2011 IPDP Board of Directors
| Indiana Professional Dairy Producers |
IPDP Executive Board
Click on a name below to email an Executive Board Member
Executive Director
Doug Leman
LuAnn Troxel
Vice President Ron Fuhrmann 260-438-4940
Secretary Kelly Heckaman
Tamilee Nennich Ph.D.
Purdue University
Treasurer Mike Schutz Ph.D 765- 494-9478
Dave Forgey
Board Members Joe Hibshman Sarah Wagler Ben Rothert Henk Sevenhuysen Steve Obert
Brian Huber
Liz Kelsay
Dr. Ken McGuffey Todd Janzen, JD
Silver Sponsors
Click on the logo to visit sponsor's website

What's Hot in
Commodity Feed
 | Zeeland Farm Service 866-888-7082 |
Feed Ingredient Update
Following the Jan. 12 USDA crop report, ending stocks improved for corn and beans. The effect of the report, along with more bad news about the European market, was a downturn in the commodities markets.
This is an opportunity to lock in some of your feed ration needs for the summer. Western canola values have improved, with availability to Indiana dairies by rail. Canola is currently showing a -65 sbm CBOT board to some areas.
The old staple of cottonseed has found its way back into several rations lately, with increased inventory in the Eastern states following good yields and quality. Spot loads delivered to Indiana for about $290 per ton have sparked new interest.
Hominy is still trading at a discount to ground corn for some rations. The vomitoxin levels are minimal, which may be a relief to some corn users.
Gluten feed values have dropped off some with corn falling. The European economy played a large part in the decline, as Europe is generally big buyer of gluten feed.
Wheat midds are a good buy and contracts are available. They can also replace some corn in rations.
Soyhulls seem to be holding their value as rail markets into Southern regions increase with colder weather.
Processing of Citrus pulp pellets is going on and supplies seem plentiful for those yet again looking for steady fiber and sugar sources into ration. Check with your merchant for quotes.
There are many different ingredient options on the market. Find out where you can save per head and increase your bottom line.
Enjoy the winter weather again.
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Individual membership in IPDP is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IPDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IPDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IPDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to support IPDP's efforts in Indiana, download an information sheet here. |
IPDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IPDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IPDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
Calf Notes and Links
LGM Dairy Education Info
Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Click on each logo to learn more.
NMPF Resource Manual

Visit the Residue Prevention Page at NMPF by clicking the photo above.

Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.
Click to read the December 2011 Dairy Market Report. |

on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
We hope you all had a nice holiday season and are well into the progress of the New Year. As we look forward, there are many questions in producers' minds as to what lies ahead in 2012. Will favorable milk prices continue, what about the cost of feed, will there be new dairy policy, and what about all those new regulations? Of course we don't have all the answers, but we will do our best to get you the latest information on the issues that have an effect on what you do and provide guidance on regulatory compliance (see CAT 14 below). We will be tackling some of these at the upcoming Indiana Livestock, Forage & Grain Forum on February 27th. You must pre-register for the Forum as there will not be walk-in registrations. The IPDP annual meeting will be held during the 2 PM breakout session, followed by some great topics. You don't want to miss it! Regular, Associate and Corporate invoices have all been mailed for 2012 membership. Please update your information and renew your membership today! We need each of you to support Indiana's dairy industry through IPDP. We are very happy to welcome Arm & Hammer as our newest Silver Sponsor. We also have some new regular and Corporate level sponsors. We appreciate the confidence each of you place in IPDP. As always, if I can be of assistance to you in any dairy way, email me at dougleman@indianadairy.org or call 317-695-8228. Finally, if you have not completed the plastic survey, please take the time to fill it out to help gather data and eventually get this program rolling. Take care and God bless!
Doug Leman, IPDP Executive Director
Joint Statement from Ag Organizations in Indiana
"This is a joint statement from the agricultural organizations in Indiana."
As agricultural professionals the health and welfare of our livestock and poultry should always be a leading concern. Recently, the Minnesota based Sparboe Farms became the latest subject of yet another undercover video by the animal rights group Mercy for Animals which aired on ABC News 20/20.
