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New 2013 Manual! NMPF Resource Manual also Animal Care Training Videos and Johnes Assessment Info 
Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.
Click to read the November 2013 Dairy Market Report |
2013 Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
Tamilee Nennich, Secretary
Silver Sponsors
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Support IDP
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
We certainly hope you celebrated a wonderful Christmas, and we wish you a Happy New Year in 2014! I want to personally take a minute and thank you for your support of Indiana Dairy Producers. I have been president of IDP since September 2009, but that will come to an end as my term on the IDP board will be ending in March. Both Henk Sevenhuysen and I will soon have completed 6 years on the board, leaving openings for new directors in the north region and also at-large. Voting board members must be IDP members currently producing milk. This is a wonderful board on which to serve, so if you have a desire to do so, please let us know.
Seeing the growth and progress of IDP has been tremendously rewarding for me personally. I'm so thankful for the encouragement of four organizations that really gave us the impetus to restructure our organization: MPSI (now American Dairy Council, Indiana), Indiana Soybean Alliance, Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Farm Bureau. It was the financial resources, along with their leadership, that we found a way to launch a website, hire a full time executive director, and become a very impactful advocate for Indiana's dairy farmers. Even more significant growth came when Doug Leman became our executive director. Doug has just done a wonderful job, and we appreciate his work so much. Please know that if you have any dairy question or concern, he is only a phone call away (317-695-8228). And a board with new members and new leadership with fresh perspectives will be good for IDP and the organization will continue to thrive.
We are especially grateful to welcome Ag Environmental Solutions as a new Platinum level sponsor! Be sure to read Kari Keller-Steele's offer below! Our sponsors are so important to our ability to serve. We thank them, and we hope you find ways to use their products and services in your operations.
It is wonderful to see the dues renewals pouring in! Please continue to support IDP by being current in your membership. There is strength in numbers, and if we work together, we have a greater impact. If you haven't received a dues notice, or if you question your membership status, please call Doug at 317-695-8228.
Of course we don't know the future, and even though milk prices are looking pretty good at the moment, there are always challenges ahead for us. Let's count our blessings and continue to provide quality delicious milk and dairy products to our world. May God bless you now and throughout 2014, and thank you for your support of Indiana Dairy Producers.
LuAnn Troxel,
Indiana Dairy Producers
2014 Regional Dairy Meetings Coming to a Place Near You!
 Indiana Dairy Producers is partnering once again with Purdue University Extension Dairy Team and the Indiana Forage Council, along with many of our high level sponsors to bring you 6 quality regional dairy meetings. Each meeting will begin at 9 AM (Eastern Time, except Warrenton, which is Central Time) and conclude around 2:30 PM. Lunch is included at all meetings. Meeting attendance is FREE but pre-registration is requested. Please download a meeting brochure here. Date City Location 1/28 Marshall Turkey Run State Park 2/4 Columbus Bartholomew County Fairgrounds 2/5 Warrenton The Log Inn 2/11 Shipshewana Farmstead Inn 2/12 Goshen Elkhart County Fairgrounds 2/13 Decatur Back 40 Junction Restaurant Ray Nebel will be speaking on heifer AI economics. Other topics include labor and immigration issues, bird (starling) control, market strategies, animal ID and traceability, dairy outlook and much more! Please call or email Dr. Mike Schutz to register at 765-494-9478 or mschutz@purdue.edu.
Nominations Needed for Outstanding Dairy Farmers!
Again in 2014, Indiana Dairy Producers will be awarding the Indiana Dairy Producer of the Year and the Indiana Young Dairy Producer of the Year Awards. These awards are to recognize outstanding accomplishment, professionalism, and leadership among Indiana's dairy producers. Award recipients will be announced at the IDP annual meeting on March 13, which is held in conjunction with the Indiana Livestock Forage and Grain Forum in Indianapolis.
The Indiana Dairy Producer of the Year is awarded to a dairy producer who has portrayed the dairy industry in a positive light and has been successful in the dairy industry over a period of time. Past recipients were Fred Beer (2007), Tom Neuenschwander (2008), Doug Leman (2009), Dave Forgey (2010), Brian Rexing (2011), Leontien Van de Laar (2012) and Derek Herrema (2013).
