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NEW! Click to read the August 2012 Dairy Market Report Click to read Projected MILC Payments |
2012 Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
| Indiana Dairy Producers |
IDP Executive Board
Click on a name below to email an Executive Board Member
Executive Director
Doug Leman
LuAnn Troxel
Vice President
Henk Sevenhuysen
Tamilee Nennich Ph.D.
Treasurer Mike Schutz Ph.D 765-494-9478
Dave Forgey
Kelly Heckaman
Board Members Joe Hibshman Sarah Wagler Julie Bommer Steve Obert
Ranell Rexing
Brian Huber
Industry Advisers
Liz Kelsay
Dr. Ken McGuffey Todd Janzen, Attorney
Checklist for the Top 5 Priorities for Fall/Winter Dairy Feeding Programs |  | Please click here for good resources on strategies for feeding dairy cows this fall and winter!
Silver Sponsors
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IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
It was great to see several of our producers as I spent several days in southern Indiana doing a road trip. Thanks for welcoming me onto your farms and taking time to discuss your livelihood with me. I would also like to thank and welcome our new IDP members; we look forward to working with all of you. We are pleased to welcome new Bronze level sponsor Renaissance Nutrition based in Roaring Springs, PA and doing business here in Indiana. Longtime sponsor and supporter, Dairy Farmers of America has decided to become an even larger supporter of IDP by moving to Gold! DFA, we are so grateful for the confidence you have placed in us! Silage, alfalfa, corn, and soybeans are all being harvested now throughout the state. Yields and quality vary widely after the drought this summer. There are definitely going to be some challenges in feeding your cows in the next year. We will continue to provide information to help you make informed decisions. As we enjoy this beautiful weather and seeing green again, it does bring renewed hope to those I have been visiting. Along with the busyness of harvest, take the extra time to be safe and enjoy it. One careless move or shortcut can change a family forever. As always, if you have any dairy needs, call or text me at 317-695-8228 or email On a personal note, I would like to thank the many who remembered my wife and family since the recent loss of my mother-in-law. We were very thankful that she was able to go so peacefully. Take care and God bless!
Doug Leman
Executive Director
Indiana Dairy Producers
Vilsack says Farm Bill delays will impact dairy
 O K Henderson, KMA news US Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says a temporary extension of the current Farm Bill could be devastating to the nation's dairy farmers. Congress has been unable to pass a new, five-year Farm Bill and some lawmakers have suggested passing a three-month, six-month or year-long extension of the current Farm Bill as a stop-gap measure. Vilsack says that won't work for the dairy industry. "We have in place right now a process in which when prices are such that payments go out to producers," Vilsack says. "These payments, because of the way in which the 2008 bill was structured, have substantially decreased in value this month. An extension will essentially bring that program back at September levels, not August levels." The Milk Income Loss Contract or MILC kicks in when the price of milk falls below a certain price - and that price floor fluctuates monthly. "The difference is this: let's say you extend it for three months. Under the old MILC program there'd be about $345 million that'd be going out over the next three months to producers, (but) under the September numbers - zero," Vilsack says. "So it's a huge hit to dairy at a time when dairy is really struggling." Read moreHere's more on the subject from Feedstuffs, Sept. 17: With hopes rapidly fading for a new Farm bill before the current one expires at the end of September, dairy policy leaders in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House -- led by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.) and Rep. Peter Welch (D., Vt.) and joined by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) -- are pushing for a temporary fix for the dairy safety net until the new dairy program that is included in both the Senate and House versions of the farm bill becomes law and can be put in place by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Senate and House farm bills both would end the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) program and replace it with a new insurance program for the nation's dairy farmers to discourage oversupply of milk. The new approach would help break the harmful cycle of rollercoaster milk prices, when supply and demand get too far out of synch. The new farm bill was to have been enacted by the time current farm programs expire on Sept. 30. But with only days to go until the deadline, the House has yet to act on its version of a new farm bill. The Senate passed its version on June 21, with a strong bipartisan vote of 64 to 35. Meanwhile, parts of the MILC program changed on Sept. 1 and will result in coverage levels so low that the program is not expected to be triggered even in these times of high feed prices, leaving individual dairy farmers with no safety net. Read more in Feedstuffs here.
2012 Drought: Grain Quality & Availability Information by ISA/ICMC
 The 2012 drought has brought on a set of market dynamics that are challenging for the grain industry. A warm, dry winter led to ideal planting conditions in Indiana through June. A prolonged heat wave coupled with little-to-no rainfall during prime pollination time caused Indiana's - and the nation's - corn crop to suffer. As of September 2, only 22 percent of the U.S. corn crop was rated good-to-excellent (8% in Indiana) with 10 percent of the crop harvested. In addition to the expected short corn crop, grain quality may be an issue as conditions across the Corn Belt are conducive for Aspergillus ear rot - a fungus that can produce a mycotoxin called aflatoxin which can harm livestock and humans. Grain quality and availability will be major topics of discussion throughout the 2012 harvest and beyond. Grain farmers, users of corn and soybeans (including livestock and biofuels producers), and grain buyers should be prepared. As the 2012 harvest begins, what are some things to think about when looking to buy grain? What financial conversations should farmers have with the diminished crop this year? What are some things the farmer should keep in mind with the possibility of aflatoxin in the corn crop? Click here to read more.
 With the extended heat and drought this summer, you are going to need to pay extra attention to your feed supply. Aflatoxins have the potential to become a major problem. We encourage you to test the feed you produce and know what the test analysis is of any you purchase. Processors cannot legally sell products over 20 ppb for dairy animals and you cannot feed over that level. FDA also has a limit of 0.5 ppb for selling milk. Know what is going into your cows! It is not mandatory for processors to test incoming milk at this point in Indiana, but many have already started testing. Talk to your milk buyer if you have questions of how they are handling it. Purdue University Extension has important information on aspergillus ear rot, which is aflatoxin. Click here to learn about identifying and testing for this disease and also minimizing the economic losses. In addition, you can watch a 9 minute video where Dr. Mike Hutjens discusses Aflatoxin management.
It's World Dairy Expo Time!
 Why not make plans to visit Madison, Wisconsin sometime during October 2-6 and visit the dairy show of the year! There are so many things to learn and see at the World Dairy Expo. Click here for information about seminars, speakers and virtual farm tours which will be held every single day of the expo. All the show information can be found at the dairy expo website here.
DFA moves to Gold Level
 Dairy Farmers of America Cooperative has been a strong supporter of the Indiana Dairy Producers for years. We are especially grateful that they have chosen to be a Gold level sponsor. Learn more about DFA! Dairy Farmers of America, Inc. (DFA) is a national milk marketing cooperative owned by and focused on nearly 16,000 dairy farmer members in 48 states. The Cooperative's core business is to market members' milk, pay them a competitive price, deliver value and be a leader in the industry. In addition, DFA is a dairy foods processor with investments in plants and brands throughout the country that bring value to its members and consumers. Through its Global Dairy Products Group, DFA manufactures and markets a variety of dairy products including cheese, butter and dairy ingredients. You may even recognize some of our farmer-owned brands, such as Borden� Cheese, Borden� Butter, Keller's� Creamery, Plugra� European Style Butter and Sport Shake�. DFA also owns Kemps LLC, which manufactures 1,500 varieties of dairy products including fluid milk, ice cream, frozen yogurt, creams, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt and more. To ensure added value in membership, DFA offers services that are aimed at helping members better manage their operations, optimize productivity and increase profit margins. Services offered range from price risk management programs to access to affordable health and worker's compensation insurance and bulk-buying programs. More information about DFA can be found at or by calling the Mideast Area office at 1-800-837-6776.
Summing Up the New Fertilizer Rule
 On February 16, 2013 a new rule administered by the Office of Indiana State Chemist (OISC) becomes effective. The rule regulates the application and staging of manure and commercial fertilizer. The purpose of the rule is to establish standards so that fertilizer materials can be handled and applied in a manner that will help ensure protection of our soil and water. Key components of the new rule: It applies to all growers who use fertilizers (commercial fertilizer or manure) to produce an agricultural crop. - It helps to protect soil and water quality. And,
- The new rule does not create new untested standards, but rather adopts established standards, rules and best management practices, many of which are in use by most growers.
