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New 2013 Manual! NMPF Resource Manual also Animal Care Training Videos and Johnes Assessment Info 
Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.
Click to read the April 2013 Dairy Market Report and Projected MILC Payments |
2013 Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
| Indiana Dairy Producers |
IDP Executive Board
Click on a name below to email an Executive Board Member
Executive Director
Doug Leman
LuAnn Troxel
Vice President
Henk Sevenhuysen
Tamilee Nennich Ph.D.
Treasurer Mike Schutz Ph.D 765-494-9478
Dave Forgey
Kelly Heckaman
Board Members Joe Hibshman Sarah Wagler Julie Bommer Steve Obert
Brian Huber
Industry Advisers
Andy Tauer
Dr. Ken McGuffey Todd Janzen, Attorney
Silver Sponsors
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Visit Our Bronze Sponsors
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on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
 Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
Welcome to our producers, sponsors, and friends, we hope this finds you doing well and catching up on your work. We just returned from the IDP Summer Tour and I think everyone in attendance really enjoyed the trip. A special thanks to all our hosts Stewart-Peterson, American Foods Group, Soaring Eagle Dairy, Pagels Ponderosa Dairy, Calf Source, Robinway Dairy Farm, and our featured speaker, Dr. Lance Fox. We heard lots of great conversations going on during the ride, including some good ideas to bring back to the farm. Also, I want to once more thank those who helped support this tour financially making it all possible: Stewart-Peterson, Indiana Soybean Alliance, Indiana Corn Marketing Council, Milk Specialties, Hubbard Feeds, Prince Agri Products, and NorthStar Cooperative.
I had the privilege to spend the day with the Indiana Dairy Youth Leadership Academy students. It is always refreshing to see the enthusiasm of young people, catching a glimpse of the future.
Next up for IDP will be the Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange to be held in northwest Indiana on July 30-31.We are still working on a few of the details and will be getting the brochure out to you very soon.
Following almost immediately will be the State Fair. We are planning to work the dairy bar during the evening of the three Friday nights: Aug 2, 9 and 16 from 7-11 PM. Let me know what date you want to help serve those great dairy products!
Please take time to consider safety as you go about your daily work. Remember, a chance to save a few seconds can cause a lifetime of grief or pain!
Never hesitate to contact me for any dairy need by phone at 317-695-8228 or email dougleman@indianadairy.org. Take care and God bless!
Doug Leman
Executive Director
Indiana Dairy Producers
IDP's Summer Tour
On June 5-6, Indiana Dairy Producers took a bus full of IDP members to Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Our first stop was to Stewart-Peterson's headquarters in West Bend, Wisconsin. What a terrific welcome we received! Scott Stewart and Randy Niemann were there with many of their Market 360 dairy team. Matt presented information on dairy trends, and they answered our questions and fed us a delicious lunch.
Our next stop was to Soaring Eagle Dairy in Newton, Wisconsin. We heard how Jim Fitzgerald turned a 60-cow tie stall barn into an 1100-cow facility, managed by Jim and his 3 daughters, Kelly, Julie and Stacy. After that, we went to John Pagel's Ponderosa Dairy in Kewaunee, WI. This large-scale operation started with a handful of cows and John's father, and now they milk around 5000 cows with a carousel rotary parlor.
An evening banquet was enjoyed by all, and we were inspired by Dr. Lance Fox's experience climbing Mount Everest. The next morning, we visited American Foods beef slaughter plant (see article below), followed by tours of Calf Source's 9000 head calf-raising facility. This was probably the largest calf raising facility any of us had ever seen, and the calves were incredibly healthy and well-cared for. Manuel and Miguel gave us a terrific tour and answered our questions.
Our last regular stop was to Robinway Dairy, and Jay Binversie gave us a great tour of his farm. We got to see his new teat-brush system in the parlor, as well as his sand separation system. Finally, we stopped at Kopp's for lunch and a chance to taste some of the best custard imaginable. Following are some quotes from satisfied tour attendees:
"I saw dairy farmers that had a vision beyond their generation."
