Indiana Professional Dairy Producers
"Serving the Dairy Producers of Indiana"
October 26, 2010
Issue: 1
Dairy Cows On Pasture
Peaceful Grazing



To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of dairy producers while providing educational opportunities for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice for Indiana dairy producers.

Milking Cows
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers E-Update


Welcome to our new IPDP E-Update format. We will continue to provide you with updates and information pertinent to our membership.  Being a valued member of IPDP supports efforts to represent your needs in a variety of ways. We do so in the form of addressing legislative and policy issues or matters which directly affect the production of high quality milk for our society.

In the event your pictures are slow in downloading, as may be experienced in some rural areas, please proceed to reading your topics of interest.

We wish to thank our Sponsors for providing funding which supports this communication and other activities for our membership. Please click on a Sponsors' logo to learn more about their organization, services or products.


Butch Mercer
IPDP Executive Director
  IDEM CAFO/CFO Rulemaking

In a letter on September 24th, Justin Schneider submitted consensed comments on behalf of the Farm Bureau Livestock and Poultry Rule Revision Group.  This group has been meeting for three years in an effort to assist IDEM in crafting rules that will be protective of the environment while also maintaining the ability of livestock and poultry producers to continue in their profession and earn a living. IPDP was one of several organizations involved as part of this process with special thanks to IPDP board members Tamilee Nennich and Dave Forgey for their active involvement in this process and to Justin Schneider, Indiana Farm Bureau for his leadership during this process. 

You can read the comments submitted for #09-213 (WPCD) (CAFO Rulemaking) and #09-615 (WPCD) (CFO Rulemaking in the links below.

CAFO Rulemaking

CFO Rulemaking

IDEM Solid Manure Staging Fact Sheet

Court Strikes Down Parts of Ohio
Milk Label Rules 

CINCINNATI (AP) - Dairy processors can make claims that their products are free of a synthetic growth hormone, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday in striking down parts of the state's rule on milk labeling.

Key parts of the state's labeling rule violated First Amendment rights to commercial free speech, a three-judge panel of 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled.

The Organic Trade Association and the International Dairy Foods Association sued the Ohio Department of Agriculture in 2008 over a state rule on how consumers are informed about whether milk is made from cows that were given a synthetic hormone.


Fortified Milk Delivers Extra Nutrients

At Little Cost 

An economic analysis of the impact of requiring higher nonfat solids in fluid milk has shown consumers would benefit from the additional nutrients with little impact on the price of a gallon of milk in the grocery store. The food and Agricultural Policy Institute (FAPRI) at the University of Missouri conducted the study at the request of the four Dairy Farmer Caucus co-chairs in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Under the plan, condensed fat-free milk, and all the calcium protein it contains, would be added to milk to increase nutrition and improve taste. It's simple math: as butterfat decreases from 3.25% in whole milk to 2%, 1%, and fat-free milk, fortifying with additional condensed fat-free milk helps maintain the real dairy creaminess consumers expect. In addition, scientists and nutrition is advise that milk proteins increase increase lean tissue and extra calcium helps build strong bones.

The FAPRI study showed only minimal potential impact on milk prices to consumers.  in exchange for getting "more milk in their milk," the price of a gallon of milk at the store was estimated to rise about 17 cents.  That is about a per eight -ounce glass.


Dairy Products Price Report 

Released October 15, 2010, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Dairy Products Prices 10.15.2010

Autumn 2010 AI Bull Census 

"AI Bull Census" description:

The AI Bull Census contains genetic evaluations for milk, fat, protein, 48-month stayability, and dollar value for AI sires. The evaluations are based on direct comparisons of contemporary AI daughters in the joint multiple trait cow and sire evaluation. All four of the genetic paths of progress are properly evaluated in the AI Multiple Trait Cow and Sire Evaluations (AIM CASE). Genetic relationships among all the AI cows and bulls are incorporated by the use of the relationship matrix. Genetic evaluations of all cows and bulls are compared to a common base. The base is the average genetic value of all two-year
olds freshening in 1987. 

In-progress and complete lactation records of AI daughters on DHI, DHIR, AM PM, MO, Owner-Sampler, and all commercial recording plans are included in the genetic evaluations. Non-AI daughters, daughters unidentified by sire, and daughters in the herds of the breeder or owner of a bull are eliminated. 