The Indiana Young Dairy Producer of the Year is awarded to a dairy producer, 35 years of age or younger, who is actively involved in a successful dairy farm and shows promise as a leading dairy producer for this industry's bright future in Indiana. Past recipients were Lukas Hively (2007), Joe and Amy Kelsay (2008), Max and Carrie Jo Bollenbacher (2009), Nathan and Sarah Kuehnert (2010) Kerry and Christiana Estes (2011), Kelly MacKennon (2012) and Brian Houin (2013).
IDP is seeking nominations for the Dairy Producer of the Year and Young Dairy Producer of the Year awards. Nomination forms can be downloaded here. Please submit completed nominations to Dr. Mike Schutz, Purdue University, 125 South Russell Street West Lafayette, IN 47907, mschutz@purdue.edu, Fax: 765-494-9347. Dairy producers can self-nominate or nominate a worthy fellow dairy farmer. Dairy industry representatives are also encouraged to submit nominations. Membership in IDP is not required to submit nominations for these awards. Nominations are due by February 21, 2014 to Dr. Mike Schutz. Winners will be selected by academic and industry advisers of Indiana Dairy Producers, based on nominations submitted.
Ag Environmental Systems is IDP's newest Platinum Sponsor!
We are very pleased to welcome Ag Environmental Systems to our family of IDP high level sponsors! Please read below for a valuable offer to IDP members:
Hello IDP members! I'm Kari Keller-Steele, and my team and I are Ag Environmental Systems, LLC. With 15 years of experience, we specialize in navigating livestock producers through the complex and ever-changing world of government regulations. A few of our services include:
� Manure Management Planning
� IDEM operating records
� IDEM & county construction permitting
� NRCS comprehensive nutrient management planning
Each farm and each situation is different; let us tailor a set of services specific to you. Because YOU have enough to do, let us help keep you focused on production!
I am very excited about my involvement with IDP and look forward to meeting you at an upcoming meeting or event. We are extending a free on farm consultation to all IDP members. Please call 765-825-0495 for more information, or visit our website at agenvironmental.net.
IDP Annual Meeting is March 13
Please save the date for the 2014 IDP Annual Meeting, which will be held in conjunction with the 2014 Livestock Forage and Grain Forum at the Indianapolis Downtown Marriott on Thursday, March 13. For forum registration and additional information, click here.The IDP Annual Meeting will be held during the 2 PM breakout session. The meeting will include election of new board members, announcement of 2014 Outstanding Dairy Producer of the year awards, and more. Please watch for additional information coming soon!
Request for Feedback at Purdue ADDL
In an ongoing effort to ensure the highest quality veterinary diagnostic services for the citizens of Indiana today and in the future, an ADDL/Heeke Laboratory External Review Team was established. A very important part of the review process is getting feedback from the many stakeholders of these laboratories. The information provided is essential to the continuing improvement of our laboratories. As part of this process, a survey has been provided and can be taken at this link. Please take a few minutes of your time to give some feedback to assist Purdue Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory improve services.
Brand Wins National Environmental Stewardship Award
 | George Brand
The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) announced that George Brand, a dairy farmer from Waterloo, Indiana, was one of five national winners of the 2014 4R Advocate Awards. The 4R Advocate Award program, now in its third year, recognizes on-farm stewardship actions. Winners are selected based on their actions to protect the environment, boost profitability and benefit society through nutrient stewardship practices based on the 4Rs (using the right nutrient source, at the right rate, at the right time and in the right place). Winners were nominated by their retail dealers who are also recognized with 4R awards. Read more.
Agency Updates from 12-4-13 IDP Board Meeting
There is a lot of good information shared with IDP board members at our meetings. Click here to read the agency reports given at our December 4, 2013, meeting. Please contact Doug Leman if you have questions about these reports. We sincerely appreciate the good relationships we have with the various organizations that attend and support our efforts.
