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Gold Sponsors
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2011 IPDP Board of Directors
| Indiana Professional Dairy Producers |
IPDP Executive Board
Executive Director
Doug Leman
LuAnn Troxel
Vice President Ron Fuhrmann Hoagland 260-438-4940
Secretary Kelly Heckaman Kosciusko 574-527-3445
Treasurer Mike Schutz 765- 494-9478
Dave Forgey
Click on a name above to email an Executive Board Member
Board Members
Joe Hibshman Syracuse
Sarah Wagler Morgantown
Ben Rothert Seymour
Henk Sevenhuysen Goodland
Steve Obert Fort Branch Brian Huber St. Paul Industry Liz Kelsay ICMC/ISA J.J. Degan Cargill Animal Nutrition
Dr. Ken McGuffey McGuffey Dairy Consulting Todd Janzen, JD PSRB, LLP Tamilee Nennich Ph.D. Purdue University
Support IPDP
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We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IPDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to be a corporate sponsor of IPDP, download an information sheet here.
Individual membership in IPDP is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IPDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IPDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
Bronze Level
 IPDP is now offering a bronze level of sponsorship for $500. We sincerely appreciate any level of sponsorship for IPDP. Please click here to download a bronze sponsorship brochure. To view all corporate sponsorship levels, click here.

Click on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
NMPF Resource Manual

Visit the residue prevention page at National Milk Producers Federation by clicking the photo above.

Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.
It's June Dairy month! IPDP now represents over fifty percent of the cows in Indiana! We welcome each new member, thank you for your confidence in us, and we look forward to working with you. Since I now "get off the farm" and travel different areas of the state, I am discovering the beauties that our state has to offer, really enjoyable. I appreciate being welcomed to your farm when I show up. If I see a dairy farm, I have a habit of just stopping in. We would like to take the opportunity to welcome our two new Silver Sponsors: Castongia's, the John Deere dealership in Rensselaer, DeMotte, and Fowler, and Fair Oaks Farms, showing and telling the complete dairy story. Be sure to check out their websites. We will have a feature on Castongia's next time, but see the information on Fair Oaks Farms and their great interactive website below. Hopefully we will see many of you at the Nor-Bert Farm on June 18th for brunch and fellowship. Also be sure to "Save the date" of Aug 2nd and 3rd to take part in the Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange. A really good program is being planned to get out and enjoy food, fun, and fellowship with your fellow producers, extension personnel and industry sponsors. My contact information is or call me at (317) 695-8228. Be careful and God bless! Doug Leman IPDP Executive Director
IPDP Welcomes Fair Oaks Farms,
New Silver Sponsor
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A family destination conveniently located between Chicago and Indianapolis, Fair Oaks Farms is the perfect destination for any playful soul. Hang out with family and friends, chow down on the best grilled cheese sandwiches in the land, learn about sustainable dairy farming and watch a baby calf being born.
Visit or click on the logo to learn more about Fair Oaks Farms.
Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange August 2-3, IPDP Summer Tour Agenda
 | A view from last year's Kentuckiana exchange |
For the 4th year, the Kentucky and Indiana dairy industries have partnered to bring a unique summer dairy farm tour. Alternating between states, this year's tour brings us to the Fort Wayne area in Indiana. There will be opportunities to visit some well-managed dairy farms of various sizes and production methods. Our host farmers and Extension professionals will be able to answer questions. An evening dinner at Don Hall's Guesthouse will include a delicious meal, trade show, and educational topics brought to us by Kentucky Extension specialists. This 2-day event is open to the general public, but IPDP members can attend for the discounted price of $25, not including lodging. Click here for the preliminary Kentuckiana brochure. Please note that the schedule may still be adjusted slightly. If your company is interested in Kentuckiana sponsorship opportunities, please contact Doug Leman (317) 695-8228.
What are you doing on Saturday, June 18th?
We think you may enjoy visiting Nor-Bert's robotic dairy farm for June Dairy Month celebration in Bremen, Indiana on June 18th from 9-12 Eastern Time. This dairy has recently joined IPDP. Click on the June Dairy Brunch picture below for complete details for Brunch on the Farm.

