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2011 IPDP Board of Directors
| Indiana Professional Dairy Producers |
IPDP Executive Board
Click on a name below to email an Executive Board Member
Executive Director
Doug Leman
LuAnn Troxel
Vice President Ron Fuhrmann 260-438-4940
Secretary Kelly Heckaman
Tamilee Nennich Ph.D.
Purdue University
Treasurer Mike Schutz Ph.D 765- 494-9478
Dave Forgey
Board Members Joe Hibshman Sarah Wagler Ben Rothert Henk Sevenhuysen Steve Obert
Brian Huber
Liz Kelsay
Dr. Ken McGuffey Todd Janzen, JD
Silver Sponsors
Click on the logo to visit sponsor's website


Visit Our Bronze Sponsors
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IPDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IPDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IPDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
Calf Notes and Links
LGM Dairy Education Info
Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Click on each logo to learn more.
NMPF Resource Manual

Visit the Residue Prevention Page at NMPF by clicking the photo above.

Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.
Click to read the December 2011 Dairy Market Report. |
Contacting Your Legislators
 We learned firsthand what a difference it can make when we contact our legislators. We are fortunate to live in a country where we can have access to those who make our laws. Even so, we have to take action and make those calls or send those emails in order to let our opinions be heard. Our legislators need to be educated about dairy issues, and they are looking to you to deliver. If you don't know them personally, why not take the time to introduce yourself? We live in very interesting times, and you have a message that our legislators need to hear. Click here to get contact information and more on your Indiana legislators. For US legislators and agencies, click here.

on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
We have been busy planning and putting together the final touches for the upcoming Indiana Livestock, Forage & Grain Forum on Feb. 27th, which is also the location of our IPDP annual meeting. Our first group of Regional Dairy meetings follow the next 3 days! Don't forget that you must pre-register for the Forum by Thursday, Feb. 24. If you are planning to attend one of the regional dairy meetings, please contact us for planning purposes. Find the one nearest you in this newsletter. Of course, if you are a current IPDP member, these meetings are no charge. We are pleased to announce that we have another new Silver Sponsor. Prince Agri Products Inc. has decided to join us as supporters of the Indiana dairy industry! Please click on the logos of our sponsors and consider their products and services for your farm. Thanks to all of you that have responded to your invoice and sent in your dues, there are still a few left that need to be sent in. We need the full support of each and every one of you. If you misplaced your invoice, just download a membership/associate brochure here and send it in. On a personal note, we are thankful to announce the birth of another granddaughter, Leandra Elizabeth, who joined our family on the evening of February 16th. I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the Forum and regional meetings. As always, please contact me with any dairy issues: or call 317-695-8228. Be safe, and God bless. Doug Leman, IPDP Executive Director
Regional Dairy Meetings Feb. 28-March 7