Everyone who works with livestock or poultry should take a step back and review these critical areas.
- Animal care policies and enforcement
- Hiring practices.
Proper animal care policies should reflect the best management practices of your industry. Enforcement mechanisms should be in place to ensure employees/coworkers are following those policies. The hiring practices on a farm should be thorough enough to identify an applicant that may have nefarious reasons for seeking employment on your farm.
With this as a backdrop, please consider reviewing your farm and company policies for the following:
- Office and Plant Security
- Employee Screening
- Employee Training & Accountability
- Responding to Activist's Letters
- Talking With Law Enforcement
- Talking To The Media
Our main priority should be the health and safety of our animals, but we cannot discount the threat that these types of videos and the subsequent news coverage have on our industry. Please take the above items into consideration. Tools are available to help farmers if you are interested in learning more, have any concerns or questions please contact Doug Leman at dougleman@indianadairy.org or 317-695-8228.
CAT 14 Fertilizer & Manure Certification It's the law now. As of Jan. 1, 2012, any person applying manure from a Confined Feeding Operation (CFO) on property they own or manage must be certified as a private applicator in Category 14 through Office of the Indiana State Chemist. This includes manure from a CFO-size facilities from out-of-state. An exception is made for people that apply less than 10 cubic yards or 4,000 gallons of manure in a year. Farmers that apply commercial fertilizer to their own acres are not required to be certified. If you need to become certified, there are a number of options for you. Visit Purdue's CAT 14 resource page here for testing dates and further information.
Applicator Training Tutorial
The Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Corn Marketing Council funded a new online training course to help livestock farmers access materials from home to prepare for the CAT 14 Fertilizer and Manure Applicator Certification. The tutorial has built-in tools allowing farmers to verify that all the proper practices are in place and help in the training and overseeing of employees who fall under the supervising certified applicator rule.
Click here to view the tutorial or learn more about the CAT 14 Fertilizer and Manure Applicator Certification.
IPDP Welcomes Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition New Silver Sponsor!
IPDP is delighted to welcome Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition as a new Silver Level Sponsor.
Please click on their logo to visit their website and learn more about this company.
Arm and Hammer began selling Sodium Bicarbonate in 1973 as a buffer for dairy cow rations. In 1985, they introduced rumen bypass fat feeding concept. Megalac, a rumen bypass fat came on the market in 1986. DCAD Plus was introduced in 1997. Then, in 2001 Megalac-R began selling. Megalac-R supplies Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids to the diet which improves reproductive performance in dairy cows. In 2002 Fermenten and Bio-Chlor were added to the product list. Finally, after 8 years of research, in 2009, Megamine-L was introduced as a premier source of by-pass Lysine.
Dairymen are learning that they can feed less total protein and get the same production by using amino acid balancing with Megamine-L. Arm and Hammer products are all manufactured in the USA even though they sell products internationally. All products are sold through distributors as Arm and Hammer does not sell directly to dairymen. Arm and Hammer provides quality sales and technical professionals who work with dairymen and nutritionist to improve the dairyman's production, reproduction and overall efficiency.
CLPP Free Instructional Sessions
The Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) is hosting a series of producer workshops across the state as part of the Certified Livestock Producer Program (CLPP), a voluntary program that recognizes farmers for their commitment to innovative and top industry standards.
Each workshop is free of charge and will include industry experts in the five areas of focus for the CLPP program: commitment to the environment, animal well-being, food safety, emergency planning, biosecurity and being a good neighbor in their community.
"The Certified Livestock Producer Program gives an opportunity for livestock producers to publicly demonstrate their commitment to their farm, their family, and the future. The instructional session are the first steps in completing the program, and they offer the opportunity to gain knowledge from experts in the livestock industry that will benefit each producer's operation and community." said CLPP Program Manager, John Nagle.
Free CLPP Instructional Sessions:
Jan. 24, Carroll Co. 4-H Building Flora, IN, 8:30 - 3:30
Feb 8 and Feb 9: Decatur County Extension Office, Greensburg, IN, 5 - 8:30 PM both evenings
Feb. 14, Wabash County REMC, Wabash, IN 8:30-3:30
Feb. 22, Jay Co. Public Library, Portland, IN 8:30-3:30
Registration information available here. (scroll down)
Mitloehner and Dickrell to Speak at Livestock Forage & Grain Dairy Sessions
Register now for the 2012 Indiana Livestock, Forage and Grain Forum on Monday, February 27 The Indiana Livestock, Forage and Grain Forum will be held in Indianapolis on Monday, February 27.
After a thought-provoking morning program, the afternoon dairy breakout sessions will highlight some great speakers and dairy specific topics. The breakout session will begin with the IPDP Annual Meeting, including the awards for the Indiana Dairy Producer and Young Dairy Producer. Next, Dr. Frank Mitloehner, a featured speaker from the morning session, will highlight research he has done specifically addressing air emissions from dairy cattle and silage. The second breakout session will feature Jim Dickrell, Editor of Dairy Today magazine. Mr. Dickrell will address the important topic of dairy policy and will provide an insightful look into how the various proposed policies will potentially affect dairy prices in the future.
Mark your calendars for this great event! We look forward to seeing you there. Online registration is available now at www.indianasoybean.com.
IDEM Names New Ag Liaison
 INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - The Indiana Department of Environmental Management says it has added a new agricultural liaison responsible for managing the agency's relationship with farms and ag-related businesses, groups and agencies. The agency announced Wednesday that the liaison, Steven Howell, also will advise the agency about federal, state and local agriculture-related trends and issues. IDEM says Howell has experience in agriculture and conservation as a congressional aide and as a field representative with the Indiana Farm Bureau. He also was part owner and operations manager of a family grain and livestock operation in western Indiana's Jay County. Steven will take over the position vacated recently by Andy Tauer. IPDP looks forward to working with him.
Through the Eyes of a City Kidby Attorney Mike Bowman
 | Todd Janzen and Mike Bowman with Byron Seeds Samuel Fisher |
We received this interesting note several months ago from PSRB attorney Mike Bowman. After reading it again recently, we just had to share it with you. These are Mike's comments about his experience in attending the IPDP Rockville tour.
"Thank you again for allowing me to join IPDP's tour of Byron Seeds, Springbrook Farms, and the Elanco Clinton plant. For someone who grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., and whose knowledge of genetics wouldn't fill a 7th grade book report about Gregor Mendel and his peas, it was an eye-opener! The science behind Byron Seeds' testing and blending of different varieties is fascinating. I had no idea that corn might be bred to be anything other than sweet and juicy, and I assumed that cows got fed seconds. It never occurred to me, for example, that corn and sorghum varieties might be bred specifically for silage properties instead of grain. In fact, I didn't even know what silage or sorghum were. I enjoyed Samuel Fisher's explanations of his test fields and his inside operations. I also enjoyed Springbrook Farms, but must admit that dairy-cow genetics are so far over my head that it took me several minutes to realize Mike Jones was describing dairy-cow genetics! It just does not occur to a city-kid how much science goes into this business -- if you all had worn lab coats with pocket protectors I would have sworn it was a science-fair.
What impressed me most, however, are the people. Everyone was friendly and willing to explain the science and business to a novice, and really made me feel welcome. The conversation was stimulating and educative, and I cannot imagine a better way to spend a late-summer day. Last but not least, the pastries and lunch were excellent - I came to the tour hungry for knowledge, and drove away stuffed!
Back to the Basics: Explaining the Estrous Cycle
The estrous cycle and associated hormones are the cornerstone of dairy cattle reproduction.
Developing a better understanding of the cycle and utilizing this knowledge on your dairy operation will allow you to optimize reproductive efficiency with your herd.
The 21-day estrous cycle relies on a handful of key reproductive hormones for successful completion. A Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council publication entitled Back to the Basics: Explaining the Estrous Cycle provides an illustration of how these hormone levels change during the estrous cycle.
The three-page publication also provides definitions for key reproductive hormones and their respective functions in the dairy cow. It can serve as a useful training tool for employees involved in herd reproductive management.
