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Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
Julie Bommer, Secretary/Treas.
Joe Hibshman
Liz Kelsay Brian Huber
Brian Houin
Cory Craig Nathan Kuehnert
Industry Advisers
Andy Tauer
Todd Janzen, Attorney
Nathan Hrnicek
LuAnn Troxel, Business Mgr.
Silver Sponsors
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Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site: Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care. |
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
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It's hard to believe that it has just been a few weeks ago that I was heading to Madison for the National Dairy Leaders Coalition meeting. The group continues to grow each time we meet and the discussions grow as we get more familiar with each other. That meeting was immediately followed by a bus load of producers and some industry partners joining me the next day for the PDPW Business Conference followed by farm visits to Crave Brothers Dairy and Rosy-Lane Holsteins. Everyone seemed to enjoy the conference and tour immensely. Special thanks to Professional Dairy Foundation, PDPW, and our farm hosts for making this such a memorable event. I was not able to participate in the farm visits as I needed to head to the airport in the middle of the night for my next adventure which was a trip to New Zealand. You can read more about it below; it was definitely a very good trip. As I reflect back over the last years and realize the continued gains we are making as an organization, I want to once again thank those who believe in us enough to write us a check which in turn allows us to do what we do to strengthen the Indiana dairy industry. Please take note of who they are, thank them and work with them whenever possible - that might mean changing who you do business with, it is that important as they step up to support the industry thru IDP! The next event we are working on is hosting this year's Kentuckiana, being held in southern Indiana - put July 28th and 29th on your calendar and watch for the details as they come out. I can guarantee it will be time well spent! If you are thinking about adding on or building a new facility, don't forget to contact me about the Before You Build program that we participate in. We have the resources to assist you through the process, having folks that have been involved and have experience in many different facets - together we can help good things happen.
I am just a phone call away at 317-695-8228 or by email at dougleman@indianadairy.org. On a personal note I want to thank our board and all those that remembered my family as my father-in-law passed away recently, a very quiet but caring man, always interested in what we had going on. Thanks, and God bless!Doug Leman IDP Executive Director
IPD's Leman Travels Down Under to New Zealand by Doug Leman
Have you ever wondered what the other side of the world looks like? I have never dwelled on that question much during my life, never actually dreamed about it at all, just took it pretty much for granted. Now that I am part of an organization that believes in market development, I have had some tremendous opportunities come my way in the past year! After returning from the Lt. Governor's 2014 Agriculture Trade Mission to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan in June of 2014, I figured my world traveling opportunities were probably finished. Then we received an email invitation to participate in a United States Agribusiness Visiting Delegation to New Zealand. After getting more information about the trip and board approval to participate, we moved ahead even though we weren't certain what value we might bring back for the Indiana dairy industry.
I traveled with Dr. Barry Dunn, the Dean of Ag and Biological Sciences at South Dakota State, Cesar Rey, a veterinarian now managing a large organic dairy in Oregon, Dr. Dennis Hancock, an Associate Professor and State Extension Forage Specialist at the University of Georgia, along with our host, James Wilde with New Zealand Trade and Enterprise. We traveled to Auckland, Christchurch, Hamilton, and Matamata.
New Zealand has over 5 million dairy cows with a land base about the size of Colorado, the majority being under intensive grazing, exporting most of their production. While there, we visited dairy farms, manufacturing facilities, and businesses. We saw some of the latest technologies they are developing, spent a half day at the South Island Agricultural Field Days, much like our farm progress show. We visited a farm where they are working on precision Ag, from nutrients to irrigation, producing grass seed to vegetable seed and milking 1800 cows that are being grazed. They seem to be moving into more confinement systems the further south you go because of weather conditions.
New Zealand is a beautiful country with lots of green pastures and scenic mountains. I met lots of interesting people, found some potential areas for IDP to work on moving forward, and I believe it was time and resources well spent for IDP!
To see a few more pictures of my trip, click here.
Recapping the Farm & Conference Tour to Wisconsin
 The March trip to Madison Wisconsin for the 2015 Farm & Conference Tour was a big success. IDP had 44 participants, including 40 dairy farmers. There were so many opportunities to learn something. The PDPW conference is a 2-day event and some of the topics covered included Dr. David Kohl's talk and market outlook, Garrison Wynn's recipes for success, Dr. Paul Fricke's session on managing new pregnancy testing options. In addition, there was a hands-on anatomy of the udder lab, a session on conflict management, and information on passing the farm from generation to generation. Read more of the PDPW conference highlights here. To see pictures of the IDP bus trip to Madison, including the farm visits to Crave Brothers and Rosy-Lane Holsteins, click here.
