Indiana Professional Dairy Producers
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
   March 30, 2012              Issue 32

"An organized voice for Hoosier Dairy Farmers"


Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.   


In This Issue
Summer Farm & Industry Robotic Dairy Tour
Welcome RP Feed Components!
IPDP Officers, Agency Reports
Zeeland Feed Update
Crop Outlook
NMPF Manages Real Seal
Safety on the Farm
Fraudulent USDA Letters
Dairy Youth Conference April 21
NRCS Grazing Info
Raw Milk Debate Continues
Support IPDP
Resource Center



Click on any logo to reach company website

Hubbard Feeds Logo

Indiana Corn Marketing Council Logo

Byron Seeds

Indiana Farm Bureau



Indiana Soybean Alliance
Gold Sponsors


Milk Specialties Global  

ZFS Official 


DeLaval Logo  

BI Logo

Kaeb Sales Logo

Kalmbach Logo

2011 IPDP Board
of Directors
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers

IPDP Executive Board

Click on a name below to email an Executive Board Member

Executive Director

Doug Leman 




LuAnn Troxel



Vice President

Henk Sevenhuysen 


Tamilee Nennich Ph.D. 


Mike Schutz Ph.D
765- 494-9478  


Dave Forgey 



Kelly Heckaman 

Board Members
 Joe Hibshman
Sarah Wagler
Julie Bommer
Steve Obert

Ranell Rexing 

Brian Huber


Industry Advisers

Liz Kelsay

Dr. Ken McGuffey
Todd Janzen, Attorney 


Silver Sponsors

Click on the logo to visit sponsor's website


RP Feed Components  


Prince Agri Logo  

   Diamond V


ABS Global Logo  


Koetter & SmithArm & Hammer Logo  


Michigan Milk Producers Logo  


Specialty Hybrids  


Dairy Farmers of America

Prairie Farms


Fair Oaks Farms Logo



FCS New Logo


Visit Our Bronze Sponsors 

Bronze Level
Click on above button!


IPDP Corporate Sponsors
IPDPThere is a growing list of companies that recognize IPDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IPDP at some level, please download a brochure here.


Contacting Your Legislators

 March 9th was the last day of the 2012 session of the Indiana General Assembly. To read an Indiana Farm Bureau summary of the ag-related bills that have been presented to Gov. Daniels, click here.

We are fortunate to live in a country where we can have access to those who make our laws. Even so, we have to take action and make those calls or send those emails in order to let our opinions be heard. Our legislators need to be educated about dairy issues, and they are looking to you to deliver. If you don't know them personally, why not take the time to introduce yourself? We live in very interesting times, and you have a message that our legislators need to hear. Click here to get contact information and more on your Indiana legislators. For US legislators and agencies, click  here.
Indiana Statehouse


on the Archive button to access previous issues of our 


and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.


On April 1, I will be starting my second year with IPDP! I have really enjoyed getting to know many of you and want to thank you for your confidence in me.  I would like to give special thanks to our board members and our many sponsors for your continued support of IPDP and the Indiana dairy industry!  We have been making tremendous progress as an organization. With your continued help and support, we will continue to grow in value to our members.


I would especially like to welcome our new IPDP members and our newest Silver Sponsor, RP Feed Components! Thanks for your investment in IPDP and Indiana's dairy industry. 


Our 2012 Summer Tour is planned for June 6 & 7 in Southwest Michigan. We are looking forward to a wonderful learning opportunity! Read the details below.  Also, save the date of July 31st and August 1st for the Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange to be held in north central Kentucky.  We will also be announcing some meetings around the state to meet and discuss the new CFO rule that will be taking affect July 1st.


We have all been enjoying an early but beautiful spring! As the planters start rolling and the days become overloaded, take time to be safe and enjoy the season.  If you have any dairy needs, remember, I am just a phone call or email away. Please don't hesitate.  My phone is 317-695-8228 and the email is  Take care and God bless!


Doug Leman 

IPDP Executive Director


Announcing Summer Farm & Industry Tour June 6-7!


Are you interested in Robotic dairying?  Want to see a robotic grazing operation?  How about a top managed large conventional dairy?  Maybe you just want to get away for a couple of days of fun and fellowship. We have it all for you in the Summer 2012 Farm and Industry Tour
The bus will depart from Lafayette on the morning of June 6, make another pick-up at Purdue North Central in Westville, and head to Michigan to our first stop at Riedstra Dairy, an eight-unit DeLaval (DeLaval Direct- Gold Sponsor) robotic dairy.  Next stop will be the Kellogg Biological Station, a grazing robotic operation.  We will arrive at beautiful Bay Pointe Inn Lakefront Resort in time to check in and relax a bit before enjoying some fine dining with a choice of prime rib, walleye, or chicken with some local ice cream for the finishing touch!  After dinner we have an educational meeting with a panel to include a veterinarian, nutritionist, and financial adviser, addressing issues they have encountered in learning how to work with robotic farms.  There will still be plenty of time left in the evening to visit with fellow tour guests, and/or you can enjoy live music on the patio.


