Indiana Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
December 4, 2014                                                              Issue 73

"An organized voice for Hoosier Dairy Farmers"

Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.   

IDP Banner
In This Issue



Click on any logo to reach company website

Indiana Corn Diamond PNG
Indiana Soybean Diamond PNG




Click on any logo to reach company website


Kaeb-Lely Logo
Hubbard Feeds Logo


Gold Sponsors

JBS United 

Milk Specialties Global   Byron Seeds 

Dairy Farmers of America
Farm Credit Logo 2012
Pioneer logo
DeLaval Logo
BI Logo
Indiana Farm Bureau
ZFS Official

Indiana Dairy Producers  
Board of Directors
Indiana Dairy Producers Logo 
Click on a name below to email
a Board Officer 

Executive Director

Doug Leman 



Steve Obert, President


Liz Kelsay, Vice President



Board Members

Dave Forgey

 Joe Hibshman

Sarah Wagler
Julie Bommer
Brian Huber

Brian Houin

Cory Craig 


Industry Advisers

Andy Tauer

Dr. Ken McGuffey 

Todd Janzen, Attorney  


LuAnn Troxel, Business Mgr.  

Silver Sponsors

Click on the logo to visit sponsor's


RP Feed Components  
Diamond V 
BMO Harris Bank 
Prince Agri Logo  
NPC Bovamine Logo 
Perdue Ag Solutions 
Arm & Hammer Logo ABS Global Logo 
Michigan Milk Producers Logo 
Bunge Logo 
GEA Logo 
Specialty Hybrids 
Prairie Farms 
Fair Oaks Farms Logo 
Zoetis, formerly Pfizer 

Support IDP  

Indiana Dairy Producers Logo

Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.   


We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.

Visit Our Bronze Sponsors 

Bronze Level
Click on above button!


IDP Corporate Sponsors
Indiana Dairy Transparent There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.


Click on each picture or logo to learn more

Cows on Grass
Indiana Grazing & Forages NRCS Website

Newborn Calf
Calf Notes and Links

Residue Prevention
Innovation Center
Innovation Center for U.S.



Check out the resources available to you on the  

Purdue University Dairy Extension site: Topics on nutrition, business management, animal health and many more topics related to our dairy industry and animal care.



on the Archive button to access previous issues of our 


and important information for your dairy operation, industry issues and trends.

Please click online link at the top for best viewing of our e-update. 
It has come to our attention that Gmail and some other email services, see a "clipped" version of our e-update. For best results and to view all the articles and pictures on our e-update, please click the online link at the top of the newsletter.

Here we are already looking at the end of the year, as always, where has the time gone?  It has been a tremendous year to be in the dairy business but we all know things change.  We will mention it more in this newsletter below, but please consider the MPP program. Depending on when you read this, you need to be in the FSA office - you must be signed up by FRIDAY, DEC 5th - it's now or wait until next year!!


We do recognize and thank JBS United for having the confidence in us to move their sponsorship up another level to Gold which bolsters our courage in what we are doing!  Remember, we are all working "To make Indiana the most desirable state in which to produce milk!"  We also welcome our new producer members on board with us - together we are all stronger!


As we near the end of the year, I just want to remind you that I am here for you for any dairy need, questions? - call, wanting to expand or build? - call, farm issues? - call, just need to talk to someone? - call..... I hope you get the idea; I know lots of really good people and can usually help you get an answer or assist however needed.  You can reach me at 317-695-8228 or by email at Be careful and God bless!


Doug Leman,

Executive Director
Indiana Dairy Producers
IDP Regional Dairy Meetings
Plans are underway to bring you some excellent information at the 2015 Regional Dairy Meetings! Many of you have shared that you want to learn more about employee and management issues. We are working to bring you information about these and other important subjects. More information will be forthcoming, but please check the date for the most convenient meeting for you on our 2015 Upcoming Events block below.

Tom Fuhrmann, DVM
We are very pleased that Tom Fuhrmann from Tempe, Arizona will be our keynote speaker at the Middlebury, Shipshewana and Decatur meetings on February 4, 5 and 6. Tom is a dairy cattle veterinarian; a practitioner with over 25 years of experience working exclusively with dairy herds. Born and raised on a Wisconsin dairy, Tom dedicated his veterinary career to the dairy industry and dairy cows. Tom understands the job and "connects" with herdsmen, dairy owners, managers and workers. Having worked with some of the largest and highest producing dairies in the U.S. and around the world, Tom knows what it takes to be successful. Years of hands-on cowside experience have taught Tom about practical application. He can explain principles and facts and demonstrate how to put these into practice for better results.

Please stay tuned for more information!
Margin Protection Program Deadline is Dec. 5!

If you are a dairy farmer and you haven't yet signed up for the Margin Protection Program, we would encourage you to visit your local FSA office by Dec. 5. This is the deadline to sign up for the 2015 coverage. Signing up in subsequent years will be available starting in September 2015. However, if you sign up by Dec. 5, you will inherit a production "bump up" as well as a 25% discount in some of the premium rates.

