Indiana Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
May 30, 2014                                                              Issue 65

"An organized voice for Hoosier Dairy Farmers"

Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.   

IDP Banner
In This Issue
June 4-5 Summer Tour to Ohio
IDP Participating in Asia Trade Mission
Welcome Dairyland Seed!
Your Input on Immigration Needed
Sharing June Dairy Month
Schutz to lead Purdue ANR
BOAH Comment Period
USDA Grant Money Available
Are you "Marginally Satisfied"?
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Resource for Dairy Policy Info



Click on any logo to reach company website

Indiana Corn Diamond PNG
Indiana Soybean Diamond PNG




Click on any logo to reach company website


Kaeb-Lely Logo
Hubbard Feeds Logo


Gold Sponsors


Bernardin Lochmueller    

Milk Specialties Global   Byron Seeds 

Dairy Farmers of America
Farm Credit Logo 2012
Pioneer logo
DeLaval Logo
BI Logo
Indiana Farm Bureau
ZFS Official

Indiana Dairy Producers  
Board of Directors
Indiana Dairy Producers Logo 
Click on a name below to email
a Board Officer 

Executive Director

Doug Leman 



Steve Obert, President


Liz Kelsay, Vice President



Board Members

Dave Forgey

 Joe Hibshman

Sarah Wagler
Julie Bommer
Brian Huber

Brian Houin

Cory Craig 


Industry Advisers

Kelly Heckaman 

Andy Tauer

Dr. Ken McGuffey 

Todd Janzen, Attorney 


Silver Sponsors

Click on the logo to visit sponsor's


RP Feed Components 
Diamond V 
BMO Harris Bank 
Prince Agri Logo 
NPC Bovamine Logo 
Perdue Ag Solutions 
Arm & Hammer Logo ABS Global Logo 
Michigan Milk Producers Logo 
JBS United 
Bunge Logo 
GEA Logo 
Specialty Hybrids 
Prairie Farms 
Fair Oaks Farms Logo 
Zoetis, formerly Pfizer 
Click on each picture or logo to learn more

Cows on Grass
Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website

Newborn Calf
Calf Notes and Links

LGM Dairy
LGM Dairy Education Info

Innovation Center
Innovation Center for U.S.

Residue Prevention
 New 2013 Manual!
NMPF Resource Manual
also Animal Care Training Videos
and Johnes Assessment Info


Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.

IDP Corporate Sponsors
Indiana Dairy Transparent There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.


Visit Our Bronze Sponsors 

Bronze Level
Click on above button!


Support IDP  

Indiana Dairy Producers Logo

Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.   


We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.


on the Archive button to access previous issues of our 


and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.


Final preparations are taking place as we look forward to spending time together traveling next week on our Summer Tour. 

Special thanks to our Indiana State Dept. of Agriculture for the Livestock Promotion Grant they awarded IDP to support this event;  thanks also goes to Indiana Soybean Alliance, Indiana Corn Marketing Council, Hubbard Feeds, Milk Specialties, Dairyland Seed, Dairy Farmers of America, and NorthStar Cooperative as sponsors.  Another tour opportunity will be the Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange, traveling to western Kentucky this year on July 29th and 30th, so get it on your calendar.


We welcome our new members and our new Gold Sponsor, Dairyland Seed. We sure appreciate the confidence they have in us and again, I want to encourage you to always be mindful of each of our sponsors - support them as they give this extra support for you!


Please take a few seconds and weigh in on the immigration letter that we sent out the first of the week, when our Congressmen hear from producers and business owners from their district, it does make a difference. We've had a good response but would certainly like more.  This is such an important issue for all of agriculture. It literally takes a few seconds of your time to complete!   

You may also wish to comment to BOAH on the proposed changes to the Livestock law. Read more below. These things take time but they affect YOU and what YOU do!  


I have been in discussions with Stewart-Peterson about our desire to make marketing webinars available to our members, there will be more information coming but if you would have any thoughts or suggestions on what you would like in the content, please call me or call Mike Rusch directly at 262-438-0323.   


Please be safe, enjoy the season, and contact me with any dairy need at 317-695-8228 or by email at  Take care and God bless!   