Upcoming 2014 Events
JANUARY Jan 14 Midwest Dairy Conference sponsored by JBS United, Lansing, MI (conference is free, but you must register) details Jan 15 Fort Wayne Farm Show, Indiana Dairy Farmer Luncheon 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Upper Rotunda of the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum Jan 15 Midwest Dairy Conference sponsored by JBS United, Sauder Village, Archbold, OH details Jan 23 Special IDP Board Meeting, Indiana Soybean Alliance Office, no industry updates 10 AM Jan 28 Regional Dairy Meeting at Turkey Run State Park, Marshall, IN brochure FEBRUARY Feb 1 Purdue Ag Fish Fry Feb 4 Regional Dairy Meeting, Bartholomew County Fairgrounds, Columbus, IN Feb 5 Regional Dairy Meeting, Log Inn, Warrenton, IN Feb 6-8 Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference, Mt. Pleasant, MI details Feb 11 Regional Dairy Meeting, Farmstead Inn, Shipshewana, IN Feb 12 Regional Dairy Meeting, Elkhart County Fairgrounds, Goshen, IN Feb 13 Regional Dairy Meeting, Back 40 Junction Restaurant, Decatur, IN Feb 19-20 Midwest Women in Ag Conference, Jeffersonville, IN More info MARCH March 13 Livestock Forage and Grain Forum, Downtown Marriott, Indianapolis, including Indiana Dairy Producers' annual meeting. more information
 Simple ways to start protecting feed prices Mike Rusch, Stewart-Peterson Feed prices are at some of the most attractive levels we've seen in the last 3 years. Corn is down approximately 50 percent from its high of $8.44 from September. While the sell-off takes some pressure off of expenses, the caution is to not become complacent. It is typical for most large market moves to re-trace some portion of the move. Even a routine 50% price correction upward in an overall bear market for corn would result in a corn futures price of $6.25. In addition, there are several fundamental reasons to believe that the risk of the corn price going higher from here outweighs the opportunity of the corn price going much lower from here. These reasons include demand renewal, export commitments and ramped up ethanol production. If you do not have much experience with price risk management, understand that you can learn slowly, with baby steps. It's not necessary to go "all in" when you're first learning about the markets. In fact, it isn't advisable if you do not know what you are doing. As with all "power tools," you should either be an expert or hire one. Now would be a great time to explore while locking in some protection for feed. One simple way to get started is to use call options. Here is an example of how that would work: Let's say you need to purchase 5,000 bushels of corn on April 1. Between now and then the price of corn, and therefore your cost, could be much higher. Since the April 1 price of corn is currently unknown, your risk is effectively unknownas well. A simple means of limiting and defining your risk is to buy a call option that will protect you from higher prices until the time you purchase your corn feed. If the price of corn does indeed go higher, the option gives you the right to purchase corn at a lower price sometime in the future (plus commission and fees and the cost of the option). If the price of corn goes lower, our option would likely be worthless; however, for a relatively small price, we have given ourselves protection against a big risk of higher prices. Think of the call option as price insurance. Now, options have all sorts of layered strategy opportunities that allow you to take advantage of any volatility that might be in the market. I would not advise anyone to try these tools until you are comfortable with the simple strategies, or you have expert assistance. As an individual producer, with other responsibilities to stay on top of, keep it simple. Start to learn about the tools, and the purpose for using them. A key purpose for engaging in price risk management is to gradually, over time, bring down your overall cost for feed while protecting yourself from big price run-ups that drain your profitability. You won't get there overnight; however, you can get there.Whoever you choose to work with for the above positions, make sure you understand the advice, communicate well with your advisor, and trust the advisor. Develop a relationship during the learning process. Expect that you will be educated and made to feel comfortable along the way. Enlisting the help of a trained professional can also save you valuable time -- time you can devote back to running your business. Feed is the number one cost center on your dairy, and fortunately, it is one of the easiest places to dip your toe into the price risk management waters. We suggest that you test the waters now, before a price correction hits and you are learning in a high-price, high-pressure environment. Mike Rusch is with Stewart-Peterson Inc., a commodity marketing consulting firm based in West Bend, Wis. You may reach Mike at 800-334-9779, or email him at mrusch@stewart-peterson.com

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IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.