Indiana Professional Dairy Producers
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
July 13, 2011              Issue 17

"An organized voice for Hoosier Dairy Farmers"

Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.   

Dairy Judging

In This Issue
What's Hot in Commodity Feed
Peterson Moves on Dairy Reform
Janzen Blog
Support IPDP
Hens and Humane Society
Welcome Castongia!
Zeeland Goes Gold
Kentuckiana Crunch Time
FFTF Meetings
Straight Talk About Dairy Policy
Parke County Dairy Tour
State Fair Volunteering
LA Bans Chocolate Milk
Wagler Ice Cream Social



Click on any logo to reach company website

Indiana Corn Marketing Council Logo

Byron Seeds

Indiana Farm Bureau



Indiana Soybean Alliance

Gold Sponsors




DeLaval Logo 

BI Logo

Kaeb Sales Logo

Kalmbach Logo
2011 IPDP Board
of Directors

Indiana Professional Dairy Producers

IPDP Executive Board


Executive Director

Doug Leman 




LuAnn Troxel



Vice President
Ron Fuhrmann

Kelly Heckaman



Tamilee Nennich Ph.D. 

Purdue University


Mike Schutz Ph.D
765- 494-9478  


Dave Forgey 



Click on a name above to email an Executive Board Member

Board Members

 Joe Hibshman

Sarah Wagler

Ben Rothert

Henk Sevenhuysen

Steve Obert

Fort Branch


Brian Huber

St. Paul





Liz Kelsay



Dr. Ken McGuffey
McGuffey Dairy Consulting


Todd Janzen, JD




What's Hot in  

Commodity Feed

Call 866-888-7082 for info

Feed Ingredient Update

Profitability can equal timely purchases of feed ingredients. There are opportunities out there and recently it has been wet gluten and wet cake distillers. Hominy is also a good valued corn replacement vs. cash corn with high basis levels.

Citrus pulp pellets are available now and beet pulp pellet contracts come open at the end of this month for a sugar/fiber source to ship in October; as cereal and soyhulls remain higher than normal - take a look. Cottonseed has held steady in the upper 300's or low 400's depending on location with new crop trading at $100 disc. beginning Oct ship. Stay in close contact with your merchant to get opportunities.



Peterson Moves Forward with Dairy Reforms
July 13, 2011

Media Contact: Liz Friedlander

WASHINGTON - U.S. House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Collin C. Peterson, D-Minn., today made the following statement after releasing a dairy reform discussion draft that would offer protection, create stability and inspire growth in the dairy sector. The draft language is based on reform proposals put forward by the dairy industry.

"I released this discussion draft now because we need to act before the next farm bill. If we have another dairy crisis like we had in 2009, we could lose half our dairies. The discussion draft allows us to keep the ball moving while continuing to have a dialogue with the dairy industry.

Read more.


Silver Sponsors

Click on the logo to visit any sponsor website




Michigan Milk Producers Logo 

Fair Oaks Farms Logo
Prairie Farms


FCS New Logo


Dairy Farmers of America

Calf Raisers Resource

Calf Notes is your source for pertinent, non-commercial and unbiased information on raising young dairy calves. Click here  to view a library of young calf raising topics authored by Dr. Jim Quigley. 


on the Archive button to access previous issues of our 


and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.

Fertile Ground
IPDP Industry Advisor and legal consultant, Todd Janzen, has an interesting blog discussing legal challenges that involve agriculture.  Click here to visit Todd's blog.



Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Innovation Center

 Click on each
logo to learn more.

NMPF Resource Manual
Residue Prevention

Visit the Residue Prevention Page at NMPF by clicking the photo above.



Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business
management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.

National Milk Logo
Download or view the latest Dairy Market Report for June, 2011


 National Milk Producers Federation

Support IPDP  


We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IPDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to be a corporate sponsor of IPDP, download an information sheet here.

Individual membership in IPDP is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IPDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IPDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.   



It's July, it's hot, and it's county fair time!  In Pulaski County we have one of the earlier fairs in the state.  Our family entered a new era as our oldest grandson participated in his first year of 4-H.  We serve a very popular dollar milk shake that is one of the main draws of the fair, and during fair week, we serve two per person living in our county!   


