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Certified Livestock Producer Trainings June 28 and June 30 |  |
June 28th Johnson Co. Public Library
Trafalgar Branch
100 W. Pearl St.
Trafalgar, IN
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
(Local time)
June 30th Odon Community Building
311 Park St.
Odon, IN
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
(Local time)
Learn More.
2011 IPDP Board of Directors
| Indiana Professional Dairy Producers |
IPDP Executive Board
Executive Director
Doug Leman
LuAnn Troxel
Vice President Ron Fuhrmann Hoagland 260-438-4940
Secretary Kelly Heckaman Kosciusko 574-527-3445
Treasurer Mike Schutz 765- 494-9478
Dave Forgey
Click on a name above to email an Executive Board Member
Board Members
Joe Hibshman Syracuse
Sarah Wagler Morgantown
Ben Rothert Seymour
Henk Sevenhuysen Goodland
Steve Obert Fort Branch Brian Huber St. Paul Industry Liz Kelsay ICMC/ISA J.J. Degan Cargill Animal Nutrition
Dr. Ken McGuffey McGuffey Dairy Consulting Todd Janzen, JD PSRB, LLP Tamilee Nennich Ph.D. Purdue University
Brunch on the Farm Slideshow |  |
The Nor-Bert Dairy Brunch in Bremen, Indiana, on June 18th was a resounding success. View some pictures of the memorable day. This was a great opportunity to connect the farm to consumers. How have you celebrated June Dairy month? The Nor-Bert Brunch on the Farm Slideshow is on the IPDP Media Page.
Save the Date! Rockville/Clinton Area August 31, 2011 |  |
We are in the process of organizing a tour of Byron Seeds' headquarters, Elanco's Rumensin Plant and possibly a dairy farm tour in west central Indiana's Rockville/Clinton area. This event will be held on Wednesday, August 31, and will include an Elanco-sponsored Luncheon. So be watching for more details soon!
National Holstein Association Update Myron and Sara Jane Moyer
 Please join us in congratulating Mike Jones, the new National Holstein Director for Region 3, which includes Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois. In addition, the Indiana Holstein Quiz Bowl members both junior and senior teams, won 2nd overall. What a great showing for Indiana! Don't forget to mark your calendars..... Indiana will host the 2013 National Holstein Convention in Indianapolis on July 8-11, 2013.
Support IPDP
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We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IPDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to be a corporate sponsor of IPDP, download an information sheet here.
Individual membership in IPDP is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IPDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IPDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.

Click on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
NMPF Resource Manual

Visit the residue prevention page at National Milk Producers Federation by clicking the photo above.

Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.
It has been a very interesting and unique spring. As I have visited in person or phone with producers since I began this job two and a half months ago, many of the conversations included: "still raining, not finished yet, ruts, hot, cold, windy, damage, replant, still working on first cutting when I should be on second, we're fortunate, could be worse, cows are doing good, and we'll take what we get." In the midst of all the trials, I don't hear complaining but always optimism! I find you hard at work but if at all possible willing to take time to visit and exchange ideas. We want to welcome and thank our new sponsors and members. We are confident that you will find value in being a part of IPDP. While visiting with a potential new member recently, I was asked, "How are we supposed to find out changes in regulations and other things that affect us?" I had never been asked that question directly and was able to confidently tell him that the information will be in our e-update. We are now "at the table" when issues that affect dairy regulation are being discussed. I need to hear your thoughts and opinions on the issues to make IPDP a more effective organization. If you have a special need, please contact me. I can't help get the answer or help solve the problem if I don't know about it. Start planning some family time around our upcoming tours, the Kentuckiana in the Fort Wayne area Aug 2-3 and then our Byron Seeds/Elanco tour in the Rockville area on Aug. 31st. There will be opportunities to see some of the latest technologies available to the industry along with good food and fellowship with those sharing like interests. Get a van load of friends and come join us. The more involved you get, the more we all benefit! My contact information is or call me at (317) 695-8228. God Bless! Doug Leman IPDP Executive Director
IPDP Welcomes DeLaval
New Gold Level Sponsor
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DeLaval offers efficient milking solutions for profitable dairy farming on all types of farms. DeLaval delivers your choice of system: an upgrade of your stanchion barn, a transition to a parlor solution, or automatic milking with DeLaval voluntary milking system VMS.
Whatever your priority - milking more cows more quickly, operator comfort and safety, or highest milk quality - and whether you have 30 or 50 cows, 200 or 2000, DeLaval has a solution for you. They have the expertise and experience in planning, installation, training and service to deliver the efficient milking solution you need. Visit or call 260-565-3870.
Be sure to attend the Kentuckiana Dairy Event on August 2-3. A DaLaval VMS (robotic milking unit) will be on display on August 3rd at Shaum's.
Michigan Milk Producers Supporting IPDP at Silver Level
Michigan Milk Producers Association is a milk marketing cooperative serving dairy farm families in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin. Established in 1916, MMPA has a time-tested history of supporting its dairy farmer members throughout the Great Lakes region with competitive pay prices and high quality member services. MMPA members have access to a fully trained and certified field staff located throughout the member region. MMPA also owns its own certified laboratory housed at the cooperative headquarters in Novi, Mich.
MMPA markets nearly 4 billion pounds of milk each year on behalf of their member owners. MMPA owns milk processing facilities in Ovid and Constantine. These plants make value-added dairy ingredients that are used in a wide-range of food products. MMPA also has a solid working relationship with the fluid milk bottlers and other dairy processors in the area. Visit their website by clicking the logo above or by visiting
Call to Action! Let the State Board of Animal Health Know How You Feel! |  |
You may already be aware that the Indiana State Board of Animal Health has released a draft of proposed animal care standards. We have recently learned that some groups feel that this wording is too general and are lobbying ISBOAH to change it to include a lot of specific criteria, similar to California's Prop 2 initiative that has been such a disaster for that state's livestock industry. The IPDP board of directors voted to support these proposed standards and will be sending a letter of support. Your voice is important! Please send your own letter or email that includes your opinion on the proposed standards.
More often than not, negative comments will flood the BOAH mailboxes with very few supporting viewpoints. It is extremely important that we make our voices heard on this important issue. Comments can easily be sent via e-mail to or mailed to 4154 N. Keystone Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46205. Comments should be sent by June 30. For more info, click here.
Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange August 2-3, IPDP Summer Tour Agenda
 | A view from last year's Kentuckiana exchange |
For the 4th year, the Kentucky and Indiana dairy industries have partnered to bring a unique summer dairy farm tour. Alternating between states, this year's tour brings us to the Fort Wayne area in Indiana. Tuesday's tour begins at 4 Leaf Clover Dairy, and then continues to Blessings and Kuehnert's (where you can see a Lely Juno demonstration). An evening dinner at Don Hall's Guesthouse will include Don Hall's signature catered scrumptious food, sponsor trade show, and an evening educational program by Kentucky Extension specialists. The following day will include visits to Fred Beer and Oneeda Dairies and then to Shaum's heifer raising farm. At Shaum's you will have an opportunity to see DeLaval's robotic milking system. The day will be topped off with a delicious ribeye steak sandwich. This 2-day event is open to the general public. Thanks to generous sponsorship, IPDP members can attend for the discounted price of $25. This includes Tuesday bus transportation to the dairies, snacks and meals, but not lodging. Click here for the Kentuckiana brochure. Isn't it time to plan a little get-away?
Forgey Wins American Forage and Grassland Council's Medallion Award
 | Dave Forgey receives award from AFGC President Howard Straub |
Dave Forgey has a long record of service to the dairy and forage industries and has written dozens of articles on grazing and farm transition to the next generation in such magazines as Hoard's Dairyman, Graze and The Stockman Grass Farmer. Dave and his wife, Helen, have owned and operated Forgey's River-View Farm since 1968. Dave was an early adopter of grazing and eagerly shares his experiences (good and bad) with all who are interested, which has made him an invaluable resource to many fellow farmers. The Medallion Award is the highest recognition given by AFGC. Of course, Dave is a member of the IPDP executive board of directors. He was awarded this honor at the June 16 IPDP board meeting since he was unable to attend the AFGC's annual conference in French Lick earlier in the week. |
IPDP/Pfizer Webinar Feedback
We were happy for the good participation from our membership, around 50 participants, in the IPDP/Pfizer webinar on Drug Residue Avoidance on Friday, June 24. This is the first webinar that we have ever had and our early feedback has been very positive. If you were on the webinar and have some thoughts on how we could improve the experience, or if you want to give other comments, please reply to this email. We are grateful for suggestions, negative and positive. The webinar was taped, and we are considering ways to utilize that information.
We are especially grateful to Pfizer Animal Health and Dr. Dick Wallace for their sponsorship and expertise. |

Recent incidents cast scrutiny on raw milk Tom Quaife, editor, Dairy Herd Management
 The "local foods" movement has generated more interest in raw milk. But with it, more consumers are exposed to the potential dangers of unpasteurized milk. Almost every week, it seems, new reports come out about people getting sick. Read more.

Is there a shortage of food animal veterinarians? |
Geni Wren, Bovine Veterinarian Magazine
Recently the American Association of Bovine Practitioners released a report from its Rural Veterinary Practices (RVP) committee about the perceived shortage of food animal veterinarians. What the committee found was not a lack of food-animal veterinarians, but rather a shortage of veterinarians to practice in rural areas. This distinction is critical for moving forward as states consider how to address the problem through a variety of ways. (see the full report here ).
Christine B. Navarre, DVM, MS, DACVIM, President, American Association of Bovine Practitioners, says, "There are areas under served by veterinarians, but not a 'shortage' of veterinarians to fill those positions. Many of these areas simply cannot sustain a viable large-animal veterinary business. Adding more veterinarians will not fix the problem.
"The committee is extremely concerned that the perception by veterinary schools and the public that there continues to be a shortage (meaning too few veterinarians) of rural practitioners is leading to increased class sizes at veterinary schools and the creation of new veterinary schools," Navarre adds. "Continuing to increase the number of veterinarians interested in serving rural areas will not solve this problem. It might create an 'over supply' of food-supply veterinarians and lead to widespread unemployment or underemployment of food-supply private practitioners and will have a significant detrimental effect on salaries for all veterinarians."
Read more
Gulf Hypoxia: Why is it important? by Josh Trenary, Indiana Pork
The Mississippi River Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force was created in 1997 to address issues caused by excess nutrients in the Missippi-Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB). Excess nutrients (called eutrophication) stimulate too much algae growth in a body of water. This can lead to a condition known as hypoxia. Hypoxia occurs when the excess algae removes too much oxygen from an area of water, forcing animals to move out of that area until the correct amount of oxygen is restored.
First documented in 1972, excess nutrients in the MARB have created a hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico that appears every summer and continues to increase in size. In recent years, the movement to decrease the amounts of excess nutrients from entering the water throughout the MARB has been gaining momentum. As part of these efforts, the Missippi River Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force has developed an action plan. One component of this action plan was to develop state-led nutrient reduction strategies.
The Mississippi River Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force has many members from different federal and state agencies. Indiana, for example, is participating via the Indiana State Department of Agriculture. This means that Indiana will be one of the states developing state specific nutrient reduction strategies.
Read the full article.
IPDP Board of Directors Meeting
IPDP held a regular board meeting on Thursday, June 16, at the MPSI Offices. We learn so much from the various industry reports at these meetings, and we wish to share a summary of that information with the entire membership. Click here to read summaries by ISDA, BOAH, IDEM, Creamery Division, Purdue University Animal Sciences, MPSI and IBCA. |
Upcoming Events 2011
JUNE June 28-29 79th Annual Indiana Farm Management tour Daviess, Knox and Sullivan Counties
JULY - County Fair Season! July 8th Ice Cream Social on the Circle (Downtown Indianapolis) from 11-2, sponsored by MPSI. Call 317-842-7133 for more details.
AUGUSTAugust 2-3, Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange, Northeastern, IN; Great opportunity to network with dairy farmers and industry and visit farms in the Fort Wayne general area. Please mark your calendar! Sponsorship opportunities available for this popular event. Please note that this is not a regional event--this is an everyone event. Contact: Tamilee Nennich (765-494-4823) or Mike Schutz (765-494-9478) or Doug Leman (317-695-8228). Download registration brochure.August 5-22, Indiana State Fair, Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, INAugust 10 Cheese Sculpture Unveiling at Indiana State Fair at 12 noon August 13, Indiana 4-H Young Dairy Producer Contest and 4-H Junior Dairy SkillathonAugust 17 IPDP Board Meeting at Indiana State Fair Administration Building 11-3 PM. August 31 IPDP Rockville/Clinton tour of Byron Seeds and Elanco's Clinton Plant