Indiana Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
August 26, 2015                                                              Issue 85

Our Vision: To Make Indiana the most desirable state in which to produce milk.

Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for the interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.   

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In This Issue



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Indiana Corn Diamond PNG
Indiana Soybean Diamond PNG




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Kaeb-Lely Logo
Hubbard Feeds Logo


Gold Sponsors

 JBS United 
Milk Specialties Global Byron Seeds 
Stewart-Peterson  Agri-King  

Dairy Farmers of America
Farm Credit Logo 2012
Pioneer logo
DeLaval Logo
BI Logo
Indiana Farm Bureau
ZFS Official

Indiana Dairy Producers  
Board of Directors
Indiana Dairy Producers Logo 

Executive Director

Doug Leman 



Steve Obert, President


Sarah Wagler, Vice President 


Julie Bommer, Secretary/Treas. 


Board Members

 Joe Hibshman

Liz Kelsay
Brian Huber

Brian Houin

Cory Craig
Nathan Kuehnert 


Industry Advisers

Andy Tauer

Dr. Ken McGuffey 

Todd Janzen, Attorney   

Nathan Hrnicek 


LuAnn Troxel, Business Mgr.  

Silver Sponsors

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RP Feed Components  
Diamond V 
BMO Harris Bank 
Prince Agri Logo  
NPC Bovamine Logo 
Perdue Ag Solutions 
Arm & Hammer Logo  ABS Global Logo 
Michigan Milk Producers Logo 
Bunge Logo 
GEA Logo 
Specialty Hybrids 
Prairie Farms 
Fair Oaks Farms Logo 
Zoetis, formerly Pfizer 

Visit Our Bronze Sponsors 

Bronze Level
Click on above button!


IDP Corporate Sponsors
Indiana Dairy Transparent There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.


Click on each picture or logo to learn more

Cows on Grass
Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website

Newborn Calf
Calf Notes and Links

Residue Prevention
Innovation Center
Innovation Center for U.S.



Check out the resources available to you on the  

Purdue University Dairy Extension site: Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.


Support IDP  

Indiana Dairy Producers Logo

Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.   


We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.


on the Archive button to access previous issues of our 


and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.

Please click online link at the top for best viewing of our e-update. 
It has come to our attention that Gmail and some other email services, see a "clipped" version of our e-update. For best results and to view all the articles and pictures on our e-update, please click the online link at the top of the newsletter.
The 2015 State Fair's "Year of the Farmer" is now in the books, the fifth highest attendance on record.  I attended and was involved in many meetings during the fair;  I continue to be impressed by the strong working relationship we have in the Indiana Ag and Livestock industry. With so many good people working together and "dairy" always being a part of the conversation, the IDP vision of "making Indiana the most desirable state in which to produce milk" is making progress. Congratulations to LuAnn Troxel for being the dairy farmer representative and spokesperson for the Year of the Farmer; she did a super job of spreading the dairy message - thank you LuAnn! 

I had the privilege of giving our Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann a tour of the dairy barn and having her join us for one of our shifts in the Dairy Bar, she assures me that she really does enjoy taking part.  Special thanks to all that helped us fill our three shifts in the dairy bar - Friday nights seem super busy but we do have a good time working together!  Check out a few pictures of the fun we had here.

Congratulations to all the exhibitors and winners of the dairy shows - the animals looked tremendous!  Our IDP organization was also pleased to be one of the recipients of a plaque to thank us for our support of the Indiana Conservation Partnership for Healthy Soil and Water.

As the season again begins to change and silage harvest is upon us, I just want to one more time encourage you to keep safety as a top priority, a few minutes saved are not worth a lifetime of heartache.  I continue to be at your service for any dairy need at 317-695-8228 or by email at  Take care and God bless!