Doug Leman, 
Executive Director
Indiana Dairy Producers
Gmail Users, click online link at the top for best viewing of our e-update. 
It has come to our attention that Gmail users, and perhaps others, see a "clipped" version of our e-update. For best results and to view all the articles and pictures on our e-update, please click the online link at the top of the newsletter.
IDP Summer Tour to Ohio June 4-5
The IDP Summer Tour is just around the corner! There are still a few spots on the bus, so if you can come, call Doug right away: 317-695-8228. The first stop in Ohio will be Select Sires' headquarters in Plain City. We will see a bull parade and have the opportunity to learn from Gary Conklin. He learned some valuable lessons after an abuse video was released that was secretly taped on his dairy farm. We also plan to visit Miley Holsteins in West Salem, Pine Tree Dairy in Rittman  and Eastern Laboratory Services. The cost of attending for IDP member farms is $125 for the first farm member and $75 for any subsequent members. All students can attend for $75. This price includes transportation, lunch and dinner on June 4th. You will need to make your own lodging reservations. We are staying at Comfort Inn and Suites in Wadsworth, Ohio (just west of Akron), phone 330-336-7692. Download a brochure with more information here.  There will be bus pickups in Lafayette and Richmond. Details are on our website here.
IDP's Leman to participate in Indiana Trade Mission to Asia
Doug Leman, IDP Executive Director

IDP Executive Director Leman It is with much anticipation that I look forward to traveling with our Lt. Governor Ellspermann on the June 2014 Agriculture Trade Mission to Asia, a tremendous opportunity for IDP!  IDP was invited to represent the dairy industry in Indiana and the IDP board was behind this 100%.  Our group of around 25 will be traveling to China, Taiwan, and South Korea.My goals on this trip are to learn what might be available to enhance the Indiana dairy industry, understand what products they are interested in, and also to build relationships both home and abroad to further our cause.  If you have any thoughts or suggestions for me, please contact me.  This entire trip is possible because of tremendous supporters!  A special thanks to Hubbard Feeds, Milk Specialties, US Dairy Export Council, American Dairy Association Indiana, Dairy Farmers of America, Foremost Farms, and JBS United for providing sponsorship.  I hope to bring back many pictures, a meaningful report, new knowledge, and lots of great memories!

IDP Welcomes Dairyland Seed, New Gold!

IDP is very pleased to welcome a new gold level sponsor: Dairyland Seed! Please read an important message below, including a July 7 invitation to get current information on alfalfa and silage management! 


Dairyland Seed has an operation like most of yours-one that stretches across multiple generations. Ours dates back to 1907, making this our 107th year in business! Here at Dairyland Seed, we have an extremely diverse portfolio of corn, soybeans, silage corn, and alfalfa products. These products are a result of our world class research and genetics. Locally, David Peebles (317-777-0028) and Nathan Hrnicek (219-863-6828) bring passion, expertise, and excitement to the great state of Indiana. Both of us are very excited to be supporting Indiana's hard working dairy operations through IDP. We also would like to let you know about an opportunity to experience one of our unique alfalfa research locations. On July 7th, we are giving producers an inside look at our program, click here for more details. Please, let us know how we can serve you and your operation as you continue to labor each and every day to provide us with safe and sustainable meals.  

IDP's Immigration Letter, Please Give Your Feedback!
Indiana Dairy Producers and Indiana Farm Bureau have created an important letter that we would like to send to the Indiana Delegation of the US House of Representatives urging immigration reform. We need to hear from our dairy farmer and industry members. Please click here to read the letter and give your input.

We are working in conjunction with the Ag Workforce Coalition (AWC) on immigration reform efforts. You can read more about this effort here. National Milk and American Farm Bureau are both members of AWC.
Help us Share June Dairy Month!
Jackie Barber ADAI Producer Relations
June Dairy Month June is National Dairy Month and the American Dairy Association Indiana is celebrating with a social media campaign called "30 Dairies in 30 Days" that will allow consumers to meet their local dairy farmers. Follow @INDairy on Twitter, Indiana Dairy on Facebook, INDairy on Instagram, or click here to see the featured farms! ADAI is also hosting a "Just Say Cheese" blogger event to help show influential bloggers the value of cheese for entertaining.

Are you hosting an event or participating in any community outreach during June Dairy Month (speeches, farm tours, school visits, etc)? If so, please email Jackie Barber at or call 317-842-6060 with a brief description of your event. Thank you very much!

Schutz to Lead Purdue Extension ANR Program
Beginning June 1, Dr. Mike Schutz will wear a slightly different hat at Purdue University. He has been named the new director of Extension's agriculture and natural resources programs in Indiana, succeeding Jim Mintert. As announced by Extension Director, Jason Henderson, Schutz will oversee Purdue Extension programs in such areas as farm management and safety, livestock, crops, energy, youth in agriculture, environmental stewardship and wildlife. Dr. Schutz still expects to be involved with IDP, but he admits that time constraints may occasionally cause challenges. Read Purdue's announcement here.
BOAH Comment Period Open for Livestock 
BOAH Indiana's laws that designate what types of identification and documentation are needed for livestock will soon be changing. Hoosier livestock producers and others have the opportunity to give their input on the proposed changes in a virtual public hearing, hosted by the Indiana State Board of Animal Health. One change for dairy producers is that if this rule goes forward, bull calves will be required to have permanent ID when they leave the farm, even though beef calves do not have the same requirement. This is your opportunity to comment on this and any issue concerning Indiana's livestock ID and health paper requirements. Comments will be reviewed and a vote will be taken at the July 10 BOAH board meeting.

