Welcome to the archives of BCS eNews. Click on a newsletter to view it. |
- BCS eNews 6/21/15
- BCS eNews 6/5/15
- BCS eNews 5/29/15
- BCS eNews 5/22/15
- BCS eNews 5/15/15
- BCS eNews 5/8/15
- BCS eNews 5/1/15
- BCS eNews 4/25/15
- BCS eNews 4/17/15
- BCS eNews 4/11/15
- BCS eNews 3/27/15
- This week, several Birmingham City Schools students (and myself, for that matter) had a "once in a lifetime" opportunity to hear live, and in person, a speech made by our President, Barack Obama.
- BCS eNews 3/20/15
- Each Birmingham City School exists as a part of the larger community. As such, we are, from time to time, impacted and affected by the events that happen in each respective neighborhood, geographical area and/or immediate surroundings.
- BCS eNews 3/13/15
- Very few people would deny that parental involvement is a critical factor in student achievement and success in school.
- BCS eNews 3/06/15
- This time last week we were all anxiously anticipating Wenonah's debut at the State 5A Girls basketball championship, and for almost as long, we have been celebrating the Wenonah Lady Dragon's repeat title victory.
- BCS eNews 2/27/15
- This week's weather events present a most opportune time to discuss inclement weather. As always, Birmingham City Schools remains focused on its core business of teaching and learning.
- BCS eNews 2/20/15
- Everyone loves a winner...and Birmingham City Schools is on a winning streak. Last week, I was delighted to report that the citizens of Birmingham overwhelmingly supported a referendum to provide additional local funding to support Pre-K and fine arts in our schools.
- BCS eNews 2/14/15
- This time last week, we were excited about the possibilities for learning in Birmingham City Schools.
- BCS eNews 2-6-2015
- In Birmingham City Schools, we all want the best for our students. That includes implementing robust curriculum built on a solid foundation, providing access to the best facilities equipped with twenty-first century technology, and participation in a full range of extra-curricular activities that round out the total academic experience.
- BCS eNews 1-30-2015
- One of the most critical elements on building a strong, solid organization is communication. Birmingham City Schools recognizes this and is committed to fostering positive, open and honest communication with its stakeholders.
- BCS eNews 1-13-2015
- In Birmingham City Schools our core business is teaching and learning. In that regard, our primary focus, and rightly so, has been student achievement centered on our core subject areas.
- BCS eNews 1-16-2015
- Each year in Birmingham City Schools, in the Birmingham community, and across the nation we pause to honor and celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- BCS eNews 12-12-2014
- As teaching and learning is the core business of Birmingham City Schools, we've taken great strides to demonstrate that academic achievement is our highest priority. We've redirected a significant portion of our resources, both financial and material, to the classrooms where we are able to realize the greatest return on our investment.
- BCS eNews 12-5-2014
- This week, we proudly announced the preliminary results of our cohort graduation rate. As a system, Birmingham City Schools will likely be resting at 78% when the official announcement is made in January.
- BCS eNews 11-25-2014
- It's hard to believe that the first half of our school year has gone by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday that we were launching our online registration system, participating in summer learning opportunities and seeing parents drop off their kindergartners for the very first day of school.
- BCS eNews 11-21-2014
- It's hard to believe that the first half of our school year has gone by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday that we were launching our online registration system, participating in summer learning opportunities and seeing parents drop off their kindergartners for the very first day of school.
- BCS eNews 11-07-2014
- This week, our students had an opportunity to participate in the Birmingham College Scholarship and Career Fair. During this event, students had the opportunity to dialogue with representatives from numerous colleges and universities and earn scholarship awards on the spot.
- BCS eNews 10-31-2014
- As Birmingham City Schools, along with the greater Birmingham community, celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Frank E. Adams, Sr., the Birmingham City Schools Magic City Marching Band Festival provides the opportunity for us to fondly remember one of our city's greatest music icons.
- BCS eNews 10-24-2014
- Recently, I had the opportunity to complete the first advisory meetings with our teachers, students and parents.
