Indiana Professional Dairy Producers
"Serving the Dairy Producers of Indiana"
FFebruary 8, 2011
Frestall Feeding Lane
Freestall Feeding Lane
Mission Statement

To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.  


Indiana Professional Dairy Producers


     Welcome to this issue of the IPDP Electronic Newsletter. We encourage you to attend one of 5 regional dairy meetings held throughout Indiana. Relevant dairy information, presented by Purdue University Extension Specialists, industry experts, and IPDP Executive Board members will keep you current on the dairy industry.
     We had a large crowd at the IPDP annual meeting, which was held during the Indiana Livestock Forage and Grain Forum. If you invested time by attending the day's events, we think you will agree that it was well worth it.
     A few weeks ago, Butch Mercer terminated his contract as IPDP executive director. However, a very engaged board of directors, excellent industry support, and improving milk prices gives us great optimism for the future of IPDP.
     We are especially thankful for your support of Indiana Professional Dairy Producers. Dues renewal notices were mailed recently, and your 2011 renewal is really appreciated. If you are not currently an IPDP member, we would be delighted if you would download a membership form and send in your $20 individual membership dues. Thank you sincerely.

LuAnn Troxel,

Which IPDP Regional

Dairy Meeting Will You Attend? 

Goshen Regional Dairy Meeting


2011 Meeting Dates and Locations 9 AM - 2:30 PM  

Includes Lunch

Times are EST except for Warrenton, which is CST 


        Goshen-February 22

               Elkhart County 4-H Fairgrounds


        Decatur-February 23

               Back 40 Junction Restaurant


        Warrenton-March 1

               The Log Inn


        Columbus-March 2

               Bartholomew County 4-H Fairgrounds


        Rockville-March 3

               Parke County Fairgrounds


Each paid IPDP membership includes one free meeting registration, including lunch.We appreciate our sponsors in helping defray the meeting expenses, including Diamond V and Dairy Farmers of America.


For meeting brochure, agenda, location addresses and registration information, click here.  

Questions or to RSVP, email

Dr. Mike Schutz. 



IPDP Board Members Elected at Annual Meeting


The IPDP Annual Meeting was held on January 28th, and the room was packed with IPDP members and forum attendees interested in Indiana's dairy industry. At that meeting, new board members were elected. Brian Huber is a dairy farmer from St. Paul, Indiana and he was elected to replace Garry Arnholt. Steve Obert is a dairy farmer from Fort Branch, Indiana and he was elected to replace Mark Rauscher. Both Garry and Mark have served 2 consecutive 3-year terms on the board. Also, Henk Sevenhuysen and LuAnn Troxel were re-elected to serve a second term. We would like to sincerely thank Garry and Mark for their volunteer service to Indiana Professional Dairy Producers.

Garry Arnholt Mark Rauscher Recognition
Garry Arnholt and Mark Rauscher are recognized by IPDP President, LuAnn Troxel


Brian Rexing, Gibson County Dairy Producer, is the 2011 Outstanding Dairy Producer of the Year



IPDP chooses an outstanding dairy producer each year based on nominations requested from its membership and industry supporters. The nominations are then reviewed by Purdue University Extension specialists and the industry advisers of the organization. It is a goal of IPDP to recognize excellence in dairy farming and highlight this achievement to the community. Brian was awarded a plaque at the IPDP annual meeting held in conjunction with the Livestock, Forage and Grain Forum in Indianapolis on January 28, 2011.


Read the full article here


Brian Rexing, 2011 Dairy Producer of the Year

2011 Outstanding Dairy Producer of the Year

IPDP 2011 Young Dairy Producers of the Year: Kerry and Christiana Estes of Fountaintown


This award  seeks to recognize dairy excellence in producers that are early in their career, generally under 35 years of age. This year, IPDP was pleased to receive a number of very qualified nominations. It is an encouragement to have energetic early career dairy farmers who truly seek to produce excellent quality, nutritious, affordable dairy products.  Read more about the Estes family here.  

Kerry and Christiana Estes

2011 Young Dairy Producers of the Year

REMINDER, all farms holding a CAFO permit during calendar year 2010 are required to submit an annual report to IDEM by February 15th

Link to a PDF version of the form is below.  If you would like a Word version which you can fill in, please send your request to IPDP Information and it will be sent to you promptly.

CAFO Form 52510

2011 IDEM Self Inspection Sheets 

Read the letter to IPDP members from Andy Bauer, Agriculture Liaison, Indiana Department of Environmental Management regarding the 2011 Self inspection Sheets.

IPDP Letter From Andy Tauer, IDEM
2011 IDEM Self Inspection Sheets

If you have questions about this, please contact IPDP Information.

