Indiana Dairy Producers Logo
Indiana Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
September 4, 2013                                                              Issue 55

"An organized voice for Hoosier Dairy Farmers"

Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.   

YonEd Farm

Friendly Holsteins at YonEd Farm during Kentuckiana 2013

In This Issue
Indiana Creamery License Division
Reviewing Kentuckiana Farms (Part 2)
US Milk Quality Improved
2013 Dairy Princess
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery



Click on any logo to reach company website
Stewart-Peterson Diamond JPG
MPSI Diamond PNG
Indiana Corn Diamond PNG
Indiana Soybean Diamond PNG




Click on any logo to reach company website


Kaeb-Lely Logo
Hubbard Feeds Logo
Byron Seeds

Click on each picture or logo to learn more


Cows on Grass
Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website

Newborn Calf
Calf Notes and Links

LGM Dairy
LGM Dairy Education Info

Innovation Center
Innovation Center for U.S.


Residue Prevention
 New 2013 Manual!
NMPF Resource Manual
also Animal Care Training Videos
and Johnes Assessment Info


Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.


National Milk Logo  


Click to read the
July 2013    

Dairy Market Report


Projected MILC Payments 




Gold Sponsors

Bernardin Lochmueller
Farm Credit Logo 2012
Pioneer logo
Dairy Farmers of America  

Milk Specialties Global  

DeLaval Logo
BI Logo
Indiana Farm Bureau
ZFS Official

2013 Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
Indiana Dairy Producers Logo 
Indiana Dairy Producers

IDP Executive Board

Click on a name below to email an
Executive Board Member  

Executive Director

Doug Leman 




LuAnn Troxel



Vice President

Henk Sevenhuysen 


Tamilee Nennich Ph.D. 


Mike Schutz Ph.D


Dave Forgey 



Kelly Heckaman  


Board Members
 Joe Hibshman
Sarah Wagler
Julie Bommer
Steve Obert

Brian Huber


Industry Advisers

Andy Tauer

Dr. Ken McGuffey
Todd Janzen, Attorney 


Silver Sponsors

Click on the logo to visit sponsor's


  NPC Bovamine Logo

  Perdue Ag Solutions  


BMO Harris Bank 

RP Feed Components 

Prince Agri Logo


Diamond V

ABS Global Logo 

 Arm & Hammer Logo

 Michigan Milk Producers Logo



JBS United  Bunge Logo  
  GEA Logo Specialty Hybrids  
Prairie Farms    Alltech 
  Fair Oaks Farms Logo Zoetis, formerly Pfizer  
Cargill  ForemostFarms  


on the Archive button to access previous issues of our 


and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.


The 2013 Indiana State Fair is now history but it was a great opportunity to meet with our government leaders and leaders of agriculture and livestock to talk about the Indiana dairy industry.  It was good to see many of you at the fair.  I also want to personally thank all those who helped with our shifts at the dairy bar and the rib-eye stand. It's always an enjoyable time of working together.


As we look forward to a much improved and highly anticipated silage harvest that is beginning in some areas, I want to remind you to take time for safety. Never short-cut safety to save a minute or two as it can leave a lifetime of heartache.  Whether you are working with family, employees, or custom operators, talk and think safety every day, making sure everyone understands and is properly trained for the job at hand.


Always remember that I am only an email or phone call away if you have any dairy issue that crops up - call or text me at 317-695-8228 or email  Again, be safe, take care, and God bless!


Doug Leman 

Executive Director

Indiana Dairy Producers 

How Can the Indiana Creamery License Division Help You?
by Christy Coon, CLD Manager
Christy Coon
Christy Coon, CLD Manager 

The Indiana Creamery License Division will celebrate 100 years of service to the Indiana Dairy Industry next year.  Our mission is to ensure fairness and accuracy in the weighing, sampling and testing of milk and cream purchased in Indiana through the implementation of inspection and educational programs.  Basically, if you are an Indiana Dairy farmer and you think you are not being paid accurately for your milk, be that because of poor sampling or record keeping by your milk sampler, or other individual, a processor that isn't paying you promptly, or you just want to double check the BF and protein results your lab is sending you, we can help.

Over the past year we have helped farmers with processors who were 3-6 months behind in paying their producers, double checked BF and Protein scores for 2 different farms and compared the results to their cooperative's lab results.  Performed 100's of load audits of milk samplers of Indiana dairy farms to take a proactive approached to monitoring milk sampler performance, held milk sampler training courses and conducted an intensive investigation to a report of illegitimate records and milk that was not accounted for.