The MPP Program is a safety net for catastrophic risk protection and should not be used as a profit-making tool. Enrollment for 2014 and 2015 is from Sept. 2, 2014 through December 5, 2014. Once a farm is enrolled, the operation is committed through 2018 for at least the $100 program fee, which includes minimum coverage.

All dairy operations who work through a cooperative should have received a statement of milk production, which is very helpful in using the online decision support tool. Click here and then look to the upper right corner for the decision tool link. There are also instructions for use if you have questions.

Please contact Doug Leman at 317-695-8228 if you wish to discuss this program, need further information, or have any questions about it.

Dairy farmers should not miss the opportunity for minimum protection for 2015, but producers must sign up with FSA by December 5th!
JBS United Moves Up to Gold!
JBS United

JBS United is an Animal Nutrition and Health Company, with a rapidly growing Dairy Nutrition and Forage Solution team with a dedicated focus. Over the past several years, we have continually been building a highly-skilled and respected team to support both technical sales and production research. Our company mission is guided by the principle of enduring customer service that earns trust and develops lasting relationships as a means to enhance on-farm production and profitability. In addition to typical consultative nutrition services, we provide additional value to our customers through both feed and forage evaluations as a foundation for enacting solutions to enhance nutrient utilization, efficiency, and production by the animal. The JBS United Calf Program is designed to accelerate heifer development with the goal of reaching production at 22 months of age. Our newly redesigned dry cow program was specifically developed and formulated to reduce metabolic issues associated with the transition phase of lactation. With increasing costs affecting your bottom line, JBS United has adapted ration formulation strategies that will benefit you by significantly reducing out-of-pocket feed input costs without sacrificing milk yield. Most recently, our newly developed Feed Additive and Forage Solutions Team within the Dairy Group offers in depth experience, knowledge, and products as it relates to forage management and preservation.


For the past several years we have been sharing our quarterly newsletter with a great many dairy producers in Indiana. We hope that you have noticed the value of the content as well as the marked absence of commercial advertisement. During this time JBS United and key industry partners also have been conducting dairy management conferences designed to address the most currently pressing concerns within the dairy industry. We certainly welcome the opportunity to have you join us at our next conference. Our company is firmly focused on the future with our customers' needs in mind; and the production-oriented research, the hallmark of JBS United, is now being strategically directed with the driving goal to provide that same level of integrity, trust, and value to the dairy industry. Please click  the conference website to learn more and register for our upcoming conferences being held on January 13th in East Lansing, MI, and on January 14th in Archbold, OH.


If you are in need of additional information, contact one of these JBS United dairy nutrition specialists in the Indiana area.

Kenny Alwine         330-749-4986

Dr. Dave Carey      317-460-4930

Dwight Mansfield   517-403-1208

Brent Moss            419-799-0725

Dr. Chris Peter      217-257-0042

Call for Nominations:
Dairy Producer of the Year Awards
Heckaman, 2014 Producer of the Year

IDP is seeking nominations for the Dairy Producer of the Year and Young Dairy Producer of the Year awards. These awards are to recognize outstanding accomplishment, professionalism, and leadership among Indiana's dairy producers. Award recipients will be announced at the IDP annual meeting on Monday, March 16, 2015, which will be held in the afternoon after the Indiana Livestock Forage and Grain Forum in Indianapolis.


The Indiana Dairy Producer of the Year is awarded to a dairy producer who has portrayed the dairy industry in a positive light and has been successful in the dairy industry over a period of time. Past recipients were Fred Beer (2007), Tom Neuenschwander (2008), Doug Leman (2009), Dave Forgey (2010), Brian Rexing (2011), Leontien Van de Laar (2012), Derek Herrema (2013) and Mike Heckaman (2014).


The Indiana Young Dairy Producer of the Year is awarded to a dairy producer, 35 years of age or younger, who is actively involved in a successful dairy farm and shows promise as a leading dairy producer for this industry's bright future in Indiana. Past recipients were Lukas Hively (2007), Joe and Amy Kelsay (2008), Max and Carrie Jo Bollenbacher (2009), Nathan and Sarah Kuehnert (2010) Kerry and Christiana Estes (2011), Kelly MacKennon (2012), Brian Houin (2013), and Lance Sommer (2014).


Click here to download a nomination form. Advisers of IDP will select the award winners based on submitted nominations. The deadline to submit a nomination to Dr. Mike Schutz is February 17, 2015. 


Midwest Dairy Conference Jan 13, 14

JBS United is hosting the Seventh Annual Technical Conference for Dairy Producers in the Midwest.  The previous conferences have been great successes, providing the critical education that dairy producers need to remain productive and profitable.


This year's conference will be focused on... Management Challenges in Today's Dairy Industry: People, Productivity, and Profitability.  The featured speakers will be Mr. Doug Erla, Director of Human Resources for JBS United Animal Nutrition & Health; Dr. Adam Lock, Associate Professor of Dairy Nutrition in the Department of Animal Science at Michigan State University; and Dr. Mike Hutjens, a respected Animal Sciences Professor with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Producers need this type of education brought to them on a regular basis.  It both helps them become more profitable as well as advance the state of the dairy industry.


