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2012 Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
 | Indiana Dairy Producers |
IDP Executive Board
Click on a name below to email an Executive Board Member
Executive Director
Doug Leman
317 -695-8228
LuAnn Troxel
219 -508-3433
Vice President
Henk Sevenhuysen
Tamilee Nennich Ph.D.
Treasurer Mike Schutz Ph.D 765 -494-9478
Dave Forgey
574 -652-2461
Kelly Heckaman
Board Members Joe Hibshman Sarah Wagler Julie Bommer Steve Obert
Ranell Rexing
Brian Huber
Industry Advisers
Liz Kelsay
Dr. Ken McGuffey Todd Janzen, Attorney
Silver Sponsors
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Calf Notes and Links
LGM Dairy Education Info
Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Click on each logo to learn more.
NMPF Resource Manual

Visit the Residue Prevention Page at NMPF by clicking the photo above.

Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.
NEW! Click to read the July 2012 Dairy Market Report Click to read Projected MILC Payments |

on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
The Year of the Dairy Cow at Indiana State Fair is history! Our congratulations and thanks to Deb, Michelle and the whole staff at MPSI for a job well done! There was always something going on to promote dairy farming in Indiana! I would also like to thank Kaeb Sales for the donation of the model rotary parlor and Fair Oaks Farms for the donation of a new, life size, Holstein cow model. Both were donated to the Indiana State Fair as permanent additions for the ongoing education programs that they conduct throughout the year. We also had a wonderful time working together at the dairy bar, selling and serving the great milk shakes, cheese sandwiches, milk, cheese sticks, and hand dipped ice cream. We had so much fun that we plan to add another shift next year! We also supported the career change of dairy cows by working three shifts in the ICBA famous rib eye stand. Thanks to all who volunteered! As you can see, we really did have a lot of fun working together.
There were several excellent opportunities during the fair to present the dairy industry in Indiana. We spoke at the Ag Leaders meeting with Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman and at the Rural Caucus meeting with many state legislators. Once again, several of us took the opportunity to sit down with Joe Kelsay and his key staff at the Indiana State Department of Agriculture to drill deeper into the dairy industry. We are "thinking outside the box" and looking at ways to benefit each and every dairy farmer in Indiana. We have more meetings scheduled to continue on with our ideas to further the industry.
We had a great turnout for our special drought meeting. Special thanks to ISA, ICMC, and Purdue Extension for making this possible. More information that was presented at this important meeting appears below. I also enjoyed meeting and visiting with several of our members in the cattle barn. Great shows! Please give a warm Indiana Dairy welcome to Venture Milling, our newest Silver Sponsor! You can read about them below. Our sponsors are such an important part of our success. Please consider their products and services as you conduct dairy business! Last, but certainly not least, we want to offer our congratulations to LuAnn Troxel for being the recipient of the 2012 Purdue Women in Ag Leadership Award! She is not only the President of the IDP Board but she's also a tremendous spokesperson for the Indiana dairy industry. As always, if you have any dairy needs, call or text me at 317-695-8228 or email Be safe and God bless!
Doug Leman
Executive Director
Indiana Dairy Producers
Dairy Drought Meeting Offers Valuable Information on Aflatoxin and Nitrate Challenges
Indiana Dairy was grateful to offer some valuable information to dairy producers at the Indiana State Fair drought strategies meeting on August 14. A good number of attendees heard Dr. Tamilee Nennich address nitrate issues in corn and grain, and they also heard Dr. Jon Townsend discuss challenges in aflatoxin in grain. Advice in pricing silage, beanlage, and other unique feeding opportunities were presented. Click here for Purdue's dairy-specific drought resources page, including silage calculators. Some key learnings:
- Nitrates accumulate in the lower part of the cornstalk.
- Be extra careful feeding fresh green chop silage! Test for nitrates first.
- Proper silage fermentation reduces nitrates by 30-50%.
- If heifers or cows are placed out in cornfield stalks, be sure to have stalks tested for nitrates, and introduce slowly.
- This is the year to use silage innoculants.
- Before feeding, let silage ferment ideally for 28 days but a minimum of 14 days.
- Good packing, covering, and eliminating silage sitting in water will be even more important this year.
- Drought conditions increase the possibility of aflatoxins in grain, primarily corn, and certain aflatoxins are illegal in milk. Corn fed to dairy cows must be below 20 parts per billion of aflatoxin.
- Be aware that milk is already being tested for the presence of aflatoxins. The maximum tolerable level of aflatoxin in milk is under 0.5 parts per billion.
