employment. He foresees an opportunity to bring employer/employee together. Don't hesitate to call Doug at 317-695-8228 or send an email at


Visit Our Bronze Sponsors 

Bronze Level
Click on above button!


IDP Corporate Sponsors
Indiana Dairy Transparent There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.



Welcome to another IDP e-update! It seems these last few weeks have been quite a whirlwind, some of it quite literally. I had the opportunity to be in Haiti on a fact-finding mission trip when Tropical Storm Sandy decided to turn into a hurricane. We left as the hurricane was building and then got to experience the back side of it as it hit the east coast of the US several days later. The city where we spent most of our time ended up getting over 35 inches of rain in a forty hour period! Our thoughts and prayers are with the many who met with devastation from the "monster" storm here and abroad.


The election is finally over and hopefully our government leaders will get busy and do the right things! We look forward to getting to know and work with the Pence administration in Indiana, and we are hopeful that they will be supportive of agriculture!


Our 3rd annual IDP Partners in Success luncheon was held last Friday afternoon. Special thanks to Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Corn Marketing Council as they provided a wonderful meal and a great location to hold our luncheon. The room was full as the IDP board was able to meet and mingle with our many sponsors and potential sponsors. We also wish to thank our keynote speaker, Mike Yoder, an Elkhart county dairy farmer and first President of our organization. He was able to share how many of our organization's original goals are being met today and show also that there's still plenty to do!


We are very excited to announce our new Diamond Sponsorship Level! We especially welcome three of our current sponsors who have moved up to Diamond from our Platinum level:  Milk Promotion Services of Indiana, Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indian Corn Marketing Council.


Pioneer and NorthStar Cooperative have joined us as Gold Level sponsors, and Micron Bio-Systems has become a Bronze sponsor. What a tremendous group of sponsors we have supporting the Indiana dairy industry! Please check each one out, thank them, and try to find a way to work with them.  


On a personal note we are pleased to welcome a new grandson, Bennett Thomas, and then a week later a new granddaughter, Josie Claire. We feel extremely blessed.

Call me at 317-695-8228 or email me at with any dairy need. I sure appreciate hearing from you!  During this wonderful Thanksgiving season, we are thankful for the many ways we see IDP making a difference for the dairy industry and individually for our producer members. We wish you a blessed Thanksgiving, and God bless!


Doug Leman 

Executive Director

Indiana Dairy Producers 

Diamond Level Unveiled
Diamond Sponsors
Pictured left to right:
Doug Leman, IDP Executive Director,
Deb Osza, General Manager of MPSI,
Andy Tauer, Livestock Director with ICMC/ISA,
Greg Noble, Chief Operating Officer ICMC/ISA
Thank you to our first diamond level sponsors, Milk Promotion Services of Indiana, Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Soybean Alliance. This diamond level was announced at our 3rd annual Partners in Success luncheon on Nov. 9.

To learn about sponsorship with Indiana Dairy Producers, click here.
MPSI is Indiana Dairy Producer's first Diamond!
Deb Osza, General Manager, MPSI
MPSI Diamond


On behalf of the MPSI board and staff, we are excited and proud to be the very first Diamond Level Sponsor of IDP! I recently had the opportunity to address industry members, producers and friends at the IDP Partners in Success Luncheon. I took advantage of that opportunity to express my pride in and thankfulness for LuAnn Troxel and Doug Leman! They are valuable assets to the industry and organization and work tirelessly to achieve its goals. Their passion for the dairy industry and leadership in IDP are a powerful force. Together they form a dynamic duo who along with the IDP board has positioned IDP for success!


The Diamond Level Sponsorship is evidence of MPSI and IDP's partnership for success. Ours are two vibrant dairy organizations sharing a dedication and passion for Indiana's dairy industry.   Our two organizations bring complementary resources and expertise to you, Indiana's dairy farmers. And we share a vision of a robust, vital and profitable Indiana dairy industry. Ours is a powerful partnership poised for success.


I look forward to continuing to work closely with both Doug and LuAnn and the IDP board; and to the new and additional opportunities afforded MPSI by the Diamond Level Partnership. We look forward to meeting with you at the Purdue/IDP Regional Dairy Meetings where you will discover how your dairy promotion (checkoff) program works hard for you every single day. Watch for information about our Telling Your Story and Dairy Farmer Spokesperson trainings and resources in future issues of the IDP Update.


