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Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
Julie Bommer, Secretary/Treas.
Joe Hibshman
Liz Kelsay Brian Huber
Brian Houin
Cory Craig Nathan Kuehnert
Industry Advisers
Andy Tauer
Todd Janzen, Attorney
Nathan Hrnicek
LuAnn Troxel, Business Mgr.
Silver Sponsors
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Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
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RESOURCE CENTER Click on each picture or logo to learn more
 | Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website |
 | Calf Notes and Links |
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 | Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy |

Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site: Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care. |
IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.

on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.
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The 2015 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange is history and from all accounts was a success. Although the weather was extremely hot and humid everyone made the best of the situation and enjoyed the tour. Special thanks to our host farm families: the Rauscher's, Obert's, Rexing's, and Koesters - you all were prepared and opened up your farms so generously to us, super job! We had well over a hundred folks in attendance at each farm with a nice group joining us from Kentucky. See the photos and read more about the event below.
The Indiana State Fair is just ahead, we have a pretty full schedule of meetings and events during the fair, hope to see many of you there. I again have the privilege of hosting the Lt. Governor on a tour of the dairy barn and she will also be joining us serving in the dairy bar on one of the Friday evenings as she enjoyed it so much last year! I do have a handful of openings to help at the dairy bar on the Friday's of Aug. 14th and 21st, most are for the 14th. Give me a call if you can help and I will get tickets to you so that you can enjoy the fair before the shift begins at 7 p.m.
I am so pleased to welcome our new Gold sponsor, Chris Moore with Old National Insurance to our great group of IDP sponsors! Please be aware of who our sponsors are, work with them and be sure and thank them for their support; without them, we do not exist. I believe there are good things ahead for the Indiana dairy industry if we all continue to work together.
Please let me know if there are any dairy issues I can help you with, email me at dougleman@indianadairy.org or call me at 317-695-8228. Please continue to be careful and God bless!
Doug Leman
IDP Executive Director
Recapping Kentuckiana 2015
The 2015 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange proved to be an amazing opportunity to see well-managed dairy farms in southwest Indiana, interact with producers from two states, and see some of the very latest technologies available to dairy farmers. Nearly 130 people participated in some part of the two-day event. Click here to view photos of Kentuckiana 2015.
The first dairy farm visit was to Rauscher Dairy, belonging to Mark Rauscher, and his son Dan, in Huntingburg in Dubois County. The farm was established in 1885 and is now seeing the 5th generation take a leadership role in the dairy. In addition to Mark and Dan, the Rauschers have 4 full time non-family members working at the dairy, as well as 2 part time employees. Rauschers are mostly a seasonal herd where they freshen 80% of their 220-cow herd in September and October. It's not uncommon for them to have 100 bottle calves in September-October. No calves are born from Christmas Eve through March 1 and again for a couple months in the summer. Dan discussed some of their hired labor challenges that come with seasonality, due to the high workload certain times of the year. Asked for their ability to achieve such a low Somatic Cell Count (well below 100,000), Mark said when the cows are clean and comfortable, it's not been difficult to maintain the excellent count. Mark enjoys the cows, but one of the biggest challenges he's ever had has been transitioning the dairy to the next generation. Getting the right people to help with the process was huge.
Obert Legacy Dairy, Fort Branch, welcomed the group next. They milked 760 cows the day of the Kentuckiana tour, currently averaging 27,000 RHA with 1000 pounds of butterfat. They also operate 1200 acres of crops. Back in 2007, Steve and Kelly Obert and their family took a trip to Michigan. They asked themselves, "Do we still have a passion for this? Is this an industry with a future?" They returned believing the answer was yes to both of the questions, and the new facility that was built in 2010 was the result. The family members that are active at the dairy include Steve and Kelly, three sons, Wes, Klint and Mitch, and Steve's brother Tom. Four years ago, they installed automatic calf feeders, mostly overseen by son, Wes. It was a very hot day when the Kentuckiana tour visited the farm, but the fans and misters made the barns considerably cooler than the outside air. The sand separator and sand lane that are utilized definitely made nutrient management of the farm easier and using recycled bedding has worked well.
| Brian and Ranell Rexing Family (not pictured, 2 yr old son, Case) |
Brian Rexing and his wife Ranell shared their New Generation Dairy, Owensville in Gibson County. The day the tour saw the farm was exactly 7 years from the 1st day a cow was milked there. That day, it was 119 cows, but the numbers have moved up considerably, and with their last expansion in 2010, they are currently milking around 1250 cows, with room to go to around 1400 or so. Rexing's have 25 full time employees. Their herd manager and his wife are both a great support to Rexing's. They have an excellent observation deck for viewing the double 28 parallel parlor. The Rexing's built it because they wanted to share their story with others who wished to visit the farm. They currently have an agritourism business, and over 2000 people toured the farm this past spring. New Generation Dairy is a direct-load farm, and every tanker of milk is weighed on the scale as it leaves the farm. The cows are milked 3 times a day with an RHA of about 29,500. They use about 85% recycled bedding, but they use new sand in the fresh cow pen and the hospital pen. Brian said, "It's not an easy life, but I love it. I chose this life and I try to never complain about it."
Koester Brothers Farms, Wadesville in Posey County was the final stop of the tour. In 2012, Raymond, Duane, Dale and James Koester built a new freestall barn with four Lely robotic milking units, and they began milking on Dec. 18th when some of the 5th generation of Koesters were home from attending Purdue University and could help over their Christmas break. The reason for installing the robots was mostly labor related, but the interest with the next generation was really key. The family originally got into the dairy business when the brothers' parents were married back in 1951. For a wedding present, they received a couple of bred heifers, and the rest was history. They really like the heat detection system that is included with the robotic system. They also have the Juno robotic feed pusher in the alleys. The Koesters raise all their own forages except for buying most of their cow hay from Kansas. Koester's admitted they are still working on cow comfort issues, but the new facility was very impressive and it was so encouraging, seeing this inspirational family working together.
Old National Insurance is IDP Gold! IDP is so pleased that Old National Insurance made the decision to become a Gold level sponsor! Please read about Chris Moore, an energetic specialist at Old National Insurance and a new partner in IDP's commitment to serve the dairy community in Indiana.
Chris Moore is the Farm and Agribusiness specialist at Old National Insurance. Old National Insurance is the largest retail insurance brokerage headquartered in Indiana. Chris is able to utilize the carrier relationships Old National has to negotiate insurance policies with the best terms and pricing for his clients. Originally from Florida, Chris grew his Indiana roots while attending DePauw University in Greencastle, In. During his time at DePauw, Chris met his future wife Sarah, a Boone County Farmer's Daughter. After graduating from DePauw, Chris operated a Farm Bureau Insurance Agency for five years. In late 2014, Chris was brought onto Old National Insurance to lead the Farm and Agribusiness department. Chris and his wife Sarah reside in Boone county with their three children Liam (4), Emaree (3), and Macklin (1). The Moore family has a passion and is very connected to the farming community. Sarah assists her father in their grain operation that spans throughout Boone and Hendricks counties, and Chris provides insurance and risk management solutions to farmers and the agribusinesses that support the farming community throughout Indiana. Chris currently holds and maintains the following insurance designations:AAI (Accredited Advisor of Insurance)AFIS (Agribusiness and Farm Insurance Specialist)CRIS (Construction Risk and Insurance Specialist)Please feel free to reach out to Chris say hello! He is always open to a tour of your farm!Chris.moore@oldnationalins.comCell: (317)650-4519
Indiana Master Farmers include Argos Dairy Farmers Mike and Jan Heckaman
Mike and Jan Heckaman, Argos Dairy, joined the ranks of Indiana Master Farmer for 2015.
Some of Mike's activities include active particpation in his cooperative, Dairy Farmers of America. His participation in local, regional and national meetings has been an asset to the Cooperative. In addition, he has served on the Northstar Cooperative board for 17 years, 10 of those years as President.
Mike and Jan have been visible participants in Indiana's dairy industry in general. They were a host farm for the 2013 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange. They have also been IDP members since it's inception as well as Holstein Association members for more than 40 years. Family is important to the Heckaman's, farming together with their daughter, Carrie Jo and son-in-law Max Bollenbacher. Argos Dairy has around 580 cows, about 80% Holstein, 20% Jersey, along with 1100 acres of cropland. Indiana Dairy Producers also named Mike and Jan the 2014 Outstanding Dairy Producers of the Year.
We are grateful that dairy producers like Mike and Jan have been such good examples of dairy excellence in Indiana. Congratulations!
DMI Launches the "Udder Truth"
Your dairy checkoff has launched a new campaign called the Udder Truth to help educate consumers (especially "millennial" consumers) about dairy farm practices. Three videos on cow care (featuring Indiana's own Joe Kelsay), farm size, and antibiotics can be viewed on UdderTruth.org.
The Udder Truth campaign also includes a partnership with satirical online newspaper the Onion. (The Onion posts fake, usually ridiculous, news articles.) The campaign will weave milk and dairy products into some of the false news stories and feature clickable banners encouraging readers to find out the real truth about dairy farming. Read the first Onion article here.
Remembering Beecher Arlinda Ellen,
Indiana's Most Famous Cow
Indianapolis Monthly - Megan Fernandez
 Forty years ago, a big bossy Hoosier Holstein named Ellen shattered the record for milk production, brought the world to her box stall, and appeared to be a cash cow for the small farm that owned her. But after a bizarre stretch of bad luck and disappointments, she enriched her owners' lives in ways they never expected. Read more here.
2015-2016 Dairy Princess Kylei Klein
Kylei Klein of Connersville was selected as the 2015-16 Dairy Princess for the American Dairy Association Indiana. Kylei, age 17, is the daughter of Rodney and Kelly Klein. She represented the Indiana Ayrshire Breeders Association. Kylei will be a junior at Lincoln High School. Following a personal interview, Kylei gave a presentation called "It's Not About the Money" about why dairy farmers choose to farm.
This year's Dairy Princess Scholarship Contest featured stiff competition from five excellent candidates. The other Dairy Princess candidates were Christy Mote (Indiana Milking Shorthorn Society), Cheyanne Bowman (Dean Foods), Shelby Nierman (Indiana Brown Swiss Association), and Michaela Alexander (Indiana Guernsey Breeders Association).
2015 Floods Information Resources
 Many areas in Indiana have been hit hard with excessive rains and even flooding. Purdue has put some very informative resources for dealing with these issues. There is information for agriculture, consumers, homeowners and more. Click here to access the 2015 Floods resource page.
MPP 2016 Enrollment July 1 - Sept. 30
 Starting July 1, 2015, dairy farmers can enroll in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Margin Protection Program for coverage in 2016. USDA has an online resource available to help dairy producers decide which level of coverage will provide them with the strongest safety net under a variety of conditions. The enhanced Web tool, available here, allows dairy farmers to quickly and easily combine their unique operation data and other key variables to calculate their coverage needs based on price projections.
Upcoming 2015 Events
August 7 IDP Board of Directors Meeting at the Indiana State Board of Animal Health offices 10 AM
August 7-23 Indiana State Fair Year of the Farmer, official state fair website.
Sept. 22 Indiana Logistics Summit, Indy Convention Center, featuring Dr. Mike McCloskey details
Sept. 29-30 World Dairy Expo Begins Details
Oct. 1-3 World Dairy Expo Continues Details