"The comradeship built on the bus and while on the tour is what I find has the most lasting value to me, even though each stop was so interesting. The slaughter plant was way above my expectations, never dreamed we could get so up-close-and-personal!"
"Very educational and the comradeship is invaluable! You can learn something from everyone but on the tour you have time to get into each other's mind. I will never forget the slaughter plant- what an education."
"The IDP tour was a one of a kind dairy experience for me. We saw it all, from birth to slaughter. I really enjoyed it! Thanks!"
"The IDP Summer tour was another great success. Not only was it fun but also rewarding and a great learning experience with quality facilities to visit along with the fellowship with other dairy producers and industry professionals. I am already looking forward to the next IDP Tour!"
"IDP's Summer Tour allowed me to meet many others connected to the dairy industry, especially fellow dairy farmers, and have the chance to learn from them."
"I enjoyed seeing how John Pagel connected his large scale operation to the consumer, building his farm from the ground up!"
Make plans to join us on our next tour in Plymouth and LaPorte, the Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange, on July 30-31. We will be sending out details next week, which will also be posted on our website, www.IndianaDairy.org!
Visit our FLikr page to view pictures, or click here to see a photo slideshow.
Visit to American Foods Slaughter Plant Proved to be a Tour Highlight Written by LuAnn Troxel

One of the highlights of the Summer Tour was the visit to a beef slaughter plant, American Foods Group, in Green Bay. We weren't sure just how much we would get to see, but as it turns out, we were allowed to see everything that was happening that day. This particular slaughter plant processes dairy cull cows, heifers and steers, and that was what they were harvesting during our visit. Before the tour began, we signed an agreement, including a promise not to take pictures. Then we suited up with booties, lab coats, safety glasses, hair nets, gloves and a hard hat. It sure would have been fun to see us all wearing that, but no such luck! We started the tour seeing a lot of the final processing, kind of working the line backwards. There were hundreds of employees, most with a very sharp knife and a knife sharpener, and each seemed to know exactly what to do. Although there is a lot of automation with conveyors and sorting lines, the actual carcass processing is mostly done by hand since each carcass is unique. There is a use for nearly every part of the animal, and it was impressive to see how much care is taken to use everything. Frankly, some were concerned what it would be like to get such an up-close-and-personal view of this process, but it was very interesting to see the actual process and how professionally it was done. Even bringing the live cows into the facility, there was very little noise, and very little stress that was apparent to us.
Another interesting point was seeing the regulatory inspection process. USDA inspectors were right in the lines doing their jobs. Each wore a white hard hat with "USDA" on it. We saw them grading the carcasses, and also doing various inspections throughout the entire process. A USDA veterinarian also inspects each live animal before it enters the line.
After our tour was complete, we were shown meat tissue samples of needle injection sites and abscesses. It was another reminder of the responsibility dairy farmers have when selling dairy cull cows. The meat residue issue is serious. Jim Dickrell has a recent article about it here.
30 Dairies in 30 Days, Celebrating June Dairy Month
Every year during June, Milk Promotion Services of Indiana features June Dairy Month activities, and 2013 is no exception. This year, they have launched a special website, 30 Dairies in 30 Days, featuring a different dairy farm family every single day throughout the month of June. Please click here to learn about each farm. An interactive map pinpoints the 30 featured farms located throughout the state. A click of the mouse takes visitors to each and every farm, where the families' stories and photos are shared. Additional features include favorite recipes, upcoming events, quotes about the farming life, a plethora of fun and surprising dairy facts, and much more. Many IDP members are featured in this great group of dairy farms! Keep up the great work as we all celebrate June Dairy Month!
The 30 featured Indiana dairy farms include: Wagler Farms, Morgantown Obert Legacy Dairy, Fort Branch Troxel Dairy Farm, Hanna Crystal Valley Dairy Farms, Middlebury Kuehnert Dairy Farm, Fort Wayne Rauscher Farms, Huntingburg Kelsay Farms, Whiteland Seven Hills Dairy, Goodland Weaver Dairy Farm, Bennington Stockwell Farms, Hudson Schwoeppe Dairy Farm, Huntingburg Phares Dairy, Albion Foerg & Forgey River-View Farm, Logansport Homestead Dairy, Plymouth Dague Dairy Farms, Kewana J&A Dairy, Evansville Hoeing Livestock Farms, Rushville Jones Robotic Dairy, Star City Brand Farms, Waterloo Mills Dairy Farm, Ossian All Wright Farms, Muncie Crosby Dairy Farm, Greensburg Oneeda Farms, Syracuse Mayhill Holsteins, Fountain City Knollbrook Farm, Goshen Kleine Dairy Farm, Cedar Lake Purdue University Dairy Farm, West Lafayette Huber Dairy Farm, Saint Paul Carterly Farms, Thorntown Hesters Dairy Farm, Walkerton
Global Dairy Market Outlook USDEC by Alan Levitt, Marc Beck and Brad Gehrke
US Dairy Exports reached record levels in April, according to the US Dairy Export Council. Capitalizing on steady global demand, declining supply from other exporters and favorable pricing relationships, U.S. dairy exporters moved record volumes overseas in April. U.S. exports of dry ingredients (milk powder, whey products, lactose), cheese and butterfat topped 168,000 tons in April, up 20% compared with March (on a daily-average basis). Total value was $558.8 million, up 16% from March, and also a new high. Gains were led by an unprecedented level of milk powder shipments. April exports of NDM/SMP were 55,187 tons; the previous high was 47,787 tons in October 2010. Exports were equivalent to 61% of U.S. NDM/SMP production in April, leading to a steep draw-down in manufacturers' stocks during the month. April also marked the third straight month of improved export volumes. February-April shipments were 38% higher than volumes posted in the previous three months (November-January). Shipments of cheese, WPC and lactose also continue to exceed prior-year levels. Cheese exports in the first four months of the year were up 7% vs. a year ago, WPC was up 16% and lactose was up 11%. In addition, fluid milk/cream (+62%) and ice cream (+52%) posted very strong increases in the January-April period. Click here to read the entire Global Dairy Market Outlook from June 11, 2013.
Mulhern Named President of NMPF
The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) announced June 12 that Chief Operating Officer Jim Mulhern will take over as President & Chief Executive Officer on January 1, 2014. Mulhern has been appointed by the NMPF Board of Directors to fill the position held by Jerry Kozak since 1997. Earlier this year, Kozak had informed the Board of his desire to retire on December 31, 2013.
"We are very excited to have such a knowledgeable and capable leader at the head of our team in the coming years. The importance of experience cannot be underestimated in a complex industry like ours," said NMPF Chairman Randy Mooney, a dairy producer from Rogersville, MO.
"Jim's impressive and extensive track record working on dairy issues made him the ideal choice to be the next President and CEO of NMPF."
Mulhern joined NMPF in January 2013, and since that time has managed the communications, government relations, and membership functions of the organization. His appointment as COO marked a return to NMPF; he had directed the organization's government relations program earlier in his career.
A Wisconsin native, Mulhern came to Washington, DC, to work on Capitol Hill in 1983. Following his service at NMPF in the mid-1980s, he returned to Capitol Hill to serve as Chief of Staff for Wisconsin Sen. Herb Kohl. Mulhern also worked in senior management positions for Fleishman-Hillard, the Fratelli Group and Watson/Mulhern LLC. During this period, he maintained a close relationship with the dairy industry and NMPF by working as a consultant on numerous projects.
"I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to lead a membership organization that has meant so much to me throughout my career. I look forward to building further upon the relationships and successes of the past, but with a clear focus on addressing the challenges to dairy farming's future," said Mulhern.
