Indiana Professional Dairy Producers
"Serving the Dairy Producers of Indiana"
November 11, 2010
Issue: 2
Mission Statement

To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.

Milking Cows
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers E-Update


Welcome to our second issue of the new IPDP E-Update format. We will continue to provide you with updates and information pertinent to our membership.  Being a valued member of IPDP supports efforts to represent your needs in a variety of ways. We do so in the form of addressing legislative and policy issues or matters which directly affect the production of high quality milk for our society.

Beginning with this issue you will see three new features. The first is a Feature Series and will consist of a series of articles by guest authors, which address an issue of interest or concern to our IPDP membership. Our initial feature will be on "Raw Milk" and we are pleased to introduce our inaugural contributor as Dr. Jennifer House from the Indiana Department of Health who has written an article on pasteurization and its importance to the dairy industry and its products.

The second is Dairy Market News and consists of a series of links guiding you to key sources of economic and market data on the dairy industry.  Four primary sources will be used. Hoard's Dairyman, "Markets and Statistics" with the scrolling links on the left-hand side of their web page, USDA NASS Dairy Products Prices, CME and NMPF.  These sites, along with others when identified, will provide you with a wealth of current and historical information on the dairy industry.

The third is on the right-hand column and is called the Resource Center. This section will identify resource information for your use in many areas of milk production.  In our inaugural section you will find information on antibiotic residue management, animal care, robotic milking and the Purdue University Dairy Extension site which also contains a wealth of information for you.

In our next issue, a new Featured Sponsor section will begin and our inaugural highlight will focus on Indiana Farm Bureau. The purpose of this new feature is to allow our sponsors an opportunity to tell you about their organization, products or services and the role they have in Indiana milk production.

In the event your pictures are slow in downloading, as may be experienced in some rural areas, please proceed to reading your topics of interest as the photos finish loading.

We wish to thank our Sponsors for providing funding which supports this communication and other activities for our membership. Please click on a Sponsors' logo to learn more about their organization, services or products.

Lastly, please take the survey at the end of this newsletter and provide us with your ideas on how we can improve providing the information that you desire.


Butch Mercer
IPDP Executive Director


IPDP "Partners in Success"

Tomorrow November 12th, IPDP will hold its inaugural appreciation luncheon for our IPDP sponsors and allied industry partners. This event will be held at the Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Corn Marketing Council offices.

Our Keynote Speaker will be Scott Higgins from the Ohio Dairy Association. Invitees will consist of senior level company executives, key Indiana government officials, and IPDP board members who will hear messages pertinent to all in the dairy industry and our direction as an organization.

ISA / ICMC has graciously agreed to provide IPDP support for this event and is another example of how our Corporate Sponsors help to assist us in promoting our Indiana dairy producers.

Feature Series: "Raw Milk" 
Jennifer House
Jennifer House, DVM, MPH, DACVM

Our inaugural guest author is Dr. Jennifer House from the Zoonotic and Environmental Epidemiology Division of the Indiana State Department of Health. Her article, "What Is Pasteurization" serves as a very important reminder as to why pasteurization is a critical step in providing healthy dairy products to the consumer which they can use with complete confidence regarding their safety.

Dr. House received a B.S. in Animal Science and a veterinary degree from North Carolina State University.  She has also received a master's degree in public health from the University of Iowa and completed a certificate program in Community Preparedness and Disaster Management from the University of North Carolina.  Dr. House is a diplomat of the American College of Veterinary Preventative Medicine.  Prior to working in Indiana she served as a Veterinary Specialist for the Emergency Programs Division of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.  In 2009 Dr. House re-located to Indianapolis to serve as the Director of the Zoonotic and Environmental Epidemiology Division of the Indiana State Department of Health.

What Is Pasteurization?
By Jennifer House, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

Pasteurization is a process that heats liquid to a specific temperature (below the boiling point) for a predetermined period of time. The process was invented by and named after a French
microbiologist, Louis Pasteur, in 1864. The purpose of this treatment process is to kill microorganisms in the liquid. Microorganisms, such as bacteria, can cause disease if present in the foods we consume.

Pasteurization is commonly used for milk, eggs, fruit juices and ciders, and ice cream. There are different temperatures and holding times for each of these products. This article will specifically
describe the pasteurization of milk. Products with a heavier consistency than milk, like eggnog, would need either higher temperatures, longer holding time, or both to achieve the same results.

Milk began being commercially processed in the late 1800s in Europe. In 1908, the city of Chicago mandated pasteurization for all milk sold. In 1947, Michigan became the first state to require that all milk for sale within the state be pasteurized. The Food and Drug Administration banned the interstate sale of unpasteurized dairy products in 1987. Intrastate sales are currently regulated by each individual state.

Read more on "What Is Pasteurization?"...

