Indiana Professional Dairy Producers
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
September 30, 2011              Issue 22

"An organized voice for Hoosier Dairy Farmers"


Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.   

Holstein 805

In This Issue
Dairy Blogs
Support IPDP
World Dairy Expo!
New Platinum Sponsor!
IPDP Industry Updates
Temple Grandin Audio
Dairy Security Act of 2011
Farm Disaster Readiness
Supply Management vs. World Markets Opinion
Early Career Dairy Producer Visits
Contact your Legislators



Click on any logo to reach company website

Hubbard Feeds Logo
Indiana Corn Marketing Council Logo

Byron Seeds

Indiana Farm Bureau



Indiana Soybean Alliance
Great Blogs to Read
Cow Cartoon
Blogging is all the rage these days, from political, social, home improvement, name it. Progressive Dairyman has compiled a list of dairy bloggers that you may find interesting. Click the cartoon above or click here to find a great list. If you're still looking for more great material, why not meet The Real Farmwives of America featuring a bunch of great bloggers with a farm theme. Many of these blogs are from the Hoosier state!

Gold Sponsors


ZFS Official 


DeLaval Logo 

BI Logo

Kaeb Sales Logo

Kalmbach Logo
2011 IPDP Board
of Directors

Indiana Professional Dairy Producers

IPDP Executive Board


Executive Director

Doug Leman 




LuAnn Troxel



Vice President
Ron Fuhrmann

Kelly Heckaman



Tamilee Nennich Ph.D. 

Purdue University


Mike Schutz Ph.D
765- 494-9478  


Dave Forgey 



Click on a name above to email an Executive Board Member

Board Members

 Joe Hibshman

Sarah Wagler

Ben Rothert

Henk Sevenhuysen

Steve Obert

Fort Branch


Brian Huber

St. Paul





Liz Kelsay



Dr. Ken McGuffey
McGuffey Dairy Consulting


Todd Janzen, JD




Silver Sponsors

Click on the logo to visit any sponsor website


Koetter & Smith  


Michigan Milk Producers Logo  



Fair Oaks Farms Logo 


Prairie Farms




FCS New Logo


Dairy Farmers of America

Visit Our Bronze Level Sponsors

Bronze Level
Click on above button!



Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Innovation Center

 Click on each
logo to learn more.

NMPF Resource Manual
Residue Prevention

Visit the Residue Prevention Page at NMPF by clicking the photo above.



Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business
management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.



Support IPDP  


We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IPDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to be a corporate sponsor of IPDP, download an information sheet here.

Individual membership in IPDP is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IPDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IPDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.   



Welcome to our IPDP e-update! We hope you find the information we've compiled both informative and educational.


Our annual Partners in Success luncheon is designed to thank our current sponsors and introduce potential dairy industry partners to our organization. If you think we are missing a great dairy company and possible IPDP supporter, let me know and we will be glad to invite them to our luncheon on November 18.


We have completed our labor meetings and from the comments I received it seems that everyone who attended was able to pick up some new information and also get the assurance that they were doing things right. I would like to thank Indiana Farm Bureau and Indiana Pork for their efforts in helping to make this happen. I also thank our presenters: Phil Ripani, Melissa Bradford, Angela Adams, and Ron Tapia. They really did an excellent job of helping us understand what we must do to stay in compliance. If anyone has questions about labor issues, please contact me and I will try to get you an answer from what was covered.


We are still growing and would like to welcome our new members and are very pleased to announce our new Platinum level sponsor. We look forward to working with all of you! As always, if you have any dairy needs or questions please contact me. My cell is 317-695-8228 and my email is Please be careful during the busy harvest season, and God bless.

Doug Leman
IPDP Executive Director

It's Time for World Dairy Expo!
World Dairy Expo 2011 Many folks in the dairy industry are looking forward to World Dairy Expo 2011, which will be held October 4-8 in Madison, Wisconsin.

Industry experts from a vast array of expertise will converge at World Dairy Expo to help dairy operations be more profitable and efficient as part of the 2011 Expo Seminars. Eight free seminars will be offered during the week of October 4 through 8 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wis. Learn more about: Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy, genomic testing, communicating with consumers, robotic milking, calf nutrition, somatic cell counts, feed costs and carbon emissions. View the complete seminar schedule here.
Hubbard Feeds Goes Platinum! 
Hubbard Feeds Logo

IPDP is pleased to announce that Hubbard Feeds is investing in IPDP at the Platinum level. This company provides excellent products and services, and we encourage you to visit their website by clicking their logo or visiting  


For more information contact one of these three local plants: 

Botkins, OH 1-800-837-82222

Shipshewana, IN 1-800-552-2092

Castleton, IN 1-800-428-2135


Hubbard Feeds Inc. is an excellent nutrition partner for your dairy - with innovative feed solutions that really work, and a wide network of more than 1,400 dealers who make it their business to understand yours. The result is so much more than just another feed company. Here's why:  


New Standards for Quality. Hubbard was the first full-line U.S. feed manufacturer to be ISO 9001 registered and HACCP certified, the international standards for feed quality management and food safety. And they're constantly working to improve  already high standards.

Personalized Service. No two operations are identical or have the same goals. Hubbard works closely with customers to customize programs, and bring you the right combination of expert resources and product performance you're looking for. They answer your questions and exceed your expectations.

Building Trust, Delivering Solutions. Hubbard Feeds products are researched, tested, well known and respected. Your money is well spent, because you can rely on them to deliver.


Hubbard Feeds Inc. manufactures and markets animal nutrition and health products and services to meat, milk and egg producers, and companion animal and equine owners. Hubbard Feeds is focused on animal nutrition and has 21 manufacturing facilities in the United States and thousands of products including complete feed, premixes, meal, pellets and blocks.