I hope to get to some of Indiana's other county fairs on dairy day, a great opportunity to meet producers and their families. Let me know if you would like for me to attend yours, and I will see what I can work out with my schedule.


There are many issues going on currently, whether it be water quality, fertilizer application, gulf hypoxia, milk pricing, neighbor issues, employee regulations, or animal well being, we are involved.  We are also finalizing some terrific summer dairy tours: the Kentuckiana (Aug. 2-3) and the Byron Seeds/Elanco tour (Aug. 31).  Please register if you are planning to join us. It sure helps with our planning if we know how many are coming! Get a van load and come and enjoy with us.


We continue to add new sponsors and members and I would like to take this opportunity to say "welcome" to each of you. I am only a phone call (317-695-8228) or email ( away. Call me if you have a dairy-related issue. I am here for you!  Be careful and God bless!

Doug Leman
IPDP Executive Director

United Egg Producers raised some eyebrows last Thursday when Chairman Bob Krouse (Midwest Poultry, North Liberty, IN) stood with Wayne Pacelle of the Humane Society of the United States in apparent agreement on supporting federal legislation regarding national standards for the egg industry. (Listen to that exchange on Brownfield here.) In fact, some experts have concerns. We asked Paul Brennan, Executive Director of the Indiana State Poultry Association, to summarize this historic event that will most certainly affect every livestock sector.  


A Summary of the Agreement between the United Egg Producers (UEP) and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)

Paul Brennan, Indiana State Poultry Association


On Thursday, July 7, The United Egg Producers and the Humane Society of the United States announced an agreement to propose federal legislation for a national standard for enriched colony housing fcow chicken eggor laying hens, and a transition away from conventional cages over the next 18 years, thus pre-empting most related state laws.  Below are a few bullet points which may provide some clarity regarding the agreement and how egg farmers and consumers benefit.


1.     U.S. egg farmers want to protect customers and the marketplace from any disruption that could occur if a patchwork series of state laws and regulations were implemented regarding hen housing.  Existing laws in California, Michigan, Ohio, and other states could cause a disruption of interstate egg sales for our customers, as well as a labyrinth of cumbersome and expensive labeling regulations in various states.


2.     It is far better to have a single federally legislated standard, phased in over the next 18 years, without state trade barriers for our customers - thus minimizing any marketplace or industry disruption.  


3.     This will offer farmer families more certainty as they make the decisions necessary to build and finance their future laying facilities.


4.     Cages protect the hens in many ways including: disease control; prevent access by predators; and assurance that each hen has access to clean water and wholesome feed.  Thus HSUS's shift from opposing cages to supporting enriched colony cages will allow farmers to continue to offer these protections.  


5.     Much of the scientific community, including members of the UEP's Scientific Advisory Committee and the American Veterinary Medical Association, have acknowledged that enriched colony housing provides many of the benefits of both modern cages and cage-free systems.


6.     Nearly one-third (32%) of American consumers say they would choose enriched colony housing over modern cages or cage-free.


7.     The Federal standard will allow producers to re-direct more of their efforts and resources toward food safety and other aspects of production that are critical to our customers and American consumers.


8.      The two groups agreed to not initiate investigations or litigation against each other, except where there is probable cause to believe that a felony crime has been committed.


IPDP Welcomes New Silver Sponsor,  

Castongia's John Deere Equipment in

Rensselaer, DeMotte and Fowler 

Castongia's, Inc. was established in 1939 by Archie J. Castongia.  They are proud to be one of the oldest John Deere dealerships in the state of Indiana.  Now on their third generation, they continue to meet their customer's needs by applying the latest products and technology to help their customers grow.   Their 3 stores are located in Rensselaer, DeMotte and Fowler, Indiana.  They carry John Deere agricultural and turf care products, John Deere skid steer loaders, Landoll tillage equipment, Unverferth grain handling equipment, Grouser dozer blades, Haybuster bale processors, grinders and mixers, Frontier equipment and Stihl power equipment.

Visit Castongia's website by clicking the logo above, or call them at 800-888-4850. 



Zeeland Farm Services Upgrades

Sponsorship Level to Gold Plus!



Zeeland Farm Services has been a long-time sponsor of IPDP, and we are very grateful for their loyal support. Recently, they upgraded their level to Gold Plus, which will include a feed ingredient update in many of our e-newsletters. Please be sure to read their first one below! 