- BCS eNews 10-17-2014
- Beginning September 15th and going through October 15th, this week marks the close of National Hispanic Heritage month. National Hispanic Heritage month is a time where we celebrate the history, culture and contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans and provides an opportunity to heighten awareness of all students of the accomplishments and contributions of Hispanics and Latinos.
- BCS eNews 10-10-2014
- Parental involvement has long been identified as a key factor in student success, and October has been designated statewide parent visitation month.
- BCS eNews 10-03-2014
- As Superintendent, I am proud that our district has continued to identify and expand opportunities and resources for our students to be successful in school and life.
- BCS eNews 09-19-2014
- With the numerous programs, resources and supports that have been implemented to impact student achievement, the Birmingham City School System continues to make progress on many fronts.
- BCS eNews 09-12-2014
- Earlier this week, U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan visited Birmingham as a part of his annual Back-To-School bus tour. More specifically, he visited one of our schools and provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our students to offer President Obama direct input and advice in response to the "My Brother's Keeper" education initiative.
- BCS eNews 09-05-2014
- You've probably heard of summer slide. That's the phrase coined to characterize learning loss over the summer. But what about the learning loss that can occur over the 52 weekends that students experience every year?
- BCS eNews 08-29-2014
- Over the next two weeks, we will be completing the budget process for the 2014-15 fiscal year. As our community knows, over the years, BCS has been working through the effects of the economic downturn, decreases in student population, proration, decreases in federal funding as well as other issues that have had a detrimental financial impact.
- BCS eNews 8-22-2014
- It goes without saying that relationships are built on communication and the home/school/community relationship is one upon which our students success depends. For that reason, we have and continue to work diligently on our communication efforts with all of our stakeholders.
- BCS eNews 8-15-2014
- Birmingham City Schools welcomed back over 24,000 students this week. It was great seeing our students return, and as I visited schools, I saw bright, energetic students from Pre-K through high school who were ready and eager to learn.
- BCS eNotes 08-9-2019
- This week teachers, and many members of Birmingham City Schools' staff returned for another exciting school year. With this return, I am pleased to welcome over 100 new teachers and education professionals to the BCS family.
- BCS eNotes 08-1-2014
- The school bell will ring in just two weeks; however, for most of the summer, administrators and teachers have been gearing up for another exciting and productive school year. Parents are gathering supplies and other materials to aid in this success, and students are having their last hoorahs of fun and sun before returning to their classrooms.
- BCS eNotes 07-25-2014
- In Birmingham City Schools, we know that our students will rise to our level of expectation.
- BCS eNotes 07-18-2014
- It is amazing that summer is coming to a close and the school bell will soon ring again. For Birmingham City Schools, the first day of class is August 14. This is the day we welcome back our bright and eager students to engage in another year of academic success. Instruction begins on that day, and that's why it's important for all students to attend school from day one.
- BCS eNotes 07-4-2014
- Knowing that teaching and learning never stops we are very busy this summer.
- BCS eNotes 06-13-2014
- Over the last few weeks, we communicated the myriad of summer learning opportunities for students
- BCS eNotes 5-23-2014
- Congratulations to the Class of 2014!
- BCS eNotes 5-9-2014
- While today marks the end of Teacher Appreciation Week, it only marks the beginning of the gratitude, and thanks that our teachers deserve for the hard work, commitment and dedication that they show each and every day
- BCS eNotes 5-1-2014
- This week, all Alabama juniors participated in the state-wide administration of the ACT.
- BCS eNotes 4-21-2014
- It is important that we not only know what we are doing, but we also need to understand why. Recently, as we took a deep data dive, five areas focus emerged.
- BCS eNotes 4-11-2014
- Throughout this district, many great teachers are hard at work each day, inspiring students to live up to their full academic potential.
- BCS eNotes 4-4-2014
- One of Birmingham City Schools major areas of focus over the past several years has been increasing the graduation rate.
- BCS eNotes 3-28-2014
- Birmingham City Schools journey of improvement is joined by partners who are committed to the school system's success. One such partner is the Birmingham Education Foundation (BEF)
- BCS eNotes 3-21-2014
- For nearly two years now, the Career Academies of Birmingham have been preparing students for both college and career success. They have promoted a rigorous academic curriculum and provided access to a diverse business network to prepare students to compete in a global society.