2011 Indiana Milk Quality Conference Registration
The 2011 Indiana Milk Quality Conference will be held April 12 and 13, 2011 at Don Hall's Guesthouse in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Dairy producers are encouraged to attend this event.
View the conference agenda
View the Milk Quality Conference Registration 



Scholarship Corner Farm Credit Services of Mid-America
IPDP Silver Sponsor, Farm Credit Services of Mid-America, will be awarding scholarships to Farm Credit customers, Customer's spouse or children who are college students enrolled in agriculture and business programs. Individual awards will range from $1,000 to $1,500. More information and a scholarship application is available here or call Farm Credit Services of Mid-America at 800-444-FARM. The application must be postmarked by Monday, February 28, 2011.

IPDP Silver Sponsor, ForeForemostFarmsmost Farms USA, is offering $2000 scholarships to member-owners and children of member-owners who are pursuing a degree in agriculture. Scholarship information is available here or call 800-362-9196 ext. 8798. The Foremost Scholarship deadline is February 25, 2011.


Cargill Animal Nutrition

Cargill is offering scholarships to high school seniors who are living in communities near Cargill operations. They will be awarding 350 $1000 scholarships to selected and motivated students who fill out an application. But there's not much time. These applications must be submitted by February 15, 2011. More information is available here

Mysterious Cow Deaths Explained by Potatoes
You may have heard about 200 steers in Wisconsin that were found dead in a pasture in January. This event caused much concern by people who wondered if this could be linked to reports of unexplained fish kills in Maryland and Arkansas and bird deaths in Louisiana. Some initial reports also suspected Bovine IBR disease.The Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Lab was able to determine the cause of death recently, and linked it to mycotoxins in sweet potatoes that were fed to the steers. Read more...

New York Times Discusses Antibiotics in Milk; NMPF Counters


Antibiotics are a hot topic and we will see changes in antibiotic usage in the dairy industry, most experts believe.  A recent article appeared in the New York Times that could cause some confusion. The FDA considered an antibiotic residue testing program which is currently being postponed. One thing we do know for sure, the scrutiny on antibiotic usage in food producing animals is only going to increase. Implementing strong record systems on our individual farms is imperative. Perhaps this is an excellent time to ask your veterinarian to review your current antibiotic protocols and record keeping.  Click

here to read about the article. 

IPDP Membership 

Did you know that your IPDP membership provides you with:

  • Opportunities to network with other professional dairy producers from around the state.
  • Encourage open exchange of ideas and learn new approaches to the most challenging dairy farm management decisions.
  • Allow you to get on the "ground floor" in determining relevant IPDPtopics facing dairy managers and securing appropriate speakers to tackle those topics at educational meetings
  • Notify you through IPDP newletters of upcoming events and educational opportunities that will help you to be a better dairy producer.
  • Be a sounding board to solving key problems that face Indiana dairy producers.
Your IPDP membership is your connection to:
  • Indiana Creamery License Division 
  • Indiana Board of Animal Health
  • Indiana Department of Environmental Management
  • Indiana State Department of Agriculture
  • Indiana Beef Cattle Association
  • Milk Promotion Services of Indiana
  • Growing Indiana Ag (GINA)
Encourage Others To Join IPDP Today...
Just click
Upcoming Events

February 16 Regular IPDP Board Meeting at MPSI office, 10 - 2 PM.
February 17
,Annie's Project, Session 6 of 6, Risk management workshops for farm women. Contact: Kelly Heckaman (574-372-2340)
February 22, IPDP Regional Meeting, Goshen, Educational program on topics of current interest in dairy production. Special emphasis on managing feed costs, forage utilization, and calf management. Contact: County Extension offices, Mike Schutz (765-494-9478) or Tamilee Nennich (765-494-4823)
February 23, IPDP Regional Meeting, Decatur, IN
February 24-25, Midwest Women in Ag Conference, Hilton Indianapolis North, Indianapolis, IN; Contact: Kelly Heckaman (574-372-2340).
February 24-25, USDA 2011 Ag Outlook Forum, Arlington, VA

March 1, DAIReXNET Webinar: Environmental Nitrogen Issues
March 1, IPDP Regional Meeting, Warrenton, IN
March 2, IPDP Regional Meeting, Columbus, IN
March 3, IPDP Regional Meeting, Rockville, IN
March 9-11, Western Dairy Management Conference, John Ascuagas's Nugget, Reno, Nevada

April 4, DAIReXNET Webinar: Air Quality
April 12-13, Indiana Milk Quality Conference, Fort Wayne, IN; Contact: Mike Schutz (765-494-9478).
April 19-20, Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wayne, IN
April 30, Purdue Dairy Club Spring Calf Sale, Animal Sciences Research and Education Center; Calf and heifer sale.Contact: Steve Hendress (765-583-2526).

May 21, Indiana State 4-H and FFA Dairy Judging Contest, Purdue University. Contact: Carl Broady (765-494-8435).

June 8-10, Purdue 4-H Animal Sciences Workshop for Youth, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; Hands-on workshop for 4-H dairy project members featuring basic dairy management skills and up-to-date technology. Contact: Colleen Brady (765-494-8433) or Mike Schutz (765-494-9478).

