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Gold Sponsors
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Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
Click on a name below to email a Board Officer
Executive Director
Doug Leman
Dave Forgey
Joe Hibshman
Sarah Wagler Julie Bommer Brian Huber
Brian Houin
Cory Craig
Industry Advisers
Andy Tauer
Todd Janzen, Attorney
LuAnn Troxel, Business Mgr.
Nominations open for Outstanding Dairy Producer of the Year and Young Dairy Producer of the Year
| Click HERE for details on submitting a nomination. Deadline for submission is February 17, 2015. |
Silver Sponsors
Click on the logo to visit sponsor's
Support IDP
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.
Visit Our Bronze Sponsors
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IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
RESOURCE CENTER Click on each picture or logo to learn more
 | Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website |
 | Calf Notes and Links |
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 | Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy |

Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site: Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care. |

on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
Please click online link at the top for best viewing of our e-update.
It has come to our attention that Gmail and some other email services, see a "clipped" version of our e-update. For best results and to view all the articles and pictures on our e-update, please click the online link at the top of the newsletter.
We are half way through our 2015 Regional Dairy Meetings. We've had great participation and have had very positive feedback; from what I have heard, everyone was able to "take something home!" See pictures from those meetings here. We look forward to finishing this whirlwind tour with our three northern meetings this week. I look forward to seeing many of you at one of the meetings.
I want to give a gentle reminder to a few of you that have not yet sent in your 2015 membership dues, if you have misplaced your invoice, you can find the address on our website or just give me a call so that we will not need to send a second notice. Remember, your membership also gives our many industry sponsors confidence to continue to support IDP and helping IDP fulfill our new Strategic Plan mission "to make Indiana the most desirable state in which to produce milk!" Thanks to all of you who have already sent in your "vote of confidence!"
Speaking of sponsors, we are so pleased as we welcome new Gold sponsor, Best Forage and new Silver sponsor, Merial. These folks will also be available to visit with you at the regional meetings. I am confident that ALL of your farm needs can be met through our tremendous group of sponsors. Thank them by working with them!
There are many good things and opportunities (see below) happening with us and because of us, allowing us to also fulfill our Strategic Plan promise to "Facilitate education among Producers, Partners and Policy Makers that grows Indiana dairy markets." Never hesitate if I can help with any dairy need. Email me at dougleman@indianadairy.org or call me at 317-695-8228. Stay warm, be careful, and God bless!
Doug Leman
IDP Executive Director
IDP Farm and Conference Tour to Madison
March 18-20, 2015
 IDP was very fortunate to be the recipient of a grant from Professional Dairy Producers Foundation to assist us in getting 40 producers to attend the PDPW Business Conference on March 18th and 19th in Madison. We will provide transportation with pick-ups points in Lafayette, Fair Oaks, and Merrillville - leaving Lafayette at 6:15 a.m. We will be spending two nights in the motel, I will have you registered but you will be responsible for room payment of $109/night plus tax. After the conference ends at 4:30 on the 19th, we will travel back to motel, freshen up and have our own provided banquet that evening with the rest of the evening free for socializing. Early the next morning we will have an early breakfast and then head home, stopping at Crave Brothers Dairy and Rosy Lane Holsteins, two very nice dairies for fa  rm visits. We will stop for lunch which will be the only meal you are responsible for and continue home planning to be back to Lafayette by 6:00 p.m. Normally the cost for registration for the conference alone is $400 but with the grant and PDPW giving us membership discounts for our producers, we are able to provide transportation, all meals except for last lunch, and conference registration ALL for $250! Because of obligations that we must meet, we are requiring non-refundable pre-payment for this trip. Non IDP member cost for this trip is $600 so make sure your membership is up to date (we will also take payment for membership when registering) FOR THIS PACKAGE YOU MUST REGISTER BY MARCH 6th. Download a registration form with tour agenda here. Please call Doug 317-695-8228 with any questions. This is an opportunity that you do not want to miss!
Best Forage is New IDP Gold!
Please give a hearty IDP welcome to Best Forage, our newest Gold Sponsor, and read about them below. You can also visit with them at our remaining IDP regional dairy meetings:
We at Best Forage are proud to support Indiana Dairy Producers. Our history with the dairy industry runs deep as we are lifetime Indiana dairy farmers ourselves, being the 5th and 6th generation returning to our family operation. We share our passion along with our practical, hands-on experience of growing, storing, and feeding high quality forages to dairy cows while assisting our customers in achieving higher results on their farms. We distribute a full line of forage and cover crop seed while also working in field with farmers to help them achieve higher digestible yields by an average of 30-40%. Our efforts can positively effect 95% of your milk check by increasing the milk margin over feed costs. The bottom line is a more profitable dairy and a lasting partnership.
We are excited about our alliance with Indiana's hard working Dairy Producers. Feel free to contact us to set up an on farm introduction with a Best Forage representative and discover what we have to offer.
