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Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
Julie Bommer, Secretary/Treas.
Liz Kelsay Brian Huber
Fred Kunkel
Greg Peters
Brian Houin
Cory Craig Nathan Kuehnert
Industry Advisers
Andy Tauer
Todd Janzen, Attorney
Nathan Hrnicek
Chris Moore
Alicia Hrnicek, Administrative Assistant
Silver Sponsors
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Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
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Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site: Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care. |

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Contact Chris Moore for free insurance consultation and quotes on your farm and agribusiness Insurance needs! IDP members receive an exclusive discount on SECURA Insurance.
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We literally had the bus full as we began our journey into Illinois for the 2016 Farm & Industry Tour the last two days of March. This year we had the opportunity to visit a really diverse group of farms; special thanks to Slagel Farm, Zehr Acres, Kilgus Dairy and Farmstead, River Valley Farm, Kasbergen's Stone Ridge Dairy, and Butlerview Farm, each offering us something unique. We also had the privilege of Dr. Mike Hutjens speaking to our group following a delicious meal together. As always, we had the opportunity to learn and even more importantly meet new folks and make new friendships. Special thanks also to those who helped make this tour possible, our Indiana State Dept. of Agriculture for awarding IDP a livestock promotion grant, JBS United, Milk Specialties Global, Dairyland Seed, Indiana Soybean Alliance, and Indiana Corn Marketing Council. Hopefully next year we will need two buses!
Speaking of sponsors, it is with much appreciation that we are able to welcome Synergy Feeds as a new Silver Sponsor. It would not be possible for us to strive to fulfill the IDP vision "To make Indiana the most desirable state in which to produce milk" without such a wonderful group of sponsors. You can cover most if not all of your needs by working with our sponsors - so please show them your appreciation. Although our industry is currently facing some tremendous challenges, the future looks bright in Indiana! As our organization began in 1999 there have been many people serving and working to make IDP what it has become today, I want to thank each one for having a vision and giving of their time selflessly. At this time I want to offer much gratitude and thanks to LuAnn Troxel for her many years of service and dedication to IDP. She has decided to retire from her position with IDP to dedicate more time to her family and business. I know her passion for the industry and for IDP will continue on. It is also with great pleasure that I introduce Alicia Hrnicek as our new Administrative Assistant. I know she will look forward to meeting you at future events. LuAnn and Alicia have already begun working to make this a seamless transition. We wish you all the best, LuAnn! When the weather clears and you get busy in the fields hauling, making feed, and planting crops, remember to keep safety as a priority - you are all very important to your families! Never hesitate to contact me with any dairy needs, dougleman@indianadairy.org or by calling me at 317-695-8228. Take care and God bless!
Doug Leman
IDP Executive Director
Unforgettable Farm & Industry Tour to Illinois on March 30-31
 The IDP Farm & Industry Tour to Illinois on March 30-31 was a terrific bus tour enjoyed by 54 IDP members. To see a picture slide show of the event, click here.
