Indiana Professional Dairy Producers
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
September 14, 2011              Issue 21

"An organized voice for Hoosier Dairy Farmers"


Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.   

Springbrook Dairy

In This Issue
IPDP Corporate Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Support IPDP
CAFO's in Kosciusko County
Welcome Koetter & Smith
Rockville Tour Recap
Dairy Check-off Works!
Vegan Diet Deadly
CFO Rule and You
Big or Small
Copper Thieves



Click on any logo to reach company website

Indiana Corn Marketing Council Logo

Byron Seeds

Indiana Farm Bureau



Indiana Soybean Alliance

Gold Sponsors


ZFS Official 


DeLaval Logo 

BI Logo

Kaeb Sales Logo

Kalmbach Logo
IPDP Corporate Sponsors
IPDPThere is a growing list of companies that recognize IPDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IPDP at some level, please download a brochure here.


2011 IPDP Board
of Directors

Indiana Professional Dairy Producers

IPDP Executive Board


Executive Director

Doug Leman 




LuAnn Troxel



Vice President
Ron Fuhrmann

Kelly Heckaman



Tamilee Nennich Ph.D. 

Purdue University


Mike Schutz Ph.D
765- 494-9478  


Dave Forgey 



Click on a name above to email an Executive Board Member

Board Members

 Joe Hibshman

Sarah Wagler

Ben Rothert

Henk Sevenhuysen

Steve Obert

Fort Branch


Brian Huber

St. Paul





Liz Kelsay



Dr. Ken McGuffey
McGuffey Dairy Consulting


Todd Janzen, JD




Silver Sponsors

Click on the logo to visit any sponsor website


Koetter & Smith  


Michigan Milk Producers Logo  



Fair Oaks Farms Logo 


Prairie Farms




FCS New Logo


Dairy Farmers of America

Visit Our Bronze Level Sponsors

Bronze Level
Click on above button!


What's Hot in  

Commodity Feed

ZFS Official
Zeeland Farm Service

Feed Ingredient Update

Autumn temperatures are in the air and commodity prices have also begun to fall. As harvest approaches and managers decide what to feed and what they need to buy, keep in mind the processor's co-products are options to replace some of your corn and beans. You may be better off to sell your corn and buy a co-product like hominy or gluten feed or a canola meal to balance your ration. If you're short some wet silage, consider wet gluten which is an excellent value on the market the next 2-3 months. There are pricing opportunities; it can be bagged as well if you want. The sugar beet pulp crop was nixed by the wetness in MN this year so citrus pulp may be a good fit for you in its place, call us for quote delivered now through 2012. Cottonseed ginning will begin in 10 days or so, with much needed price pressure to arise during Oct-Nov. Soy hull pellets are tight through September but are hovering in the $210 mark through 2012. Soybean meal has come down some this last week after crop reports.Take advantage of some short falls by covering a portion of your needs. Hominy is offered Oct-Dec with a good discount to ground corn values, take a look. Enjoy your autumn harvest!




Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Innovation Center

 Click on each
logo to learn more.

NMPF Resource Manual
Residue Prevention

Visit the Residue Prevention Page at NMPF by clicking the photo above.



Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business
management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.



Support IPDP  


We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IPDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to be a corporate sponsor of IPDP, download an information sheet here.

Individual membership in IPDP is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IPDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IPDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.   



Welcome to our e-update, the right place to find out what is happening in Indiana's dairy industry. Many of you have already been heavy into harvest and other areas of the state are just beginning. I would like to remind you to keep safety as your top priority. A couple extra minutes now can prevent a lifetime of pain.


When we were planning our Rockville tour for the end of August, we figured that since planting season was delayed, that silage harvest would also be delayed. Mother Nature sure showed me how much I know! We did have a little smaller turn-out than expected because of some last minute cancellations, but I think all who participated would say it was very much worth the time to attend. We enjoyed touring the plant and plots at Byron Seeds, visiting Springbrook Dairy and learning how they operate and work with genetics, and then ate a great meal and toured the Elanco Plant to see how they manufacture their products. We ended a perfect weather day by stopping at a local covered bridge built in 1876 when our great nation was just 100 years old!


We would like to welcome our new Silver sponsor, Koetter & Smith, a great livestock bedding resource! We appreciate all our sponsors and I would like to remind you that if you need something they sell, give them a chance and let them know you appreciate their support of Indiana's dairy industry through IPDP.


Call me at 317-695-8228 or email Take care and God bless!

Doug Leman
IPDP Executive Director

CAFO's in the news in Kosciusko County
Warsaw Times Union Articles

Planning Commission meetings in Kosciusko have had quite the CAFO discussions recently. Some community members have requested that the county set ordinances restricting CAFO's beyond what the state has set. Extension educator and IPDP executive board member, Kelly Heckaman, has found herself in the middle of providing factual information about farm sizes and the regulations that larger farms are required to comply with. Recently, the Times Union newspaper in Warsaw has completed a three-part series on CAFO's. Part three features a well-known dairy farmer, Fred Beer. You can read that full article here.