You can reach us at (888) 836-3697 or by emailing us at info@bestforage.com.
Middlebury, Shipshewana and Decatur -
Final 2015 IDP Regional Meetings
Feb. 4, Middlebury, Essenhaus Conference Center 10 AM registrationFeb. 5, Shipshewana, The Farmstead Inn 9 AM registrationFeb. 6, Decatur, Back 40 Junction Restaurant 9 AM registrationDownload the 2015 Regional Meeting Brochure here.
Stewart-Peterson Webinar Series #2: What every dairy farmer needs to know Feb. 11 at 1 PM Eastern, Noon Central
Webinar DetailsExperts from Stewart-Peterson will take you through milk, feed and price scenarios, explain hedging a hedge and discuss the forward curve on milk. You won't want to miss this valuable information, provided to you at no cost to you! Click here for more information.
About 10 minutes before the starting time, join the meeting: https://join.me/stewartpeterson or just click here; join the meeting, click the phone icon and select 'Call via internet'. A small download might be required.
Depending on your download speed, you may want to use your computer AND your phone. If you computer access is unavailable, phone access only is still a beneficial way to listen in!
Using a smart phone or tablet?
meeting code: stewartpetersonNeed technical assistance? Call Stewart-Peterson's tech guy, Ryan Mainville, at 262-438-0321.
Indiana Bids Farewell to Dr. Nennich
 | Dr. Nennich with IDP Pres. Obert
Dr. Tamilee Nennich, Associate Professor of Animal Sciences at Purdue and IDP board advisor, has made the decision to return "home" to Minnesota. It was with a heavy heart for us, but well-wishes in our voice that IDP President Steve Obert presented Dr. Nennich with an engraved plaque of appreciation for her many years of service to IDP. Dr. Nennich had a wealth of knowledge in environmental and regulatory issues. In addition, she invested hours of research in nutrition. More than that, however, were the untold hours she gave to Indiana Dairy as she presented topics at meetings, answered hundreds of questions, and was incredibly unselfish with her talents. As of Feb. 1, Dr. Nennich is working with Famo Feeds, a regional feed company based in Freemont, Minnesota. We wish her everything good, and as she says to us, " I have truly enjoyed being part of IDP and getting to know all of you. I hope that our paths will cross in the future." We will miss you, Dr. Tamilee Nennich!
Merial is Silver!
Please welcome Merial to our list of Silver IDP Members and hear about their product line that is so valuable to the dairy industry! A Merial rep will be on hand at the IDP regional dairy meetings.
Merial Inc. is a division of Sanofi with company headquarters based in Lyon, France and Duluth, Georgia. Merial is a world-leading, innovation-driven animal health company, providing a comprehensive range of products to enhance the health, well-being and performance of a wide range of animals. Merial employs approximately 6,200 people and operates in more than 150 countries worldwide. In 1981, Merial had one of the largest breakthrough's in the animal health industry with its' line of IVOMEC� (ivermectin) brand products. This product revolutionized parasite control amongst a wide variety of domestic species and increased profitability for producers' worldwide, and is still on the market today.
Merial introduced EPRINEX� (eprinomectin) in 1997. The ability to deworm adult dairy cattle with no meat or milk withdrawal is key for today's dairy producer. Merial has proven itself as a leader in dairy animal health with products such as CORID� (amprolium), EPRINEX� (eprinomectin), CYSTORELIN� (gonadorelin diacetate trahydrate) and JVAC�. More recently, products such as ZACTRAN� (gamithromycin) and LONGRANGE� (eprinomectin) have reaffirmed Merial's commitment to the future excellence of our dairy producers. If you have further questions, contact your veterinarian or a Merial sales representative.
New Year's Resolution for Dairy Farmers
 Still looking for that perfect New Year's resolution? While many people concentrate on weight loss, personal growth, or financial stability, the New Year is a perfect time to set goals and prepare a plan for growth and risk management within the dairy operation. Young and beginning farmers have ample opportunities with Farm Credit Mid-America (FCMA) to, prepare annual financial statements, walk through a business plan and attend Know to Grow, our educational program for young and beginning farmers to help set the stage for a successful year within the farm operation. "One of the most important things that a dairy farmer can do is sit down and create a year-end balance sheet," says Gary Book, business analyst from FCMA. "Setting a goal to create consistent, 12/31 balance sheets allows for us to calculate the true income of an operation and determine what options there are for financing, as well as identify strengths and weaknesses." Balance sheets, which list out all of an operations assets and liabilities, cash flow statements or annual dairy herd improvement records, and tax returns or income and expense summaries help provide a well-rounded picture of the operation. Financial records are the foundation of a core package to provide to the operation's lending partner for financial analysis. Read more
Zeeland Feed Update
 | 866-888-7082 |
A strong US dollar value is impacting a lot of what's going on these days. The feed ingredient markets like grain and milk markets have shown some volatility, to reflect this.