ZFS' Ingredients Division provides you with the main ingredients required to formulate a complete feed ration. An experienced team of merchandisers work from their main office in Michigan and satellite offices in Wisconsin and Georgia. Their merchandisers:

  • Trade a wide assortment of ingredients on a daily basis to provide you with competitive prices and a variety of ingredient options
  • Utilize railroads and barges to maintain a consistent inventory with steady availability of products
  • Monitor the marketplace and work closely with you to develop a buying strategy that fits the particular needs of your operation
  • Utilize spot purchases and forward contracting to help you achieve a competitive advantage
It's Crunch Time! Register now for the 4th Annual Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange! 
August 2 & 3 in Fort Wayne Area 


Kentuckiana 2010

A glimpse of Kentuckiana 2010.

There is a lot to see at this year's Summer Dairy Farm Tour! Visit 5 unique dairy farms in the Fort Wayne area, visit a heifer raising operation, see some of the latest technology in dairy robotics, enjoy  great fellowship with other dairy producers from Indiana and Kentucky, and hear interesting topics by Kentucky Extension specialists! On top of that, there is an industry trade show and delicious food!  


Bus transportation is provided from Middlebury,  Topeka, and then Don Hall's Guesthouse in Fort Wayne (bus will leave Fort Wayne at noon, call for other times) and will go to all the dairy farms on Tuesday's tour. After the dinner program at Don Hall's Guesthouse on Tuesday evening, the bus will return to Topeka and Middlebury. There will not be a bus for Wednesday's tour.  IPDP members and additional people from their farms can attend for the bargain price of $25. This includes two meals and bus transportation. Hotel reservations at Don Hall's Guesthouse in Fort Wayne need to be made by July 20 to guarantee the Kentuckiana rate of $78, which includes breakfast. Please contact Doug Leman at 317-695-8228 if you have questions about the tour. More details can be found by downloading the Kentuckiana  Dairy Exchange brochure.


Foundation for the Future Meetings

FFTF LogoThe National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF)  is conducting a six-week cross-country tour to reach out to dairy producers about the benefits of the reforms contained in Foundation for the Future (FFTF).   NMPF President & CEO, Jerry Kozak, along with other senior NMPF staff, will host three-hour sessions in 12 cities across the country in July and August.


"The U.S. dairy industry has called for dramatic changes in dairy policy, and Foundation for the Future answers that call, " says Jerry Kozak, NMPF President and CEO.  "Our summer meetings will explain how Foundation for the Future's dairy policy reforms will safeguard dairy producers' equity, ensure the future of their operations, and stabilize dairy markets."

The nearest meeting to Indiana will be held on Tuesday, July 26th in Lansing, Michigan. The meetings are free, but space is limited to the first 100 dairy producers who register. Full details can be found here.


Some Straight Talk About Dairy Policy
Not everyone is in agreement about dairy policy. In fact, it is probably safe to say there are many different opinions on how dairy policy needs to change to secure a viable dairy industry in the months and years ahead. Although IPDP has not endorsed any proposed policy platform, it is IPDP's obligation to bring information to its membership so that dairy producers can make an informed opinion on this important topic. With that goal in mind, we hope you study NMPF's Foundation For the Future and also take the time to read three very pointed pieces below.

BuntingThe first is by Sherry Bunting, the presenter at the IPDP policy meetings held back in March. She says,

"It is my observation that the government wants dairy supply management because the government wants out of paying for dairy's safety net, and yet the government still wants to regulate dairy to keep the price down to consumers." Sherry's opinion piece appeared in Farmshine Newspaper on July 8th. It is thought-provoking and blunt. Read her opinion piece here.


Ben YaleAnother article appeared on June 27 Progressive Dairyman, written by dairy lawyer, Ben Yale. Ben takes issue with market stabilization proposed by FFTF and shows what the numbers would have been this year, if the policy had been in place in 2011. You can read Ben's article here.   


Joe BalagtasFinally, Purdue University's Joe Balagtas has written a detailed report entitled, "Milking Consumers and Taxpayers: The Folly of US Dairy Policy." Dr. Balagtas says, "The federal government has created an array of policies-production controls, subsidies, and marketing orders-that increase the price of milk for US consumers and increase the income of milk producers. This paper examines the economic and budgetary impact of these programs and offers policy alternatives." You can read a summary of Dr. Balagtas' work on Dairy Today's July 12 e-update and you can download his entire paper here.   