Additional sources of information...
Real Raw Milk Facts
FDA Milk Safety
Centers for Disease Control - Food Safety


Are Raw Foods Safer and More Nutritious Than Processed Foods?

The Science

Dr. Elsa Murano, dean of agriculture and life sciences, Texas A&M University
Video  Audio  

Is Misinformation Holding Back Achievement of Further Food Safety Advances?

Industry View
Alex Avery, director, Hudson Institute, Center for Global Food Issues
Video     Audio

Happy Cows

Watch the efforts of a Wisconsin dairy to provide an environment of comfort for their cows and why they pasteurize milk fed to their calves.
Happy Cows

Minnesota Links...Illnesses to
Hartmann Dairy

Minnesota state health officials reported today that routine disease surveillence has detected additional illnesses linked to the consumption of raw dairy products from the Hartmann dairy farm in Sibley county.
Read more..
Minnesota Officials Identify More Illnesses...

FDA Orders Morningland Dairy to Destroy 50,000 pounds of Raw Cheese

The FDA recently ordered Morningland Dairy, a small family farm in Missouri, to destroy 50,000 pounds of raw cheese.
Missouri Dairy Defies Order On Raw Milk

Organic Raw Milk Sign

Attorney General Koster Seeks Injunction Against Howell County Dairy

Jefferson City, Mo, (October 22, 2010)

 Attorney General Chris Koster said today he is asking the Howell County Circuit Court to require Morningland Dairy, located in Mountain View, to destroy contaminated cheese products that were produced at the facility between January 1 and August 26, 2010.



Dairy Market News

Hoard's Dairyman, Market and Statistics
Access most recent market data on various milk product categories.

USDA - NASS Dairy Products Prices
Access latest Products Prices Reports and other valuable dairy industry data.

CME Group: Daily Dairy Reports

NMPF: Dairy Market Reports


Production Related Articles

Focus On Margin, Not Feed Cost and Milk Price

By Virginia Ishler, Tim Beck and Rebecca White

The authors are with Penn State's Dairy Alliance Risk Management Team.

Producers have various opportunities to manage their risk. Exerting control requires that you know your breakeven income over feed cost (IOFC) and your milk margin breakeven. Knowing these costs will help dairies adapt to changing conditions of current and future milk and feed markets.

The first step in managing risk is monitoring the operation's income over feed cost.  This can be done in one of two ways: Read more...


Farmers facing unprecedented risks amid $6 corn, analyst says  

By Bruce Blythe, Business Editor  |  Friday, November 05, 2010

U.S. farmers face unprecedented risks as corn hovers near $6 a bushel, including the prospect that a mass speculator exodus sends grain futures prices tumbling, market advisor Mike North said.

Grain exports have slipped recently, a sign that high prices are curtailing overseas demand, North noted. Additionally, escalating feed costs are squeezing margins for domestic beef and pork producers and may force them to trim herds next year.



The Milking System Checks You Need

by Gaylen Guyer, William Kilmer, and Tom McCaulley
Guyer and McCaulley are Land O'Lakes milk production specialists based in Wisconsin. Kilmer is an MPS based in Pennsylvania.

Whether you use the latest high-tech robot or a traditional milking system, maintaining your system's peak performance is crucial to prevent profits from going down the drain. Dairy producers Ron and Ester Van Langen decided to incorporate the latest technology in their new operation located in central Wisconsin. Making the transition from 40 cows in tie stalls in their native Holland to 130 cows in free stalls led this young couple to choose a robotic system to minimize labor and get the most milk.

Before buying a robot, the Van Langens and a group of their consultants toured several dairies already using them. The group discussed how the changes in the Van Langens' herd care and milking equipment would affect their dairy's operation and returns.



Fluid Milk Footprint Studied


FEEDSTUFFS, 9/26/2010

The U.S. dairy industry has completed a comprehensive study of the carbon footprint associated with the production of a gallon of fluid milk, and the findings validate the results of other studies that have put the associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of all dairy products at only about 2% of total U.S. emissions.

For the study, researchers followed the lifecycle of a gallon of milk -- from the beginning when crops are grown to feed cows, to when milk is produced and delivered to processors, through processing, packaging and distribution and all the way to the purchase and disposal of the gallon of milk by the consumer.

The study involved 500 farms and 50 processing plants across the U.S. as well as more than 210,000 round trips transporting milk from farm to processor.

From a processing standpoint, the study represented 25% of all fluid milk in the U.S.



Low numbers add up to top quality milk.

Rock-bottom SCCs and bacteria counts put these seven operations at the pinnacle of milk quality. Here, they share how it's done.