- BCS eNotes 3-14-2014
- Today, representatives from the world famous Harlem Globetrotters basketball team visited students at Hudson K-8 to present the ABCs of Anti-Bullying. Representing Action, Bravery and Compassion, the ABCs presentation showed students what they can do to combat bullying and discussed its negative impact on students both in and out of school.
- BCS eNotes 3-7-2014
- For the last several years, Birmingham City Schools has clearly demonstrated that student achievement is its highest priority. The establishment of seven career academies in six high schools, the designation of a primary and diploma international baccalaureate programs, and the expansion of Pre-K across the system are just of few examples that serve as a testament to this commitment.
- BCS eNotes 2-28-2014
- Birmingham City Schools has been on a pathway to progress for quite some time
- BCS eNotes 2-21-2014
- For the first time ever, all Alabama juniors will be required to take the ACT and we want our students to be prepared.
- BCS eNotes 2-7-2014
- In an age when information travels at the speed of light, we are sometimes hard pressed to keep pace with the "grapevine."
- BCS eNotes 01-31-2014
- This past week, we faced unpredicted snow and ice that virtually paralyzed our community
- BCS eNotes 01-24-2014
- In Alabama, school board members are tasked with vision, structure, accountability, and advocacy for the systems they serve.
- BCS eNotes 01-17-2014
- This past week the state released the cohort graduation rates for 2009-10 through 2012-13.
- BCS eNotes 01-10-2014
- 2014 will be an exciting year for Birmingham City Schools. We are making progress on many fronts.
- BCS eNotes 12-20-2013
- As we wind down for winter break, the end of the year brings opportunity for reflection on the past and visions of the future
- BCS eNotes 12-13-2013
- While the weather is in a state of flux here in the first weeks of December, what has not changed is the joy and spirit of the holidays brought on by the 74th All City Christmas Music Festival!.
- BCS eNotes 11-22-2013
- The Birmingham City School system has greatly increased the number of students taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses
- BCS eNotes 11-15-2013
- Since 1921, American Education Week has been a time to raise awareness and generate support for public education. Next week, we will join the rest of the nation as we shine a spotlight here on public education in Birmingham City Schools.
- BCS eNotes 11-8-2013
- Today, several hundred Birmingham City Schools students were transported to Boutwell Auditorium to attend the third annual Birmingham College Scholarship and Career Fair a partnership of Birmingham City Schools, Mission Alabama and Infinite Scholar.
- BCS eNotes 11-1-2013
- November 18-22 marks the time of year when we celebrate American Education Week across the nation. This week presents an opportunity to formally celebrate public education and to recognize individuals who, through public education, are making a difference in the lives of students.
- BCS eNotes 10-25-2013
- Today marks the end of National School Bus Safety Week - a public education program designed to promote school bus safety across the nation. Here in Birmingham City Schools, we operate 105 buses on 92 routes to transport approximately 6,600 students each day.
- BCS eNotes 10-18-2013
- We've all heard quotes about service. Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr., said, "Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve." Winston Churchill summed it up by saying, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
- BCS eNotes 10-11-2013
- As the month of October ushers out National Hispanic Awareness Month which we recently celebrated across the district, it ushers in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Reconginzing that we are a part of the larger community, students from schools across the city painted the district pink and participated in a number of awareness and fund raising activities to support survivors, honor victims, and educate communities.
- BCS eNotes 10-4-2013
- Birmingham City Schools pride itself on recognition of diversity as we celebrate the National Hispanic Heritage Month. The celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month provides Birmingham City Schools an opportunity for many teachable moments, both inside the classroom and out, to promote respect and appreciation for Hispanic and Latino culture and heritage.
- BCS eNotes 9-27-2013
- This week, I finished the first round of advisory committee meetings with teachers, parents, and students. We started earlier this year to be sure to include time for research and implementation. As always, I look forward to these opportunities.