Byron Seeds/Elanco Tour

Parke County, Indiana

Wed. August 31st

covered bridge

Tour Details (Tentative)  

All Times are Eastern Daylight Time 

9:00am Registration at Byron Seeds

9:45am Tour Byron Seeds

10:45am Bus Departs Byron Seeds

11:00am Tour Mike Jones' Springbrook Farms

12:00pm Bus Departs Jones Farm

12:30pm Lunch at Elanco plant, Clinton, IN

1:15pm Elanco Plant Tour

2:00pm Educational Session

3:00pm Bus Departs Elanco

3:30pm Visit Covered Bridge

4:00pm Bus Returns to Byron Seeds and Safe Trip Home 

This tour is free for IPDP members. Non-IPDP members may attend for $20. Contact Doug Leman (317-695-8228) to register or if you have any questions. 


Indiana State Fair Logo 

State Fair Volunteer Opportunity
How'd you like to get a free IPDP shirt, a delicious ribeye steak sandwich and a day pass to the Indiana State Fair? All of these freebies can be yours if you would be willing to volunteer some time filling IPDP volunteer slots at the Indiana Beef Council ribeye tent. We have these times to fill:
Tuesday, August 16 from 9-1:30 PM
Wednesday, August 17 from 5-10:30 PM
Thursday, August 18 from 1-5:30 PM
Please contact Dave Forgey at 574-652-2461 if you are interested in volunteering! We hope to see you at the fair!


Los Angeles School System Bans  

Chocolate Milk


By Krissa Welshans for Feedstuffs Foodlink

The Los Angeles (Cal.) Unified School District recently

voteChocolate Milkd to ban flavored milk -- both chocolate and strawberry -- claiming that it has too much sugar. While it is not the first school district to ban flavored milk, it is the largest.

Schools in Washington, D.C.; Berkeley, San Diego and Compton, Cal.; Minneapolis, Minn., and Boulder, Colo., have also eliminated flavored milk with at least some meals as part of efforts to fight childhood obesity.

Read more. 


Country Ice Cream Social

on the Wagler Farm

Kids with ice cream 


Brown County Dairy Family, the Waglers, would like to invite you to enjoy a country ice cream social complete with dairy farm tours, kids activities, and of course lots of ice cream!  There is no cost, but please bring a canned food donation for the local food pantry.


Date: Saturday, August 6, 2011

Time: 5:00 pm till 8:30 pm EDT 

Location: Wagler Family Dairy Farm 7085 Homestead Road Morgantown, IN 46160

Directions: From Nashville, follow St. Rd. 135 North through Bean Blossom. Turn RIGHT onto Spearsville Rd, the first road after the Fire Station. After 1.2 miles on Spearsville Rd., turn LEFT onto Homestead Rd. (a dead end road). The farm is 0.4 miles on your RIGHT. Follow the signs for parking.

Questions: Call Sarah at 812-371-8250

Upcoming Events
County Fair Season!
August 2-3, Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange, Northeastern, IN;Great opportunity to network with dairy farmers and industry and visit farms in the Fort Wayne general area. This is not a regional event--this is an everyone event. Event designed to bring dairy producers and industry professionals together to learn more about the many facets of the dairy industry. Contact: Tamilee Nennich (765-494-4823) or Mike Schutz (765-494-9478). Download Brochure.
August 5-22, Indiana State Fair, Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, IN

August 10 Cheese Sculpture Unveiling at Indiana State Fair at 12 noon
August 13, Indiana 4-H Young Dairy Producer Contest and 4-H Junior Dairy Skillathon
August 17 IPDP Board Meeting at Indiana State Fair Administration Building 11-3 PM.
August 31 IPDP Rockville/Clinton tour of Byron Seeds and Elanco's Clinton Plant 

October 4-8 World Dairy Expo 

Contacting Your Indiana Legislator IN State Courthouse

This is a great time to get to know your Indiana legislators. Invite them to your farm. Show them what you are doing. Many of them don't know too much about the dairy industry, and this is a great time to tell them. Click here to get contact information and more.