 | Brother and sister team, Jennifer Freeman and Jeremy Dankert
Brunch on the Farm, Nor-Bert Robotic Dairy, Bremen, Indiana Saturday, June 18th 9-Noon Eastern Time! Everyone is invited for free brunch and a dairy farm tour!
Pfizer Animal Health partners with Indiana Professional Dairy Producers:
Antibiotic Residue Prevention Webinar
Friday, June 24th at 1 PM Eastern
After TV-13 WTHR, Indianapolis, launched an investigative report on the use of antibiotics on dairy farms (and then a more positive follow-up report here ), this highlighted the importance of residue prevention to dairy farmers and veterinarians here in Indiana. Please consider joining us for a 1 hour webinar featuring Dr. Mike Lormore and/or Dr. Dick Wallace from Pfizer Animal Health. Dr. Jon Townsend from Purdue University, and IPDP board members will participate, and you can too. Please register by sending an email to or call Doug Leman at 317-695-8228 and indicate your interest in the webinar. We will email specific webinar information. This webinar is free, but it is available to paid IPDP members only. To get the most out of the webinar and view the slides, it would be best if you had internet access at that time, However, it will be possible to call in over a phone line and hear the webinar. If you are not a current IPDP member, you can become a regular or associate member for $20. Click here to download a membership form.
We urge dairy farmers to visit Animal Health Institute website on food safety . The National Dairy Farm program has an excellent resource page on residue avoidance here. All dairy farmers are encouraged to keep accurate records, follow label directions, and work with their herd veterinarian to develop treatment protocols for their farms. Most importantly, verify that any animal is clear to sell before sending to market. 

Resources for Making Delayed Planting Decisions |
In light of the planting delays experienced in areas around the state and recognizing that most Hoosier farmers plant a corn and soybean mix, Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Corn Growers Association wanted to share a discussion paper from Dr. Art Barnaby of Kansas State University regarding prevented planting provisions in the federal crop insurance program. This is a timely paper that you may find useful as you are now in the process of deciding to file for prevented planting claims and/or the planting of another crop.
The Eastern Corn Belt is faced with prevented planting on corn. However, taking the prevented planting payment and leaving "black dirt" is not the only choice. Also if nothing is planted, farmers with enterprise units will have their premium doubled. Planting a "second" or alternative crop has some advantages, but the rules for planting an alternative crop on prevented planted acres are complicated.
There have been recent requests to extend the prevented planting date for corn of June 5th, but there have been no indications that an extension will be approved. Read more.  Other resources available: Purdue Extension Delayed Planting Season Webinar Recording Purdue's Chat 'n Chew Cafe: Hoosier Ag Today Article
PETA's Dairy Initiative
Get a bit of insight into People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' latest initiative for the dairy industry. Progressive Dairyman Magazine interviewed PETA's Jennifer Driscoll. Click here to read the interview.
Upcoming Events 2011
JUNEJune 8-10, Purdue 4-H Animal Sciences Workshop for Youth, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; Hands-on workshop for 4-H dairy project members featuring basic dairy management skills and up-to-date technology. Contact: Colleen Brady (765-494-8433) or Mike Schutz (765-494-9478).June 12-15 American Forage & Grassland Council Conference at French Lick Springs Hotel & Conference Center, French Lick, Indiana. Registration info, click here.June 16 IPDP Regular Board Meeting, MPSI Office 10 AM - 2 PM June 18 Brunch on the Farm, Norbert Dairy Farm, Bremen, Indiana, for info, contact Indiana Dairy Council at 317-842-3065 or click here.. June 28-29 79th Annual Indiana Farm Management tour Daviess, Knox and Sullivan Counties AUGUSTAugust 2-3, Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange, Northeastern, IN; Great opportunity to network with dairy farmers and industry and visit farms in the Fort Wayne general area. Please mark your calendar! Sponsorship opportunities available for this popular event. Please note that this is not a regional event--this is an everyone event. Contact: Tamilee Nennich (765-494-4823) or Mike Schutz (765-494-9478) or Doug Leman (317-695-8228). Download registration brochure.August 5-22, Indiana State Fair, Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, INAugust 13, Indiana 4-H Young Dairy Producer Contest and 4-H Junior Dairy Skillathon
Indiana Legislature Adjourned: This is a great time to learn to know your legislators!
Visit the Indiana Farm Bureau website to read public policy updates. Click here to get contact information of our Indiana State legislative public servants. Indiana's legislators listen to their constituents. Let yourself be heard on issues that are important to you. You can write to your Senator or Representative at the Statehouse, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, or you can call House members at 317-232-9600 and Senators at 317-232-9400.