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Click on any logo to reach company website
RESOURCE CENTER Click on each picture or logo to learn more
 | Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website |
 | Calf Notes and Links |
 | LGM Dairy Education Info |
 | Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy |
New 2013 Manual! NMPF Resource Manual also Animal Care Training Videos and Johnes Assessment Info 
Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.
Click to read the April 2013 Dairy Market Report and Projected MILC Payments |
2013 Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
| Indiana Dairy Producers |
IDP Executive Board
Click on a name below to email an Executive Board Member
Executive Director
Doug Leman
LuAnn Troxel
Vice President
Henk Sevenhuysen
Tamilee Nennich Ph.D.
Treasurer Mike Schutz Ph.D 765-494-9478
Dave Forgey
Kelly Heckaman
Board Members Joe Hibshman Sarah Wagler Julie Bommer Steve Obert
Brian Huber
Industry Advisers
Andy Tauer
Dr. Ken McGuffey Todd Janzen, Attorney
Silver Sponsors
Click on the logo to visit sponsor's



During this very busy time of year, we want to welcome you to the e-update and encourage you to take a few moments to see what is happening within your industry.
First, I would like to thank each of you that took the time to participate in our recent survey. It was very interesting to better understand your thoughts. You can see the results below. We think surveys like this can be a simple way to get input from our members as issues arise, and it gives you the opportunity to let your voice be heard!
The calendar says the time for registering for our Summer Farm and Industry Tour into Wisconsin is over today, but we can still make it happen! We still have some room on the bus and I will work with you. Give me a call and we'll get you signed up. I know you will be glad that you did.
IDP is pleased to welcome JBS United on board with us as another Silver level sponsor! Please review the list of our many sponsors and let them know you appreciate what they are doing.
Together, we are making a difference!
I have been working very closely with our regulatory agencies. Please don't hesitate to give me a call if I can answer any questions or get answers for you. You can call me at 317-695-8228 or email me at dougleman@indianadairy.org . I look forward to help or support you in any dairy way I can! Be careful and God bless!
Doug Leman
Executive Director
Indiana Dairy Producers
Still time to Register for IDP's Summer Farm & Industry Tour June 5-6
 There is still time to register for the IDP Summer Tour, but don't wait too long! IDP has put a tremendous opportunity together for folks to attend a fascinating 2-day bus tour to Wisconsin on June 5-6! This opportunity is for dairy farmers, family members, students, and people involved in the dairy industry. The bus will pick up attendees in Lafayette and also in Merrillville for the trip to America's Dairyland. The visit will include stops to Stewart-Peterson, a slaughter plant in Green Bay (American Foods Group, LLC), and four very well-managed dairy farms and/or calf raising facilities. Please download a brochure with details here. The cost for IDP members is $125 per person (including employees and family members). Students can register for the bargain price of $75 per person! If you are not an IDP member, you can register for $250, but we strongly suggest you become a member for $50! General registration does not include lodging. We have negotiated a special rate of $92 for lodging at the Radisson Green Bay, including breakfast on June 6. Call the Radisson Green Bay to make lodging reservations: 920-494-7300. The special rate is guaranteed through May 20, but if rooms are available after that date, they will honor the special rate. Be sure to mention Indiana Dairy Producers when making reservations. Most other expenses are included in the initial registration fee. To register, become a sponsor, or just have questions, please contact Doug Leman at 317-695-8228.
IDP Welcomes JBS United
Please join us in welcoming JBS United as a Silver level sponsor of IDP! You can click on their logo to visit their website. Read more about JBS United below:
JBS United is a dairy nutrition company and is continuing to build a team to support technical sales and production research. Our company mission is guided by the principle of providing customer service as a means to enhance on-farm production profitability. In addition to typical nutrition services, we are able to provide additional value to our customers through feed and forage evaluations designed to improve utilization by the animal. The JBS United calf program is designed to accelerate heifer development with the goal of reaching production at 22 months of age. Our newly re-designed dry cow program was specifically formulated to reduce metabolic issues associated with the transition phase of lactation.With increasing costs affecting your bottom line, JBS United has adapted diet formulation strategies that will benefit you by significantly reducing out-of-pocket feed input costs without sacrificing milk yield.
For the past several years we have been sharing our quarterly newsletter with a great many dairy farmers in Indiana. We hope that you have noticed the value of the content (and the marked absence of commercial advertisement). During this time JBS United and several key industry partners have been conducting dairy management conferences designed to address issues of concern to the dairy industry. We certainly welcome the opportunity to have you join us at our next conference.
Our company focus is firmly directed toward the future, and the production oriented research that is the hallmark of the JBS United company has now been committed to the goal of providing that same level of value to the dairy industry.
If you are in need of additional information, contact one of these JBS United dairy nutrition specialists in the Indiana area.