NMPF also announced that after retiring as President & CEO Dec. 31st, Jerry Kozak will continue his involvement with the organization's Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) program, which provides export assistance to its member cooperatives. He will oversee CWT's program and administrative operations and will report directly to Mulhern.
ZFS Feed Update
 | Call 866-888-7082 |
No surprise, Grain Commodities have been strong through Spring and yet today, some feed ingredients have recently come down in cost, excluding soybean meal and proteins like cottonseed and canola, as its based off soybean meal CBOT too.
Soyhulls are in better supply than recent months, with less demand, offering a good buy for fiber source.
There is more supply on hominy creating a slight cost reduction on hominy offerings and also gluten both wet and dry now through Sept.
There are New Crop offerings on the hominy Oct-Dec and gluten for Oct-Mar shipment contracts. Both are quite reasonable and should be considered in the ration.
Old crop cottonseed this summer is higher, following protein market. Cottonseed new crop offers are higher than recent years, due to acres down by as much as 24% in some regions of production.
Distillers (DDGs and wet cake) have backed off cost some with steady supply, showing a good buy in ration for protein source.
Canola meal has been introduced to most dairy rations this past year and are seeing a good response by cows and liked by most producers with the spread to soybean meal. Contracts are available thru summer and Oct-Dec. new crop as well; basis or flat prices.
With Straw shortage, Oat hulls have been available in some areas, and wheat midds have been a strong seller lately as well for many, inquire with merchandiser for alternative feed stuff. Have a Great Dairy Month!!
Not Everyone Likes the Senate Farm Bill
Chicago Tribune Editorial
The Senate approved a nearly $1 trillion farm bill Monday night that proves Washington is still bent on catering to special interests and wasting taxpayers' money.
Let's count the ways.
The Senate bill perpetuates a sugar subsidy that raises the price of sweets and shuts out foreign competition. Great for the sugar industry, terrible for consumers.
The bill creates a new sweetheart deal for the dairy industry: an insurance program that will drive up prices by triggering production cuts when there's an oversupply of product. Good for the dairy industry, terrible for consumers.
The bill perpetuates the vast government subsidies for crop insurance. The government will continue to pay more than half the cost of the insurance. Farmers get subsidized and get a perverse financial incentive to take excessive risks without having to worry if their crops fail. Taxpayers get gouged.
Read the full article here.
Support IDP
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.
National Holstein Convention is Coming to Downtown Indianapolis!
The Indiana Holstein Association is excited to host the upcoming 2013 National Holstein Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, July 7-11, 2013. We welcome dairy producers and enthusiasts worldwide to "Race to Indy" to celebrate the dairy industry and the registered Holstein cow! The National Holstein Convention is always an exciting, enjoyable and education experience for Juniors and Adults. Please visit the convention website for detailed information.
Upcoming 2013 Events
JUNE June 26-27 81st Annual Farm Management Tour, Clinton County Details. June 28 Next regular IDP board meeting at Plews Shadley Racher & Braun JULY July is Fair Season! Click here for Indiana county fair dates and info. July 7-11 National Holstein Convention, Indianapolis, Convention Info July 8-12 American Dairy Science Assoc. Annual Meeting, Indianapolis. July 30-31 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange, Plymouth and LaPorte, Indiana (much more coming, save the date). AUGUST August 2-18 Indiana State Fair August 2, 9, 16 Work an IDP shift at dairy bar! Call Doug at 317-695-8228 to schedule! (7-11PM EDT) August 10 Dairy Skillathon, Indiana State Fair August 11 4-H Dairy Show, State Fair August 13 Open Class Dairy Show, State Fair August 27-29 Farm Progress Show, Decatur, IL OCTOBER Oct. 1-5 World Dairy Expo, Seminar & Virtual Tour Info, Dane County Expo Center, Madison, WI