The first two parts of the series are available here:
Article One
Article Two 

IPDP Welcomes New Silver Sponsor

Koetter & Smith, Inc. 

Manufacturers of  

Premium Wood Bedding 

Koetter & Smith      

Wood ShavingsKoetter & Smith manufacturers premium bedding products and can competitively service the wood fiber bedding needs of Indiana dairy producers. At any given time, Koetter & Smith has 300 tractor trailer loads of bulk bedding in stock, and they can service all of Indiana as well as the surrounding 4 state area with bulk bedding service.Located in Borden, Indiana, please call Jeff Roll with your bulk bedding questions at 812-903-4038 or visit their website at IPDP sincerely appreciates the investment Koetter & Smith has placed in Indiana's dairy industry. Please read more about their company: 


"At Koetter & Smith, Inc., we build strong and trusted relationships. We work closely with our customers to help ensure positive environmentally friendly outcomes that strengthen your business. Through our continuous improvement of current products, development of new ones, and the constant improvement of customer service satisfaction, we strive to be your most valued partner in the wood fiber industry.   


To us, it's not just about the products we offer, but also about the establishment of a lasting consultative relationship that benefits your business in an environmentally friendly, socially responsible fashion."


Rockville Summer Dairy Tour Recap

IPDP members enjoy an interesting day of learning on a dairy farm and related industries!

Parke County Group Photo

IPDP's August 31 summer tour was very informative. The weather was wonderful, and our hosts were exceptional. We would especially like to thank Samuel Fisher and his crew at Byron Seeds, Mike Jones and his family at Springbrook Farms, and the team at Elanco's Clinton plant, who fed us a delicious dinner. Understandably, Elanco requested that we not take pictures inside their plant, but they gave a complete tour of the large facility and answered many questions.The bus also made a stop at the lovely West Union covered bridge above, and some of the group was able to enjoy another learning experience. Special thanks to Margaret Leman for the delicious homemade breakfast rolls.   Watch a picture slide show. 



Check-off Funded Research, Results
Check Off WorksDMI wishes to pass on information about some initiatives of the dairy checkoff, in collaboration with the industry, that don't often get the attention they should: Nutrition, product and consumer research.

Nutrition Research

Dietary Guidelines research 

  • Led to 2010 Dietary Guidelines recognizing fat-free chocolate milk as a nutrient dense food that contains some added sugars
  • Led to reporting that "intake of milk and milk products is associated with a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes"
  • Led to increase in dairy servings for children ages 4-8, from 2 to 2.5 cups daily  

Nutrient-rich research

  • Created a nutrient rich food index for consumer education, guidance and labeling
  • Established that white and flavored milk consumption is associated with positive nutrient intakes in children and adolescents and is not associated with weight gain
  • Established a role for chocolate milk to stimulate recovery after exercise  

Product Research  

Reduced fat/reduced sodium cheese research

  • Led to market testing of reduced sodium process American, white cheddar and pepper jack cheese at McDonald's
  • Led to the development of consumer acceptable reduced-fat and reduced-sodium processed and natural cheeses
  • Technology shared with several dairy marketing organizations; volume impact up to 800 million pounds of milk used in the school lunch program and elsewhere; reduced-fat, reduced-sodium process cheese projected annual use of 10 million pounds of milk

 Milk protein concentrate research

  • Led to eight U.S. MPC manufacturers using 1.46 billion pounds of milk to make domestically produced MPC, which has displaced imported MPC

 Artisan/specialty cheese research

  • Led to the development of several high-quality cheeses

Yogurt and specialty product research

  • Led to companies developing Greek Yogurt, Kefir and Frozen Smoothies
  • Specific examples (with annual milk use): Yoplait frozen smoothies which use milk ingredients (24 million pounds); Happy Melts™ Organic Yogurt Snacks for Babies and Toddlers (600,000 pounds); Yoplait Yogurt Dip (6 million pounds)
Read the full report  here.
Vegan Diet Deadly for Atlanta Infant
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Baby Bottle


The Georgia Supreme Court on September 12 unanimously upheld murder convictions against an Atlanta couple who allowed their 6-week-old baby to starve to death. The infant's mother initially told police she fed her baby organic apple juice and soy milk. But the soy milk containers in her Buckhead apartment clearly state that soy milk is not to be used as a substitute for baby formula, her lawyer admitted.  Read more. 

The Proposed CFO Rule and You
Opinion Piece by Scott Severson, EarthWise, Inc.
IPDP provides this opinion for members' benefit, but the opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect that of IPDP

Pending IDEM environmental regulations will impact Dairy operations with 300 or more animals. There are several items in the proposed rule that will add long term compliance expense for many of IPDP's regulated members. When compared to the current CFO rule, in most cases, the proposed rule will hit CFO's harder than CAFO's. I will focus on two such items that have the most immediate and noticeable impact:


1. Virtually Eliminates Manure Application to Frozen or Snow Covered Ground:

  • The proposed rule allows CFO's to apply manure to frozen or snow covered ground only on an emergency basis. In practice this means regulated IPDP meSnow Covered Groundmbers cannot rely on winter time spreading as part of their long term manure management operations. Even when they can winter time spread in an environmentally sound manner, they will eventually incur the cost of expanding manure storage so winter time spreading does not occur.
  • Both the existing CFO rule (at 327 IAC 16-10-3) and CAFO rule (at 327 IAC 15-15-14) allow manure application on frozen or snow covered ground subject to specific management plan conditions. IDEM has no supportable basis to abandon the existing provisions and create a blanket prohibition on frozen ground application. The rule should be revised to allow land application on frozen or snow covered ground in accordance with existing CFO rule conditions.

  2. Manure Application Rates Based on Phosphorus not Nitrogen:

  • The proposed rule will eventually require all CFO's to limit manure application based on phosphorus content not nitrogen content. Under the proposed rule manure cannot be applied to a field with a soil test of greater than 200 ppm phosphorus, even when manure can be applied to that field with little or no known environmental risk. For many IPDP members, this will lead to immediate operational changes. Many producers will need to reduce manure application rates in half to meet phosphorus limits and as a practical result, will incur costs associated with needing twice the amount of acres used for manure application. In some cases, purchase of supplemental nitrogen fertilizer will be necessary due to an application rate based on phosphorus not nitrogen. This too will add costs.
  • Indiana is not required by EPA to add phosphorus application limitations to its CFO regulations. I am not suggesting that phosphorus is not a concern, but there are already two existing mechanisms in Indiana to address manure application and phosphorus issues: the Office of the State Chemist, and IDEM's Watershed Planning Branch. IDEM's proposed phosphorus standard is a third mechanism to address phosphorus concerns. In accordance with the Governor's commitment to reduce burdensome regulations on business, do we need to maintain or expand a third mechanism to manage phosphorus?
  • There is no flexibility in the proposed phosphorus rule. Every field is different. A producer should have the ability to make a site specific demonstration that an alternate soil test phosphorus number would be equally protective of the environment.
  • How does this regulation benefit the environment and at what cost? The provisions regarding land application of phosphorus will eventually burden most farms with a known measureable compliance expense.   It is unknown whether that cost will result in equal or greater economic benefit. Soil erosion and conservation management practices also play a role-indeed, may play a bigger role-in reducing phosphorus impact on surface water. This is why I suggested above, that we focus on the two mechanisms in place already that will give us a bigger bang for the buck compared to the proposed IDEM phosphorus standard.


The common threat we all face in the animal feeding industry is not necessarily IDEM but rather the external forces that pressure IDEM to make certain policy decisions. We should not think more burdensome regulation is always inevitable and give up. Voicing our concerns now, in appropriate manner, will produce positive results. If you believe these IDEM proposals are too burdensome and want to participate in fashioning more reasonable environmental regulation, contact your executive director or contact me at (219)531-0266 or by email at 

Big or Small: A Conversation on Size

Andy Vance for Feedstuffs FoodLink 8/27/11   

Highlights from the article,
"Economics Dictate When to Get Big"

Cows Eating HayLet's consider the reasons people think farms get bigger. From an outside perspective, the most common thing we hear from our detractors is that some monolithic corporate entity or shadowy cabal is forcing "the little guy" out of business and that Wall Street is running the larger farms in our industry.

If you look at the history of some of the biggest integrated food companies, that assumption is backward. Rather than the processors and packers driving integration from the top down, farmers have, in several notable cases, integrated from the bottom up. Both Perdue Farms and Tyson Foods grew in such a fashion.

It is not technology and certainly not corporate America driving farm size expansion; rather, it is simply a farmer's need to feed his family and maintain the lifestyle to which they're accustomed.

Read the complete article here.

Watch for Copper Thieves!

Be on the lookout! Copper
Recently, a Carroll County farmer's grain elevator was vandalized and copper wiring was stolen.  There was significant damage and loss.  The thieves worked for their booty - opening up conduit and accessing grain legs up high (not just easy targets).  No details are available about the perpetrator(s) at this time.

Please be aware and watch your grain bins, dryers and elevators, and report any suspicious activity to your local Sheriff's office.



on the Archive button to access previous issues of our 


and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.

Upcoming Events


September 14 DAIReXNET (national extension) free webinar 1-2 PM EDT Handling High Commodity Prices featuring  Dr. Normand St. Pierre Webinar Information. 

September 19 Immigrant Labor Meetings, contact Doug Leman 317-695-8228 

September 26

Immigrant Labor Meetings, contact Doug Leman 317-695-8228 

September 27 Next regular IPDP Board Meeting, MPSI Office 10 AM - 2 PM



October 4-8 World Dairy Expo



November 18, 2011

IPDP's 2nd Partners in Success Luncheon at Corn/Soybean Offices in Indianapolis 11-2