After breakfast we will head to SwissLane Dairy and visit their new eight-unit Lely (Kaeb Sales-Gold Sponsor) robotic dairy and also visit their conventional dairy just up the road.  We will then head to Zeeland Farm Services to learn more about another of our Gold Sponsors, where they will provide us with lunch before heading back to Indiana. Click here to download a brochure for full details.

For IPDP member farms, all this can be enjoyed for $150/person, which includes meals and bus transportation, but not overnight accommodations. We have a block of rooms reserved at Bay Pointe Inn in Shelbyville, Michigan, at a special rate of $95 plus tax for double occupancy. You can make lodging reservations by calling 888-486-5253 or visit their website here.  You must register before May 1st to get the IPDP rate.

Again, the bus will have pick up points in Lafayette and Westville.  Please reserve your spot before May 1st by contacting Doug Leman at 317-695-8228 or   We look forward to having you join us on June 6 & 7!

A Hearty Welcome to RP Feed Components, New Silver Sponsor! 
RP Feed Components We'd like to welcome our newest Silver Sponsor of the Indiana Professional Dairy Producers:  RP Feed Components!

In 2008, RP Feed Components established itself as a company representing the next generation of dairy nutrition and research. Founded by a group of producers, nutritionists, and salespeople, the company proceeded to streamline the process of creating higher milk yields, with better protein and fat content, while reducing feed costs. Amino acid balancing proved essential for these changes to occur.

RP Feed Components continues to invest heavily into dairy research and technology, utilizing NIR analysis to quantify amino acid content and variability in feed, while developing software to share this information with their customers. Currently, development is proceeding on a new research facility: a real world production unit with the world class ability to carry-out research that will answer today's and tomorrow's questions. Please visit their website to learn more about this great company! 
IPDP Regular Board Meeting, Agency Updates, Election of Officers
IPDP held a regular board meeting at the new offices of the Indiana State Board of Animal Health on March 22nd. After touring the offices which are housed at Discovery Hall of the Indiana State Fairgrounds, IPDP held officer elections. The 2012 officers are President LuAnn Troxel, Vice President Henk Sevenhuysen, Treasurer Mike Schutz and Secretary Tamilee Nennich. Dave Forgey has also been named to the executive board. In addition to the officers above, Doug Leman and Kelly Heckaman also serve on the IPDP executive board.

We wish to share the information from our agency reports. We receive updates from IDEM, ISDA, MPSI, ISBOAH, and others at every regular IPDP board meeting Click here to read the agency updates from the March 22 meeting.
What's Hot in Commodity Feed
ZFS Official
Zeeland Farm Services, Inc.
Toll-free: (866) 888-7082

Hang on to your hats as the winds blow warm and the markets change!


The soybean and corn planting intentions report came out with some surprises as old crop ending stocks are tighter than expected. Hopes that livestock producers would see feed cost relief are dashed until the crop is in the ground. Best feed alternatives for high prices are soy hulls and gluten.


With South American crop yields down, Asian purchases and investment funds have increased since December and the soybean meal market has been extremely strong.


Canola meal has been a good substitute for some protein, as well as DDGs. The DDGs market has seen good export demand, holding market prices steady as ethanol production has slowed since the end of the year.


Hominy feed has been a good replacement for ground corn in rations at a percentage, with a $20 per ton discount to corn. Contracts through the summer are offered.


Above average temperatures have encouraged cattle onto grass quicker than normal, adding pressure to the soy hull pellets and gluten feeds markets already saturated due to European economic risks. Wet gluten has been plentiful, and citrus pulp pellets is another option for an energy source. Take advantage of these opportunities as they arise.


The cottonseed markets softened a bit last month and many dairies took advantage. However, there has been an increase in sales activity, driving up old crop prices. At the same time, cotton planting intentions reported 1 million fewer acres. If you have a need for cottonseed, get with your merchant to limit upside risk for old or new crop contracts.  

March 30 Crop Outlook and Planting Webinar

Chris Hurt and Corinne Alexander, Purdue University agricultural economists, held a free webinar to help farmers and agribusinesses make sense of an annual U.S. Department of Agriculture Prospective Plantings and Grain Stocks report that was issued on March 30. This report is the first to indicate what US farmers intend to plant and has the potential to have a major impact on new crop prices as US corn stocks continue to be extremely tight. Click here to access the webinar archive. 