IPDP Board Meeting Update
IPDP IPDP's board of directors met on September 27th. At each board meeting, there are usually updates from Indiana State Department of Agriculture, Indiana State Board of Animal Health, and Indiana Department of Environmental Management and more. At this time, there is no ag liaison at IDEM, and no representative was present at the board meeting. Please click here to read the summary prepared by Tamilee Nennich.
Temple Grandin Audio on DairyCast
Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin is a well known veterinarian and animal welfare expert. Take the time to listen to a short audio clip of her on a recent DairyCast podcast. If you don't currently receive DairyCast, a free Truffle Media production, you might be interested in hearing more about it here.
The Dairy Security Act of 2011
holsteins Collin Peterson (D-MN) is sponsoring HR 3062 The Dairy Security Act of 2011. The summary of the bill states, "The current environment in the dairy sector is becoming very similar to what we saw leading up to the 2009 collapse. The dairy industry cannot wait for another crisis for Congress to do something to fix the broken dairy safety net. The Dairy Security Act of 2011 will provide a more effective, yet lower cost, safety net for dairy producers, a simplified milk marketing system for processors and an abundant and safe food supply for consumers." National Milk Producers Federation gives its strong support to this legislation here.

But wait! It's not a surprise that there's more than one way to look dairy policy issues. IPDP legal consultant Todd JanzenTodd Janzen covers some of the controversy surrounding dairy policy on his blog  Fertile Ground. Also, Connie Tipton at International Dairy Foods Assoc., also has thoughts here. You can also view IDFA's press release from September 22.


Tornado, Fire or Flood
Farm Disaster Readiness Plan

By John Nagle

Livestock Program Manager

Indiana State Department of Agriculture


Looking at today's headlines, you can John Nagle

see evidence of natural disasters affecting numerous parts of the nation. Indiana has certainly been impacted by disasters this year, and agriculture has not been exempt from damages from these events. If your farm is affected by a disaster or emergency, do you know the best way to respond? How do you make sure everyone is ok? Who do you call?   What do you do with your animals? These are all important questions to ask when dealing with such a crisis as well as being able to provide information in an effective manner. To provide these answers you need to develop an effective farm emergency plan.

            The old saying "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is true when it comes to planning for an emergency on your farm. Seconds count when it comes to saving lives, animals, and property.   Developing a farm emergency plan now can provide you the crucial time you need to make a difference when every moment counts. Click here to read more and get additional templates and resources for planning.


Supply Management vs. World Markets

Opinion of Dave Forgey,  

IPDP Executive Board Member

Dairy Farmer, Logansport, Indiana


Dave Forgey

I continue to suggest that any supply management that is considered mandatory will cause all dairy producers in the country to have outside pressures controlling their market. Any attempt at supply control will place a floor on world market prices even though the proposed bill  (HR3062 Dairy Security Act of 2011)suggests it would not be implemented if it impacts exports.


There are market margin options through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange or our cooperatives to use risk management that do not require supply management. Some producers will need to become better educated in these programs either through their cooperatives or through a broker. I would suspect that perhaps up to 70% of US production will either utilize some form of this personal margin management or simply not consider it an issue. If that is true, and if there is a government request for supply management, it won't be very effective. With perhaps only 30% participation in the proposed government program if utilized, it could greatly impact the production levels of those using the government program who are then required to reduce production.


Our cooperatives produce basically all of the butter and powdered products produced in the US short of some whey products from proprietary cheese plants. These are the products that have growth potential both domestically and on world markets. While there is investment by cooperatives to develop new standardized products, it doesn't seem to be driven by the desire to make world markets the important part of the US dairy industry that it should be. Read more. 


Early Career Dairy Producer Visits
Kimmi at Minich Dairy
Dr. Tamilee Nennich, through Purdue Cooperative Extension and Indiana Professional Dairy Producers, periodically organizes early career dairy producer events. This past week, there were tours of Jeff and Diana Maschino's dairy in North Vernon and Jim and Val Minch's in LaPorte. You can view a quick photo slideshow here.

Early career tours are designed to bring an opportunity for dairy producers to visit other dairy farms and provide an ideas exchange among other young dairy farmers. Even though we call it "early career", anyone is welcome to participate. For more information about this, or if you would like to be on Dr. Tamilee Nennich's email list to be informed when these tours occur, please send an email to
IPDP Corporate Sponsors
IPDPThere is a growing list of companies that recognize IPDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IPDP at some level, please download a brochure here.


Contacting Your Legislators

It can be a wonderful asset to your farming operation if you know your legislators at the local, state and Indiana Statehousefederal levels. Nationally there are around 54,000 dairy farmers (out of 307 million total US population). In Indiana, there are 1288 Grade A dairy farms (6.4 million people in Indiana). Our legislators need to be educated about dairy issues, and they are looking to you to deliver. If you don't know them personally, why not take the time to introduce yourself? We live in very interesting times, and you have a message that our legislators need to hear. Click here to get contact information and more on your Indiana legislators. For US legislators and agencies, click here.


on the Archive button to access previous issues of our 


and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.

Upcoming Events


October 4-8 World Dairy Expo

October 19-22 National FFA Convention

in Indianapolis



November 18, 2011

IPDP's 2nd Partners in Success Luncheon at Corn/Soybean Offices in Indianapolis 12-2  

IPDP Board of Directors special meeting following Partners in Success Luncheon at 2 PM



February 27, 2012 Livestock Forage & Grain Expo at Marriott, downtown Indianapolis.

February 27, 2012 IPDP Annual Meeting

February 29, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Decatur



March 1, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Goshen

March 6. 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Warrenton

March 7, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Columbus

March 8, 2012 Regional Dairy Meeting, Rockville