Doug Leman
IDP Executive Director   
Comer to Serve as IDEM Commissioner
Governor Mike Pence announced that Carol Comer will serve as Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), effective August 28, 2015. Comer currently serves as Chief of Staff at IDEM. This announcement comes after current IDEM Commissioner Tom Easterly announced his retirement in mid-July. 
"I'm pleased to announce Carol Comer as Commissioner for the Indiana Department of Environmental Management," said Governor Pence. "I know that with Carol's extensive experience, she will continue to serve Hoosiers with integrity and dedication and follow in the footsteps of Commissioner Tom Easterly in ensuring healthier environments in all corners of our state." 
Prior to her role as Chief of Staff, she served at IDEM as General Counsel, where she oversaw approximately thirty attorneys and support staff. Previously, she served as a senior administrative law judge for the Indiana Board of Tax Review and as an Administrative Law Judge with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission.  Comer started her environmental law career at Plews Shadley Racher and Braun in Indianapolis, the firm where IDP's legal adviser, Todd Janzen, currently practices.
Dr. McCloskey to give breakfast keynote at Indy Logistics Summit
Some of our producers and sponsors will be interested in an event coming up Sept. 22 in Indianapolis at the Indiana Convention Center featuring Fair Oaks Farms co-founder Michael McCloskey. The Indiana Logistics Summit is co-hosted by Purdue University, Ports of Indiana and Conexus Indiana and will include speakers from Fair Oaks Farms, Harvard Business School, Google, NASA, Cummins, GE Aviation, U.S. Congress, Transportation Weekly, IndyCar, Indianapolis Colts, NCAA and more.  The event will bring together a diverse group of regional and national thought-leaders to discuss a variety of topics and critical issues facing the logistics industry.  
The keynote breakfast will feature a presentation titled "From Grass to Glass Logistics" by Dr. McCloskey, one of the founding farmers of Fair Oaks Farms and CEO of Select Milk Producers, the fifth largest milk cooperative in the country. You will hear how they leverage logistics and innovation in their operation that includes utilizing animal waste to produce fuel and a plan to revolutionize U.S. milk consumption in a new partnership with Coca-Cola.
This year's Summit will also have segments featuring logistics in sports, emerging drone technologies, the infrastructure crisis and workforce solutions for closing the skills gap. Attendees are invited to the Opening Reception at the Colts VIP Tailgate event in The Crane Bay on Sept. 21 before the Colts' home-opener on Monday Night Football versus the New York Jets. 
Click here to register for the Indiana Logistics Summit or you can email Liz Folkerts directly at
Dairy 4-H Youth Leadership Academy Graduation
Congratulations to the graduates of the 2014-15 Indiana 4-H Dairy Youth Academy! IDP Is very pleased to be one of the sponsoring organizations to help support the amazing efforts of the Purdue team members that have made such an impact on the dairy youth participants! It was gratifying to hear the graduates tell how this program has positively affected their lives.  Members of the class are Lucas Adam, Kylie Arnholt, Gabriel Cochard, Hannah Cochard, Rebekah Cochard, Emily Dougherty, Abigail Georges, Kari Hoenert, Hannah Menchhofer, Autumn Peterson, Matthew Rodgers, Bryan Sipkema, and Chloe Whicker. Purdue Extension Advisers are Kelly Heckaman, Megan Hoffherr, Robert Kelley, Amy Nierman, Jeff Pell and Hans Schmitz.
Laura Frye Wins Dairy Skillathon
Laura Frye of Logansport was the Senior Division winner of the 18th Annual 4-H Dairy Skillathon, held during the Indiana State Fair. A key objective of the contest is to provide a learning laboratory which will enhance knowledge of the dairy industry. Laura is pictured at right with Deb Osza, general manager of American Dairy Association Indiana, who presented Laura with a $1500 scholarship and other prizes. Laura is the daughter of Kathy and Perry Frye and will be attending South Dakota State University this fall. Congratulations, Laura! Congratulations also to Emma Townsend, winner of the Junior Division.
Indiana Conservation Partnership Thanks Indiana Industry Organizations
Jane Hardisty, Don Villwock, LG Sue Ellspermann, Jane Ade Stevens, Josh Trenary, Doug Leman, Jason Henderson

During the River Friendly Farmer Awards Ceremony at the Indiana State Fair, Doug Leman and Indiana Dairy Producers were thanked, along with other Indiana organizations for being strong partners in leading the nation in healthy soil and water.

The conservation partnership includes the Indiana Assoc. of Soil & Water Conservation Districts (IASWCD), Indiana Farm Bureau, Indiana State Department of Agriculture, Purdue Extension and USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service.
Veterinary and Nutrition Update
Caution: Feeding Wheat
Tom Troxel, DVM  South County Veterinary Service

Overfeeding unprocessed wheat can be deadly, just like overfeeding corn. With elevated levels of vomitoxin a real possibility this year, some people may choose to feed wheat since it may not be marketable. BEWARE!  I was recently called to a farm where 2 cows were dead and another was nearly so. I necropsied the 2 dead animals to find copious amounts of whole wheat at the bottom of the rumen, with an accompanying necrotic rumen wall and associated peritonitis. Per a phone conversation with Dr. Stephen Lenz, Purdue pathologist, he informed me of the small size of kernel density of whole grain, the wheat settles to the bottom rather than mixed in the rumen mass. This sets the rumen up for serious local acidosis and corresponding ruminitis with peritonitis.

It has been a difficult year growing feed in Indiana, and there may be some opportunities to feed atypical feedstuffs to our animals. Use caution, and do some homework. It's an excellent idea to check with your nutritionist before feeding anything unusual for you. It's easier to check with your nutritionist first, rather than call your vet later and/or the dead truck.

IDP is happy to feature experiences of veterinarians and nutritionists in future e-updates. If you have an experience to share, contact us at
Featured Farmer for Dairy at State Fair
IDP members, Tom and LuAnn Troxel, were the featured farmers that represented the dairy industry during this Year of the Farmer. Their son Rudy also farms with them. During their special day at the Indiana State Fair, the Troxel's had several highlights, including sharing their farm story at the Glass Barn and being celebrity servers at the dairy bar for an hour giving away free grilled cheese sandwiches, shakes and custard. They were grateful to be part of the celebration of Indiana's great legacy of agriculture.