National Milk Assumes Management of the Real Seal
Real Seal

The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) will now manage the licensing and use of the REAL� Seal , one of the most iconic and recognizable product integrity logos used in the food industry, NMPF announced Wednesday.


Effective March 15, 2012, the management of the REAL� Seal program was transferred from the United Dairy Industry Association to NMPF. This change was the result of an agreement between the two organizations that the transfer was the best opportunity to place a renewed emphasis on highlighting the importance and value of American-made dairy foods.


"The REAL� Seal was created more than 30 years ago to help consumers distinguish between real and artificial cheeses, as the pizza category was really taking off," said Jerry Kozak, President and CEO of NMPF. "Today, a generation later, we still see a need to differentiate American-made dairy products from imports, and real dairy foods from those made with soy or rice or even hemp. Our management of this labeling program will benefit consumers, as well as the farmers who have a direct stake in how their milk is marketed." Read More 

Safety on the Farm
Skid Steer There have been at least four accidental deaths from skid steer accidents on farms recently. Let's not take safety shortcuts with the desire of saving some time whether it be with our livestock or our machinery.   Please think "safety first."  It might be time for a safety meeting! Click here for a downloadable safety sheet that is ideal for conversations with employees on safety, thanks to our Silver Sponsor, MacAllister/Caterpillar!


Be Wary of Fraudulent USDA Letters/Calls
USDA officials have been notified that additional fraudulent letters and at least one fraudulent phone call have been received by individuals in a number of states.

The phone call was received by an individual in Indiana, and letters are being sent by FAX to individuals and businesses in a growing number of states. The letters and call purportedly come from a USDA procurement officer and seek personal information. These letters are false and in no case should a recipient respond with personal and financial information.

Read more about this on Hoosier Ag Today here.


Dairy Youth Conference to be held in Columbus at Bartholomew County Fairgrounds April 21
Dairy JudgingLooking for a great dairy youth activity? Don't miss this year's dairy youth conference on April 21st from 10-4 EDT! This year's conference celebrates Indiana State Fair's recognition of the dairy industry by naming 2012 the Year of the Dairy Cow and will take you on a great tour of the dairy industry from start to finish. So, get ready for a conference filled with numerous hands-on activities as you will learn about cheese, dairying in other countries, cow behavior, showmanship, fitting, and much more. Everyone will get to practice with live heifers for showmanship at the conference. This conference is designed for interested dairy youth, ages 8-18, and kids from IPDP member farms can attend free of charge. For complete details, download a conference brochure here.


NRCS Grazing Information
Cows on Grass The Natural Resources Conservation Service promotes prescribed grazing and improved forage management by providing technical assistance to private landowners. Click here for a wealth of information tools, newsletters, and publications to help you manage your grazing operation!


Raw Milk Debate Continues
In new legislation signed by Governor Daniels, a study will be conducted by the State Board of Animal Health over the summer and a report is due to the governor by the end of November as to how to deal with raw milk sales in Indiana. The Lempert Report recently published a debate between advocates for and against the sale of unpasteurized milk. You can read the debate here.

Support IPDP  


Individual membership in IPDP is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IPDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IPDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.   


We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IPDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to support IPDP's efforts in Indiana, download an information sheet here.

Calf Notes and Links
Newborn Calf 

 LGM Dairy Education Info
LGM Dairy

Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Innovation Center

 Click on each
logo to learn more.

NMPF Resource Manual
Residue Prevention

Visit the Residue Prevention Page at NMPF by clicking the photo above.



Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.


National Milk Logo  


Click to read the February 2012

 Dairy Market Report.  



Upcoming 2012 Events 


April 10 & 11, 2012 Indiana Milk Quality Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana    

April 21 Indiana 4-H Dairy Youth Conference, Bartholomew County Fairgrounds, Conference Brochure 

April 24-25, 2012 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference   

April 28 Purdue Boilermaker Heifer Sale,  contact Steve Hendress or call 765-583-2526.   



May 19 Indiana State 4-H and FFA Dairy Judging Contest, Purdue University



June 6-7 IPDP Summer Farm & Industry Tour

Robotic dairy tour in Southwest Michigan! Full details by clicking here for a brochure.

June 20-21 80th Annual Indiana Farm Management Tour, Marshall and St. Joseph Counties



July 31 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange in Kentucky (SAVE THE DATE!)



August 1 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange in Kentucky Day 2 (SAVE THE DATE!)