- High levels of aflatoxins can show up in cow's health in subtle ways such as poor hair coat, poor appetite, eventual fatty liver problems.
 | Nitrate testing by Drs. Schutz and Nennich |
To watch a full video of Dr. Nennich's presentation, click here. You can also watch Dr. Townsend's full presentation here. You may find it easier to view these presentations if you let the links buffer (open the link and be patient) before watching it. Please contact us if you have trouble viewing the information. Special thanks to Andy Tauer from Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Soybean Alliance, as well as Purdue Extension and their specialists who provide such good information. Additional drought resources can be viewed here.
Now is the Time Opinion by Dave Forgey

Dairy Policy is steeped in government involvement and purported manipulation from people and organizations with power over the system. We are in a unique time where we as dairy farmers could begin to change the past history and make things better for dairy producers. One opportunity exists as we work with our congressmen to develop the 2012 Farm Bill.
There is no question that Congress needs to cut the cost of the current Farm Bill. There are proposals from Ag Committees in both the Senate and the House that could do that. There is also a proposed amendment that would do that in the House that would need to come to the House Floor for a vote to become part of the House Farm Bill proposal. It's called the Goodlatte/Scott Amendment.
The proposals from the Senate and the House as well as the Goodlatte/Scott amendment have all been scored by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to reduce the dairy title funding over the next ten years. Please go here to compare the three plans.
All three plans are voluntary. All three plans ask for the elimination of the Dairy Product Price Support Program (DPPSP). All three ask for the elimination of the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) and the Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP). All three provide a Margin Insurance and you can note the premium rates on the attached link. They are all very similar especially at the $6.50 margin and above. Most of us would agree that a margin at that level or above is necessary for a profitable dairy industry.
Then note the things the Goodlatte/Scott amendment does not require. No supply management, no producer payment deductions, no new administrative fees and the amendment save $47 million dollars right in the middle of both the Senate's $59 million and House's $38 million versions. In my opinion, that's a move in the right direction as we begin the process of getting the government out of the dairy business.
If you agree with me, there is something you need to do to get this amendment in the 2012 Farm Bill. While the House of Representatives is on summer recess, contact your congressman personally and ask them to include the Goodlatte/Scott amendment in their version of the Farm Bill. Find out where they will be in your district during the recess and make personal contact. You can also reach their ag liaisons at the emails attached below. The betterment of the dairy industry starts with you contacting them.
Visclosky - Jim Bochnowski;
Donnelly - Chase Kitchen;
Stutzman -- John Hammond
Rokita - Megan Savage;
Burton - Phil Simshauser;
Pence - Ryan Jarmula;
Bucshon - Janelle Hervig;
Young - Emily Pickett;
Venture Milling is Indiana Dairy's Newest Silver Sponsor!
Venture Milling, Inc. has been providing specialized protein blends to the dairy industry for more than 20 years. Venture Milling's Precision Dairy Nutrition products utilize unique technology to ensure a concentrated and consistent supply of intestinally available amino acids.
Our revolutionary ProvAAl�, ProvAAl2™, and LysAAmet™ products offer consistent, highly concentrated, and balanced amino acid nutrition formulated specifically for the dairy feed industry to supply a consistent source of metabolizable protein and intestinally available lysine. Products within Venture Milling's product lines offer rumen protected methionine at a range of inclusion rates that afford the flexibility to have complete A.A. balanced diets from a single source protein supplement.
Backed by the substantial resources of Perdue AgriBusiness, our experienced sales and operations team will work with you to understand, and meet, your feed ingredient and formulation needs. Contact Glenn Smith at 502.680.2295 or visit us at to learn more about Venture Milling and Perdue AgriBusiness.
Study busts the myth linking early puberty in girls to milk
 Finally there is good evidence to bust the myth that we already knew wasn't true. Have you ever had people suggest that the onset of "precocious" or early puberty in girls was due to milk? Early puberty is not a myth, it's a very real phenomenon. However, linking this to drinking milk has been frustrating many dairy people. We are glad to see a study that tackles this issue. So what is the contributing culprit to early puberty? It's obesity! Read the full article with links to the research here.
New email listservs on Dairy Compost Bedded Pack Barns and Precision Dairy Farming
A new email discussion list focused on Dairy Compost Bedded Pack Barns has been established. If you are interested in discussing management of these barns or new research efforts with other users around the world, please sign up here. In addition, you can also participate in a new email discussion list focused on Precision Dairy Farming. If you are interested in receiving updates about this area or discussing new opportunities, please sign up here. Why not give it a try! It's also easy to unsubscribe.
National Milk Urges Passage of Farm Bill
National Milk Producers Federation issued a press release urging passage of the Farm Bill without delay. They have joined with a nearly 40 member coalition to launch a website with information about why this issue is important to every American. You can visit for more information.
Congratulations to 2012 Dairy Princess
 | Annie Achen
Milk Promotion Services of Indiana conducts a dairy princess scholarship program and contest each year. This year, the 2012 Dairy Princess is Annie Achen, daughter of Dr. Craig and Cindy Achen of Benton Dairy. Emily is a very articulate and passionate spokesperson for the dairy industry. We look forward to seeing her at various functions throughout the state in the coming year.   | Emily Erickson |
The Indiana Dairy Producers were happy to sponsor Emily Erickson, an outstanding young lady with a passion for agriculture. Emily resides in Clarks Hill, Indiana, and she is the daughter of Bruce and Kathleen Erickson. Emily was named the outstanding freshman at Purdue University in the college of Agriculture for 2011-2012! Emily plans to pursue a degree in a dairy-related field and eventually raise a family that is surrounded and supported by agriculture. Following a personal interview, Emily spoke on the nutrition, versatility and sustainability of dairy. Congratulations to both girls on a job well done. What an amazing future lies ahead for both of these outstanding young ladies!
AVMA calls animal abuse "inhumane and unacceptable"
The AVMA strongly condemns recently released video showing the inhumane treatment of cows at a California slaughterhouse and is calling for stricter adherence to humane animal handling guidelines and standards.
The AVMA labeled the abuse, which includes cows being pulled by their tails, kicked, and repeatedly shocked, as indefensible and deplorable.
"Once again, we are confronted with video showing unacceptable and inhumane treatment of livestock by those responsible for their care," said Dr. Ron DeHaven, chief executive officer of the AVMA. "We hope that those responsible are brought to justice, and that their punishment will serve as a reminder that this type of abuse will not be tolerated by either veterinarians or the American public."
The undercover video, taped in June at Central Valley Meat Co. in Hanford, Calif., was shot by an animal rights group. Officials from the U.S. Department of Agriculture suspended operations at the facility on Monday, and the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service is conducting an investigation into the allegations. Read more.
Follow-Up Marketing Meetings after Chicago Mercantile Tour
 Indiana Dairy Producers and Stewart-Peterson have been looking into the opportunity for some Power-Hour Meetings to be held around the state, as discussed during the June CME Tour. Dates have not yet been set; we are waiting to see how harvest goes and try to set dates that will happen soon after harvest is finished. These meetings will consist of a meal followed by a discussion-type meeting, not lasting more than 90 minutes. We will be inviting IDP members along with key team members (lender, nutritionist, manager, etc...) as well as any of our interested sponsors. We are looking to potentially have four locations for these meetings. Call Doug at 317-695-8228 with thoughts or questions. Until then, with all that is happening, don't hesitate to give Mike Rusch from Stewart-Peterson a call at 262-483-1338 with any marketing questions. Be watching for more information! You may have seen Indiana Dairy and the CME tour featured in an article in the most recent Progressive Dairyman! You can read the article online here.
Congratulations to IDP Board Member and New Mom, Liz Woodruff Kelsay
We want to take an "official" opportunity to congratulate our Indiana Dairy Producer board member, Liz Kelsay, on the safe arrival of their first child, a little boy named Rhett Oliver Kelsay. We are so happy for you, Liz and Russ!
Important Drought Resources for Indiana
 The drought impact in Indiana is so severe in many areas within Indiana. Please take some time to read valuable drought information that Purdue University has provided for this difficult time. Many dairy farmers will be presented with opportunities to salvage feed from neighbors and some unusual sources. Purdue University has organized feed pricing calculators, warnings, and more. Please visit three valuable websites: Dairy Specific Drought Information General Livestock InformationPurdue Drought Page |
Grazing 102 Conference at SIPAC
 Anyone involved in grazing that wants to understand some of the fundamentally important concepts to make a Management Intensive Grazing program work in their own operation should attend the upcoming Grazing 102 Conference on September 14-15, 2012. This conference will be held in Dubois, Indiana, at the Southern Indiana Purdue Ag Center. Full details are available here.
Wagler Farms Ice Cream Social
Saturday, August 25
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The public is invited to Wagler Farms in Brown County for a Country Ice Cream Social!
Saturday, August 25 from 5-8:30 PM
Clickhere for more details!
Support IDP
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to support IDP's efforts in Indiana, download an information sheet here.
Visit Our Bronze Sponsors
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IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
Upcoming 2012 Events
August 25 Wagler Farms Ice Cream Social Details
Sept. 14-15 Grazing 102 conference at the Southern Indiana Purdue Ag Center, full details here.
Sept. 24 Regular IDP Board Meeting, MPSI Office 10-3 Eastern Time
October 2-6 World Dairy Expo, Madison Wisconsin Expo website
November 9 3rd Annual Partners in Success Luncheon, 11 AM - 2 PM at the Indiana Corn/Indiana Soybean Offices in Indianapolis