Rockville: February 28 Byron Seeds Headquarters
Decatur: February 29 Back 40 Junction Restaurant
Goshen: March 1 Elkhart County Fairgrounds
Warrenton: March 6 The Log Inn
Columbus: March 7 Bartholomew County Fairgrounds
- Rockville, Decatur and Goshen Meetings Feature Jim Dickrell, Editor of Dairy Today
- Other presenters include Dr. Jon Townsend, Atty. Todd Janzen, Chad Martin
- Other topics include information on energy audits, reducing mastitis, avoiding regulatory hassles, cover crops and MUCH MORE!
- Your paid 2012 IPDP dues allows 1 free admission to a regional meeting, additional family attendees are $10 each. Non-member registration is $20.
- Delicious lunch included at every location
- Click HERE to download meeting brochure for directions and more information.
Read about the meetings on Hoosier Ag Today. Please RSVP by emailing Dr. Mike Schutz at You can also call Doug Leman with any questions: 317-695-8228. |
Register by Thursday for Livestock Forage & Grain Forum
 Forum Attendees to Receive Copy of Frank Luntz's Bestseller - What Americans Really Want...Really Monday, February 27, 2012 JW Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, Downtown Indianapolis Register Today! Continuing a tradition started at last year's Forum, attendees of this year's Indiana Livestock, Forage and Grain Forum will take home a book authored by the keynote speaker. The Forum is on Monday, February 27 at the JW Marriott in downtown Indianapolis and Fox News analyst and political pollster Frank Luntz is the keynote speaker. He will focus on what Americans are thinking about their food and those who grow it. His book - What Americans Really Want...Really - will be available to attendees courtesy of Indiana Soybean Alliance, sponsor of the Forum's General Session. Registration is open until Thursday (February 23) and the $50 fee includes a continental breakfast, lunch and an afternoon break. Pre-registration is required. The afternoon includes dynamic breakout sessions hosted by a variety of agricultural organizations and attendees can choose to attend the sessions that most interest them.
Prince Agri Products New Silver IPDP Sponsor
We are very pleased to introduce our newest Silver IPDP Sponsor, Prince Agri Products. We encourage you to learn about this excellent company by visiting their website here.
Prince Agri Products, Inc. is a global supplier of advanced nutritional solutions including feed ingredients and specialty products for livestock, poultry and pet food industries. Prince serves customers that include animal feed manufacturers, large integrated producers and distributors/blenders.
Prince Agri Products has been in business for 150 years, long enough to establish themselves as a premier source for quality nutritional products and services.
Two industry leading products include OmniGen-AF�, a nutritional supplement that enhances immune function and animal health, and Animate™, a highly palatable anionic mineral salt.
We are very grateful for Prince Agri Products' investment in Indiana's dairy industry!
IPDP Annual Meeting at Livestock Forum, Outstanding Dairy Producers of the Year Announced, More
 Everyone is invited to attend the IPDP Annual Meeting on Monday, February 27th in conjunction with the Livestock Forage and Grain Forum. Although forum registration is required, if you only plan to attend the annual meeting at 2 PM, preregistration is not necessary, and there is no cost. The meeting will be held at the new JW Marriott in downtown Indianapolis. We will give an update on the IPDP organization, vote on new IPDP directors, announce the Outstanding Dairy Producer of the Year awards and more. Finally, we will listen to Dr. Frank Mitloehner's talk. You can read about Dr. Mitloehner here. It should be a very interesting day. We know it's not easy to leave the farm, but consider attending this meeting. It's a good one!
NMPF projects MILC payments coming with February milk
The Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) program began with the 2002 Farm Bill.
Payments have been triggered when the Class I price in Boston has fallen below $16.94 per cwt. (the old Compact Class I price). Currently, the base payment rate is any positive difference between $16.94 and the Class I milk price at Boston, times 45%. (This 45% is the share of Class I milk in the New England market that lost the Compact premium.)
There is also a "feed cost adjustor," which can only increase the payment. When the price of a cwt. of dairy feed rises, say, 10% above its target of $7.35/cwt., the $16.94 target for Boston's Class I price is adjusted up by 10% x 45% = 4.5%. (This 45% is feed's rough share of milk costs.) This raised the target in earlier months, but is not now projected to increase any actual payments.
Payments under the program are limited by production: currently, producers are eligible to receive payments on up to 2.985 million pounds per fiscal year. Larger producers can choose the month for which they want to start receiving payments; after that, they receive payments for all months until they reach their cap. Months with no payment don't count.
National Milk Producers Federation is projecting a MILC payment near 27 cents for February, with higher payments in March through July. See the projected numbers and read more here.
Exports Key to Dairy Futures; Fonterra Sells US Dairy Products to the World by Sherry Bunting, Farmshine Article