Dean Foods Shares Set New 52 Week Low
The head of Dean Foods Co. said U.S. consumers are cutting spending on food staples such as milk despite the deep discounting by retailers that has wounded profits at the country's largest dairy company by revenue.
US Dairy Farmers Choose To
Compete In Export Markets

Leaders of a voluntary, private program funded by dairy cooperative and individual farmers that paid producers to exit the industry and helped to support exports have decided to focus solely on export efforts beginning in 2011. This is a major shift for an induUS Dairy Farmersstry where only ten years ago exports accounted for just over 1 percent of production and one where the 2009 collapse in export prices put milk producers in a severe financial loss position.
US Dairy Farmers Coose To Compete
HOMES and Traditions Dairy Meet
in Appellate Court 

By Eric Petermann
The Journal-Standard,Posted Nov 08, 2010

Elgin, Ill. - Attorneys representing Traditions Dairy and Helping Others Maintain Environmental Standards (HOMES) revived legal issues Monday during an hour-long hearing at the Second District Appellate Court in Elgin.

Oral arguments covering three distinct appeals were aired before two judges at the hearing, and the session ended without a defined date for a decision by the Appellate Court.

Meanwhile, the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a second letter to an attorney for Traditions Dairy, offering a "final opportunity to comply" with an earlier request for information on the proposed farm. Traditions Dairy is a large farm planned on 1,400 acres of property southwest of Nora.

National Milk Producers Federation
2010 Annual Meeting

Foundation for the Future Centerpiece of Change
Dairy Industry

RENO, NV - As they stood before the attendees of NMPF's 2010 Annual Meeting and presented their joint yearly report to the membership, NMPF Chairman Randy Mooney and President & CEO Jerry Kozak focused on the need for dairy farmers to rise above individual differences and the fear of change in order to move forward with the Foundation for the Future initiative.

Taking turns speaking, Mooney and Kozak began by describing the year-long journey that has culminated in a solid plan for fundamentally changing dairy policy in this country. Foundation for the Future was designed to address what various stakeholders in the industry need, are concerned with, and will support.

USDEC Global Dairy Webinar
November 16th, 2:00pm

The U.S. Dairy Export Council is back with its 4th annual "State of the Industry" outlook call! Join us for our yearly look around the corner at the drivers and dynamics of the global dairy business - and what to expect in the year ahead. Coming off a year of stronger markets and improved export sales, our expert panelists will present a lively dialogue about the major factors shaping the world dairy sector and whether 2011 holds similar promise.

You may register for this webinar by clicking on the registration link below.
USDEC Global Outlook Link

Tasteful Tips For The Holidays
Tasteful tips
(ARA) - Baking for the holidays is a time-honored tradition that conjures up warm memories. Whether you're making Grandma's pumpkin pie or Aunt Sue's special cookie recipe, be sure to keep your pantry and fridge stocked with baking staples.
Tasteful Tips For the Holidays

Upcoming Events


November 11, DFA Regional Meeting, Anderson, IN

November 11, DAIReXNET Webinar: Managing Somatic Cell Counts

November 12, 2010:  IPDP "Partners In Success" Luncheon

November 16, USDEC's Global Dairy Outlook Webinar

November 17, Dairy Scientific Advisory Panel Summit, Beck Agricultural Center, West Lafayette, IN

November 18, DFA Regional Meeting, Seymour, IN

November 19, Norbert Dairy Open House, Bremen, IN, 10am-2pm

(robotic milking system)


December 1, IPDP Board of Directors Meeting

December 1, 2011 American Forage and Grassland Conference, Programming Ideas (individual and group) due

December 4, DAIReXNET Webinar: Problem Solving Across Disciplines: Transition Cows

December 10, Milk Quality Meeting, Fort Wayne, IN


January 8-10, 2011 Ag Connect Expo, Atlanta, GA  Ag Connect

January 28, 2011 Livestock, Farm and Forage Convention, Indianapolis Convention Center

January 28, IPDP Annual Meeting, in Conjunction with the Livestock, Farm and Forage Convention.


February 7, DAIReXNET Webinar: Environmental Phosphorus Issues


March 1, DAIReXNET Webinar: Environmental Nitrogen Issues


April 4, DAIReXNET Webinar: Air Quality


June 12-15, 2011 American Forage and Grassland Conference, French Lick, IN  


Contacting Your Indiana Legislator

With the Indiana Legislature due to commence session in January 2011, you can find out information on who your representatives are at the following website:  http://www.in.gov/legislative/


IPDP Membership Benefits 

Did you know that your IPDP membership provides you
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers
  • Opportunities to network with other professional dairy producers from around the state.
  • Encourage open exchange of ideas and learn new approaches to the most challenging dairy farm management decisions.
  • Allow you to get on the "ground floor" in determining relevant topics facing dairy managers and securing appropriate speakers to tackle those topics at educational meetings
  • Notify you through IPDP newletters of upcoming events and educational opportunities that will help you to be a better dairy producer.
  • Be a sounding board to solving key problems that face Indiana dairy producers.

IPDP is your industry connection to:

  • Indiana Creamery License Division
  • Indiana Board of Animal Health
  • Indiana Department of Environmental Management
  • Indiana State Department of Agriculture
  • Indiana Beef Cattle Association
  • Milk Promotion Services of Indiana
  • Growing Indiana Ag (GINA)

Encourage Others To Join IPDP Today...



Please Take Our Survey

At IPDP we aim to serve our membership to the highest levels possible.  Please take a few minutes to answer a limited number of survey questions regarding this E-Update.  Your input will provide guidance on how we can better serve your needs.

In This Issue
Feature Series: "Raw Milk"
Dairy Market News
Production Related Articles
USDEC Global Dairy Webinar
IPDP Membership Benefits
Please Take Our Survey
Resource Center
Featured Series: Raw Milk
Jennifer House
Jennifer House
Indiana State
Department of Health

Welcome To Our
 Newest Sponsors!
Byron Seeds LLC
Byron Seeds has joined
IPDP as a Platinum Sponsor
and we thank for your
support! Click on their
to see the
outstanding forage
products they offer to
our IPDP membership.

Pfizer AH
Pfizer Animal Health has
joined IPDP as a
Silver Sponsor and we
thank you for your support!
Click on their logo to
see the outstanding
animal health products
they provide to serve the
needs of our Indiana dairy producers
Platinum Sponsors
Indiana Farm Bureau
Indiana Corn Maketing Council

Indiana Dairy Council

Indiana Soybean

Gold Sponsor
Kalmbach Feeds

Silver Sponsors
BI Vetmedica

Cargill Animal Nutrition


Farm Credit Services

Foremost Farms



Become An
IPDP Company
Sponsor Today!


Get your message out
to Indiana Dairy
Producers and watch
for additional changes
in the near future
for how we intend to
provide additional support
for you. The investment
you make in IPDP will
be quite rewarding to
your organization in the
years ahead.

IPDP Board
of Directors





LuAnn Troxel


email: LuAnn Troxel


Vice President

Ron Fuhrmann


email: Ron Fuhrmann



Executive Director

Butch Mercer


email: Butch Mercer




Kelly Heckaman


email: Kelly Heckaman



Mike Schutz


email: Mike Shutz






Gary Arnholt



Joe Hibschman




Sarah Wagler




Mark Rauscher




Ben Rothert




Henk Sevenhuysen




David Forgey





J.J. Degan

Cargill Animal Nutrition


Dr. Ken McGuffey

McGuffey Dairy


Tamilee Nennich, Ph.D.

Purdue University

NMPF Residue
Prevention Manual

Residue Prevention
The newly revised
Milk and Dairy Beef
Drug Residue
Prevention Manual

is a concise review of
judicious use of antibiotics
in dairy animals. The
manual is a quick
resource to review
those antibiotics approved
for dairy animals and
can also be used
as an educational tool
and resource for farm
managers as they
develop their on-farm
best management
practices necessary
to avoid milk and
meat residues.

Download a copy
of the manual by
on the

Click on the icon to
discover some very
interesting facts
about dairy cattle.

How Do You
Define Agriculture?

Girl with glasses of milk
Click Here  to Listen to Trent Loos On Defining Agriculture
Food Facts
Dinner Plate
Click on the photo to
learn many interesting
facts about how
American agriculture
feeds our nation
and the world.

Social Media Important
to Dairy Farmers

World Dairy Diary
World Dairy Diary

Billy Frey, "Social media is
the biggest revolution since
the industrial revolution.
It offers us new ways to
 stay informed and it can
simplify information
overload. It can
change agriculture if
we use it."

Click on the photo to
learn more about social
media and listen to
how it may help your
dairy business.

Resource Center
Dairy Cows
Here we will share with
you resource links from
throughout the industry
where you may find
useful tools and information
for your business.

Heifer Resource Center
Dairy Herd Management
Heifer Resource Center

Mastitis Resource Center
Dairy Herd Management
Mastitis Resource Center

Hispanic Resource Center
Dairy Herd Management
Manejo Lechero
Hispanic Resource Center

Automated Milking
American Dairyman
Is the Automated Milking
System For You?

Tom Pfaff

"Robot Economics"

Tom Pfaff expanded
his dairy to 420 cows
and seven robots

Check out the resources
available to you on the
Purdue University Dairy
Extension site. Topics on
nutrition, business
management, animal health
and many more topics
related to our dairy industry
and animal care.

Butch Mercer
Executive Director
Indiana Professional Dairy Producers
P.O. Box 70
Zionsville, IN 46077