There was great opportunity to see a nice variety of farms with a diverse group of dairy farm owners and industry folks. There should have been something for everyone on the tour to take great interest in, and judging from the camaraderie and laughter on the tour, that goal was achieved. Summary of the Farm & Industry Tour Slagel Farm: Heifer raising farm for Seven Hills Dairy in Goodland, Indiana, where they have around 2100 heifers from birth to near springing. They average picking up 25 new heifer calves weekly. Calves are 2-9 days old upon receipt. Mortality losses for the past 12 months were 1%. They raise calves in individual pens in hoop barns along with one automatic calf feeding system. Calves are weaned at 7 weeks and are moved to group pens. They start breeding cows at 13 months. Biggest challenge to the hoop barns is winter snow. The family crops 700 acres in addition to the livestock chores. Zehr Acres: Heifer raising facility for 4 different large dairy farms, they keep calves for about 230 days. In the winter, each calf gets a jacket, a PI tissue test, Vitamin E shot, a medication shot and are dehorned using paste upon arrival. They use Heifer Pro to document everything. They pick up hospital milk and newborn calves in the same specially modified trailer. Then they feed calves with a combination of pasteurized milk and milk replacer. With 750 calf hutches, they have automated systems for filling milk bottles, bedding hutches and presenting water and grain. Zehr's make their own calf starter. Calves are grouped by age but not by source farm until they are older. Goal is to have 2.0-2.15 rate of gain in 230 days. Kilgus Dairy and Farmstead: Milking about 130 Jersey cows, made the decision to have a dairy with on-farm processing which became a reality in June 2009. Their big hurdle was leaving the security of a co-op and dealing with the risk of processing. Their first year was incredibly difficult, and as they look back, it was one of the hardest things they had ever been through. Today, the lessons and experience they have gained are invaluable and they have a market for all of their milk and then some. They process milk on M W F, roughly 1500-1700 gal each day. They need 3-5 people in the processing plant to accomplish this. They get a lot of questions from consumers, but there seems to be less concern about organic and more about GMO's. In addition to their dairy, the meat market has been a very big market for them. They currently purchase the bull calves from River Valley farm and they profitably sell that beef, which is distributed along with their milk. They also raise Berkshire pigs, originally a way to utilize excess milk, but now just to sell pork.
River Valley Farm: This farm is a show place. It's a beautiful picturesque farm with state of the art facilities housing a show and genetic herd in individual box stalls and a separate commercial Jersey herd of 240 cows. Once they realized the potential for high genetics, they have pursued that market and currently have 20 bulls in Select Sire's program. They have a robotic calf feeding system, Juno robotic feed pusher, as well as four Lely A3 robots. Stone Ridge Dairy: George Kasbergen personally gave the tour of his double 35 parallel parlor, where 35 employees are milking 3200 cows three times daily. They milk about 450 cows an hour. The farm has high production and excellent quality milk. They focus on beddding and good parlor management, including getting clean teat ends. Fifty percent of the herd is 2 year old heifers. The foot trimmer comes every Tuesday and their nutritionist comes every Wednesday. They keep 400-440 cows in each group, and each barn holds roughly 1600-1700 cows. The farm is fully direct load, and they save hospital milk for their calf raiser (Zehr Acres, visited earlier). Butlerview: The final stop of the IDP Farm & Industry Tour was a dairy farm like few others. The focus of Butlerview is superior genetics with milk production secondary. Their goals include high net merit and TPI index cattle for marketing and use by bull studs. They utilize technologies like embryo transfer, IVF, and genomic evaluations. They have also produced many All-American and All-Canadian show cows throughout the years.
Synergy Feeds Becomes New Silver Sponsor
IDP is very pleased to welcome Syngergy Feeds as its newest Silver level sponsor. Please read below for more about this innovative feed company.
Synergy Feeds LLC in South Whitley Indiana was formed on September 1, 2009 by North Central Co-op and Ag Plus Co-op. The two local farmer owned co-ops formed Synergy Feeds to better serve their customer's livestock feed needs with a modern high efficiency feed manufacturing facility. Synergy Feeds offers a large line of feed ingredients to be able to customize swine, beef, and dairy rations. They require their ingredients to pass their in-depth Quality Assurance program to confirm each ingredient meets the nutrient specifications. They also offer a unique supplier verification "backgrounding" process to authenticate the quality of their ingredients before use in their blends. In order to verify and track formulations, Synergy Feeds has invested in an automated feed blending system. This allows for their blends to be more precise and accurate as they have a computer system weighing out and monitoring the feed ingredients. Synergy Feeds is continually striving to improve their efficiency, grow their business and continue to make every effort to focus on their customers. Their team of professionals has experience that touches every aspect of the livestock industry. Customers rely on this expertise to provide the best solutions for their specific needs. Contact Synergy Feeds for all your feed needs. Call Terry Stoy, Dairy Coordinator at 260-750-0056 or speak with Vallerie Whaley 260-723-5141 Ext. 425.
Exciting Things Are Happening Right Here At Home
 Doug Leman - Executive Director Indiana Dairy Producers is pleased that our Indiana State Dept. of Agriculture (ISDA) grasped the idea of the need for more dairy processing to enhance the marketing opportunity for Indiana's dairy farm families. They not only understood but immediately commissioned a study and hence the 2015 Indiana Dairy Strategy - confirming the need for more processing in our state. Indiana Dairy Producers applauds our Ag friendly Administration, the ISDA, and the Indiana Economic Development Corp (IEDC) partnering to bring this project to Indiana - and Walmart for making the decision to locate in Indiana, making our dream start to become a reality! This is supposedly going to be the largest plant of this type in the country - right here in Indiana! As they were planning to build this plant in the midwest, looking at two neighboring states, we are appreciative they chose Indiana where we feel it has potential to help our producers the most. We believe this brightens the future for our Indiana dairy industry while adding a great economic impact to our state. Following close behind this, the announcement was made that Krone North America is relocating its US headquarters to Indiana, making this their primary distribution hub and bringing dairy forage equipment to our state, another win for the Dairy Strategy and Indiana. Is this it? We hope not! We feel and believe there is still more processing to come, adding more demand and therefore more strength to our industry. We are not the only state needing more processing but we are the state with things happening now, and for that we are grateful!
2016 Round of Funding for USDA Value-Added Producer Grant Expected to be Announced Soon
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)offers the Value Added Producer Grant program in order to help agricultural producers enter into value-added activities related to the processing and/or marketing of bio-based, value-added products. Generating new products, creating and expanding marketing opportunities, and increasing producer income are the goals of this program. There are two types of grants available, Planning Grants, which fund business plans and feasibility studies, and Working Capital Grants, which fund costs such as processing, marketing, supplies and labor.
USDA expects to announce their next round of funding in early Spring. Writing the application for the VAPG is time consuming and may take weeks to prepare. Now is the time to start planning your application. finish reading
Download our USDA VAPG Fact Sheet here
Contact Christi Southerland at Prosperity today to get started on your application and to see if your project is eligible
Why Full-Fat Dairy May Be Healthier Than Low-Fat Dairy
Markham Heid - Time Magazine
Dodging dairy fat may be bad for your waistline
Skim milk or whole? Non-fat yogurt or full-fat? For decades, public health officials have treated these decisions as no-brainers. Cut the dairy fat, they've maintained, and you'll sidestep calories without missing out on good stuff like calcium and protein. Win-win. But they might have been wrong, a chorus of experts now say.
A recent review published in the European Journal of Nutrition of the existing research on dairy fat came to some surprising conclusions: People who eat full-fat dairy are no more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes than people who stick to low-fat dairy. When it comes to weight gain, full-fat dairy may actually be better for you, the review found.
"In terms of obesity, we found no support for the notion that low-fat dairy is healthier," says Dr. Mario Kratz, first author of the review and a nutrition scientist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. Of the 25 studies included in his team's review, Kratz says 18 reported lower body weights, less weight gain, or a lower risk for obesity among full-fat dairy eaters. The other seven studies were inconclusive. "None of the research suggested low-fat dairy is better," he says.
For more on this article click here.
Support IDP
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.
Upcoming 2016 Events
April 9 Boilermaker Legacy Sale sponsored by Purdue Dairy Club 11 am. Details
April 12-13 Indiana Milk Quality Conference, Clarion Hotel & Conference Center, Columbus, IN Details
April 19-20 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, for conference details, click here.
May 29 Indy 500, including a very special milk toast of 100,000--celebrating the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500 and that very unique partnership with milk.
June Dairy Month
June 18 Northern Indiana Dairy Trail open houses at Beer, Gingerich, Knollbrook, Metzger, Nor-Bert and Perkins Dairy Farms, learn more here
June 25 Northern Indiana Dairy Trail open houses at Homestead, Oneeda, Phares, Stutzman farms, learn more here.
July 8 Ice cream social with ADAI
IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.