Indiana Dairy Producers Logo
Indiana Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
March 15, 2013                                                              Issue 48

"An organized voice for Hoosier Dairy Farmers"

Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.   

Automated Calf Feeding Pen
In This Issue
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Antibiotics Use in Dairy
Stewart-Peterson Diamond
Farm Credit Gold
The 5 C's of Calf Raising
Are Your Treatment Records FDA Ready?
Dairy Policy Update
Interview Tips
New Fertilizer Rule Applies to All
Dairy Animal Welfare
Raw Milk Off-Limits



Click on any logo to reach company website
Stewart-Peterson Diamond JPG
MPSI Diamond PNG

Indiana Corn Diamond PNG

Indiana Soybean Diamond PNG



Click on any logo to reach company website

Kaeb-Lely Logo
Hubbard Feeds Logo
Byron Seeds


Click on each picture or logo to learn more

Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website
Cows on Grass

Calf Notes and Links
Newborn Calf

 LGM Dairy Education Info
LGM Dairy

Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Innovation Center

Residue Prevention
 New 2013 Manual!
NMPF Resource Manual
also Animal Care Training Videos
and Johnes Assessment Info



Check out the resources available to you on the Purdue University Dairy Extension site. Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.


National Milk Logo  


Click to read the
January 2013  

  Dairy Market Report  




Gold Sponsors
Farm Credit Logo 2012
Pioneer logo
Dairy Farmers of America  

Milk Specialties Global  

ZFS Official 



Kalmbach Logo

DeLaval Logo  


BI Logo

Indiana Farm Bureau

2013 Indiana Dairy Producers
Board of Directors
Indiana Dairy Producers Logo 
Indiana Dairy Producers

IDP Executive Board

Click on a name below to email an
Executive Board Member  

Executive Director

Doug Leman 




LuAnn Troxel



Vice President

Henk Sevenhuysen 


Tamilee Nennich Ph.D. 


Mike Schutz Ph.D


Dave Forgey 



Kelly Heckaman  


Board Members
 Joe Hibshman
Sarah Wagler
Julie Bommer
Steve Obert

Brian Huber


Industry Advisers

Andy Tauer

Dr. Ken McGuffey
Todd Janzen, Attorney 


Silver Sponsors

Click on the logo to visit sponsor's


  NPC Bovamine Logo

  Venture Milling 


BMO Harris Bank 

RP Feed Components 

Prince Agri Logo


Diamond V

ABS Global Logo 

 Arm & Hammer Logo

 Michigan Milk Producers Logo



Specialty Hybrids  

Prairie Farms
Fair Oaks Farms Logo
Zoetis, formerly Pfizer

Visit Our Bronze Sponsors 

Bronze Level
Click on above button!


IDP Corporate Sponsors
Indiana Dairy Transparent There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.


Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Flickr Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.

Support IDP  

Indiana Dairy Producers Logo

Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.   


We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.


on the Archive button to access previous issues of our 


and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.



Spring is coming.....hang in there! We just completed a very successful run on our 2013 Regional meetings. I want to thank all of you who took the time out of your busy schedules to attend. I am confident you picked up some good information to take back to the farm. Special thanks to our sponsors and speakers at each event!


Our 2013 Farm and Industry Tour is going to be June 5-6. We will be traveling to Wisconsin with a focus on heifer raising. Our Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange is planned for July 30-31 in northwest Indiana. Please get these dates on your calendars! More information will be coming as we put these trips together.


Dairy Leaders Coalition
Dairy Leaders Coalition  

Henk Sevenhuysen, IDP Vice President, and I attended the Dairy Leaders Coalition meeting held in Madison. State dairy organizations such as IDP are invited to this meeting with five states being represented. We discussed immigration, antibiotic residues, environmental issues, and also had a good roundtable discussion. We found the issues are pretty similar throughout the country. This is the 3rd time this group has met, and we will be meeting again during World Dairy Expo in October.


IDP is so privileged with the wonderful group of sponsors that we have. I encourage you to thank them by working with them. It is really special when we have businesses that have been sponsors and they tell us that they want to raise their level of support to the Indiana dairy industry. It is with great appreciation that we announce Farm Credit Mid-America moving up to Gold level and Stewart-Peterson jumping to the top as new Diamond level sponsors!  


You can call or text me with any dairy need at 317-695-8228 or email Be careful, and God bless!


Doug Leman 

Executive Director

Indiana Dairy Producers 

Uncle Sam Scrutinizing Antibiotic Use in Dairy Cattle
The Farmers Exchange, by Blythe Metzger
Dr. Greg Edwards
Dr. Greg Edwards, Zoetis

Antibiotics, arguably one of the most important medical discoveries of the 20th century, have been legal for use in livestock since 1951. Many would think that with 62 years of practice, farmers would have all but perfected the use of these drugs.


The FDA thinks otherwise. Speaking at one of the 2013 Indiana Regional Dairy Meetings last week in Goshen, Zoetis veterinarian Dr. Greg Edwards warned producers that the FDA is so concerned about over-the-counter (OTC) antibiotic misuse that there may be a move to make all antibiotics available by prescription only.

According to Edwards, the dairy industry must accept blame for this ultimatum.


Edwards relayed data from a 2008 study that found that although dairy cows accounted for only 8 percent of all cattle slaughtered, 90 percent of antibiotic residue violations come from cull dairy cattle.

How does this correlate to the FDA's above mentioned threats?


Sixty-five percent of the residue violations were from OTC medications, the most frequent was penicillin, followed closely by flunixin. Over half of the violations in bob veal calves came from neomycin, which is found in milk replacer. All of these medications have specific withdrawal times, which producers are familiar with. The problem lies in the administration, for if the dosage and application method are not followed exactly, the stated withdrawal period no longer can be followed.


Giving any medication, OTC or prescription, in a manner different that the label states is called an extra-label drug use (ELDU). Any drug used ELDU is now deemed a prescription use by law, and requires veterinary supervision.  


Read the full article here. 


Stewart-Peterson is a Diamond!
Stewart-Peterson Diamond JPG We are so pleased to announce that Stewart-Peterson has become our newest Diamond Level Sponsor! Here's what they say:

Supporting the Indiana Dairy Producers and the dairy industry is natural for us. Many of the people at Stewart-Peterson grew up on farms, and some still have skin in the game. We understand how challenging it can be to manage a dairy, especially when profit margins are tough to achieve. Our passion is helping businesses manage commodity price opportunities and risks. We take a unique, strategic approach, developed to help you protect what you work hard to build. Stewart-Peterson has served clients in the commodity markets since 1985, wherever market volatility endangers the bottom line. Our main office is in West Bend, Wisconsin. Branch offices are in Maryland and your own backyard, central Illinois. We are proud to support the work you do.

For more information, please click on the Stewart-Peterson diamond above, or call 800-334-9779.


Farm Credit Advances to Gold

  Farm Credit Logo 2012

IDP gratefully announces that Farm Credit Mid-America has moved their sponsorship level up to Gold! Please read about their commitment to the dairy industry:

Farm Credit Mid-America is proud to support Indiana's dairy farmers. Farm Credit is an agricultural lending cooperative serving nearly 100,000 farmers, rural residents and agribusinesses throughout Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. Farm Credit works with almost 3,000 dairy farmers to provide the loans, leases and insurance they need to operate and grow their farms and families. We are committed to serving dairy producers of all sizes, whether you are managing a 2,000 cow dairy, milking a herd of 30 or helping your daughter raise a 4-H calf. Agriculture is not one-size-fits all, and neither are the solutions Farm Credit offers.


Farm Credit is excited to expand our relationship with the Indiana Dairy Producers because we believe in their mission to promote and serve as a voice for Indiana's dairy farmers. We strive to further that mission by sharing our financial knowledge and experience to empower you to achieve your goals. The past five years have been trying times for the dairy industry. Volatile feed costs and milk prices have made financial and risk management more important than ever- and that's where we come in. Farm Credit understands the challenges that farmers face every day and welcome the opportunity to visit with you about your credit needs, business planning or risk management questions. Learn more about Farm Credit and find an office near you by visiting  

The 5 C's of Calf Raising
Dr. Lance Fox Dr. Lance Fox, veterinarian with Diamond V, spoke on Calf Raising at the Shipshewana and Decatur Regional Dairy Meetings. He summarized expert calf raising with these 5 C's:
  • Colostrum
  • Calories
  • Comfort
  • Cleanliness
  • Consistency

Calves are born with a naive immune system. It must be primed with colostrum! It's difficult to over-emphasize the importance of getting the correct quantity and quality of colostrum in a calf within the first 12 hours of birth. The average Holstein cow produces 20 pounds of true colostrum, and sometimes they produce inferior colostrum in the summer time. It's OK to freeze colostrum for up to 6 months, but it only keeps 3-5 days in the refrigerator.