Kenny Alwine 330-749-4986
Dr. Dave Carey 317-460-4930
Dwight Mansfield 517-403-1208
Brent Moss 419-799-0725
Dr. Chris Peter 217-257-0042
Agency Updates from May 3rd IDP Board Meeting
 At each IDP Board Meeting, we receive updates from representatives of the key agencies that affect the dairy industry. These include Indiana State Department of Ag (ISDA), State Board of Animal Health (BOAH), Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), and more. We try to share this with you and encourage you to contact Doug Leman if you have questions or concerns about what is happening with the different state agencies. Please click here to read the updates from the May 6 board meeting.
Results from IDP Policy Survey
IDP held its first online policy survey from April 30 through May 10. We were very grateful to get 61 responses, and we'd like to share the summary of those results with you. First, there were very mixed answers for the question, "Do you believe Indiana Dairy Producers should endorse a specific dairy policy?" Of the 60 responses we received, 37% said yes, 33% said to continue providing education but do not endorse a policy, and 8% said No, with the balance unsure. At our last IDP board meeting, it was decided that this answer was not enough of a mandate to endorse specific policy, and therefore we will continue to provide education on this issue, but we will not be endorsing a specific plan. However, a large percentage of our respondents are opposed to supply management. View the image below to see the specifics on that policy question:  | Click above to enlarge the chart.
With the help of Dr. Mike Schutz, we summarized the survey questions in a piece that we sent to Senator Donnelly's office. We are also sending this information to Indiana House Members. You can read the IDP Dairy Policy Summary here.
Dr. Lance Fox to speak during Summer Tour
 Those who attended the IDP Regional Dairy meetings in Shipshewana or Decatur will remember Dr. Lance Fox and his talks on calf care. Well, Dr. Fox is a man of many talents, and we are so pleased to be able to hear him give his motivational talk, "No Place but UP!", highlighting his journey climbing Mount Everest and much more. Dr. Fox will speak during the evening portion of the Summer Tour on June 5 in Green Bay, Wisconsin! From one who has already heard Dr. Fox speak, "This is worth the entire tour right here! One of the best talks I've ever heard!" So make plans to register for the 2013 Summer Farm & Industry Tour today!Download a brochure with all the details here.
Are you a dairy leader?
 Indiana is blessed to have a wonderful agriculture leadership program, the AgriInstitute. This is a 2 year program that provides the participants with an amazing opportunity to learn all about Indiana as well as local, state and national government, especially as it relates to agriculture. There are also sessions to learn leadership and communication skills, dealing with difficult conversations, media training and so much more. In addition, the program includes a 2 week international experience. We would love to see emerging dairy leaders participate in this program. Dr. Tamilee Nennich and Attorney Todd Janzen are in the current class, as well as dairy farmer Cynthia Adam. Sponsorship for the tuition cost to a dairy producer may be available from MPSI. The class size is limited to 30 people, and there are usually many more applicants than class size. But something this life-changing is worth the effort. You can learn about the application process by clicking here. Other dairy farmer alumni of the AgriInstitute include Joe Kelsay, LuAnn Troxel, Mike Yoder and IDP industry adviser Andy Tauer.
Indy 500 is special to Dairy Farmers
The Indy 500 provides a unique opportunity for Indiana dairy farmers to share their message. Each year, MPSI is able to share the dairy story with many consumers because of the long-standing tradition of the Indy 500 racecar winner drinking that coveted bottle of ice cold milk! The video below can sometimes bring tears to a dairy farmer's eyes! Be sure to watch and share it!  | For the Love of Milk at the Indy 500 |
National Holstein Convention is Coming to Downtown Indianapolis!
The Indiana Holstein Association is excited to host the upcoming 2013 National Holstein Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, July 7-11, 2013. We welcome dairy producers and enthusuasts worldwide to "Race to indy" to celebrate the dairy industry and the registered Holstein cow! The National Holstein Convention is always an exciting, enjoyable and education experience for Juniors and Adults. Please visit the convention website for detailed information.
Visit Our Bronze Sponsors
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Click on above button!
IDP Corporate Sponsors
 There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
 Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.
Support IDP
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Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.

on the Archive button to access previous issues of our E-Updates and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.
Upcoming 2013 Events
JUNE June 5-6 IDP Summer Farm & Industry 2-day Bus Tour to Wisconsin. Bus will pick up people in Lafayette and Merrillville. Lodging on June 5 will be at Radisson Green Bay, which is connected to a casino. Please download a tour brochure for more details.
June 7-8 Grazing 102 Conference, SIPAC, Dubois, Indiana Details
June 26-27 81st Annual Farm Management Tour, Clinton County Details.
June 28 Next regular IDP board meeting at Plews Shadley Racher & Braun JULY July is Fair Season! Click here for Indiana county fair dates and info. July 7-11 National Holstein Convention, Indianapolis, Convention Info July 30-31 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange, Plymouth and LaPorte, Indiana (much more coming, save the date). AUGUST August 2-18 Indiana State Fair August 10 Dairy Skillathon, Indiana State Fair August 11 4-H Dairy Show, State Fair August 13 Open Class Dairy Show, State Fair