Source: Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council
FDA Begins Milk Residue Survey Tom Quaife, Dairy Herd Network, Jan. 10
The long-anticipated drug-residue-sampling survey by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has begun.
According to the National Milk Producers Federation, the survey will involve 900 milk samples from dairy producers who have had a cull dairy cow residue violation in the past, as well as another 900 milk samples from dairies at large.
The idea is to see if there is a correlation between drug residues that may be showing up in the carcasses of cull cows with those that may be showing up in milk. Last September, at the annual meeting of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, FDA official William Flynn said regulators want to know how cull-cow-tissue violators are doing in comparison to the industry as a whole. Read more.
Building or Renovating a New Dairy? Attend GLRDC on Feb. 9-11
 Dairy producers planning to build new facilities or renovate existing ones will want to attend the Thursday afternoon Feb. 9 sessions at this year's Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference (GLRDC). The 10th annual conference will take place Feb. 9-11 at the Soaring Eagle Resort, Casino and Conference Center in Mount Pleasant. For full conference details and registration info, click here.
SR9 Bridge Weight Limit Challenge
 When dairy farmer and IPDP board member, Sarah Wagler, discovered that an important bridge on SR 9 in Brown County had a weight restriction placed on it that seriously affected the movement of milk and grain in the area, she contacted IPDP executive director Doug Leman. Doug contacted John Nagle from the Indiana State Department of Agriculture to see what could be done and also discover the reason for the weight restriction. ISDA has now drafted a letter to the Governor's office. Hopefully there will soon be a positive update about this situation. We'll let you know what happens! This is a good example of an issue that can be frustrating and can have a negative economic impact. No one wants to see an unsafe situation, but sometimes burdensome restrictions are unnecessary. Hopefully, this particular issue will soon be resolved. Please contact us if you are aware of issues like this! We will do what we can to help!
May 1 Countdown to 400,000 SCC de facto Standard Jim Dickrell, Dairy Today Editor
 On Nov. 22, 2011, USDA announced that individual U.S. dairy farms would have to ship milk with a somatic cell count (SCC) of fewer than 400,000 cells per milliliter to qualify for export to the European Union (EU). The marketing requirement went into effect on Jan. 1, but dairy farms have until May 1 to comply. Farms can apply for a temporary exemption, called a "derogation," under special or seasonal circumstances. The new standard has been under discussion since June 2009. In fact, on Jan. 20, 2010, USDA announced that the industry would have to meet the standard by Feb. 1 of that year. The announcement caused such an uproar that the agency issued a retraction and spent the next 22 months crafting the new requirement. Read more.
Contacting Your Legislators
With all the movement in dairy policy legislation, it's more important than ever for you to build relationships with your legislators.  Nationally there are around 54,000 dairy farmers (out of 307 million total US population). In Indiana, there are 1288 Grade A dairy farms (6.4 million people in Indiana). Our legislators need to be educated about dairy issues, and they are looking to you to deliver. If you don't know them personally, why not take the time to introduce yourself? We live in very interesting times, and you have a message that our legislators need to hear. Click here to get contact information and more on your Indiana legislators. For US legislators and agencies, click here.
Upcoming 2012 Events
JANUARY January 24 Regular IPDP Board of Directors meeting, MPSI office, Indianapolis. 10 AM January 25-26 Heart of America Grazing Conference, Mount Vernon, Illinois Conference Brochure FEBRUARY February 3-4 Northern Indiana Grazing Conference, Michiana Event Center, 7605 SR 9, Howe, Indiana February 9-11 Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference, Mount Pleasant, Michigan February 27, 2012 Livestock Forage & Grain Expo at Marriott, downtown Indianapolis. February 27, 2012 IPDP Annual Meeting February 29, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Decatur February 29, 2012 11th Annual Midwest Women in Agriculture Conference, Shipshewana, Indiana MARCH March 1, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Goshen March 1, 2012 11th Annual Midwest Women in Agriculture Conference, Shipshewana March 6. 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Warrenton March 7, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Columbus March 8, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Rockville APRIL April 10 & 11, 2012 Indiana Milk Quality Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana