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Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
 New 2013 Manual! NMPF Resource Manual also Animal Care Training Videos and Johnes Assessment Info

Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.
Click to read the January 2013 Dairy Market Report |
2013 Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
| Indiana Dairy Producers |
IDP Executive Board
Click on a name below to email an Executive Board Member
Executive Director
Doug Leman
LuAnn Troxel
Vice President
Henk Sevenhuysen
Tamilee Nennich Ph.D.
Treasurer Mike Schutz Ph.D 765-494-9478
Dave Forgey
Kelly Heckaman
Board Members Joe Hibshman Sarah Wagler Julie Bommer Steve Obert
Brian Huber
Industry Advisers
Andy Tauer
Dr. Ken McGuffey Todd Janzen, Attorney
Silver Sponsors
Click on the logo to visit sponsor's



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on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
Visit Our Bronze Sponsors
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Click on above button!
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
 Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
Support IDP
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.
We started our 2013 regional meetings in the central and southern locations, and I think they were a great success. There seems to be lots of confusion with the new fertilizer rule from Office of the Indiana State Chemist; how and who does it affect? If you haven't been to one yet, I would encourage you to come to one of our remaining meetings and get your questions answered. There was a tremendous amount of information presented at these meetings on various topics, and as usual the food and fellowship was exceptional! Also, the feedback I received from producers was excellent. I had an interesting question regarding an incident on an Iowa farm tour where a mother chaperoned her daughter's kindergarten class, was injured in a fall and is now suing the farm owner. The question was whether signage posted during farm tours would protect producers. I received this response from Todd Janzen, our IDP legal adviser, who offers each of you a free legal consultation as part of your IDP membership:
"Proper signage is important to take advantage of the protections in the Agritourism bill that passed in 2011. The effectiveness of signage on liability is untested in the courts, but I would rather post signs than take my chances without them....To answer your question, yes, the sign should help protect someone from liability who brings others onto their farm for tours."
We are grateful for the new Bronze level sponsorship AgriEnergy Resources. Please check out their website!
I hope to see you at one of our remaining meetings in Shipshewana, Goshen, or Decatur. We continue to find ways to support you as producers and as always, we are willing to try and help you find answers to your questions. You can call or text me with any dairy need at 317-695-8228 or email dougleman@indianadairy.org. Be careful, stay warm, and God bless!
Doug Leman
Executive Director
Indiana Dairy Producers
Derek Herrema is 2013 Outstanding Indiana Dairy Producer of the Year
 | Derek and Lara Herrema Photo courtesy of Andy Hughes, Exchange Publications
Indiana Dairy Producers is very pleased to announce that the 2013 Outstanding Dairy Producer of the Year is Derek Herrema, owner of Herrema Dairy, of Fair Oaks, Indiana. Derek's nomination was selected by IDP advisers after nominations from industry were solicited. Derek, and his wife Lara, were presented with this award at the IDP Annual Meeting on February 11.
Derek has been an outstanding role model of excellence in dairy production. His own employees say, "Derek treats his employees like family." In fact, seven key employees have continued working for Herrema Dairy for the entire 10 year period since moving to Indiana. Derek is also an active member in his church and school community.
After moving the family dairy farm from California and then to Texas, Derek Herrema settled in Indiana in 2002 and started a unique dairy focused on recycling, the first of its kind. They digest manure and generate all their own electricity and also use the digested solids for bedding. Herrema Dairy has 3400 dairy cows and they self-raise all heifers in Indiana and Colorado.
Derek's philosophy on dairying is, "Take care of the cows and they will take care of you, but first it starts with people." He believes in putting people first and making them part of one's extended family. Then spend time teaching them, and it is possible for them to achieve things they never dreamed possible.
Read more.