Kentuckiana Dairy Tour

In early August and as one of my first engagements as your new Executive Director, I had the privilege of participating in the 2010 Kentuckiana tour.  Our hosts from Kentucky were extremely gracious and thoughtful to those IPDP members attending.

Timothy Johnson, Ph.D., PAS, Dairy and Animal Nutrient Consulting wrote a very interesting article about one the sites we visited.  His piece titled "Bedded Pack Housing Works Well For Kentucky Dairy", discusses this approach used on the Sam and Glen Coblentz farm, a 105-cow Holstein operation located in Guthrie, Kentucky.

Access the article here...

Bedded Packing Housing Works Well For Kentucky Dairy

Milk's Sustainable Footprint 

Video on recent study on the dairy industry's environmental footprint.

YouTube - Milk's Sustainable Footprint

Florida School District Recalls Milk

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Oct. 23 (UPI) -- Epoxy used as a floor sealant in a Miami dairy plant was responsible for the bad taste in milk supplied to a Florida school district, company officials say


Officials in Broward County ordered milk out of all school cafeterias Friday after 12 students were sickened at Cooper City Elementary School, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported. Other children complained of the milk's taste and smell.

Liliana Esposito, a spokesman for Dean Foods of Dallas, said employees at its subsidiary, McArthur Dairy, were not aware of the problem when half pints of milk were shipped to the Broward schools. She said the epoxy being used in the plant Wednesday gave off fumes that affected the milk.

C. Bradley Abell, general manager at the Miami plant, said experts consulted by the dairy believe children who drank the milk will suffer no lasting ill effects.

The children at Cooper City who complained of stomach aches had consumed chocolate milk. The district decided Friday to recall all the milk after students at a middle school also complained, this time about both white and chocolate milk.

2011 American Forage and Grassland Conference, June 12-15

The Indiana Forage Council is hosting the 2011 American Forage and Grassland Conference at French Lick, IN on June 12-15.  This is a great conference for producers, agribusiness and educators to attend. 

Programming ideas (individual and group in nature) are being accepted until December 1, 2010,

If you have questions regarding program ideas, please contact:

Keith Johnson
Professor of Agronomy
Purdue University
Program Chairman for the AFGC Conference

AFGC Conference


 One Producers Perspective on the Analysis of Proposed Programs to Mitigate Price Volatility in the US Dairy Industry 

In an Opinion Piece written by Dave Forgey, IPDP Board of Director member, he discusses the topic of proposed programs to mitigate price volatility in the US dairy industry.  Dave attended a recent session on this topic at the recent World Dairy Expo.


USDEC Global Dairy Webinar
November 16th, 2:00pm

The U.S. Dairy Export Council is back with its 4th annual "State of the Industry" outlook call! Join us for our yearly look around the corner at the drivers and dynamics of the global dairy business - and what to expect in the year ahead. Coming off a year of stronger markets and improved export sales, our expert panelists will present a lively dialogue about the major factors shaping the world dairy sector and whether 2011 holds similar promise.

You may register for this webinar by clicking on the registration link below.

DBIA - Great Lakes Region


The Design-Build Institute of America-Great Lakes Region and on Friday, November 5th at 8:00 a.m. at the Cambria Suites in Noblesville, Indiana, we will be holding an event that gives an overview of the $60 million design-build construction project that the Michigan Milk Producers Association (MMPA) recently underwent. 


This event could possibly be of interest to some that are involved in the American Dairy Association of Indiana who might be undergoing construction projects or who are interested in learning about how the design-build delivery method was successful for the MMPA.  

DBIA Great Lakes Event Registration

IPDP "Partners in Success"

At the September 2nd IPDP Board of Directors meeting they approved holding an appreciation luncheon for our IPDP sponsors and allied industry partners.  Our inaugural event will be held November 12th at the Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Corn Marketing Council offices.

Our Keynote Speaker will be Scott Higgins from the Ohio Dairy Association. Invitees will consist of senior level company executives and IPDP board members who will hear messages pertinent to all in the dairy industry and our direction as an organization.

ISA / ICMC has graciously agreed to provide IPDP support for this event and is another example of how our Corporate Sponsors help to assist us in promoting our Indiana dairy producers.

