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2012 IPDP Board of Directors
| Indiana Professional Dairy Producers |
IPDP Executive Board
Click on a name below to email an Executive Board Member
Executive Director
Doug Leman
LuAnn Troxel
Vice President
Henk Sevenhuysen
Tamilee Nennich Ph.D.
Treasurer Mike Schutz Ph.D 765- 494-9478
Dave Forgey
Kelly Heckaman
Board Members Joe Hibshman Sarah Wagler Julie Bommer Steve Obert
Ranell Rexing
Brian Huber
Industry Advisers
Liz Kelsay
Dr. Ken McGuffey Todd Janzen, Attorney
 | Sam Leadley, DVM |
Hot weather and calves don't go together. Calves thrive in cool weather. Calves have a hard time coping with hot weather. They consider anything above 50� F warm. Weather above 70� is just plain hot for them. Read Dr. Leadley's hot weather tips on ventilation, feeding water, grain and more by clicking here.
Silver Sponsors
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Young Dairy Leaders Institute Taking Applications
The Young Dairy Leaders Institute is a nationally recognized three-phase leader and communication skills development program for young adults (ages 22-45) working in the dairy industry, with all breeds of cattle. Each participant develops top-tier skills and the personal network needed to succeed in today's dairy business. Through interactive sessions and working closely with industry experts and dynamic leaders, YDLI participants are prepared to take leadership roles in the dairy industry, become effective spokespeople and advocates for the dairy industry with consumers and the media, and much more. Learn more about this wonderful organization and dynamic dairy leadership opportunity by visiting their website and downloading an application for Class 8 here.To be more effective, class size is very limited. The deadline to apply is August 1st.
Calf Notes and Links
LGM Dairy Education Info
Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Click on each logo to learn more.
NMPF Resource Manual

Visit the Residue Prevention Page at NMPF by clicking the photo above.

Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.
Click to read the April 2012 Dairy Market Report. Click to read Projected MILC Payments |
Visit Our Bronze Sponsors
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on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
We just completed another very successful IPDP tour. With a full bus, we traveled to Chicago to visit the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, followed by a great discussion on marketing. It was really good to have some lenders and consultants among a good group of dairy producers representing many different sizes and types of operations. Special thanks to Stewart-Peterson, BMO Harris Bank, and Indiana Soybean Alliance for making this tour possible, along with all who took the time out of their busy schedules to join us. We hope to do more of these in the future, so please let me know if this type of tour interests you! Our next big event coming up is the Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange, to be held on July 31st thru August 1st in Kentucky. Really, it's just around the corner, so get it on your calendar and send in your reservation--another great opportunity! Immediately following the Kentuckiana will be "The Year of Dairy Cows" at the Indiana State Fair. This includes many opportunities to share your industry and tell your story. People truly want to hear from you. We have slots to fill for working the Dairy Bar on August 3rd and August 10th from 7-11 p.m., as well as the beef ribeye tent on August 15, 16 & 18. Let me know which shift(s) you can help! County fairs are starting, and I would sure like to get to some dairy shows if I can fit them in. Let me know when your show is, and I'll see if I can possibly make it! It's always so interesting to observe young people working with their animals and with each other. We are still growing and we want to welcome our newest members. We look forward to working with you. Again, please check out all our tremendous sponsors. They make it possible for us to work for you. Thank them and support them in return. Of course for any dairy reason, I can be reached at or call me at 317-695-8228. Be careful, get involved, and God bless!
Doug Leman
IPDP Executive Director
Lots to Learn at IPDP/Stewart-Peterson CME Tour in Chicagoby Sherry Bunting
The past five years have felt like a roller coaster for dairy producers. One reason is the separation between what the corn market does and what the milk market does. At one time, the two price trends tended to move together. That was then. This is now.
The two most common questions economists and market analysts get from producers at a meeting are: "What's corn going to do?" and "Where is milk headed? The truth is: No one knows. So a successful strategy is to "be ready." The track record shows it pays to be consistent and to have a marketing plan in order to "fight the emotion" in the decision-making.
These and other key insights were part of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) discussion that followed the Indiana Professional Dairy Producers Tour of the Chicago Board of Trade on June 26, hosted by IPDP, Stewart-Peterson and BMO Harris Bank. The bus was sponsored by the Indiana Soybean Alliance.
Read more about the tour here and look for bite sized pieces in future newsletters.