To view the proposed rules and find a comment opportunity, livestock owners, dealers, veterinarians and others should visit the BOAH website here.
Zeeland Feed Update (Corrected)
ZFS Official
(866) 888 7082


-  has been a major player in most dairy rations in recent months. Supply is good and rail  is moving it better. Old crop basis has widened some, as soybean meal futures continue to climb.  Some soy processors are showing some decrease in production into summer, with shortness in bean supply, indicating tighter later summer supplies as bean and meal export continues strong demand as well.  New Crop Canola offers are looking good Oct-Mar 2015, contact a merchant to look at needs with you, as Oct sbm futures are $93-96 less than today.


-  has been sideways trading for a few months now on old crop. New crop is planted mostly and hoping for a good crop. Offers haven't changed much on new crop Oct-Dec, showing a $137 disc. to nearby offers. If cottonseed is still a must for your ration, you may want to cover some of your needs.


- processing has increased enough to lower the offers,  to those in need of replacing some hi-moisture corn or ground corn needs in the ration. Priced competitive thru summer months.

Soy hulls

- fiber remains rather tight through June, hoping some new hay crop will pressure the offers by July.  Soy crush has hindered supplies as well however, and most reluctant to make offers thru September.

Wheat midds

- a good fiber source that has seen a little more production for June on, giving better offers to fit back into rations, maybe better priced than soy hulls until they loosen up. Trade weekly in market.

Corn Gluten feed

  - as plants continue to increase production levels vs. than past months, offers have come down to be a good protein source and fiber addition in the ration. Contracts for Wet or Dry are available through September at good buys.
DDGS  - as export loosens up on demands, local farm demand increases as a ration calls to increase to cover protein and energy needs at a good buy. Wet and dry available consistently. There are several protein levels as well as fat levels available, so be sure to inquire about these levels when buying.
USDA Grant Money Available through REAP
USDA USDA released up to $70 million in grants and loan guarantees through the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). The funding will help farmers and small rural businesses install renewable energy and energy efficiency projects including biogas systems.

USDA said that about $12.4 million will be available for grants and $57.8 available for loan guarantees. The funding comes from the Agricultural Act of 2014 (the 2014 Farm Bill), which was signed into law on February 7 and was supported by the federal advocacy efforts of the American Biogas Council.

USDA uses REAP to fund a variety of energy projects on farms and at rural businesses including biogas systems. In 2013, USDA funded 2,400 renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in rural areas.

"This funding will help farmers, ranchers and rural small business owners incorporate renewable energy and energy efficiency technology into their operations, create jobs and help America become more energy independent," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a statement.
  • Deadline for submission of a Grant application is July 7, 2014
  • Deadline for submission of a Guarantee application is July 31, 2014
Additional information about this program is available here.
Are You "Marginally Satisfied?"
by Mike Rusch, Stewart-Peterson, Inc.

If you've ever been up in the middle of the night, you've seen one of the infomercial world's biggest stars on late-night TV, Ron Popeil with his Ronco Rotisserie oven.  Perhaps his famous line is ringing in your ears: "Set it and forget it!" While this feature may be attractive for selling his brand of convenience cooking, it should not be the way you approach price risk management.


You may be among the producers who locked in what you believed to be a good margin back in November and December of 2013. Perhaps you sold 50-75 percent of your milk production for all of 2014 through your milk plant or in your hedge account, with the mentality of "lock in a good margin and move on." 


Now as the milk rally has picked up steam, each month brings new regret and frustration about the prices you are missing. That's understandable. That's why our team encourages an active management approach rather than locking in margins for the sake of getting it done. Read more 

View our photos on flickr
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
National Milk Website for Dairy Policy Info
National Milk Logo With the new farm bill having been signed into law, attention has shifted to how the Agriculture Department will implement the groundbreaking margin insurance program for dairy farmers.

The program-the most significant rewrite of federal dairy policy in a generation-refocuses the dairy safety net from propping up prices, to protecting margins. In that way, it will help address the volatility of both milk prices and feed costs, which have become a major problem in recent years.


NMPF has refashioned its Future for Dairy website into a hub for information on the margin insurance program and its implementation. 

Upcoming 2014 Events   


June 4-5 IDP Summer Tour to Ohio. Download a tour brochure here. 



July is County Fair Month! Click here to view Indiana County Fair dates. 

July 29-30 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange in Kentucky, Save the Date!  



Aug. 1-17 Indiana State Fair official website  

Aug. 8 Next regular IDP Board Meeting 10 AM State Fairgrounds BOAH Office  

IDP Legal Hotline