A newsletter for parents, students, staff and community 
A Message from the Superintendent (4/11/2014) 

Throughout this district, many great teachers are hard at work each day, inspiring students to live up to their full academic potential.  They dedicate countless hours before class preparing, spend hours after the bell with students to give them the extra push they need, and step forth routinely to execute tasks that go above and beyond the call of duty.  


BCS Spotlight

The Family Involvement Program in collaboration with the Fine Arts Department is sponsoring a "Cover Design Competition" for students in grades K-12.  We are looking for a student to design the cover for the 2014-2015 parent planner.  


for the 2014-2015 school year will be held the entire month of April 2014.


Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten Summer Enrichment Program 


Ramsay High School will be taking applications for the IB Programme, March 17 - April 17, 2014 

Student Voice 
Understanding how things 
work, how buildings and bridges are built, and what's  inside computers, .. looks like fun
Listen to the enthusiasm of these future health care professionals.

Running a restaurant or hotel, helping people plan trips around the world, being involved in big events .. what a life.
School News

Students Learn about Technology Careers               
students at Bush Middle and Glen Iris learned what it takes to become a Network Engineer. 


Students asked questions about the organization / professional careers

District News
to witness what many are calling a new era for Birmingham City Schools. Notable of the many speakers was student from Lewis Elementary.  The fifth-grade student, Israel Torres, led the charge for the event.  He pleaded with the new board saying, "We're counting on you for your leadership.

A guide for long-range improvement of outcomes for the students of the Birmingham City School System.  Believe.Create.Succeed  

As we pursue new, innovative and challenging endeavors to increase academic achievement, we encourage you to become informed, engaged and support our efforts.     

Dr. Craig Witherspoon



 2013 Annual Report
This report provides a brief summary of some of the accomplishments, milestones and achievements experienced by students, staff, and the system during the 2012-2013 school year

BCS Partners 
Volunteers support our schools each year. We thank those of you who already volunteer your time and encourage interested parents and community members to join us in our mission to provide every student with a high quality education. 
Alabama Gas Company
Birmingham Education
Girls, Inc.
Princeton Baptist
Medical Center
Alabama Power
Museum of Art
Golden Corral
Regions Bank
Birmingham Rotary

Growing Kings, Inc.


Protective Life
BB&T Bank
Birmingham YMCA
Junior Achievement
University of Alabama
at Birmingham
BBVA Compass
Birmingham Zoo
Kiwanis Club of 
United Way of
Central Alabama
Bravis, Inc.
Bottling Company
Lawson State
Community College
Virginia College
Bright House Networks
Cultural Alliance of
Greater Birmingham
Mission Birmingham
Innovation Network
BCS Calendar 

The district calendar will keep you informed of whats happening at BCS.