Farm Visit to Crave Brothers and Rosy-Lane Holsteins
The IDP Farm & Conference Tour included visits to two very well managed dairy farms.  The first stop was the Crave Brothers Farm. Charlie Crave and his 3 brothers have an interesting enterprise. Not only do they have a wonderful dairy farm, but they also process their own cheese. Typically, they produce made-to-order specialty mozzarella cheese products. They use their own farm-produced milk in the cheese plant, but they also sell the majority of their milk through a cooperative. Charlie Crave told a fascinating story of how he was not raised on a dairy farm, but a college ag professor took a chance on him and they partnered together to start a small dairy farm when Charlie was in his early twenties. Charlie's three brothers all became involved in this family enterprise and the rest is history. The Crave family has a passion for caring for the environment. They currently have a digester on farm. We observed high quality feed and animal care, and special attention is spent on water quality. In addition, they had a very impressive shop where it was obvious that routine maintenance is a high priority.  Lloyd and Daphne Holterman shared another beautiful dairy farm with the IDP tour attendees. At Rosy-Lane Holsteins, huge attention is given to animal care, specific systems and protocols and more. Lloyd gave a lot of insight to his management style. He has certain principles that are strong: animal care, living within the regulatory system, etc. But he has a strong economic focus and makes decisions for the farm based on profitability. He doesn't accept the conventional "we've always done it that way" and clearly thinks outside the box. He has no transition TMR for his cows but they have very few DA's. In fact, at the time of our tour, Lloyd said they hadn't withheld milk from a treated cow in over 300 days! The group plied Lloyd and Daphne with questions about their operation and got candid responses.  But like we say with every single bus tour we've organized, some of the very best stuff happens on the bus! We think this tour was no exception. Next time you get the opportunity, come along! We're pretty confident it will be well worth your time away. In fact, why not save the date for Kentuckiana 2015 on July 28-29! IDP would sincerely like to thank some exceptional people and organizations that supported this event. First, special thanks to the Indiana State Department of Agriculture and the PDP Foundation for grant money. This just brought tremendous value to each of the attendees. In addition, Dairyland Seed was a generous supporter, even picking up the one meal that wasn't originally covered. Thanks to Stewart-Peterson, Northstar, Belstra, Farm Credit Mid America, Indiana Corn and Indiana Soybean. And special thanks to Deb Rhinehart from the foundation, Shelly Mayer and her staff at PDPW, Charlie Crave, Laura Daniels (who truly inspired us to tell our stories even better), and Lloyd and Daphne Holterman.
IDP Board Elects Officers
At the April 1, 2015 IDP board of directors meeting, new officer elections took place. Steve Obert, Fort Branch, was elected to his second term as President. Sarah Wagler, Morgantown, was elected as Vice President, and Julie Bommer, Brookville, was elected as Secretary/Treasurer. Dr. Mike Schutz will serve as Executive Treasurer. Nathan Kuehnert, Fort Wayne, was welcomed as a new board member. Nathan was elected to the board at the IDP annual meeting on March 16. In addition, Nathan Hrnicek, District Sales Manager at Dairyland Seed, was seated as an industry adviser to the board.
Milk Quality Conference Honors John Bollinger with Atkisson Award
| John Bollinger and family
At the 2015 Indiana Milk Quality Conference, the dairy industry paid special tribute to John Bollinger, long time dairy industry contributor. John spent his entire life in Whitley County. He graduated from Purdue in 1960 with a degree in Ag Science and went to work for Bordens as an ice cream mixer. After four years, he started working at the Fort Wayne office of the Indiana State Board of Health, which used to be regulatory organization for dairy farms. John worked in the dairy division for 33 years, retiring as supervisor of dairy farm inspectors. John has been married to his wife, Marian, for 57 years and they have 5 children. IDP would like to join the Indiana Milk Quality Professionals in congratulating John Bollinger for his many years of service to the dairy industry. It was heartwarming to see so many of his family members attend this presentation. |
Applications Being Taken for 2015 Dairy Youth Academy
| Dairy Youth Academy Current Class 2014-2015 |
Applications are now being taken for the 2015-2016 Indiana 4-H Dairy Youth Academy. This year-long dairy leadership experience is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for high school youth who have a passion for dairy.
To be eligible to participate in the academy you must be in grades 10-12 by September 1, 2015. You must be currently enrolled in the 4-H program and able to reasonably commit to the Dairy Youth Academy from September of the current year to August of the following year. You may not exhibit dairy animals at the World Dairy Expo during the current year or participate in the National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest during the current year.
The top 14 delegates will be selected based on their leadership and written application by a panel of industry and extension representatives. Upon acceptance in the Academy, delegates must pay a fee of $100. Most expenses will be generously covered by our sponsors. Deadline to apply is June 1, 2015.
Click here to download the academy brochure. Also, download an application.
Zeeland Feed Update
As the grain markets have softened and field work starts, feed co-products are also softening. Protein co-products Canola meal and soybean meal are playing tug-of-war in the rations and compete well, with Canola the majority winner.
Cottonseed has been steady trading with no real bargains showing up as of yet, though there is plenty of supply. New crop cottonseed offers are close to near-by offers as well, so there has not been much trading action.
Hominy seems to continue to play hard in rations as a good corn replacement now through July. Offers are on table for taking at good values to cover your needs.
Soybean hulls will get a little tight next week with plant maintenance locally, but thereafter, they will trend lower through June.
Citrus pulp pellets will be in good supply through November and offers have weakened, so if you are interested in a sugar/fiber source, let us know. Dried Distillers Grains are holding quite steady to higher as export demand remains strong.
Gluten feed, dry or wet, has weakened quite a bit and shows good contract offers through September, and many are replacing their DDGs in rations.
There is a lot to ponder, so let us know if we can be of service to you.
Upcoming 2015 Events
AprilApril 20-22 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, details here. June June 3 Next regular IDP Board Meeting July July 28-29 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange in Southern Indiana, more details coming soon, SAVE THE DATE!

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