Indiana Dairy Producers
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
   July 12, 2012              Issue 38

"An organized voice for Hoosier Dairy Farmers"


Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.   

Riverview Cows

In This Issue
Indiana State Fair
We Need Volunteers!
Resource Center
Young Dairy Leaders Institute Applications Open!
Drought Resources for Dairy
Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange July 31-August 1
Farm Bill Dairy Policy
Welcome, Kaeb/Lely!
Supplementing Advice for Grazers
ISBOAH wants your opinion!
Matching Funds Opportunity
Indiana Dairy Youth Academy
CME Question Answered
Support IPDP
Come to the Indiana State Fair, August 3-19. The Year of Dairy Cows! 
Year of Dairy Cows
Please try to find an opportunity to experience the Indiana State Fair this year! What could be better than combining fun along with sharing our ag stories! Click here for more information on the year of dairy cows and the Indiana State Fair. Questions, or to volunteer, email Kimmi Devaney at Milk Promotion Services of Indiana at





Click on any logo to reach company website

Kaeb-Lely Logo
Hubbard Feeds Logo

Indiana Corn Marketing Council Logo

Byron Seeds



Indiana Soybean Alliance
Gold Sponsors


Milk Specialties Global  

ZFS Official 


DeLaval Logo  


BI Logo

Indiana Farm Bureau

Kalmbach Logo

We Need YOU!!! Indiana Dairy Farmers Are Needed at the Indiana State Fair!

We need volunteers to work the IPDP shifts at the beef ribeye tent at the Indiana State Fair. In fact, we need workers for all three shifts. Can you fit a shift in? Please call Doug Leman at 317-695-8228! You'll get a free entry ticket!
    • August 15 5-10:30 PM
    • August 16 1-5:30 PM 
    • August 18 9 AM-1:30 PM

2012 IPDP Board
of Directors
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers

IPDP Executive Board

Click on a name below to email an
Executive Board Member

Executive Director

Doug Leman 




LuAnn Troxel



Vice President

Henk Sevenhuysen 


Tamilee Nennich Ph.D. 


Mike Schutz Ph.D
765- 494-9478  


Dave Forgey 



Kelly Heckaman 

Board Members
 Joe Hibshman
Sarah Wagler
Julie Bommer
Steve Obert

Ranell Rexing 

Brian Huber


Industry Advisers

Liz Kelsay

Dr. Ken McGuffey
Todd Janzen, Attorney 


Silver Sponsors

Click on the logo to visit sponsor's




BMO Harris Bank 


RP Feed Components 


Prince Agri Logo


Diamond V


ABS Global Logo


 Arm & Hammer Logo


 Koetter & Smith




 Michigan Milk Producers Logo



Specialty Hybrids  


Dairy Farmers of America

Prairie Farms


Fair Oaks Farms Logo



FCS New Logo


Calf Notes and Links
Newborn Calf

 LGM Dairy Education Info
LGM Dairy

Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Innovation Center

 Click on each
logo to learn more.

NMPF Resource Manual
Residue Prevention

Visit the Residue Prevention Page at NMPF by clicking the photo above.



Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.


National Milk Logo  


Click to read the
May/Junel 2012

Dairy Market Report 


Click to read  

Projected MILC Payments 



Visit Our Bronze Sponsors 

Bronze Level
Click on above button!


Young Dairy Leaders Institute Taking Applications
YDLI The Young Dairy Leaders Institute is a nationally recognized three-phase leader and communication skills development program for young adults (ages 22-45) working in the dairy industry, with all breeds of cattle. Each participant develops top-tier skills and the personal network needed to succeed in today's dairy business. 

Through interactive sessions and working closely with industry experts and dynamic leaders, YDLI participants are prepared to take leadership roles in the dairy industry, become effective spokespeople and advocates for the dairy industry with consumers and the media, and much more. Learn more about this wonderful organization and dynamic dairy leadership opportunity by visiting their website and downloading an application for Class 8 here.

To be more effective, class size is very limited. The deadline to apply is August 1st.


IPDP Corporate Sponsors
IPDPThere is a growing list of companies that recognize IPDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IPDP at some level, please download a brochure here.



on the Archive button to access previous issues of our 


and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.


Welcome to each of you that take the time to read the IPDP electronic newsletter. Our thoughts and prayers are with our producers who are dealing with tremendous heat and severe drought that has its grip so firmly on our state. It brings back memories of situations back in '83 and '88. I personally know that it can be very difficult, but sometimes you need someone that you can talk to. I am very serious, give me a call!


On a much lighter note, we are excited to welcome a Platinum Sponsor, the partnership of Kaeb/Lely USA. We certainly appreciate the confidence and support they are giving IPDP! Please check out all our sponsors and find how you can work with them on your farm. We also welcome our newest regular members--we look forward to working with and for you!


We still need help filling our committed time slots for the Indiana State Fair rib-eye stand on: Wednesday, August 15th from 5-10:30 PM, Thursday, August 16th from 1-5:30 PM, and Saturday, August 18th from 9 AM- 1:30 PM. Please give me a call if you can help us out. There will also be many more opportunities for you to volunteer as this is "The Year of Dairy Cows" at the Indiana State Fair being held August 3rd - 19th.


Don't forget to get your reservation in for The Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange being held in Kentucky on July 31st - August 1st! Click here for the detailed brochure and begin planning for a little time away, and re-charge yourself with fellow producers and industry folks. You will enjoy the food, fun, and fellowship along with visiting five interesting dairy farms. The bus trip to Kentucky and meals during the trip only cost $75 for IPDP members and $40 for students! We look forward to seeing many of you soon.  


Again, contact me at: or call me at 317-695-8228 with any dairy need. I look forward to hearing from you! Be careful and God bless!


Doug Leman 

IPDP Executive Director

Important Drought Resources for Indiana
Drought CornThe drought impact in Indiana is so severe in many areas within Indiana. Please take some time to read valuable drought information that Purdue University has provided for this difficult time. Many dairy farmers will be presented with opportunities to salvage feed from neighbors and some unusual sources. Purdue University has organized feed pricing calculators, warnings, and more. Please visit three valuable websites:

Dairy Specific Drought Information

General Livestock Information

Purdue Drought Page

Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange Is July 31-August 1 and Includes Info on Dairy Succession Planning

Kentuckiana 2010 in KentuckyThe Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange is just around the corner on Tuesday, July 31 and Wednesday, August 1. On Tuesday evening, dinner will be followed by educational presentations on dairy farm succession planning, presented by Purdue Extension. IPDP is organizing bus transportation beginning in Middlebury, then stopping for pick-ups in Warsaw and Whiteland.

This two-day tour will feature these farm visits near Shelbyville, Kentucky:

John Kalmey Dairy
150 Registered Holsteins, BAA 107, RHA-
20,000, Annual SCC 225,000, 25% Culling
Rate, Freestall Barn

Harvest Home Dairy
130 Holsteins, RHA-20849, New Compost
Bedded Pack Barn, Camera Monitoring System,
Agri-Tourisum, Only US Real Time Location
System for Cows

Eddie Klingenfus Dairy
110 Holsteins, RHA-25,000, SCC 175,000,
Sand Freestall Barn, Heavy Use of Alternative

Longview Dairy
200 Holsteins, RHA-21,000, Annual SCC
<200,000 Recently Installed Heat Detection
System, Breeder of High Net Merit Sire-ELongview CM

Dick Davis Dairy
70 Holsteins, 77 pound bulk tank average,
SCC ~ 150,000, Lone Star Milk Quality Award
Winner, Sand Freestalls and Compost Bedded
Pack Barn

Download a brochure with all the details here.  Transportation is included with the tour registration, only $75 for IPDP members and only $40 for any student. Thanks to generous sponsorship, this is a great value to any dairy producer or industry person who can get away for a short visit to Kentucky! Questions? Call Doug Leman at 317-695-8228.
Farm Bill Dairy Policy Will Impact Dairy Farmers
Opinion by Dave Forgey

Farm BillWednesday, July 11th, there was a bipartisan amendment presented at the markup of the Farm Bill to the House Ag Committee. It was prepared by Congressman Goodlatte (R-VA) and Congressman David Scott (D-GA). The Goodlatte/Scott amendment would include a two-tier margin insurance program and would have eliminated the supply management program. Click here to see an interesting comparison presented in part by Scott Brown from the University of Missouri and Mark Stephenson of the University of Wisconsin. It shows the current Senate Farm Bill, the House version (could change) and the Goodlatte/ Scott amendment as it was proposed.


All three programs eliminate the Dairy Product Price Support Program (DPPSP), the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) and the Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP). Both the Senate and the current proposed House version include supply management, producer revenue deductions and new producer fees to the government based on annual production.


The Goodlatte/Scott amendment does not include any of these constraints. All three programs are two tiered, meaning if you annually produce less than 4 million pounds of milk the premium is at one price and for larger producers their production over 4 million pounds has a slightly increased cost. Margin insurance premiums are very similar. All three programs have a CBO critical score to satisfy budget constraints. The Senate title is expected to save $59 million over 10 years. The proposed House version will save $38 million over 10 years and the Goodlatte/ Scott amendment would have been in the middle and saved $47 million over 10 years.


Unfortunately the House Ag committee voted 29 to 17 to reject the Goodlatte/ Scott amendment within hours after receiving it. I believe this is because they had spend so much time assuming producers needed supply management they didn't want to reconsider the issue.


Please click here to read more, including contact information for our Congressional ag liaisons in Indiana.

Click here to read more about dairy policy in the US House Farm Bill from Dairy Herd Network.


IPDP Welcomes New Platinum Sponsor: Kaeb/Lely USA!

Kaeb-Lely Logo

IPDP is delighted to welcome Kaeb/Lely USA as our newest Platinum Level Sponsor!  



Lely is proud to partner with Kaeb Sales, Inc. on Platinum sponsorship


Since 1948, when the company was founded by the late Cornelis and Arij van der Lely, the Lely brand has played a major role in the advancement of farm equipment, both in North America and around the world.


From the invention of the ground-driven wheel rake in the 1940s to today's revolutionary Astronaut robotic milking system, Lely has always worked hard to recognize and anticipate dairy farmers' needs.


Dairy producers work 365 days a year to create a better future for their families and their farm. Those producers are the inspiration behind our innovation at Lely; our products are aimed at providing producers with a more sustainable, profitable and enjoyable future in farming. 


With Lely on your side, you're never alone.


No one offers more comprehensive knowledge and experience in robotic milking than Lely and their Lely Center dealer network. Customers benefit from Lely's valuable dairy management expertise where it matters most: on their farm. When customers purchase Lely products, they receive the service and experience that comes from the company that created the world's first robotic milking system. A comprehensive team, from your Lely Center Dealer network to a Farm Management Support team.


Kaeb Sales, the Lely Center in Indiana, is dedicated to serving the area's agribusiness customers with dairy and livestock equipment.


"Producers who switch to robotic milking are in need of a company that can provide reliable service and peace of mind," said Rick Rugg, Midwest Sales Manager for Lely. "Lely service is centered on our relationships with our customers, addressing needs that may arise in advance, providing 24/7 local service through our local Lely Centers like Kaeb Sales, Inc."


For answers to your robotic milking questions, or to schedule a live demonstration, contact Kaeb Sales, Inc. at (574) 862-2777 or via email at 



Supplementing Advice for Grazers
Excerpt from July 2012 Grazing Bites,
written by Victor Shelton 

Drought Pasture 

Supplementation should be utilized to maintain the animals during the drought period and it should be cost efficient if possible. Supplementing should be minimal to be feasible; years of profit can disappear quickly trying to feed through a drought. Reducing numbers might be the best option. Reducing numbers does not have to mean selling out. It really means taking them off your pastures and bale rings. Perhaps consider finding other places to graze if possible; there are other options, weigh them all out. There may be opportunities with drought stricken crops, just be certain to test for nitrates. At this point in time, if a field can be grazed, you are probably better off grazing it rather than cutting it for hay...where do you think it is going? It is already standing hay. Drought stressed forage can be more nutrient dense than normal - utilize it wisely and continue to rotate pastures. Grazing livestock are skillful in seeking out and sorting through what is available and will meet their needs if possible. Moving them often better allows them to continue to do this and not making them settle on lesser quality.


Watch for possible poisonous plant issues as livestock graze areas with low available forage. Poison hemlock and white snake root become increasingly more likely to be eaten as hungry livestock search for "something green". Monitor pastures for poisonous plants and available forage. Contact your local extension office for assistance on identifying poisonous plants.


Read the full article here.
Survey Request from ISBOAH
The Indiana State Board of Animal Health is requesting some feedback from dairy producers regarding the ongoing discussions over regulating and/or legalizing the sale of raw milk directly to the consumer. They are requesting your anonymous opinion. Please take the time to complete  the survey. Click the survey link here. This anonymous 9-question survey will be open through July 31, so don't delay!

In addition to the survey, anyone can visit the BOAH virtual public hearing website to "voice" your opinion on this issue.
Scholarship Matching Funds Opportunity!
John Cleland

Many in the dairy industry have had an individual, other than their own parents leave an indelible mark upon their lives and careers. That individual for me was the late Blaine Crowl, professor of Animal Science at Purdue University. Blaine lost a long battle with cancer in February of 1980 after being employed by Purdue for more than 30 years. The passion in his professional life was service to the Indiana dairy farmer. As former colleague Dr. Merle Cunningham said about Blaine, "It is appropriate that we salute him: a man who liked dairy cows more than any other domestic animal and who loved farm people who cared for them. The dairy industry, Purdue University staff and students have been the beneficiary of Blaine Crowl's unselfish service."


An endowed scholarship has been established in Blaine's memory to be awarded each year to an Animal Science student. If you wish to contribute to this scholarship because you also benefited from Blaine's life, or just want to support a student of the Animal Science Department, now is the time to write a check. Until July 31st, for every dollar you contribute, Purdue will match your donation. The amount contributed does not matter. This donation is tax deductible. Please make your check to: Purdue Foundation, note on the check the contribution is for the Blaine Crowl Memorial Scholarship in Animal Science, and send to,


Mr. Kyle Bymaster

Pfendler Hall of Agriculture   Rm. 108

715 West State St.

West Lafayette, IN 47907-2061


If you have questions, contact Kyle Bymaster at 765-494-8158 or email him at may also contact me. Your donation could have a very positive impact on a young person's life.      


John Cleland

Purdue ANSC 1973


Indiana Dairy Youth Academy Presents an Outstanding New Opportunity for High School Students in Grades 10-12
The Dairy Youth Academy is intended to
reach youth in grades 10-12 (as of September 1,2012) who have interest in exploring careers in the dairy industry and would like to gain hands-on experience. The program consists of a series of workshops that focus on specific facets of the dairy industry - veterinary  science, dairy nutrition, and production management.

The livelihood of the dairy industry depends on
knowledgeable professionals and an educated public. Get the full details of this exciting NEW program for Indiana Dairy Youth by clicking here. Don't delay! The application deadline is August 1. If you have questions about this program, contact Dr. Mike Schutz at 765-494-9478.
CME Group Questions Answered

CME MeetingThere were lots of questions posed to the Stewart-Peterson/BMO Harris team when IPDP visited the CME in June. But the questions that was asked several times concerned the challenge of marketing milk with a Producer Price Differential that can be positive or negative.

This was the question: What happens if the PPD (Producer Price Differential) goes negative and I locked my milk in based on the Class III futures but over 30% of my blend price is Class I fluid? Was my decision to forward contract still a good decision? Are there strategies for protecting myself against the rare case of a negative PPD messing up my marketing plan?


Click here for the answers. 

Support IPDP  


Individual membership in IPDP is $20. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IPDP! Also, anyone who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IPDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.   


We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IPDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your organization would like to support IPDP's efforts in Indiana, download an information sheet here.
Upcoming 2012 Events 


July is County Fair Time! Click here for a list of all Indiana County Fair dates!

July 13 Ice Cream Social on the Circle 11-2, Monument Circle, Indianapolis 

July 31 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange in Kentucky, Tour Brochure here..  



August 1 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange in Kentucky Day 2 Tour brochure here.  

August 3-19 Indiana State Fair, featuring the Year of Dairy Cows 

August 3 IPDP turn at Indiana State Fair Dairy Bar evening shift.  

August 10 IPDP turn at Indiana State Fair Dairy Bar evening shift from 7-11.   

August 14 Dairy Farmer Ice Cream Social, Indiana State Fair, 11-2.   



Sept. 24 Regular IPDP Board Meeting, MPSI Office 10-3 Eastern Time



October 2-6 World Dairy Expo, Madison Wisconsin Expo website