Most of the issues we check into must be brought to our attention by the farmer.  You know your farm better than anyone else and we depend on you to bring any issues or concerns you have to us.  The Creamery License Division has a board of directors consisting of 8 members.  The make-up of the board is as follows, 3 dairy producers, 3 dairy processors, a milk hauler/sampler, and a representative from the Animal Science Department and Purdue University. The day to day activities are performed by the CLD manager.  Basically, it is a one man (woman) operation.  The division does have a part-time secretary to help with our paperwork, phone calls, and record keeping.

Things that you need to be sure you are doing in case you would need the CLD's assistance:

  • Keep ACCURATE AND THOROUGH RECORDS - I can't stress this enough.  You must be sure to keep all your barn charts, pay stubs, lab scores, etc.  If we would need to do a history check on any of this information, you need to be able to supply it.
  • If there is an issue with your BF or protein scores, CALL ASAP - milk samples don't keep forever.  If you are having an issue with your BF or protein scores, sampling, lab results, etc. we need to know ASAP so that we can assist you before the milk samples go bad, or are disposed of.  If you had an issue 3 months ago where you had a few milk samples come back with, what you feel, are inaccurate scores, I can't be of much help.        
  • The CLD operates off Indiana Code 15-18-2. We only have the authority to do what this code gives us authority to do.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.  Our website is You can find all of our contact information and some more resources about us there.



Reviewing Kentuckiana Farms (Part 2)
by Sherry Bunting

The final day of the 2013 Kentuckiana Dairy Tour featured 3 well-managed dairies. Here's a glimpse of the 3 farms that were visited by over a hundred folks from 5 states, mostly Indiana and Kentucky. Part 1 was featured on our last newsletter (click here to read). You can view pictures from the tour by clicking here.

Hesters Jersey Dairy
Ted and Karyn Hesters'
new parlor
On the second day of the tour, the Kentucky and Indiana dairy producers started out their day touring Ted and Karyn Hesters' organic dairy, near Walkerton, where 180 Jerseys are milked in a new 16 unit swing parlor that is designed to be employee- and cow-friendly.


The farm has been certified organic since 2006, and the herd is also a seasonal grazing herd with calving occurring from March 1 to April 15 and whole-herd dryoff by Dec. 15.

The idea for the parlor and round holding area came during the Hesters' honeymoon in New Zealand in 1994 when they visited the dairy farm next to where they were staying.

"I walked into the pit and watched two guys running the system and it was pretty slick," Ted recalled. "It's like the round pen concept used to work beef cattle in the west and it has really made a big difference in the cow flow here." 

Ted and Karyn looked at other milking setups for grazing herds and put their ideas together around the concept of what they had seen in New Zealand 15 years earlier.

"We tried to put ourselves in the cows' position and look through the cows' eyes," he explained.

Today, it takes one and a half hours to milk 180 head through the system, and after wiping down and scraping, the firehose wash system requires just a few short minutes for wash down.

YonEd Farm 

Alice Lindborg
Alice Lindborg gives
 excellent calf care 
Yon and Alice Linborg, both veterinarians who are dairy farmers, welcomed the tour-goers to YonEd Dairy near Union Mills, where they introduced them to team members Jeff Grott, crop manager, and John Duttlinger, herdsman. They milk 300 cows producing 80 pounds/cow/day, and they have put a key focus on healthy calves.


"One thing we focus on is getting colostrum into a newborn calf within the first four hours of life," Yon related. "We think that is pretty critical, and our calf mortality has been less than 2%." He attributes low mortality to his wife Alice and others on the farm for their dedicated monitoring of cows in the calving area.

The Linborgs raise all of their heifers from calfhood to freshening.  In March, they began using neck-collar activity monitors to determine when cows are in heat for breeding.

"This has enabled us to identify the heats more regularly and to use the natural activity of the animals as opposed to doing the synchronization programs," he explains. Getting cows bred back in a more timely fashion prevents long lactations where cows can gain weight and be at risk for metabolic problems when they eventually freshen.

A high point for the Linborgs was having the high group average 107 pounds/cow/day this spring. "That was a new high for us and it was pretty thrilling," said Yon. He enjoys exerting energy in a direction and seeing whether the animals are successful or not with the outcome. "We love seeing our animals thrive."

Minich Dairy Farm

Jim Minich
Jim Minich (right) discusses
cow comfort 
Coming back full circle to West LaPorte, the last stop of the two-day tour was Minich Dairy, where Jim and Valerie and their children Frank, Amanda and Charlie operate a 600-cow milking herd and utilize precision management technologies like Afimilk within their double-12 parallel parlor.


"We've had this system since 2004, and it has become important for heat detection and keeping track of all the milk weights," Jim explained. "We use it to help catch ketosis. The system knows fresh cows should gradually increase in production, and if it does not see that in a particular cow, she gets put on the check-list."

Another highlight at this stop was the unique Coverall six-row freestall barn.  "These aren't real common," said Jim, explaining that they went with the Coverall for light and the high roof allows more air in as well.

"We try to manage the herd's general health through the environment and nutrition," Jim explained. "We don't have a lot of extra help here... we try to manage the big picture so we don't have to worry about the little picture near as much." 

Next year's Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange will take place on July 29-30 in Kentucky. 

US Milk Quality shows dramatic improvement
Milk Test

Somatic cell counts in milk bulk tanks have declined every year since 2007, according to a new USDA report.

In fact, the improvement has been rather dramatic, going from 260,000 cells per mL., on average, in 2007 to 194,000 in 2012. 

Between 2011 and 2012, the average bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) fell 12,000 cells/mL., according to the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and Agricultural Marketing Service, in cooperation with the National Mastitis Council.

The data come from four of the nation's 10 Federal Milk Marketing Orders. 

In the United States, the legal maximum BTSCC for Grade A milk shipments is 750,000 cells per mL.

During 2012, more than 99 percent of milk and shipments monitored met that standard, and of the 28,274 producers, 96.5 percent shipped milk with BTSCCs below 750,000 cells per mL. through the entire year. In fact, BTSCC in 95.6 percent of milk was less than a lower standard of 400,000 cells per ml, and 64.5 percent of producers shipped milk below this limit for the entire year.

Since 1997, the milk-weighted BTSCCs in the United States have decreased by 101,000 cells per mL, or 34.2 percent. 

Click the link to download the full info sheet titled " Determining U.S. Milk Quality Using Bulk-tank Somatic Cell Counts, 2012". 


2013 Dairy Princess
Carmen Metzger

Carmen Metzger of Kimmell was selected as the 2013-14 Dairy Princess for the American Dairy Association of Indiana. Carmen, age 20, is the daughter of John and Susan Metzger. She represented Dean Foods in the 2013 Indiana Dairy Princess Scholarship Program. Miss Metzger graduated from Central Noble High School and attends Michigan State University pursuing a career in animal genomics.  Following a personal interview, Carmen spoke on how Indiana dairy farmers can help feed the hungry in Indiana and across the nation.


Retiring Princess Annie Rose Achen, of West Lafayette, ended her reign by turning over the title to Carmen and wished her well as she represents the Indiana Dairy Industry throughout the coming year. Carmen will serve as the official goodwill ambassador for Indiana's dairy farmers during the year by making a number of public appearances and participating in promotional events. As the Indiana Dairy Princess, Metzger will receive a $1000 scholarship from the American Dairy Association along with other gifts of appreciation from sponsors. Contestants were judged on poise, personality, speaking ability, education, and dairy knowledge.  


This year's Dairy Princess Scholarship Contest featured stiff competition from eight excellent candidates. The other Dairy Princess candidates were: Sabra Jackson (Indiana Holstein Association), Taylor Gail Crandall (Indiana Guernsey Breeders), Becca Beaman (Indiana Brown Swiss Breeders), Mary Grace Erickson (Indiana Dairy Producers), MacKenzie McClain-Klein (Indiana Ayrshire Breeders), Taylor Pennington (Indiana Jersey Cattle Club), and Taylor Ritchie (Indiana Milking Shorthorn Association). 


Visit Our Bronze Sponsors 

Bronze Level
Click on above button!


IDP Corporate Sponsors
Indiana Dairy Transparent There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.


Support IDP  

Indiana Dairy Producers Logo

Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.   


We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Flickr Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
IDP Legal Hotline
Upcoming 2013 Events   
Sept. 5
Forage Management Workshop, Purdue ACRE Center, call Lisa Green at 888-EXT-INFO for more info or click here.


Oct. 1-5 World Dairy Expo,  Seminar & Virtual Tour Info, Dane County Expo Center, Madison, WI.

Oct. 1 Dairy Leaders Coalition Meeting, Madison, WI.

Oct. 25 IDP Partners in Success Luncheon, Indiana State Fair, 11-2.  



Nov. 6-8 Dairy Practices Council 44th Annual Conference, Harrisburg, PA, now featuring a Food Safety Workshop for Artisan Cheesemakers and on-farm and small-scale dairy processors. Click here for details.