The conference is FREE to attend and runs from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Eastern Time, with lunch included (registration opens at 9:00 am).  The dates and locations are:

January 13th
The James B. Henry Center at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

January 14th
Sauder Village, Archbold, OH


Those invited to attend include anyone in the dairy production industry with an interest in animal nutrition, including dairy farmers, feed mill customers, industry professionals, etc. Click here for more information. 

Registration Open for 2015 Women in Ag Conference
Registration is now open for the 2015 Women in Agriculture Conference to be held in Merrillville on Feb. 18-19. Early registration (available until Feb. 3) is discounted to only $90. Featured speakers include Dr. Jay Akridge, Carrie Chestnut Mess (Dairy Carrie) and Matt Lohr. Click here for registration details.
Indiana Farm Service Agency and Purdue Team up for Farm Bill Workshops
State FSA Director Julia A. Wickard, reminds producers of dates and locations for public meetings on the new Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) and the Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs authorized by the Farm Bill.  These programs provide revenue and price loss payments to eligible producers for the 2014 through 2018 crop years.

Producers are invited to attend one or more of the following public meeting sessions.  Each session will run from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Refreshments will be provided.


Dec. 8: Hamilton County Fairgrounds and Exposition Center; 2003 Pleasant St., Noblesville.

Dec. 9: Huntingburg Event Center; 200 E. 14th St., Huntingburg.

Dec. 10: Indiana Grand Racing and Casino Trackside; 4300 N. Michigan Road, Shelbyville.

Jan. 6, 2015: Honeywell Center; 275 W. Market St., Wabash.

Jan. 8, 2015: Knights of Columbus; 624 Delaware Road, Batesville.

Jan. 9, 2015: Beck Agricultural Center; 4540 U.S. 52 W, West Lafayette

Jan. 15, 2015: Allen County War Memorial Coliseum (Ft. Wayne Farm Show); 4000 Parnell Ave., Fort Wayne.


Prior to the start of each Farm Bill Producer Meeting, Indiana Farm Bureau will sponsor a State Ag Policy Lunch program beginning at 11:30 a.m. To register for the meetings, visit the Purdue Center for Commercial Agriculture's web site here

Understanding Indiana's Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) Rule
BOAH article 

Effective Jan. 1, 2015, Indiana's animal identification rules will change to comply with USDA's Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) program.


The changes reflect new federal requirements for identification and documentation for all major livestock species to improve national traceability in high-consequence disease incidents, such as bovine tuberculosis. Some of the dairy-specific requirements for ID actually took effect at the federal level in March of last year. Since then, the Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH) staff has been working to rewrite state rules to align with USDA's.


The following guidelines describe what types of identification and documentation are considered official in Indiana, along with when they are required.


Tag Requirements

Official 840 Tag

BOAH recognizes three forms of identification as official for cattle and bison. All are approved by USDA for interstate movements of livestock, and are accepted by all 50 states:

  • 840 tags (15-digit number beginning with 840, may or may not be RFID)
  • NUES (brite) tags, available in steel or plastic ("steel clips")
  • Official USDA program tags (brucellosis)

To be considered official, all tags must bear the US shield. Old, out-dated tags are not acceptable, unless they were placed in the animal before March 11, 2015. After that date, all tags must comply with the new standards.

Official ID is required upon change of ownership and/or entry to Indiana for the following cattle:

  • All sexually intact, 18 months or older
  • All dairy breed females (including crosses) of any age
  • All dairy breed bulls and steers born after 3-11-2013 (including crosses and veal calves)

All exhibition/rodeo cattle must also bear official ID, regardless of age.



Exceptions to the ID requirement:

  • Animals moving directly to a slaughter facility
  • Animals moving directly to an approved market, where the animal will be ID'ed

Read more.

IDP Legal Hotline
Upcoming 2015 Events  


Jan. 13 Midwest Dairy Conference, East Lansing MI (conference is free but registration is required. Click here for details.)

Jan. 14 Midwest Dairy Conference, Archbold, OH (conference is free but registration is required. Click here for details.) 

Jan. 21 IDP Regular Board Meeting  

Jan. 27 Regional Dairy Meeting - Columbus

Jan. 28 Regional Dairy Meeting - Evansville

Jan. 29 Regional Dairy Meeting - Rockville 



Feb. 4 Regional Dairy Meeting - Middlebury

Feb. 5 Regional Dairy Meeting -Shipshewana

Feb. 6 Regional Dairy Meeting - Decatur 

Feb. 18-19 Women in Agriculture Conference 2015, Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, Merrillville, Indiana Details here 



March 16 Livestock Forage & Grain Forum AND

IDP Annual Meeting

March 18-19 PDPW Business Conference (IDP Bus Trip Being Planned) 


View our photos on flickr
Indiana Dairy Picture Gallery
Over the years we have organized many tours and events, and we have tried to take pictures at all of them. We frequently invite you to watch a picture slideshow, but if you want to see our albums on our flickr page, click here.