A few other points in Dr. Fox's talk were: Don't wean calves until they are consistently eating 2 pounds of grain per day, and also offer hay to calves about 2 weeks post weaning, not before.   


Read Dr. Fox's published summary of the 5 C's here. 


Are Your Treatment Records FDA Ready?
Washington State University

Treatment Records The FDA has specific treatment records requirements designed to avoid drug residues in milk and meat.  Failure to maintain complete treatment records is the most commonly cited reason for drug residue violations.


Take a couple minutes to complete this assessment to determine if your treatment records are complete.   


Within your treatment records do you have:

    a. Animal ID?

    b. Treatment Date?

    c. Drug Given?

    d. Disease Treated?

Within your treatment records, or established treatment protocols, are the following stated:

    a. Dosage? 

    b. Route of Administration?

    c. Withdrawal time for meat and milk (even if it is 0)?

Is the individual who gave the drug recorded?

Is the date the animal can be slaughtered and milk can be used recorded in their record?


We suggest that you should be able to answer 'YES' to all questions.  To answer 'YES' to each question that information must be recorded on paper or in a computer program and be available for at least 2 years.  


We strongly urge you to contact your veterinarian to assist you in being fully compliant with FDA requirements. 


Dairy Policy in 2013 Farm Bill
Perspective of Dave Forgey
*opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Indiana Dairy Producers

Dave Forgey

I've had the opportunity to be in our nation's capital twice in the last two weeks. First, I was volunteering on the national steering committee of the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI) and this week I was there as a member of the Indiana Farm Bureau Leader Trip to Washington.


My first trip was February 26th, the day before the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) scored the Dairy Security Act (DSA) and the Goodlatte/Scott Amendment for their potential implementation in the Farm Bill.

Since I've shared these 2 options before, I'm going to assume you've listened and realize that if we have the DSA and you want margin protection for up to 90% of your production ,you must sign up for supply management. In the Goodlatte/Scott Amendment, which was proposed to the House Ag Committee but not adopted in the 2012 version, you could get margin insurance for up to 80% of you production and not be required to participate in supply management.


National Milk Producers Federation and many of our cooperatives strongly support the DSA, and that has not changed in spite of the fact that the Goodlatte/Scott amendment was found by the CBO to be less costly to the government by $100 million. I have visited at length with John Goldberg, lead attorney for the House Ag Committee, and Anne Hazlett, the lead attorney for the Senate Ag Committee. Both indicate the only policy they are preparing for dairy in the farm bill is the DSA. They say $100 million is only a "blink of the eye" for our government. They also indicated if the ag committees bring a policy forward, there will be little or no chance to amend it on the floors of the House or Senate. They have too much else to do. Thus any changes need to be in place before a bill comes out of committee.


The only Indiana legislator on either the House or Senate Ag Committees is Senator Joe Donnelly. If you disagree with the DSA, you should contact Senator Donnelly's ag Staffer Chase Kitchen and let them know supply management is not good for you as a dairy farmer nor for your cooperative to market dairy products consistently to the world. I would also suggest you contact your House member, but Todd Rokita, my district 4 congressman, made a strong point to me that dairy policy wasn't worth slowing down the farm bill. If you feel supply management will negatively impact the dairy industry, you should express your views now.  


I believe we need a different view before the two ag committees bring something to the floor of the House and Senate. Getting an amendment similar to Goodlatte/Scott in the Senate Ag Committee would help. I would be glad to speak with you personally if you wish to discuss these issues further at 574-652-2461. 


If you are asked to give an interview:
microphone These days, there are many opportunities for dairy farmers to be in the news, either print or video. It's great to see a well-done positive dairy story. Here are a few tips if you find you have the opportunity to talk to the media about dairy farming:

Don't do it cold. If you get a call out of the blue to speak to the media, ask for a little bit of time to get your thoughts together, think of 3 key points you wish to make, and then begin. Always refer them to where they can get more information, such as or You may also want to give your interviewer a prepared fact sheet about your farm, which often helps to eliminate simple errors. Don't speculate about a hypothetical situation, and never speak about something you really are not informed of. Often the best answer you can give is, "I don't know" or "I can't speak to that, but here's what I can tell you..."

In addition, remember to contact MPSI at 800-225-6455 for tips, additional resources, and just plain good advice. If you get a chance for some media training, JUMP at the opportunity!
Nearly Record Attendance at Meetings until Snow Hit Decatur
Goshen Meeting Up until the Decatur meeting, IDP had enjoyed nearly record attendance at nearly every Regional Dairy meeting.
This was the first time in many years that a meeting was held in Shipshewana. That meeting boasted an attendance of around 60 people, and at the Goshen meeting, extra tables were needed to accommodate all the attendees.