Troxel Dairy Farm is in LaPorte County. In addition to the dairy farm, Tom has a large animal veterinary practice and LuAnn is Business Manager for Indiana Dairy Producers.

Read more about all 17 Indiana featured farmers here.
Margin Protection Sign-up Tools
The National Milk Producers Federation has updated its online tools for dairy farmers considering enrollment options in the second year of the Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy). A three-month sign-up period opened July 1 and runs through Sept. 30.
Farmers currently enrolled in 2015 can elect to make coverage changes in 2016. To help make those decisions, NMPF's dedicated website,, offers the following materials:
* A six-page brochure explaining the program and its benefits.
* A PowerPoint slide deck explaining the program in more detail.
* Four pages of Frequently Asked Questions.
* An Excel spreadsheet with milk and feed prices, and margins, dating back to 2007.
* An interactive calculator allowing producers to estimate future margins based on  projected feed and milk prices.
MPP-Dairy was designed to insure against the kind of catastrophic losses many dairy farmers experienced in 2009 and 2012. Instead of tying government support to milk prices, MPP allows farmers to protect against the difference between milk prices and feed costs. Dairy farmers insure their farms on a sliding scale, deciding both how much of their production to cover, and the level of margin to protect. The program offers more extensive coverage for low-margin conditions than the previous programs it replaced.
According to USDA, more than half of the nation's 45,000 dairy farmers enrolled in MPP-Dairy during the inaugural sign-up period last fall. Of those enrolled in the program, approximately 55% elected to pay a premium for coverage above the basic, $4/cwt. coverage level.

View our photos on flickr
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
Zeeland Feed Update
ZFS Official
Lower feed costs are welcomed, as the largest input into dairy operations. The U.S. dollar strength along with China's financial woes has helped slow exports. Energy costs are also being favorable to these markets. Crop production forecasts are improving weekly, helping keep grains down too.
Using Co-products helps take some of the volatility out of the equation, as not all are directly priced vs. the daily grain market. Supply and demand govern some products, ie., clock contracts on cottonseed and beet pulp, citrus, soy hulls, gluten feed- especially wet. Take advantages of these offers as they come to you.
Beet pulp is in production as of this week, as the crop is projected to be on the high end. Wet pressed pulp (25%DM) and dry pellets offers are lower than past year. Let us know if you have an interest for this fiber/sugar/energy source in your rations. 
Citrus pulp pellets continue to be available now May 2016, at a steady value. Canola crush margins continue to play a part in seed cost and the basis-level offerings of meal  into the feed market. Crop projections increased some recently helping the cost reduction and showing more favorable value in rations for new crop and old crop nearby supply. Soybean meal futures lowering also has pressed these values as they trade together. Cottonseed - Overall less acres planted for this crop year are going to produce a decent size crop.  Most of the gains in supply are coming from West Texas as that region has defiantly broken the drought cycle and has produced a good crop this year.  The demand on that product is pretty high as that region serves the West and North West which is still very dry.  Overall prices have come off and are starting to get more in line with other ingredients which will also attract more demand.  The size of the crop is still smaller than most years so we don't expect prices to drastically fall. Corn Hominy contracts are available for spot and new crop Oct-Mar, and are a favorable buy, compared to local corn basis levels and crop conditions for IN/OH. This is a nice fine ground texture product with lower fat quality.  
DDGS, Distillers dry grains, have held steady, as a good protein value in rations for livestock. The export lull since June and China's financial issues may offer a good window to lock in some cheaper DDGS for fall and winter, as I have seen them being offered in the market place slightly lower than todays offerings.   
Gluten feed continues to be a popular ingredient for rations and supply has been good. Offerings for new crop seem a little high yet compared to nearby offers and past offerings. Processors continue to gather their production plans and with that we anticipate more favorable offerings to our rations. Soy hull pellets will remain tight through September due to seasonal slower run times and routine maintenance shutdowns. New crop values remain higher than a year ago in the IN, MI and OH markets as demand remains strong due to crop conditions and look to possibly inch higher in the fall as we encounter cooler temperatures and increased feed demand. Soybean meal basis seems to be holding steady as few plants do some plant maintenance in Sept. before harvest comes in. New crop basis levels are not showing the typical lows, though reflect crop projections and new export sales.
Upcoming 2015 Events

Sept. 22 Indiana Logistics Summit, Indy Convention Center, featuring Dr. Mike McCloskey details 

Sept. 29-30 World Dairy Expo Begins Details 



Oct. 1-3 World Dairy Expo Continues Details  

Oct 7 IDP Board Meeting



Nov. 6 Partners in Success Luncheon, Normandy Barn, Indiana State Fairgrounds