Photos of the event include dinner and the workshop held at the Union League, Chicago. Photos were not allowed in the CME, but a group photo was taken outside the Board of Trade and in the CME Group theatre with Steve, who runs the floor, including the daily CME cheese market, and Maria who is an order buyer in dairy.
Click here to watch the photo slideshow of the CME tour.
Next Stop: Kentucky! Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange Is July 31-August 1!
 The Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange is an annual event that IPDP and Purdue Extension partner with the University of Kentucky. This year's farm visits will include the following dairies near Shelbyville, Kentucky: John Kalmey Dairy150 Registered Holsteins, BAA 107, RHA- 20,000, Annual SCC 225,000, 25% Culling Rate, Freestall Barn Harvest Home Dairy130 Holsteins, RHA-20849, New Compost Bedded Pack Barn, Camera Monitoring System, Agri-Tourisum, Only US Real Time Location System for Cows Eddie Klingenfus Dairy110 Holsteins, RHA-25,000, SCC 175,000, Sand Freestall Barn, Heavy Use of Alternative Feeds Longview Dairy200 Holsteins, RHA-21,000, Annual SCC <200,000 Recently Installed Heat Detection System, Breeder of High Net Merit Sire-ELongview CM Dick Davis Dairy70 Holsteins, 77 pound bulk tank average, SCC ~ 150,000, Lone Star Milk Quality Award Winner, Sand Freestalls and Compost Bedded Pack Barn The Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange will take place on July 31 through August 1. You can download a brochure with all the details here. Transportation is included with the tour registration, only $75 for IPDP members. Thanks to generous sponsorship, this is a great value to any dairy producer or industry person who can get away for a short visit to Kentucky!
Year of Dairy Cows-What Will We See?
 The Indiana State Fair has highlighted a special agriculture feature every year since 2007. This year is extra special because this is the year of dairy cows! Coming August 3-19, there will be three wonderful weekends, and lots of great days in between, to visit some terrific events at the Indiana State Fair. As dairy farmers, we have a rare opportunity to share a bit about what we do with many folks who have never been on a dairy farm. Following is preview of what's being planned. First of all, there are many great dairy foods that taste so wonderful during a hot, sunny day at the fair. For example, how about a delicious, thick milkshake at the dairy bar. This year, a celebratory lemon chiller shake is being introduced. And there's a specialty grilled cheese sandwich to go with it--a Moo Chew: three slices of pepper jack and cheddar cheese on sour dough! Of course, all the traditional cheese sandwiches, shakes, ice cream, and cheese sticks are also available! In the DuPont Pavilion, there will be 24 cooking demonstrations featuring dairy. In the Ellison Bakery, enjoy a giant cookie decorating contest, complete with a cold glass of milk! Dairy producers will be on hand at many of these events to help answer consumers' questions about dairy farming. In the cattle barn, there will be a live cattle display of the six major dairy breeds. You will also be able to see a comparison of different types of bedding that modern dairy farmers use to keep cows comfortable: sand bedding, water beds, and more. You can even lie down and check them out yourself! There will also be a robotic milking machine, video of the robot at work, and experts on hand to talk about it. The Normandy Barn will have a rotary milking parlor and real-to-life cow statues. In addition, there will be a classroom style setting where fairgoers can learn about milking cows and the different dairy breeds in air-conditioned comfort. The Normandy dairy display will continue through November. There will be lots of events at Pioneer Village, including opportunities to milk a cow and enjoy homemade ice cream. Every evening at 6:30, the parade will feature the famous "Buttercup" cow, as well as dairy farm families visiting the fairgrounds that day. If you twist the right person's arm, it could be you wearing that (hot) Buttercup costume! Many other groups are planning coordinating cow and dairy foods events, and there's no doubt it will be an udderly wonderful time! Please try to find an opportunity to experience it! What could be better than combining fun along with sharing our ag stories! Click here for more information on the year of dairy cows and the Indiana State Fair. Questions, or to volunteer, email Kimmi Devaney at Milk Promotion Services of Indiana at
We Need YOU!!! Indiana Dairy Farmers Are Needed at the Indiana State Fair!
 Calling all Indiana Dairy Farmers! We need you! Every available dairy farmer and dairy industry person is needed at the Indiana State Fair! This is our year, folks. This is the Year of Dairy Cows. This is our chance to share our stories, our knowledge, and our passion for what we do every single day. So, plan some time away from the farm to attend the Indiana State Fair sometime between August 3-19. We will continue to report on the many specific events planned in upcoming e-updates. But rest assured, Indiana is going to be aware of dairy cows at the Indiana State Fair! Here are some specific needs for the Indiana State Fair, so check your calendars!