Upcoming Events


November 2, DFA Regional Meeting, Middlebury, IN

November 5, DBIA - Great Lakes Region Conference, Noblesville, IN

November 11, DFA Regional Meeting, Anderson, IN

November 12, 2010:  IPDP "Partners In Success" Luncheon

November 16, USDEC's Global Dairy Outlook Webinar

November 18, DFA Regional Meeting, Seymour, IN


December 1, IPDP Board of Directors Meeting

December 1, 2011 American Forage and Grassland Conference, Programming Ideas (individual and group) due

December 2, IPDP Board of Directors Meeting  

December 10, Milk Quality Meeting, Fort Wayne, IN


January 28, 2011 Livestock, Farm and Forage Convention, Indianapolis Convention Center

January 28, IPDP Annual Meeting, in Conjunction with the Livestock, Farm and Forage Convention.


June 12-15, 2011 American Forage and Grassland Conference, French Lick, IN  

Contacting Your Indiana Legislator

With the Indiana Legislature due to commence session in January 2011, you can find out information on who your representatives are at the following website:  http://www.in.gov/legislative/

IPDP Membership Benefits 

Did you know that your IPDP membership provides you
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers
  • Opportunities to network with other professional dairy producers from around the state.
  • Encourage open exchange of ideas and learn new approaches to the most challenging dairy farm management decisions.
  • Allow you to get on the "ground floor" in determining relevant topics facing dairy managers and securing appropriate speakers to tackle those topics at educational meetings
  • Notify you through IPDP newletters of upcoming events and educational opportunities that will help you to be a better dairy producer.
  • Be a sounding board to solving key problems that face Indiana dairy producers.

IPDP is your industry connection to:

  • Indiana Creamery License Division
  • Indiana Board of Animal Health
  • Indiana Department of Environmental Management
  • Indiana State Department of Agriculture
  • Indiana Beef Cattle Association
  • Milk Promotion Services of Indiana
  • Growing Indiana Ag (GINA)

Encourage Others To Join IPDP Today...

Please Take Our Survey

At IPDP we aim to serve our membership to the highest levels possible.  Please take a few minutes to answer a limited number of survey questions regarding this E-Update.  Your input will provide guidance on how we can better serve your needs.

In This Issue
IDEM CAFO/CFO Rulemaking
Court Strikes Down
Fortified Milk
Kentuckiana Tour
Opinion Piece
Farm Credit Services

Platinum Sponsors
Indiana Farm Bureau
Indiana Corn Maketing Council

Indiana Dairy Council

Indiana Soybean

Gold Sponsor
Kalmbach Feeds

Silver Sponsors

BI Vetmedica

Cargill Animal Nutrition


Farm Credit Services

Foremost Farms


Estrumate Logo

IPDP Board of Directors





LuAnn Troxel


email: LuAnn Troxel


Vice President

Ron Fuhrmann


email: Ron Fuhrmann



Executive Director

Butch Mercer


email: Butch Mercer




Kelly Heckaman


email: Kelly Heckaman



Mike Schutz


email: Mike Shutz






Gary Amholt



Joe Hibschman




Sarah Wagler




Mark Rauscher




Ben Rothert




Henk Sevenhuysen




David Forgey





J.J. Degan

Cargill Animal Nutrition


Dr. Ken McGuffey

McGuffey Dairy Consulting


Tamilee Nennich, Ph.D.

Purdue University

Newborn Calf

 Did You Know ?
Sophia Vergara and Son Got Milk Campaign
Sophia Vergara and
son Manolo

Sofia Vergara is no stranger to the got milk� Campaign, in fact Sofia, a Spanish actress who got her start modeling, first appeared in a Spanish language got milk� Milk Mustache ad in 2006. She currently stars on the ABC sitcom "Modern Family" as Gloria Delgado-Pritchett, for which she was nominated for the 2010 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series and a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series. The New York Times selected her as one of 2010's Faces to Watch and The Hollywood Reporter and Billboard have also named her one of the most talented and powerful women in Hispanic entertainment.

Click on the photo and learn more about Sophia and her relationship with the product our membership is engaged with.

Butch Mercer
Executive Director
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers
P.O. Box 70
Zionsville, IN 46077