Indiana Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
June 25, 2014                                                              Issue 66

"An organized voice for Hoosier Dairy Farmers"

Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.   

IDP Banner
In This Issue
Summer Tour Recap
Kentuckiana Tour July 29-30
Introduction to Genomics
Sharing June Dairy Month
Dairy Sustainability Report
USDA Beginning Farm Website
BOAH Comment Period
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery



Click on any logo to reach company website

Indiana Corn Diamond PNG
Indiana Soybean Diamond PNG




Click on any logo to reach company website


Kaeb-Lely Logo
Hubbard Feeds Logo


Gold Sponsors


Bernardin Lochmueller    

Milk Specialties Global   Byron Seeds 

Dairy Farmers of America
Farm Credit Logo 2012
Pioneer logo
DeLaval Logo
BI Logo
Indiana Farm Bureau
ZFS Official

Indiana Dairy Producers  
Board of Directors
Indiana Dairy Producers Logo 
Click on a name below to email
a Board Officer 

Executive Director

Doug Leman 



Steve Obert, President


Liz Kelsay, Vice President



Board Members

Dave Forgey

 Joe Hibshman

Sarah Wagler
Julie Bommer
Brian Huber

Brian Houin

Cory Craig 


Industry Advisers

Kelly Heckaman 

Andy Tauer

Dr. Ken McGuffey 

Todd Janzen, Attorney 


Silver Sponsors

Click on the logo to visit sponsor's


RP Feed Components 
Diamond V 
BMO Harris Bank 
Prince Agri Logo 
NPC Bovamine Logo 
Perdue Ag Solutions 
Arm & Hammer Logo ABS Global Logo 
Michigan Milk Producers Logo 
JBS United 
Bunge Logo 
GEA Logo 
Specialty Hybrids 
Prairie Farms 
Fair Oaks Farms Logo 
Zoetis, formerly Pfizer 
Click on each picture or logo to learn more

Cows on Grass
Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website

Newborn Calf
Calf Notes and Links

LGM Dairy
LGM Dairy Education Info

Innovation Center
Innovation Center for U.S.

Residue Prevention
 NMPF Resource Manual
also Animal Care Training Videos
and Johnes Assessment Info


Check out the resources available to you on the  

Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.


IDP Corporate Sponsors
Indiana Dairy Transparent There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.


Visit Our Bronze Sponsors 

Bronze Level
Click on above button!



on the Archive button to access previous issues of our 


and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.


Happy June Dairy Month, and hello from Taipei, Taiwan! I have been traveling with the Lt. Governor's 2014 Ag Trade Mission to Asia, having been in Japan, South Korea, and now Taiwan. I am having the privilege of spending time with a tremendous group of individuals from Indiana, building friendships that will last a lifetime.  

One of the many highlights for me has been our visit to a dairy farm in Japan. I look forward to telling you more about this well managed farm and it's young owner; whom although we do not speak the same language, we are able to communicate in "dairy" and quickly became friends, hoping to see him again in Indiana.
LG Sue Ellspermann, Nirio Shinoda (Dairy Owner), Doug Leman, ISDA Director Ted McKinney

I will say that there are certainly opportunities and needs for more dairy in these countries. There are hurdles before us that are being worked on, but I have felt an underlying trust and appreciation for products from the United States and Indiana specifically. I look forward to learning more about Taiwan in the week ahead.    

I believe it is very good that we are here; relationships and trust build the road to progress. Right now, the best way to contact me is by email, . I do look forward to sharing about our experience. Take care and God bless!


Doug Leman, 
Executive Director
Indiana Dairy Producers
Gmail Users, click online link at the top for best viewing of our e-update. 
It has come to our attention that Gmail users, and perhaps others, see a "clipped" version of our e-update. For best results and to view all the articles and pictures on our e-update, please click the online link at the top of the newsletter.
Fascinating IDP Summer Tour
View the photos of the June Summer Tour here.