- Work at the Dairy Bar on
- Friday, August 3 from 7-11 PM (call Doug Leman 317-695-8228)
- Friday, August 10 from 7-11 PM (Call Doug Leman 317-695-8228)
- Work at the Indiana Cattlemens Beef Association Ribeye Sandwich Tent (New this year--provolone cheese is an option on the ribeye!) Call Dave Forgey to work any of the following ICBA shifts (574-652-2461):
- August 15 5-10:30 PM
- August 16 1-5:30 PM
- August 18 9 AM-1:30 PM
The following events are available for participation every day and are being organized by Milk Promotion Services of Indiana:- Dairy Farmer Presence in the Cattle Barn
- Dairy Farmer Presence in the DuPont Food Pavilion
- Dairy Farmer Presence in the 6:30 PM parade (line up at 6 PM)
Also, please save the date for the ice cream social, especially for Indiana Dairy Farmers, on August 14 from 11AM-1PM behind the Farm Bureau building. Contact Kimmi Devaney a 1-800-225-MILK with questions or to confirm a volunteer opportunity.
Indiana's New Fertilizer RulesDave Russell for Brownfield Ag Network
Beginning in February 2013, new rules regulating how manure and other fertilizers can be staged on farms and applied to fields will take effect in Indiana.
Matt Pearson, Fertilizer Administration in the Office of Indiana State Chemist (OISC) says they're in the process of informing those impacted by the new rules.
"Most people probably won't see this as a big change," said Pearson. "Some habits might have to be adjusted a little bit, but overall it's all in good management practices and it should not be a significant change to most operations."
In addition to how far from waterways and wells fertilizer can be applied and under what conditions, Pearson tells Brownfield the new requirements specify how long fertilizer can be staged.
Click here for the entire article and additional resources.
BSE in the News: What Went Right DMI Update
When the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that a dairy cow in California tested positive for BSE on April 24, what could have been a "catastrophic" event for the dairy and beef industries "was handled so well that it barely caused a ripple," according to Dr. James Marsden, professor of food safety from Kansas State University.
So, what limited the story's shelf life in both traditional and social media? According to government and industry representatives, the factors were preparation, upfront food safety messaging and government-industry coordination.
Coordination Vital to Success
A practiced and well-organized operational response allowed USDA communicators to focus on the issues the public and the media would be most concerned about, such as food safety, said Ed Curlett, director of public affairs, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
"We made a concerted effort to be responsive to potential concerns from the public and our stakeholders," Curlett said.
"Messages were kept consistent by having one government agency take the lead on communications," said Jennifer Giambroni, director of communications, California Milk Advisory Board. "For the industry, being well-informed about the situation and the government's communication plan were essential for communicating with our board and farmers." Read more
Tips & Tools
 Have you checked the tips & tools resource page on Hubbard Feeds website? There is a wealth of information of timely topics like heat stress management in dairy cows, fly control, hoof care, forage planning, and much more. Click here to learn more. Also, click here to learn how to avoid the three strikes of summer heat stress with Hubbard Feeds.
Support IPDP
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Individual membership in IPDP is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IPDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IPDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IPDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to support IPDP's efforts in Indiana, download an information sheet here.
IPDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IPDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IPDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
Upcoming 2012 Events
July is County Fair Time! Click here for a list of all Indiana County Fair dates!
July 2 Regular IPDP Board of Directors Meeting at the MPSI office, Indianapolis, 10 AM - 3 PM
July 13 Ice Cream Social on the Circle 11-2, Monument Circle, Indianapolis
July 31 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange in Kentucky, Tour Brochure here..
August 1 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange in Kentucky Day 2 Tour brochure here.
August 3-19 Indiana State Fair, featuring the Year of Dairy Cows
August 3 IPDP turn at Indiana State Fair Dairy Bar evening shift. Volunteers are needed! Please call Doug at 317-695-8228. Free state fair entrance ticket!
August 10 IPDP turn at Indiana State Fair Dairy Bar evening shift from 7-11 Volunteers are needed! Please call Doug at 317-695-8228. Free state fair entrance ticket!
August 14 Dairy Farmer Ice Cream Social, Indiana State Fair, 11-2.