Protein markets top the voice, as Canola seed crush is not currently profitable, as Canadian farmers are sitting on seed, making seed expensive vs. products; giving less canola meal supply to the dairy user. As oil sales are weak at this time, this will continue for next six week or so. Basis values are softer, though supported by this idea, Basis levels are not projected to be the weaker levels that the dairies are used to seeing. Spot meal/pellet offers are available more, however, as railroads have improved service to the vendors. Check with merchandisers for quotes.
Soybean meal exports were high in fourth quarter. Here in Feb they slow down and basis levels are weakening some vs. March forward. As the meal CME futures are low, it may be a nice time to lock in some partial needs of soy or canola meals.
Cottonseed has found its way back into rations with the higher push on protein and are showing steady supplies and a weaker offering thru summer. A shorter planting this fall is predicted given cotton values.
Soyhulls stay a low cost therefore, they too stay in as a good fiber source and good value.
DDGS (distillers w/soluble) was again bought up in volume by China and other countries for Feb - Mar. (began in Dec.), and now as some ethanol plants slow down a little, that too may keep the DDGs feed supplies tight thru spring.
Gluten feed pellets seem to be holding steady to lower, with production at about half speed at processors, keeping pellet supply tighter and wet feed available readily, though a little higher in moisture than normal. This ingredient will continue to soften and may fit more in rations going forward.
Hominy feed seems to be steady in rations as a good clean product is made, also as a good alternative to some north eastern corn that was showing some vomitoxins on farm.
Citrus pulp pellets are showing some weakness as well with exports slower, about a $20 disc. to recent offers. A good sugar/fiber source in rations. Offers are available thru Nov.
Seems as though the rations are again a little tricky this year with old corn silage and the transition occurs to new silage variance, as some froze early, not fermenting properly and maturity was off. Some are also seeing "the better the corn and silage, the more attention to detail to get the high components up in milk, ration may need to be tweaked". Last year's corn quality was somewhat worse, but gave great components. Everything needs a balance. Stay warm this winter and be safe. Ground hog has told his story.
Coca Cola in milk business, and it involves Indiana
 At our IDP regional dairy meetings, questions surfaced multiple times about the new Fairlife milk and Coca Cola. Articles are all over about this new product launch, featuring milk from Fair Oaks Dairy in Indiana. Here are a couple of links: EntrepreneurABC: All the Times You Drank a Coke Product
Certified Livestock Producer Trainings Offered
 The Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) will hold three Certified Livestock Producer trainings across the state this winter. The program recognizes outstanding livestock producers that go above and beyond in their farm management practices in the areas of environmental stewardship, animal wellbeing, bio-security, emergency planning and community relations. "Becoming a Certified Livestock Producer is an excellent way to show your community how committed you are to responsibly raising livestock," said ISDA Director Ted McKinney. "We know most livestock producers do a great job already, and this program will further round out their farm management plans." Trainings will be held February 10 in Auburn, March 7 in Spencer and March 9 in Indianapolis. Click here for more information.
New CFO Guidance Manual
 The CFO Guidance Manual is a tool for producers to understand the rule language and know what is expected to maintain compliance with IDEM regulations affecting their operation. As we heard a number of suggestions for improvement from producers and commodity groups, we decided to make revisions and update the guidance manual. You can find a download link to the new manual on IDEM's webpage here. Of particular note, the new guidance manual includes a more thorough explanation of the restriction on manure application to frozen and snow covered ground, perimeter tile drain systems, manure application calculations regarding phosphorous limits, as well as important information for the issues surrounding the marketing and distribution of manure.
Upcoming 2015 Events
Feb. 4 Regional Dairy Meeting - Middlebury Brochure
Feb. 5 Regional Dairy Meeting -Shipshewana
Feb. 6 Regional Dairy Meeting - Decatur
Feb. 10 Auburn Certified Livestock Producer Training contact Kimmi Devaney at 317.450.3570 for information.
Feb. 11 Stewart-Peterson Webinar: What Every Dairy Farmer Should Know 1 PM Eastern, Noon Central, Login in details
Feb. 18-19 Women in Agriculture Conference 2015, Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, Merrillville, Indiana Details here
March 7 Spencer Certified Livestock Producer Training contact Kimmi Devaney at 317.450.3570 for information
March 9 Indianapolis Certified Livestock Producer Training, contact Kimmi Devaney at 317.450.3570 for information.
March 16 Livestock Forage & Grain Forum AND
IDP Annual Meeting click here for details and to register for both meetings
March 18-20 IDP Farm and Conference Bus Tour to PDPW Business Conference Conference Agenda and Tour Details
April 7-8 Indiana Milk Quality Conference, details here.
April 20-22 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, details here.