During early planning, it was thought that snow would be unlikely, but that proved inaccurate for the very last regional dairy meeting in Decatur. Even though participation at the Decatur meeting was less than anticipated, there was still great information conveyed to the participants.

Watch a picture slideshow of the northern regional dairy meetings here.

Read an article about Bruce Ziegler's talk on computerized calf feeding here.


New Fertilizer Rule Applies to All
Applying Manure One of the topics that has generated many questions at the our Regional Dairy Meetings is the new fertilizer use rule, which went into effect on February 16th. Many nutrient regulations in the past have applied to large farms, but this one is different. Basically, if you have 1 dairy cow, this rule applies to you. And non-compliance can cost you, with civil penalties starting at $100-$1000 per day or incident. The rule requires a written manure application plan, manure staging restrictions and more.

A concise factsheet about the new rule is available for download here.
Put Cows at the Center of Animal Welfare
Peggy Coffeen, Agri-View

Treating a Calf More pounds of milk, fewer days open, lower somatic cell counts, better feed efficiency. Production and profitability are the centers around which most dairy producers base their decisions, and we generally believe that this focus also accounts for cow health and comfort. However, our customers are demanding that the physical and emotional well-being of the cow comes first and foremost.


"Animal welfare needs to put cows at the center," said Jen Walker, DVM, Ph.D., Dipl. ACVPM, director of dairy stewardship for Dean Foods, as she addressed Midwest Dairy and Beef Animal Well-being Conference in Kimberly on March 8. UW-Extension hosted the event.


In the past, the defining animal welfare was somewhat subjective; today, animal scientists like UW's Dr. Amy Stanton are devoting their research to determining scientific metrics that validate an animal's well-being.


"The animal welfare conversation is more than science, it is more than economics, it's about ethics," said Walker.

"Science can't make value statements. Society makes that decision," agreed Stanton. The people who buy products decide whether or not they are going to trust us, and they out-number producers.


Building that trust is based on shared beliefs and core values, added Walker. Consumers want to know that farm animals are being treated well because producers genuinely care for their well-being, not because of the profitability attached to it. A statement like "if we don't' take good care of our cows, they don't produce (economically)" implies to consumers that "we are only in it for the money."


"We are seen by customers today as being self-serving," she said. "We need to say 'we take good care of cows because it is the right thing to do.'"


Read the full article here.


Raw Milk Still Off-Limits in Indiana
Angela Bowman, Dairy Herd Network

After months of back and forth efforts to permit raw milk sales in Indiana, lawmakers have made it clear that raw milk remains off-limits for human consumption.


According to Food Safety News, last year the Indiana General Assembly was mulling legalizing raw milk sales in stores, and after passing one change in the law requiring raw milk to be labeled as "not for human consumption," it asked the Indiana Board of Animal Health (BOAH) to complete a study on the safety of raw milk.


In the report, the BOAH concluded "that pasteurization is a practice that is highly effective in reducing the risk of human illness from pathogens in raw milk. Distributing raw milk for human consumption will increase the risk that someone will become ill from consuming raw milk. But the decision to authorize or not the sale of unpasteurized milk to consumers is ultimately a political decision."  


Since the BOAH released the report, political interest in legalizing raw milk sales has waned. Several bills that would have permitted raw milk sales (SB 513) and allowed raw milk to be distributed to non-paying guests and family members (DB 610) have since been allowed to die in committee.


Read the full article here.
Upcoming 2013 Events   


March 19 Regular IDP Board Meeting, MPSI Office  10 AM - 3 PM 

March 26, 28 Certified Livestock Producer Training, Dearborn County 



April 7-9 National Dairy Producers Conference, Indianapolis Conference Information 

April 9-10 Indiana Milk Quality Conference, Fort Wayne Conference details  

April 20 Indiana Dairy Youth Conference, Ages 8-18 are welcome! Hendricks County Fairgrounds, 10-4 Eastern Time, Danville, Indiana, download a  

Conference Brochure 

April 23-24 Tri State Dairy Nutrition Conference, Fort Wayne, IN Details  



June 5-6 IDP Summer Farm & Industry Tour in Wisconsin. More info coming, save the date! 



July 7-11 National Holstein Convention, Indianapolis, Convention Info 

July 30-31 Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange, Northwest Indiana (much more coming, save the date).