   Nearly 40 people jumped on the tour bus for the IDP Summer Tour to Ohio on June 4-5. The first stop was to Select Sires Headquarters in Plain City, where a highlight was seeing a bull parade, including  Planet, a famous bull that the CEO suggested he wouldn't even sell for $20 million dollars.
   After lunch, the tour heard a sober reminder of how quickly things can change on a farm when an abuse video brought national media spotlight on a nearby farmer, Gary Conklin. Although the farm and it's owners were cleared of any wrongdoing, animal abuse was certainly committed by an employee, and Gary candidly discussed how they have made changes to their hiring process and their animal care policies since the event occurred. He talked about the "new glass walls" at his farm, noting that what he used to view as acceptable is not necessarily OK with today's consumers. Now, he implements more of a team approach. He very much appreciated how his local community stood by him during the dark days after the video was released.
   Visiting Miley Holsteins in West Salem, Ohio, was the next stop, and it was a treat to see the beautiful animals on this this well kept but older facility. Miley Holsteins is owned by Joe, Diana, Jason, Anna, Jon, Amy, Adam and David Miley! Their cows are all registered, 99.9% homebred closed herd of 250 milking cows.
   During the evening banquet, the attendees had a delicious meal and listened to DFA's Fabian Bernell discuss the use of laboratory tools to help manage milk quality on dairy farms. It was a perfect introduction to a visit to ELS laboratories the following day, where the tour group saw the extensive equipment and techniques used to insure milk quality, antibiotic residue testing, mastitis culturing, water testing and so much more.
   A visit to Pine-Tree Dairy's beautiful new facility (built in 2012) and very involved family of Matt and Gail Steiner was an inspirational final stop. The Steiners have 5 sons and 1 son-in-law working full time, and 2 sons working part time, currently milking 650 cows. They average 92 lbs with a SCC of 97,000. Their stated focus is on cow comfort and high genetic return to add value to their program. Pine-Tree's breeding goals focus on having a medium-sized cow that can produce well, reproduce efficiently, have high productive life, and add value to her offspring.
   If you missed the Summer Tour, we hope you take advantage of the Kentuckiana, coming up on July 29-30. These tours are well worth the time away from the farm!

Time to register for Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange, July 29-30!
    IDP is excited to bring another great opportunity for dairy farmers and industry folks who are wanting to expand their horizons and visit some dairy farms! Kentuckiana 2014 will take us to Taylor, Green and Adair Counties in Kentucky! Our friends in Kentucky have put a great tour together, featuring 5 of Kentucky's very best dairies.
   IDP has organized bus transportation, leaving Lafayette at 7 AM Eastern Time on Tuesday, July 29, also making a stop in Whiteland at Kelsay's Dairy at 8:30. If needed, depending on registrations, other stops may be added as we head south through Indiana. Remember, some of the very best take-aways from these tours are the conversations on the bus!
   The cost is $100 for the first farm/business member and $75 for additional members. The registration fee covers transportation, dinner on July 29 and lunch on July 30.
   The Kentuckiana will include an evening dinner and educational program at Taylor County Extension Office. The evening speaker is Dr. Nicola Blackie, a lecturer at Writtle College in England. She will be presenting about the dairy industry in England along with her work on managing lameness in dairy cattle.
   Participants are responsible for their own lodging reservations. A special rate has been negotiated at Best Western Campbellsville Inn of $76.49. This rate will be released to the general public on July 15, so make your reservation and ask for the "Dairy Exchange" rate. Call them at 270-465-7001.
   Download a Kentuckiana brochure with full details here and make a reservation by calling Doug Leman at 317-695-8228. IDP now accepts credit cards on site, in addition to cash and checks.
Introduction to Genomics
1st of 2 articles from Zoetis Animal Health

For several decades genetic evaluations have played an integral role in advancing the genetic potential of U.S. dairy cattle. Genetic evaluations have identified the best bulls so that producers can use those bulls to make better offspring in an effort to raise the genetic potential of their milking herd.

Several years ago genomic technology advanced to a point where it was economically feasible for use by commercial dairy producers, including testing of females. This technology opens up vast new opportunities to make significant improvements in productivity and profitability. Now producers can identify the best females in their herd and create even better offspring when those females are mated to the best bulls available.