More specifics: All growers will need to follow these rules. The only exception is for those that use very small amounts of fertilizer, less than 10 cubic yards or 4,000 gallons per year are exempt from the use rules. - Setbacks are established for staging and application of manures and commercial fertilizers. Setbacks for staging and application are now the same for Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) and OISC rules.
- All growers must develop a fertilizer application plan that is based on realistic agronomic rates, including consideration of soil fertility levels, crop need and availability of nutrients from fertilizer or other sources
- For those under an IDEM permit, manure application made to frozen and snow covered ground is prohibited unless it is an emergency situation or the farm has limited storage capacity and application is approved by the IDEM commissioner. For all other growers, OISC allows winter application with specific restrictions designed to reduce the likelihood of having nutrients added to water.
More details are available here or on the state chemist's website, or call 800-893-6637, or contact your local extension office.
Roadside Safety During Harvestime
Brownfield Network
 With harvest in full swing, drivers are sharing the road with more large equipment. Indiana State Police Public Information Sergeant John Bowling says this time of year drivers need to be especially patient. "When you're on two lane roads - watch for farm equipment," he says. "Sometimes the visibility in that equipment is not what it is in your passenger vehicle - and drivers need to be aware of that." Sgt. Bowling reminds drivers it is illegal to pass in a No Passing Zone. "You want to make sure it is safe to pass when you do pass the farm equipment," he reminds. "Keep a safe following distance. If you are going to have to follow that slow-moving vehicle for any amount of distance it is a good idea to turn on your flashers so that someone doesn't come up behind your too fast and strike your vehicle." He tells Brownfield there are tips for farmers to help safely share the road, too. "Make sure all the lights are working properly on your equipment," he says. "Make sure your turn signals are working." Since visibility is often a concern - Sgt. Bowling says it isn't a bad idea to use hand signals during daylight hours. Finally - Bowling reminds farmers it is state law in Indiana - if there are five or more vehicles following behind you - you are required to pull off to the side of the road and let them pass. If not - you are impeding the flow of traffic.
From the Milk Inspector File
Below, we are clarifying some issues at the Board of Animal Health that have surfaced during state/federal dairy farm surveys and routine dairy farm inspections: - All dairy farm inspections will be full inspections. For example, even if the inspector is coming back to the farm to re-check an infraction point, or if a farm has been put on warning for some reason, the re-check will be a full farm inspection.
- Lactating and Non-Lactating definition: Lactating medications are for a cow currently in milk. Non-lactating medications are for a dry cow, bull or pre-fresh heifer. Calf medications are all non-lactating dairy animals on the farm 20 months of age or younger. Over-the-counter medications that are not labeled for dairy are in violation unless a veterinary prescription is present. This includes homeopathic medications.
- No quarter milkers are allowed to be used. If they are seen on the premises, the inspector will issue a mark.
- Dairy farms often buy supplies in large containers and then use a secondary container for easier handling. All such secondary containers (such as teat dip) must be visibly labeled. A hand-written marker is acceptable, but the original container with a manufacturer's label must be available. This includes pump-up fly sprayers.
Call Doug if you have any questions: 317-695-8228
Be Wary of Fire Ants When Buying Southeastern Hay
 The drought has made it necessary for livestock producers to obtain feedstuffs from different places. USDA is urging farmers to be aware of the Fire Ant Quarantine Area in the US. Although Indiana is not part of this quarantine area, please ask questions when sourcing new hay stocks. Newly updated information and brief Q&A on fire ant concerns is available here.
Urging For and Distancing From Dairy Policy
 In the interest of continuing to show multiple viewpoints to dairy policy, and congressional deadlines looming ever nearer, we offer opposing viewpoints. Members of the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) joined hundreds of other farmers on Capitol Hill urging Congress to pass a new, five-year farm bill before current farm programs expire. Ken Nobis, a dairy farmer from St. John, Michigan, said, "It would be a tragic mistake, after this bill has already passed the Senate, and the House Agriculture Committee, to let it wither and die on the political vine, rather than make the necessary effort to get it passed." Read more. And here is Ron Curran in an Agri-View article discussing the shortcomings of dairy policy that is included in the current Farm Bill legislation.