Brian Houin Named 2013 Outstanding Young Dairy Producer of the Year
 At the February 11 Annual Meeting of the Indiana Dairy Producers, Brian Houin of Plymouth, Indiana, was named the 2013 Outstanding Young Dairy Producer of the Year. Each year, IDP solicits nominations for this award to highlight successful dairy producers who are under 35 years of age. His nomination was selected by Purdue extension specialists and industry advisers of the organization for his outstanding work in achieving excellence in dairy farming in Indiana. Brian's dad and uncle purchased their dairy farm in 1979 from their father, Brian's grandfather. At that time, they were milking 110 cows. In 2000, they expanded to 1000 cows. After purchasing additional dairy farms, Homestead Dairy is currently up to 3300 cows in 4 facilities. When Brian graduated from Purdue in 2003 with a degree in Meteorology and a minor in Spanish, he began work full time at the dairy. There was a time in his life that he had no intention of ever being a farmer. But that obviously changed! In 2005, Houin's purchased an AfiMilk heat detection system. This probably started Brian's data collecting days, as Brian is a self-proclaimed data junkie. Currently, Brian has been actively working on the farm's nutrition challenges using Amino Cow ration formulation and is also making many of the herd's genetic decisions. They have begun using only high genomic tested young sires, and the quality of the heifers they raise continues to improve each year. Read more.
Northern Regional Dairy Meetings March 4,5,6
 | Rockville 2013 Regional Dairy Meeting
Calf rearing will be one of the key topics at the upcoming Regional Dairy Meetings, sponsored by Indiana Dairy Producers, Purdue Extension, and the Indiana Forage Council, with industry support from Hubbard Feeds, Byron Seeds, Micron Bio-Systems, NorthStar Cooperative and Farm Credit Services of Mid-America.
The Northern Meetings will be held as follows:
March 4, Shipshewana, The Farmstead Inn
March 5, Goshen, Elkhart County Fairgrounds Community Building (Not Ag Hall)
March 6, Decatur, The Back Forty
Registration for all meetings begins at 9 AM Local Time, and the meetings will run from 9:30 - 2:30. Download the full meeting brochure here.
Although the meetings are not identical, they will feature topics on calf rearing, Spring forage management, financial planning, antibiotic residue avoidance, regulatory information and much more. A delicious lunch is included and there is no charge to attend. Of course, we hope everyone who does attend already is or will become a member of Indiana Dairy Producers!
The speaker roster includes Dr. Lance Fox, Bruce Ziegler, Todd Janzen, Dr. Greg Edwards, Dr. Jon Townsend, and others!
RSVP for the meeting of your choice by calling Dr. Mike Schutz at 765-494-9478 or email mschutz@purdue.edu.
New Fertilizer Rule Applies to All
 One of the topics that has generated many questions at the first set of Regional Dairy Meetings is the new fertilizer use rule, which went into effect this past weekend on February 16th. Many nutrient regulations in the past have applied to large farms, but this one is different. Basically, if you have 1 dairy cow, this rule applies to you. And non-compliance can cost you, with civil penalties starting at $100-$1000 per day or incident. The rule requires a written manure application plan, manure staging restrictions and more. There are stipulations on applying manure to frozen or snow covered ground. The rule states that application of manure on frozen or snow-covered ground is allowed, but only if: a. No application occurs within 200 feet of surface waters; b. No application occurs in a floodway; c. The application rate is one-half the normal agronomic rate; d. The application occurs on land with less than 2% slope; and e. The land has at least 40% crop residue or a vegetative cover crop. Anyone subject to the new rule should consult the State Chemist's office, an attorney, or an agricultural consultant to insure they are in compliance with the new rule. Read more on Janzen Ag Law BlogRead more on Ag Answers
Regional Dairy Meetings Provide Good Information
 | Deb Osza, Steve Obert and Anita Schmitt at Warrenton Meeting
The first set of IDP Regional Dairy Meetings took place on February 12, 13 and 14 in Rockville, Warrenton and Columbus respectively. We received many positive comments about the content and the quality of the meetings. Timely information was presented about financial benchmarks, Spring forage quality, avoiding legal hassles, antibiotic residue issues, calf management, the new fertilizer rule and more. You can view a photo slideshow of the three meetings by clicking here. Dr. David Cook presented excellent information on calf rearing strategies. You can see his presentation in two parts. Calf Rearing Strategies Part 1 and Calf Rearing Strategies Part 2. We are especially grateful to Hubbard Feeds, Micron Bio-Systems, Byron Seeds, NorthStar Cooperative and Farm Credit Services of Mid-America for providing speakers and/or sponsoring lunches. Great sponsorship has allowed IDP to provide these meetings at no charge to dairy farmers!
Sowing Seeds...Corn, Cows & Consumers by Sherry Bunting, Ag WriterRead how one Indiana dairy family is sharing its story
 | Janny, Greg, Dave and Herb Kleine |
Spring is on its way, and already thoughts have turned to the next growing season. Much of Indiana was hit with severe drought last season, and like many dairy producers in the Hoosier State, the three generations of the Kleine family farming in Northern Indiana were thankful for the scattered showers -- including the 7/10ths of an inch in the rain gauge the morning of my visit to Kleine Dairy Farm in rural Cedar Lake last summer.
In addition to being thankful for the freedom and responsibilities of working together on the 100-cow dairy farm, the Kleines are also quick to share their positive message of agriculture and open the doors of their farm to the non-farming public.
In fact, on April 16 and 17, you are likely to find David and Nancy Kleine and son Greg and daughter Janny participating - as they have for years -- in Lake County Farm Bureau's Ag Awareness Day program at Lake County Fairgrounds.
The annual event hosts 1500 third and fourth graders over the course of a day and a half. The learning takes place in multiple mini-sessions to give the children bite-sized morsels on a variety of topics to ruminate about agriculture -- particularly animal agriculture.
"These are inner-city school kids... and their parents," David explained. "It's a good feeling to hear a parent say: 'Hey, I didn't know that.' That's when we know we are opening their eyes to what we do on our farms."
Read full article
2013 IDP Directors and Officers
IDP held their 2013 Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Livestock, Forage and Grain forum on February 11th in Indianapolis. During the business portion of the meeting, Liz Kelsay, Whiteland, was elected to serve a 3-year term as an at-large director of Indiana Dairy Producers. Also, Joe Hibschman, Syracuse, was re-elected to a second three-year term as a northern director.
Following the meeting, the board of directors met to elect officers. The 2013 officers are President LuAnn Troxel, Vice President Henk Sevenhuysen, Secretary Tamilee Nennich and Treasurer Mike Schutz. In addition, Dave Forgey, Liz Kelsay and Kelly Heckaman will serve on the executive board, along with the officers.
The Indiana Dairy Producers board of directors are made up of 9 voting members that are all dairy producers. In addition, there are currently 6 active board advisers. Doug Leman will soon be completing his 2nd year as executive director of Indiana Dairy Producers.
Legislation to Repeal Health Insurance Tax
Legislation introduced in the House on Feb. 15 is a major step for farmers, ranchers and small businesses that would otherwise be negatively impacted by healthcare reform, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation. The Jobs and Premium Protection Act of 2013, introduced by Reps. Charles Boustany (R-La.) and Jim Matheson (D-Utah), would repeal the Health Insurance Tax (HIT). "The cost of health insurance is a major concern for farmers and ranchers," said AFBF President Bob Stallman. "Health insurance costs already have gone up more than 100 percent since 2000 and the HIT will impose even more devastating costs on America's farmers, ranchers and small businesses." A recent Congressional Budget Office report confirms that the HIT Tax "would be largely passed through to consumers in the form of higher premiums for private coverage." The new tax would raise insurance costs even more, making it harder for farmers and ranchers to purchase coverage for themselves, their families and their employees. "Most farmers and ranchers do not have large enough pools of employees to be self-insured," continued Stallman. "Instead, they purchase health insurance in the fully insured market, from which it is solely determined how much HIT an insurance company must pay. Because of this, the cost of this erroneous tax will be passed through to small businesses that purchase those plans." The HIT was passed as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). According to AFBF, it has nothing to do with reforming the health care insurance system but was included in PPACA as a way to raise revenue to offset the cost of the legislation. During 2014, the first year that the HIT takes effect, $8 billion dollars will be collected.
It's the Biggest Event in June, and You're Invited!
MPSI News from Jackie Barber
No, not a w  edding, JUNE DAIRY MONTH! This June, we will be celebrating dairy farming with "30 Farms in 30 Days"-a media campaign that will spotlight dairy farm families around the state. Let us know how you are celebrating June Dairy Month and we'll help promote your event! Need ideas? If you can do farm tours during June-that counts! Want to do something special? What about sponsoring a chocolate milk refuel after Little League practice or hosting an ice cream social or outdoor movie night on the farm? Tell us about your open-to-the-public event and we'll showcase your event and your farm in "30 Farms in 30 Days" so dairy farmers and consumers can celebrate June Dairy Month together. We also can provide posters, handouts, other promotional materials, and information about applying for a grant to provide dairy snacks. Report your event, order materials, ask questions or find out how to get involved--contact Jackie by phone at 317-842-7133 or send an email to Jackie Barber. |
ZFS Feed Update
| Call 866-888-7082 |
Canola - Poor crush margins and lack of seed movement has created a tighter supply in the canola market. However, canola still works well in the ration vs. soybean meal when you consider the component values of milk. Ask a merchandiser for comparisons and contracts.
Citrus pellets - a high energy fiber/sugar source is available to you in a pellet now thru November as processing has just cranked up in Florida. This can help replace some corn or corn silage in ration and is a consistent analysis.
Cottonseed - The ginning of this year's good cotton crop has finished, leaving good supply in storage through summer. Trading is expected to be light as ginners hold their hands and wait to see if there is a little rebound in price offerings. Cottonseed in the ration works quite well vs. other protein and fiber supplies, if you're open to the markets. Sooner rather than later may be your best option in contracting some needs in for cottonseed.
New crop offers are out, with projected 25% less acreage October 2013, this said pricing shall be firmer than this year was.
DDGS - The supply tightened last few weeks with some ethanol plants shutting down, or at the least, slowing production. With margins improved in last 10 days, plants are increasing production, creating more supply to the DDGs chain. They're a good buy of protein and energy in the diet.
Gluten feed - Gluten feed remains steady in both supply and demand. Wet gluten has become popular for the ration with drier silage this year. Wet gluten Deals are on now, contact a ZFS to speak for some tonnage. Bagging is a good option too. Pellets show more upside risk thru March as dryers slow down.
Hominy - Market has been steady to lower, product has some availability for those looking to replace ground corn or high moisture corn in the ration. Contracts are open through June.
Soy hulls - Soy processors are showing some shortness in bean supply and crushes have decreased, creating a tightness in hulls market, with prices reflecting the diminishing supply. With high demand in the Midwest region covering fiber needs, and as smaller animals come to the market to cover shortness of hay supply costs, we look for steady pricing through spring. |
Is subclinical mastitis silently squandering your herd's reproductive performance?
Peggy Coffeen, AgriView 1-31-2013
Clots, clumps and off-color... the tell-tale signs of clinical mastitis. It's no front-page news that these infections can wreak havoc on a cow's reproductive system, resulting in reduced conception rate and increased pregnancy loss. Recent research, however, shows that a silent lurker - subclinical mastitis - can be just as costly.
"A single somatic cell count (SCC) of 1 million within 10 days before breeding decreased conception rate by 23 percent," Dr. David Rhoda stated during a recent Repro Money workshop held in Green Bay. "Obviously, a subclinical infection has the same affect on conception rates that we always contributed to a clinical infection."
Because the milk from cows with subclinical mastitis appears normal, visual cues alone are not enough to recognize an infection. It takes an individual cow somatic cell count (SCC) test to determine whether or not a cow has crossed into the subclinical threshold of 200,000 cells per milliliter or greater.
According to Rhoda, when cows cross that line, reproductive performance suffers. One study he mentioned looked at the effect of a case of subclinical mastitis at time of breeding.
Read the entire article here.
Upcoming 2013 Events
February 21-22 Purdue Women in Agriculture Conference, Columbus, Indiana, click here for speakers and registration information
March 4 Shipshewana Regional Dairy Meeting, Farmstead Inn, 9:30 - 2:30 Brochure
March 5 Goshen Regional Dairy Meeting, Elkhart County Fairgrounds 9:30 - 2:30 Brochure
March 6 Decatur Regional Dairy Meeting, Back Forty Restaurant 9:30 - 2:30 Brochure
March 19 Regular IDP Board Meeting, MPSI Office 10 AM - 3 PM
March 13, 14 Certified Livestock Producer Training, Miami County
March 26, 28 Certified Livestock Producer Training, Dearborn County
April 7-9 National Dairy Producers Conference, Indianapolis Conference Information
April 9-10 Indiana Milk Quality Conference, Fort Wayne Conference details
April 23-24 Tri State Dairy Nutrition Conference, Fort Wayne, IN Details
July 7-11 National Holstein Convention, Indianapolis, Convention Info
July 30-31 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange, Northwest Indiana (much more coming, save the date).