- BCS eNotes 9-20-2013
- Today we have reached one of many milestones on our academic journey this school year. The 20th day after Labor Day marks the time for our system, and all public school systems in this state, when our student enrollment is assessed for the purpose of determining state allocated funding and staffing levels for the next school year.
- BCS eNotes 9-13-2013
- As a part of the city's 50th commemoration of the civil rights movement, the school system partnered with the City of Birmingham and the Birmingham Public Library to have all 4th grade students read the Book, "The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963.".
- BCS eNotes 9-6-2013
- Last week, I had an opportunity to visit WashingK-8 School. While there, I was invited into Ms. Tarver's 3rd grade class. She was eager to have her students demonstrate what they had learned
- BCS eNotes 8-31-2013
- With the end of "Back to School" week two, we are all beginning to settle into our routines at both home and school. Parents are again getting into the routine of balancing work, school and home. Students are settling into their academic routines both in school and out, balancing classes, homework and extra-curricular activities.
- BCS eNotes 8-23-2013
- As we bring the first week of the 2013-14 school year to an end, I want to thank our principals, teachers, and staff for an excellent opening of school. As I visited schools, there was teaching and learning taking place on the first day.
- BCS eNotes 8-17-2013
- Welcome to a new school year and a new look for the newsletter. After evaluating this communication tool and taking your feedback, we have re-tooled BCS News and Notes to become BCS eNews
- BCS eNotes 8-9-2013
- The time has come for school to begin - the sites of school buses, the smells of cafeteria lunches, and the voices of teachers greeting eager young minds are just a few of the signs that it is "back to school" time.
- August 3, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Partnering to support students, families and schools,
- July 26, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- As always, we value your interest in and support of Birmingham City Schools. This includes our progress and success, of which there are many, as well as the challenges that we must face.
- July 19, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Over the past month, I have been highlighting various summer programs in Birmingham City Schools. These programs serve to provide enrichment and extended learning opportunities for students.
- July 11, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- This year marks the 25th year of Camp Birmingham, the summer enrichment program for students of Birmingham City Schools.
- June 21, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Parents and other stakeholders should not jump to the conclusion that a school is bad if they see it included on the "failing schools" list released this week by the Alabama State Department of Education.
- June 14, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- As we continue to the summer and the weather heats up, we are well underway with numerous summer learning opportunities in Birmingham City Schools
- May 31, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Students who graduated from Birmingham City Schools last week now are preparing for the next stage of their lives. For many, that will mean matriculating at a college or university with the help of scholarships they have earned.
- May 24, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- As we close out another academic year, I want to take this opportunity to again congratulate the Senior Class of 2013. Birmingham City Schools graduated more than 1,100 students this week.
- May 17, 2013, BCS News & Notes.
- Over the past months, Birmingham City Schools has been working through school consolidations, closures and related student assignment changes
- May 10, 2013 BCS News & Notes
- We are proud of Dr. Alison Grizzle. If you haven't heard yet, she is a math teacher at Jackson-Olin High School and the new Alabama Teacher of the Year. It is Teacher Appreciation Week, and we also recognize the contributions of all of our teachers
- May 3, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Dr. Michael Froning was a friend to Birmingham City Schools, both the children who attend them and the educators who work in them.
- April 26, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Today marks the conclusion of Birmingham City Schools' Aspire Academy. This academy consisted of a cohort of 23 leaders, teachers and administrators, who are "aspiring" to other leadership positions in education.
- April 19, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- The coming weeks will be some of the most important of the school year. Students, who have been learning since they entered classrooms last August, will be demonstrating what they have learned by taking various tests and assessments.
- April 12, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- It's spring, it's prom season, it's baseball season and, in Birmingham City Schools, it's also academic competition season
- April 5, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Imagine high school seniors graduating with two years of college credits, and possibly even associate degrees. Imagine elementary and middle school classrooms where project-based learning is the norm and students build critical thinking skills. Imagine students learning hands-on skills from volunteers who work for companies that partner with schools.
- March 22, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- The school system's strategic plan serves as a roadmap or guide for improvement for our organization. For BCS, there are five areas of focus, including academic achievement, finance, human capital, communications and partnerships and safe and nurturing environment.