Free Dairy App
 The DairyCents app, currently available on the Apple iPhone and developed by Penn State researchers, helps farmers estimate income over feed cost per cow, a number that tells farmers how much money is left over to pay other expenses minus the feed costs, according to Virginia Ishler, nutrient management specialist and dairy complex manager in animal science. Another function compares feed prices in several locations across the country. "Farmers are doers, they enjoy the physical work aspect of farming, but not always the financial side of the operations," said Ishler. "Hopefully, this app makes this part a little easier." Read more
Stanford Organic Study Opens a Can of Worms
 In early September, news reports were reeling over Stanford University's recent publication that organic food may not be more nutritious than conventionally produced food. The articles continue to pour in on the debate. Here is an article that believes the point of the Stanford study is invalid: Stanford Organics Study Misses the Pointand the New York Times printed an opinion piece by Roger Cohen: The Organic Fable
Purdue Extension offers webinar to
assist with mental health issues related to drought
Although recent rainfall has eased the strain of drought on much of the Midwest's farmland, the strain on Midwestern farmers remains a major concern, says Paul Jones, Purdue AgrAbility Project manager.
The Indiana AgrAbility Project at Purdue University will host a free webinar on Sept. 27 to provide support and health resources for farmers. "Mental/Behavioral Health Resources for the Drought Aftermath" will begin at 3 p.m. (EDT). "As disappointing harvests become a reality for many, the financial and emotional impacts of the drought may lead some farm families into crisis," Jones said. The goal of the session is to give Midwestern farm families and Extension personnel health resources to help them cope with possible effects of the drought. Read more.
Zeeland Feed Update:
Michelle Robinson, Zeeland Farm Svc
Fall is setting in on Saturday morning, and with that has come a little fall in the commodity markets this week. Production report on Monday is indicating a little more corn and beans yields. With that, co-products from processors are still in limbo for Oct-Dec prices as not much new product coming into them yet to know the sure quality. Processors are testing all corn coming in to plants to prevent being out of spec on toxins, with Aflatoxin max at 20ppb for dairy animal consumption. Other livestock have different limits, depending on age of species. Check with your vet/nutritionist on those levels.
Canola has been a hot item for protein in diets, as basis levels have been wide vs. soybean meal CBOT., with offers available thru December. Harvest is just getting under way on canola. Cottonseed is still a bargain in the forage category for the dairy, with good yields and quality predicted, with harvest slightly delayed with rains in the south as crop is ready to go in some areas. Offers are available thru August 2013.
Gluten feeds are tight in market place as some down times for maintenance are occurring and slow down on grinds coming to end of inventory on old crop corn. Testing at plants is slowing trucks on deliveries.
Hominy is thin in offers as the corn processor's position's tight. New corn is steady coming in this area. Testing at plants is slowing delivery times.
Soy hulls have swung lower and steady as much corn fodder fills in for short forage and 4th-5th cutting hay still is progressing. Seeing hulls trend lower over next week or so as harvest kicks in and cattle stay out on pasture. Get your needs calculated and purchases in as winter isn't far away.
Soybean meal is being cut back in usage in some areas of dairy and livestock with substitute proteins less costly. Poultry and swine are the largest consumers of sbm so if dairy can source other proteins, it would be helpful during this phase of inventory adjustments and higher feed costs.
Feel free to call us! Zeeland Farm Service, ingredient division, 866-888-7082, and look at options outside of the box. We are here to help.
Support IDP
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to support IDP's efforts in Indiana, download an information sheet here.
Upcoming 2012 Events
Sept. 24 Regular IDP Board Meeting, MPSI Office 10-3 Eastern Time
October 2-6 World Dairy Expo, Madison Wisconsin Expo website
November 9 3rd Annual Partners in Success Luncheon, 11 AM - 2 PM at the Indiana Corn/Indiana Soybean Offices in Indianapolis
December 7-8 Indiana Farm Bureau State Convention, JW Marriott Hotel, Indianapolis preliminary info here.
February 11 Livestock Forage & Grain Forum (more info coming as it becomes available, but save the date!)
February 12 Rockville Regional Dairy Meeting
February 13 Warrenton Regional Dairy Meeting
February 14 Columbus Regional Dairy Meeting
March 4 LaGrange (evening meeting) Regional Dairy Meeting
March 5 Goshen Regional Dairy Meeting
March 6 Decatur Regional Dairy Meeting