Deb Osza

General Manager

Milk Promotion Services of Indiana

ISA Farm Tours Include Seven Hills Dairy
Henk Sevenhuysen Each year, the Indiana Soybean Alliance organizes farm tours for local officials who haven't had a lot of opportunities to visit farms, as well as members of the ag community. IDP Vice President Henk Sevenhuysen, and his wife, Linda, were hosts when this year's group visited the greater Lafayette area.

Henk and Linda Sevenhuysen emigrated to the US from The Netherlands and built Seven Hills Dairy from the ground up. Today, they have nearly 2200 dairy cows in Benton County that produce 135,000 pounds of milk daily. Henk and Linda also own 2000 head of young stock raised off the farm, and they employ 22 people. Seven Hills Dairy includes 600 acres of corn or alfalfa, but they work closely with adjoining neighbors to meet the balance of their cows' feed needs.They also reciprocate by applying nutrients from their dairy to neighboring acreage. 

Henk and Linda must have answered a thousand questions during the tour, and we appreciate their willingness to open up their farm!

Watch a photo slide show of the Seven Hills Dairy here.
Your Nominations Needed for Outstanding Dairy Producer!
Each year, IDP's extension and dairy specialists select the Oustanding Dairy Producer and Outstanding Young Dairy Producer of the Year from nominations submitted.

Companies, veterinarians and nutritionists are encouraged to submit a nomination from their clients and from farms they are familiar with. Self nominations are acceptable, and you do not have to be a member of IDP to submit a nomination. The nominated dairy producer must reside in Indiana, but he/she does not have to be a member of IDP to be nominated. The deadline for submission is January 15, 2013. Please take the time to fill out a nomination form here and send to Dr. Mike Schutz. Details are on the nomination form.

Pictured is 2012 Outstanding Dairy Producer of the year, Leontien Van de Laar. Let's use this opportunity to say a prayer for her as she fights a serious battle with cancer.
Partners in Success Luncheon Recap
2012 Partners in Success
The Indiana Dairy Producers board of directors welcomed representatives from nearly 60 companies to the 3rd annual Partners in Success luncheon on November 9. This was a wonderful opportunity to showcase the events of IDP in 2012 and also talk about what's coming up in 2013. We were grateful for the good turnout and the excellent conversation. Please click here to watch a photo slideshow of the event.
New Resource! Answers to your questions about raw and pasteurized milk
Girl with glasses of milkAt this time, Indiana is one of 20 states that doesn't allow the sale of unpasteurized milk directly to the consumer. Purdue University Extension  has just published an important information piece that answers many questions about raw and pasteurized milk: What is pasteurization? Why is pasteurization used for milk? Is milk altered by pasteurization? What risks are associated with drinking raw milk? and more. Click here to read this important resource.
The election is over. How will the results affect ag and dairy policy?
With the election of 2012 in the past, the 2013 congress is beginning to organize. Even so, a lame duck session will be first. What does this mean for dairy policy? Dairy Business Communications has assembled information from the International Dairy Foods Association and the National Sustainable Ag Coalition. Read it here.
A Hearty IDP Welcome to NorthStar!
We are delighted to welcome NorthStar Cooperative as a new Gold Spoonsor! Read more about this company:

NorthStar Cooperative's vision is to provide premier services and products to agriculture producers, like you, to enhance your business and well-being. Owned by producers like you, NorthStar's primary areas of expertise include: Genetics and Reproduction Services, Herd Management Products, DHI Services with innovative disease and management testing options including the Milk Pregnancy Test.


As a member of Select Sires, the world's largest A.I. Federation, NorthStar offers breed-leading genetics and proven reproductive management services, including two innovative electronic heat detection systems (Select Detect™ and Heatime�).


NorthStar DHI Services provides the most extensive support network available, helping producers measure and manage vital herd management information. NorthStar provides on-farm set-up and support for the most economical and user friendly dairy management software, PCDART, as well as its companion "on-the-go" PocketDairy Android App.


Through NorthStar DHI, producers have access to innovative milk testing options on DHI samples for Pregnancy, Johne's, BVD, leukosis, contagious mastitis and more. These efficient and reliable tests are easier and more economical than traditional methods.


NorthStar's team of over 200 local, dependable and professionally trained specialists are ready to help Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin producers, enhance farm profitability. To learn more visit


Have you ever wondered about Whey Protein Concentrate?
NPR blog

Whey Protein Concentrate If you've ever checked the ingredient list on a PowerBar or a high-protein smoothie, you probably have stumbled across these words: "Whey protein concentrate." You'll find it in a growing number of prepared foods.


This ingredient is derived from one of the oldest of human foods - milk. But capturing it requires huge factories that look more like oil refineries than farms. Read more. 