- March 15, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Now that the Birmingham Board of Education has approved Phase II of the financial recovery plan, including school closings and consolidations, there is even more work to be done
- March 8, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Members of the Birmingham Board of Education and I spent a lot of time listening earlier this week
- March 1, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Birmingham City Schools, and Ramsay High School in particular, got some very good news this week. Ramsay High School has made the grade to be an International Baccalaureate school beginning with the 2013-2014 school year.
- Feb. 22, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- We have many good things happening in Birmingham City Schools, but it is our high school basketball teams that have been getting the most attention lately. Six teams made it to the semifinal round of the Alabama High School Athletic Association state playoffs this week.
- Feb. 15, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- As parents of Birmingham City Schools students know, students will be out of school Monday, Feb. 18, which is Presidents' Day. But district employees will be at work participating in a professional development day
- Feb. 8, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Anyone who went to the Southern Museum of Flight Feb. 7 knows for sure that there are wonderful things happening in Birmingham City Schools.
- Feb. 1, 2013, BCS News & Notes1
- You may have heard discussions about Common Core State Standards and how it changing the teaching and learning process in schools in Alabama and across the nation.
- Jan. 25, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Particularly during this time of year, and at other points as well, decisions regarding school operations have to be made. It is always difficult for district administrators to decide when weather conditions make it necessary to dismiss school early, delay opening or cancel activities. Forecasts can change, and weather conditions sometimes differ from forecasts.
- Jan. 18, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Board of Education members play an important role in governing school systems and supporting efforts to improve outcomes for students. It is for these reasons that the Alabama Association of School Boards has designated January as School Board Member Appreciation Month.
- Jan. 11, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Congratulations are in order for Ramsay High School, which is one of five schools that have been nominated for the Blue Ribbon School program by the Alabama State Department of Education.
- Jan. 4, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- As we come back from the holidays, we are still reminded of the awful tragedy that occurred in Connecticut. As the students of Sandy Hook Elementary and our students returned this week, our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to the parents and loved ones that have been impacted
- Dec.. 14, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Dec. 14 would have been an ordinary day except that Andrew Young -- civil rights giant, former congressman, former ambassador to the U.N. and former Atlanta mayor -- was in town.
- Dec. 7, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- One of the most important jobs of a superintendent is communicating with stakeholders, especially the parents who entrust their children to us 180 days a year.
- Nov. 30, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- All parents want the best for their children, including an education that prepares them for success in a career or college. The administration, faculty and staff of Birmingham City Schools are working hard to provide that for our students
- Nov. 16, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- As we bring to a close American Education Week, hundreds of parents and community members took part in our third annual district-wide open house on Wednesday.
- Nov. 9, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Do you really know what's happening in the Birmingham City Schools? If you haven't been in them lately, you may not. That's why we are giving members of the public the opportunity to find out for themselves by participating in our annual district-wide open house, which is set for 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 14.
- Nov. 2, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- The GATE, or Gifted and Talented Education, program provides additional learning opportunities for students. On Thursday evening, a GATE parents meeting was held at Epic Elementary School.
- Oct. 26, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Oct. 19, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Oct. 12, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Oct. 4, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Sept. 28, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Sept. 21, 2013, BCS News & Notes
- Sept. 14, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Sept. 14, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Sept. 7, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Aug. 31, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Aug. 24, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Aug. 17, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Aug. 3, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- July 27, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- July 20, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- July 6, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- June 29, 2012, BCS News & Notes1
- June 22, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- June 15, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- June 8, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- June 1, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- May 25, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- May 18, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- May 11, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Copy of May 4, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- April 27, 20 BCS News & Notes
- April 20, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- April 13, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- April 6, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- March 30, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- March 16, 2012, BCS News & Notes (corrected)
- March 9, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- March 2, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Feb. 24, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Feb. 17, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Feb. 10, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Feb. 3, 2012, BCS News & Notes
- Jan. 27, 2012, BCS News & Notes1
- Jan. 20, 2012, BCS News & Notes
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Birmingham City Schools P.O. Box 10007 Birmingham, Alabama 35202 (205) 231-4600 |