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Quick Alert
September 25, 2012

Aflatoxin Update
A quick message alert to keep Indiana Dairy Producers informed!

We are not intending to alarm, but knowledge can be managed!
Our experts at Purdue University and Indiana Corn Marketing Council agree with this message and recommendations:

  • Aflatoxin is our reality this year, and we urge dairy producers to be informed! Legal limits of aflatoxin are being enforced: No more than 20 parts per billion are allowed in dairy cow feed, and no more than 0.5 parts per billion are allowed in milk!
  • Ultimately, it is up to the dairy farmer to make certain that he/she are within the allowable limits.
  • When drying corn this fall, dry at 180 degrees or higher, dry quickly to 14% moisture to minimize the aflatoxin growth.
  • We have heard of problems with Illinois corn producers who used low heat bin dryers. Avoid it! Low heat drying may give the mold the conditions it needs to produce a lot of toxin very quickly. Stirraters may even make things worse, mixing up and spreading the mold.  
  • If aflatoxin is a problem in your neighborhood, do not use drying bins of any type to dry the corn.  Do not store wet corn in trucks, bins, anywhere for more than 24 hours.    
  • From an aflatoxin growth perspective the corn is better off in the field than in wet storage.
  • Consult your crop insurance agent prior to harvesting if you know you have issues with aflatoxin. 


Additional information about aflatoxin can be found on our website, Special thanks to Keller Advisory Group for alerting us to this information. 

Indiana Dairy Producers Logo
Indiana Dairy Producers
Doug Leman, Executive Director
205 W Gordon Street
Francesville, IN  47946