August 2-3, Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange, Northeastern, IN;Event designed to bring dairy producers and industry professionals together to learn more about the many facets of the dairy industry. Contact: Tamilee Nennich (765-494-4823) or Mike Schutz (765-494-9478).
August 5-22, Indiana State Fair, Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, IN
August 13, Indiana 4-H Young Dairy Producer Contest and 4-H Junior Dairy Skillathon

Dairy Industry News  
Contacting Your Indiana Legislator IN State Courthouse

With the Indiana Legislature now in session, you can find out information on who your representatives are at the following website:  http://www.in.gov/legislative

Issue: 8
Calf Winter Scene
In This Issue
IPDP Regional Dairy Meetings
IPDP Producer Awards
CAFO Permits Due
IDEM Self Inspection Sheets
Milk Quality Conference
Scholarship Corner
IPDP Membership
Upcoming Events
Dairy Industry News
Contacting Your Legislator

  Platinum Sponsors
Byron Seeds 

Indiana Farm Bureau
Indiana Corn Maketing Council
Indiana Dairy Council
Indiana Soybean

Gold Sponsors
Kalmbach Feeds

Kaeb Sales Logo
Kaeb Sales

27481 CR 40

Wakarusa, IN 46573


Silver Sponsors

Cargill Animal Nutrition
Farm Credit Services
Pfizer AH
Become An IPDP Corporate Sponsor Today!

Corporate Sponsorship Application

Get your message out to Indiana dairy producers today. The investment you make in IPDP will pay rewards in the years ahead!
2011 IPDP Board
of Directors

Indiana Professional Dairy Producers

IPDP Executive Board 



LuAnn Troxel



Vice President
Ron Fuhrmann

Kelly Heckaman


Mike Schutz
765- 494-9478


Dave Forgey



Click on a name above to email an Executive Board Member

Board Members

 Joe Hibshman

Sarah Wagler

Ben Rothert

Henk Sevenhuysen

Steve Obert

Fort Branch


Brian Huber

St. Paul




J.J. Degan
Cargill Animal Nutrition

Dr. Ken McGuffey
McGuffey Dairy Consulting

Tamilee Nennich Ph.D.
Purdue University 


Here we share with
you resource links from throughout the industry where you may find useful tools and information for your business.

Dairy Cattle VideosDairy Cows On Pasture
American Dairy Cattle Video Directory contains visual demonstrations of dairy cattle products for dairy cow herds and the dairy farm industry. Browse the directory to see different products that can increase your dairy production.

Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Innovation Center

Through the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, the entire dairy industry - from farm to fridge - is working together to foster innovation and give consumers more of what they want, when and where they want
it. Through this industry wide partnership, we can more effectively deliver nutritious dairy foods, beverages and ingredients for the health of people, communities and the earth. Click on the
logo to learn more.

Dairy Farming Today
Click on the icon to see Virtual Video Tours and other dairy related videos and information.

Best In Class Dairy Training Video by Merial

NMPF Resource Manual

Residue Prevention
Download a copy by clicking on the photo above.

The newly revised
Milk and Dairy Beef
Drug Residue
Prevention Manual

is a concise review of
judicious use of antibiotics in dairy animals. The manual is a quick resource to review those antibiotics approved for dairy animals and can also be used as an educational tool
and resource for farm
managers as they
develop their on-farm
best management
practices necessary
to avoid milk and
meat residues.

Heifer Resource Center
Dairy Herd Management
Heifer Resource Center

Mastitis Resource Center
Dairy Herd Management
Mastitis Resource Center

Cows Eating Hay
Dairy Herd Management Nutrition Management Center

Hispanic Resource Center
Dairy Herd Management
Manejo Lechero
Hispanic Resource Center


Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business
management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.

Please click on the Archive button to access previous issues of E-Update and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends

National Industry Links

National Milk Producers Federation

National Dairy Farm Program

Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (DCHA)

Young Dairy Leaders Institute

Regional Industry Links

Midwest Dairy Assn.

New England Dairy Council

Northeast Dairy Producers Association (NEDPA)

Southeast United Dairy Industry Association

Southwest Dairy Farmers Association

Western Dairy Association

Industry Organizations

American Dairy Science Association

NMC (formerly National Mastitis Council)

American Association of Bovine Practitioners

Statistics and Resources

National Agricultural Statistics Service

National Association of Animal Breeders

Milk Promotion & Marketing

American Dairy Association and Dairy Council

Dairy Management Inc (DMI)

U.S. Breed Associations

Ayrshire Breeders' Association

Brown Swiss Association

American Guernsey Association

Holstein Association USA

American Jersey Cattle Association

American Milking Shorthorn Society

Red and White Dairy Cattle Association

Indiana Professional Dairy Producers
125 South Russell Street #105
West Lafayette, IN  47907
Phone: (317) 695-8228