Genomic tests help dairy producers in a number of ways:

  • Help identify genetically superior animals at a young age. Producers can determine which animals have traits that favorably impact profitability, like milk production, fertility, or longevity, when animals are just a few days old.
  • Provide greater reliability. Genomic test results are significantly more reliable than available parent average, which is the average of the genetic values from the sire and the dam. Reliability of genomic predictions are generally close to 70 percent for most traits in Holstein cattle, while parent average reliability is generally around 25 percent in many commercial dairies.
  • Manage parent verification and inbreeding. Accurate parentage information is vital in any genetic improvement plan, regardless if the herd is a closed herd or if a significant number of animals have been purchased or added from outside the herd. Genomic testing helps dairy producers verify parentage and directly evaluate inbreeding which can be important when designing mating strategies.

Using genomic technology helps dairy producers predict the future of the females in their herd with confidence when those animals are very young. This creates a solid foundation for the development of selection and breeding programs that help speed genetic progress, improving herd productivity and profitability.

For additional information on genomics, as well as tools available from Zoetis, click here.
Help us Share June Dairy Month!
Jackie Barber ADAI Producer Relations
June Dairy Month June is National Dairy Month and the American Dairy Association Indiana is celebrating with a social media campaign called "30 Dairies in 30 Days" that will allow consumers to meet their local dairy farmers. Follow @INDairy on Twitter, Indiana Dairy on Facebook, INDairy on Instagram, or click here to see the featured farms!
Dairy Sustainability Report Just Released
Innovation Center Through the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, the industry has just published its fourth annual Sustainability Report. In the report, the Innovation Center outlines the industry's progress to measure, communicate and improve the social, environmental and economic performance of the dairy industry. 

The U.S. dairy industry is dedicated to help meet the challenges of a world where concerns of climate and economics meet ones of public health and food access. Building on a history of continuous improvement and stewardship, America's dairy farmers, dairy companies and their industry partners strive to feed a growing population with nutritious foods while conserving natural resources and minimizing environmental impacts with innovative practices.

Click here to download the new Sustainability Report, based on year end 2013 dairy data.
Upcoming 2014 Events  



July is County Fair Month! Click here to view Indiana County Fair dates.

July 11 Ice Cream Social on Momument Circle, Indianapolis 11AM - 2 PM 

July 29-30 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange in Kentucky, Download brochure here.  



Aug. 1-17 Indiana State Fair official website  

Aug. 8 Next IDP Board Meeting 10 AM State Fairgrounds BOAH Office, no industry updates.   

USDA unveils new website for beginning farmers and ranchers

U.S. Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden announced the implementation of new Farm Bill measures and other policy changes to improve the financial security of new and beginning farmers and ranchers. Harden also unveiled, a new website that will provide a centralized, one-stop resource where beginning farmers and ranchers can explore the variety of USDA initiatives designed to help them succeed.


"New and beginning farmers are the future of American agriculture," Said Deputy Secretary Harden. "The average age of an American farmer is 58 and rising, so we must help new farmers get started if America is going to continue feeding the world and maintain a strong agriculture economy. The new policies announced today will help give beginning farmers the financial security they need to succeed. Our new online tool will provide one-stop shopping for beginning farmers to learn more about accessing USDA services that can help their operations thrive."  


USDA's New Farmers website has in depth information for new farmers and ranchers, including: how to increase access to land and capital; build new market opportunities; participate in conservation opportunities; select and use the right risk management tools; and access USDA education, and technical support programs. These issues have been identified as top priorities by new farmers. The website will also feature instructive case studies about beginning farmers who have successfully utilized USDA resources to start or expand their business operations.  

Read the full press release here. 

BOAH Comment Period Open for Livestock 
BOAH Indiana's laws that designate what types of identification and documentation are needed for livestock will soon be changing. Hoosier livestock producers and others have the opportunity to give their input on the proposed changes in a virtual public hearing, hosted by the Indiana State Board of Animal Health. One change for dairy producers is that if this rule goes forward, bull calves will be required to have permanent ID when they leave the farm, even though beef calves do not have the same requirement. This is your opportunity to comment on this and any issue concerning Indiana's livestock ID and health paper requirements. Comments will be reviewed and a vote will be taken at the July 10 BOAH board meeting.

To view the proposed rules and find a comment opportunity, livestock owners, dealers, veterinarians and others should visit the BOAH website here.
IDP Legal Hotline
View our photos on flickr
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.

Support IDP  

Indiana Dairy Producers Logo

Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.   


We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.