Don't like CAFO Regs? Tell the EPA!
Todd Janzen On October 31, 2012, the United States Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") provided notice that it was undertaking a review of its regulations for concentrated animal feeding operations, or "CAFOs" as they are often described (or "factory farms" as their opponents describe them).  Under Section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the EPA must review regulations every ten years to determine their continued necessity.

Now the EPA is asking for comments on the continued viability of the CAFO Rule. Specifically, the EPA asks impacted citizens and stakeholders to submit comments. Read more. 

More excellent resources on controlling Aflatoxin in Dairy Feed
Aspergillus Aflatoxin Aflatoxin continues to be a challenge on Indiana dairies. Milk is currently being tested for the presence of aflatoxin, just like it is being checked for antibiotic residues. Unfortunately, there are Indiana dairy farmers who have had to stop shipping milk because of aflatoxin problems. We urge you to insist that any purchased feedstuffs are tested negative for aflatoxin. Make sure that home raised feed is negative as well. IDP has posted numerous resources on aflatoxin here. In addition, there is some good information on this Florida Extension webpage. Please call us if you have questions about aflatoxin. We can certainly put you in touch with industry experts who can help with these challenges.
Zeeland Feed Update
Michelle Robinson, ZFS
ZFS Official 
Zeeland Farm Service


Feed Stuff Options and Alternatives have been the topic all summer in the dairy market.  Here are some opportunities that may fit into your ration.


Cottonseed harvest is finally under way with a large crop at hand. Prices have been slipping some as ginning progresses and protein market weakens some. There are contracts available now thru Aug 2013. Consider cottonseed in your ration as a good fiber source.


Soy hulls are trending upward in the market as users figure their needs after forage harvest, and contracts are put on through March. Be sure to check with your merchant to cover your needs.


Canola meal has been a great alternative as a protein for dairy diets. Supply has been good during harvest however, crush is planned to be less than originally expected, narrowing the basis offered.  Contracts are available thru March at this time.


Gluten feed seems to be holding steady to lower recently as new corn makes its way  into the processors and they plan for food sales production. Pellets and wet feed are available.


Hominy, a fine ground corn source, supply remains tight as processors continue a shorter schedule of run time. Hominy is a good fine ground corn partial replacement. Offers are available thru March.


DDGs have been plentiful as the export market has loosened up. This product seems to be moving back into rations as an energy source to help cover poor quality silage. Offers available thru March as well, as offers  have trended down this week. 


Website Assistance for Cat 14 Fertilizer Compliance and CFO rules
There's a lot of information on the Indiana Soybean Alliance website that supports livestock farmers. The Cat. 14 fertilizer rule went into effect last year, which applies to CFO, CAFO and commercial manure applicators. Please familiarize yourself with this rule! Many farmers will find that they need to become certified to apply manure. There is a free learning module, a video and other assistance available to help Indiana farmers stay in compliance with changing regulations.

There is also a fertilizer use rule, which basically applies to farms of any size, which will go into effect on February 16, 2013. All of these rules can be confusing! If you need clarification or additional information, contact us and we will help or connect you with the right person who can answer your questions. (This article corrects errors that were present in the 10-15 update).
Upcoming 2012-2013 Events   

December 7-8 Indiana Farm Bureau State Convention, JW Marriott Hotel, Indianapolis info here.  

December 13 Next regular IDP Board Meeting, MPSI office, 10AM - 3 PM.  



January 8 Midwest Dairy Conference, Lansing, Free Conference details here.
January 9 Midwest Dairy Conference, Free Conference, Sauder Village, Archbald, Ohio, Details here.



February 1 & 2 Northern Indiana Grazing Conference, Michiana Event Center, Howe, Indiana 

February 2 Purdue Ag Alumni Fish Fry, Keynote Speaker NPR's Steve Inskeep, click here for details. 

February 11 Indiana Dairy Producers Annual Meeting, in conjunction with Forum, keynote speaker Dr. Candace Croney!  

February 11 Livestock Forage & Grain Forum (registration open on December 1st!, but save the date!)

February 12 Rockville Regional Dairy Meeting

February 13 Warrenton Regional Dairy Meeting

February 14 Columbus Regional Dairy Meeting

February 21-22 Purdue Women in Agriculture Conference, Columbus, Indiana, click here for speakers and registration information 



March 4 LaGrange County/Shipshewana Regional Dairy Meeting

March 5 Goshen Regional Dairy Meeting

March 6 Decatur Regional Dairy Meeting