 The U.S. can compete in the international dairy marketplace. In the past three years, changes have created a positive trade balance between dairy exports and dairy imports as export sales have grown from 3% of U.S. production in 2004 to 14% in 2011. The U.S. reputation is improving, and world prices (Oceania) have converged with (and exceeded) U.S. prices to create a more sustainable future for the U.S. to consistently supply the growing international demand for dairy protein. These were just some of the observations by Mark Piper of Fonterra (USA) Inc. He brought an international viewpoint to the Pennsylvania Dairy Summit crowd of over 500 on Feb. 8 in Lancaster. Fonterra is engaged in a "gigantic strategy refresh." The New Zealand company sells over 2.5 million metric tons of products annually (5.58 billion pounds), and 25% of the volume is non-New Zealand milk. Fonterra currently "facilitates the sale of 220,000 metric tons (485 million pounds) of U.S. product annually on a commission basis from the U.S. to countries around the world," said Piper. "We want to see the U.S. get a better feel for the export trade instead of using traders. The strategy certainly is to try to do more with the U.S. And it starts with listening to what customers want." Read the full article here.
Assess Calf Dehydration Geni Wren, Bovine Veterinarian Magazine
Geof Smith, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM, North Carolina State University, says the most accurate methods for assessment of dehydration in calves are eyeball recession into the orbit and skin tent duration in the neck region, and that all other methods of assessment are inferior to these two methods (see Bovine Veterinarian, July 2011). Read more.
What's Hot in Commodity Feed
Zeeland Farm Services, Inc. Toll-free: (866) 888-7082 Cottonseed whole fuzzy and de-linted seed have come down recently as pressure held by end users. Contracts are a good value and seeing a lot of action, as fiber remains tight through summer. New Crop seed offers beginning October are available as well at a discount. Also there are discussions of hay fields being replaced by corn planting, making the situation worse. Soy hulls have been pressured as there have been limited demand. Weekend deals are also an option.
The Canola market has loosened up quite a bit over the last several weeks. The market went from no offers to everyone having an offer. Feed demand for protein feels relatively weak, and basis values should back off as we move forward. Pellet product is available, giving you less shrink as well.
Processors are still slightly oversold on hominy for February, but as we move forward, offers are loosening up and values are dropping relative to corn values. Most farms in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio should see a good spread relative to ground corn, which will make hominy work in the feed ration.
Corn gluten feed remains a good value versus corn and dry distillers grains. There is very limited interest from domestic markets, though the spot price is hanging right around 60 percent the price of corn, considerably less than past years. Export demand has waned and has ceased to regain the foothold with 18 percent that it has had over the past five years. Wet corn gluten has remained at a premium to dry through the winter months, but typically has given up that spread as we head into spring and summer. Processors are holding summer prices firm with the hope of exports or the southern regions coming to the plate. The impact of slower ethanol products has some concerned about how much is going to be available and at what price. Hence, DDGS are selling at a strong price, as many customers have looked at purchasing other mid proteins and are finding gluten feed to be a better buy.
Free Extension X-Net Webinars Next 3 Focus on Managing Heat Stress
It's February, and heat stress isn't on our minds nearly as much as making sure we have adequate feed inventory on hand or getting our paperwork ready for the accountant. But the reality is, if we have inadequate facilities for summer heat, it's time to look at making those adjustments now. The Cooperative Extension Service has 3 webinars coming soon to help dairy farmers and dairy consultants assist in dealing with these issues: March 5 Improving Reproduction during Heat Stress March 19 Nutrition Programs for Heat Stressed Herd April 9 Economics of Heat Stress Information on listening to these free webinars can be found here.
Support IPDP
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Individual membership in IPDP is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IPDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IPDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IPDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to support IPDP's efforts in Indiana, download an information sheet here.
Upcoming 2012 Events
February 22 Certified Livestock Producer Workshop, Jay County Public Library 8:30-3:30
February 27, 2012 Livestock Forage & Grain Expo at JW Marriott, downtown Indianapolis.
February 27, 2012 IPDP Annual Meeting 2 PM Eastern Time, JW Marriott, Indianapolis
February 28, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Rockville, Byron Seeds Headquarters, 9-3 Eastern Time
February 29, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Decatur, Back 40 Restaurant, 9-3 Eastern Time
February 29, 2012 11th Annual Midwest Women in Agriculture Conference, Shipshewana, Indiana
March 1, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Goshen, Elkhart County Fairgrounds 9-3 Eastern Time
March 1, 2012 11th Annual Midwest Women in Agriculture Conference, Shipshewana
March 6. 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Warrenton, The Log Inn 9-3 Central Time
March 6, 2012 ISBOAH meeting for small processors, 1 PM, Discovery Hall, Indiana State Fairgrounds
March 7, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Columbus, Bartholomew County Fairgrounds, 9-3 Eastern Time
March 13-14, 2012 PDPW Annual Dairy Business Conference, Dane County Expo, Madison, Wisconsin Conference Brochure
March 22, 2012 Next regular IPDP board meeting, at ISBOAH offices at the Indiana State Fairgrounds, including a tour of their new location. 10-3 PM
April 10 & 11, 2012 Indiana Milk Quality Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana