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Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
Dave Forgey
Joe Hibshman
Sarah Wagler Julie Bommer Brian Huber
Brian Houin
Cory Craig
Industry Advisers
Kelly Heckaman
Andy Tauer
Dr. Ken McGuffey
Todd Janzen, Attorney
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
RESOURCE CENTER Click on each picture or logo to learn more
 | Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website |
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NMPF Resource Manual also Animal Care Training Videos and Johnes Assessment Info 
Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care. |
IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
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on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
Greetings! We all returned safe and sound from the trade mission to Asia; a very busy but enjoyable trip. We learned about what they are producing, what they perceive their needs to be and what we perceive their needs to be. Many good relationships were established and we hope to continue to make progress through them. Interestingly, although Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are such small countries, they rank in the top seven countries importing agriculture products from the US! We have a couple of events coming up real soon that need your immediate attention! First, the Kentuckiana is July 29-30. Hotel reservations need to be made now as the rate has been extended through July 20! After making your hotel reservation, call me and let me know so I can get you on the bus list and find out where to pick you up. We will be visiting five unique dairy farms and learning about the dairy industry in England along with lameness management from Dr. Nicola Blackie, the banquet speaker. Check it all out on the brochure, hope you can join us! The Indiana State Fair begins on August 1st! IDP will again be serving wonderful dairy products at the always-busy dairy bar. If you would like to participate, please give me a call immediately so I can send you fair tickets. We will be serving from 7 pm through closing each Friday, Aug. 1st, 8th, and 15th. It is always an enjoyable time working together and I can assure you that you will not leave hungry. I still have a few slots open for the 1st and 15th so let me know! Hope to see you at one of our events coming up or at the State Fair. Please don't hesitate to contact me for any dairy need at 317-695-8228 or email at dougleman@indianadairy.org. Be careful and God bless!
Doug Leman, Executive Director
Indiana Dairy Producers
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Trade Mission to Asia
by Doug Leman, IDP Executive Director
 | LG Ellspermann, Japanese Dairy Farmer Norio Shinoda, Leman (photo credit, office of Lieutenant Governor) |
Because of my position as Executive Director of Indiana Dairy Producers, I was honored and privileged to be invited to take part in the Lt. Governor's 2014 Indiana Agriculture Trade Mission to Asia to represent the Indiana dairy industry. Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan were the countries on our agenda. To put the countries in perspective, I would like to compare each to Indiana. Japan is roughly 4 times the size of IN with 20 times the population, South Korea is comparable in size to IN with a little under 5 times the population, and Taiwan is about a third of the size of IN with almost 3.5 times as many people, seems quite amazing to me. This fact alone lends to their dependency and continuing need to import food, currently each ranking in the top seven for Ag exports from the US. We traveled with Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann, her husband and some staff along with several from ISDA along with the Director, Ted McKinney. Ag was very well represented by the remainder of the group. We got to know each other very well over the two week period that we were together!
One of the highlights of the trip for me was a dairy farm visit. We only toured one farm during our trade mission, and it happened to be a dairy farm in Japan! We were given a tour by the owner of the farm along with a translator. They milk 2500 cows in twin double 25 parallel parlors, housed in compost barns with drive thru feed allies. He imports all the feed except for a small amount of corn silage, pineapple waste, and what appeared to be some wet brewers, all fed in a TMR. He buys all his replacements as springers from the US. With the value of beef, he breeds everything back to Wagyu - utilizing motion detection and visual observation for heat detection, feeding the resulting F1 crossbreds out on another farm. According to my translating of the figures, his production is around 17,600 pounds with 115,000 SCC, currently getting around $45 per cwt! It appeared to be a very well-run farm and he is hoping to visit us in Indiana in the not too distant future. Read more.
Kentuckiana hotel registration extended, but register today for July 29-30 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange!
IDP is excited to bring another great opportunity for dairy farmers and industry folks who are wanting to expand their horizons and visit some dairy farms! Kentuckiana 2014 will take us to Taylor, Green and Adair Counties in Kentucky! Our friends in Kentucky have put a great tour together, featuring 5 of Kentucky's very best dairies. IDP has organized bus transportation, leaving Lafayette at 7 AM Eastern Time on Tuesday, July 29, also making a stop in Whiteland at Kelsay's Dairy at 8:30. If needed, depending on registrations, other stops may be added as we head south through Indiana. Remember, some of the very best take-aways from these tours are the conversations on the bus! The cost is $100 for the first farm/business member and $75 for additional members. The registration fee covers transportation, dinner on July 29 and lunch on July 30. The Kentuckiana will include an evening dinner and educational program at Taylor County Extension Office. The evening speaker is Dr. Nicola Blackie, a lecturer at Writtle College in England. She will be presenting about the dairy industry in England along with her work on managing lameness in dairy cattle. Participants are responsible for their own lodging reservations. A special rate has been negotiated at Best Western Campbellsville Inn of $76.49. This rate has been extended until July 20, so make your reservation and ask for the "Dairy Exchange" rate. Call them at 270-465-7001. Download a Kentuckiana brochure with full details here and hold your spot by calling Doug Leman at 317-695-8228. IDP now accepts credit cards on site, in addition to cash and checks.
IDEM Top 10 Violations
 Steven Howell, IDEM Director of the Office of Government and Community Affairs, has put this Top 10 list of CFO violations. This covers all livestock sectors, not just the dairy industry, but it may be valuable to see what the main issues are. - Lack annual manure test - analysis not for current year (22 violations).
- Incomplete land application records - missing application calculations or not updated for P (16 violations).
- Completing weekly inspections - have not changed inspection routine to current rule frequency (11 violations).
- Current approval not in operating record (9 violations).
- Do not have valid approval - compliance initiative to inspect all farms whose approval had expired over the past year and not renewed (9 violations).
- Lack current soil tests - soil test not available at the time of the inspection or have not been updated (9 violations).
- Storm water certification not in operating record (8 violations).
- Operation and maintenance violations - missing freeboard markers, lids not on pump out ports or mowing, seeding and grading maintenance are needed (7 violations).
- Weekly inspection records are missing in operating record - are conducting inspections based on incomplete records but do not have current record on site (6 violations).
- No information sheet for marketed and distributed manure in operation record (5 violations).
The top 10 violations list is based on 318 inspections conducted from 10/1/13 through 3/31/14 at 275 facilities. Overall for these 275 facilities only 70 facilities were cited for a total of 153 violations.
Introduction to Genomics 2nd of 2 articles from Zoetis Animal Health
When our grandparents were milking cows several decades ago, milking by hand was all that was available. Given the productivity of the cows, the way in which milk was handled and the available labor, milking by hand was an adequate practice. Over time, technology kept pace with industry changes-and producer demand-so that milk harvest is now much more efficient and effective.
The same principles can be applied to genetic selection. When genetic predictions were first made available on females, parent average (PA) was the best resource to help dairy producers make and measure genetic improvement. And it was simple-mating a cow with a Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) of +200 pounds of milk to a bull with a PTA of +1200 pounds resulted in an offspring with a parent average of +700 pounds. The reliability of that result varied between 25 and 30 percent depending on available pedigree information and reliabilities of the sire and dam. It was a simple mathematical average-a best guess-and represented a simple approach to selection. That's like trying to forward contract corn with only a small portion of the information you need to make the right decision.
Today, CLARIFIDE� Genomic Predicted Transmitting Ability (GPTA) results, calculated through the USDA-Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding dairy genetic evaluation, give a much more accurate picture of an animal's true ability:
- Average reliability values for heifers tested with CLARIFIDE are around 70 percent for milk production. If we think of reliability in terms of daughter offspring equivalents, a reliability of 70 percent for milk is equivalent to using roughly 9 daughter milk records in computing milk PTA1. Other important traits such as Productive Life (PL) and Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR) require significantly more daughter records to match CLARIFIDE reliability. Using CLARIFIDE saves valuable time in making more accurate and reliable selection decisions.
- CLARIFIDE additionally provides the opportunity to confirm or correct parentage information. An analysis of Zoetis customer data indicates that parentage information is wrong in about 15 percent of test requests and, in some herds, can run much higher. In those instances, PA uses incorrect information to predict performance and certainly lowers the dependability of decisions being made.
- CLARIFIDE GPTAs are available for any tested heifer, even those without known or confirmed parentage, and can provide helpful information on purchased heifers. Because PA requires some form of parent identification, PA may not always be available. If the dam, and therefore maternal grandsire, are unknown, or if the sire lacks a proof which is often the case in herds using natural service sires, then PA will not be available for these heifers.
Like milking by hand, when PA was all that was available, it served its purpose. But technology has advanced to match a changing industry, making CLARIFIDE results a more effective resource to aid producers in making enhanced breeding and herd management decisions.
1Source: USDA-CDCB Evaluation for CLARIFIDE-Tested Holstein Females ≤12 Months of Age as of April 2014.
Check-off Update from American Dairy Association Indiana
by Jackie Barber
 If you come to the Indiana State Fair, make sure not to miss the Indiana State Fair Dairy Bar, run by the American Dairy Association Indiana. This year's featured foods are a Salted Chocolate Carmel Milkshake and the "Colossal" Grilled Cheese-a grilled cheese sandwich stuffed with three mozzarella sticks (pictured). The Dairy Bar continues to offer milkshakes, hand dipped ice cream, grilled cheese, mozzarella sticks, white and chocolate milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, and more! Whether for a meal, a sweet treat, or a light snack-don't miss the Dairy Bar! (Dairy farmers should all have received coupons in the mail for the Dairy Bar, if you did not, please contact Jackie at 317-842-3060 or barber@winnersdrinkmilk.com to update your address.) There are other places to catch dairy promotion in action at the State Fair-make sure to check out the milking demonstrations in the Cattle Barn (West Pavilion), daily dairy demonstrations at 2 p.m. in the Dupont Food Pavilion, the dairy float in the daily parade at 6 p.m., and the massive Cheese Sculpture in the Dupont Food Pavilion. Your dairy checkoff also organizes the Indiana Dairy Princess contest-the 2014-2015 Indiana Dairy Princess and court will be introduced following the Dairy Open Show's Supreme Cow Award. If you have any questions about your checkoff investment, please contact Jackie Barber at 317-842-3060 or barber@winnersdrinkmilk.com. See you at the fair!
Extreme Caution Urged When Hiring: How to identify an undercover activist from the Animal Ag Alliance
Watch for red flags!Below are some common behaviors exhibited by activists seeking access to livestock operations: Generally young, between the ages of 18 and 30, and are often Caucasian. Volunteering for jobs before or after normal business hours. Befriending or mingling with upper management--asking questions about operations including security matters or time schedules. Seeking employment in jobs below their skill or education level; demonstrating previous jobs or experiences out of character for the job they were seeking. Volunteering for jobs that are less desirable, but would provide them access to the animals. Seeking employment with no pay--so they can "learn more about the business before committing to that field" either with regard to their education or possibly before starting their own business. Using an out-of-state driver's license or college ID. click here to read more and see pictures of known undercover activists who have been hired by livestock producers in the past.
Milk Price Game Changer
John Geuss
 | Skim Milk Powder
Fundamental changes in what drives U.S. dairy industry prices are happening quickly. The changes from fluid milk to processed products like cheese and yogurt have been going on for decades. The change from a domestic market to global market is newer, and more complex. The amount of NDM/SMP produced is growing as fast or faster than yogurt or cheese. The big difference is that the majority (52% YTD) is exported. That means that the price is not determined domestically, but internationally. Read more.
Bob Jones, former ISDA secretary, passes
Bob Jones of Rossville, former executive secretary of the Indiana State Dairy Association, passed away on July 8. Bob was 82. We would like to express our deep appreciation to Bob's family for his many contributions to the dairy industry. You can read his obituary here.
Upcoming 2014 Events
July is County Fair Month! Click here to view Indiana County Fair dates.
July 29-30 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange in Kentucky, Download brochure here.
Aug. 1-17 Indiana State Fair official website
Aug 1. IDP shift at State Fair Dairy Bar 7-10:30 pm
Aug. 8 Next IDP Board Meeting 10 AM State Fairgrounds BOAH Office, no industry updates.
Aug. 8 IDP shift at State Fair Dairy Bar 7-10:30 pm
Aug. 15 IDP shift at State Fair Dairy Bar 7-10:30 pm
Please contact Doug if you are interested in working an IDP shift at the state fair! 317-695-8228.