Welcome to Jack's newsletter archives. The newsletters are listed in reverse-chronological order with the most current issue on top. Article topics are listed for each issue. The newsletters focus on themes in the context of all four Temperaments (Colors).
The Four Windows programs consist of high-energy live workshops for businesses, government organizations, non-profits, and couples. Online tools include a trustworthy and consistent temperament survey, and an e-book to explain temperaments.
- First Fall 2015/09/18, 2:58 PM (9/21/2015)
- Bolster Other Colors in 2015 (12/29/2014)
- Comics, Mock Interviews (9/23/2014)
- Just Useful News This Time (3/17/2014)
- Improve Yourself for 2014 (1/27/2014)
- December 10, 2013 (12/10/2013)
- Nov 25, 2013 (11/25/2013)
- August 6, 2013 (8/6/2013)
- PSL Clothing (3/14/2016)
- One Resolution Will Do (1/4/2016)
- Time to open up, Green leader! (11/5/2015)
- Time to loosen up, Gold leader! (10/21/2015)
- Orange Leaders Urged to Show Up (10/7/2015)
- Blue Leaders Urged to Shut Up (9/30/2015)
- July 11, 2013 (7/11/2013)
- Aliens vs Earthlings -- Greens and Blues vs Orange and Golds.
- May 29, 2013 (5/29/2013)
- How to grab control of vacation plans
- May 15, 2013 (5/15/2013)
- How to guess someone's temperament (Color)
- April 30, 2013 (4/30/2013)
- Find out why most people probably do not understand you.
- April 1, 2013 (4/1/2013)
- Are You in the Wrong Job?
- March 20, 2013 (3/20/2013)
- Join Jack's Jobs Tour, Read about challenging questions I get at workshops
- Ask People To Assess You (3/5/2013)
- Use the free survey get others to assess you, as well as themselves. Read about a special twist on the Cookie Contraversy.
- Get Someone to Break a Rule (2/12/2013)
- Powerful persuasion, Valentine gift ideas
- The Right Colors for Your Team (1/23/2013)
- Do not reject Colors for your team
- Orange Week #17 (12/4/2012)
- Orange "Impulsive" Job Interviewers
- Blue Week #17 (11/27/2012)
- Blue "Idealistic" Job Interviewers
- Gold Week #17 (10/30/2012)
- Gold "Careful" Job Interviewers
- Green Week #17 (10/18/2012)
- Green "Expert" Job Interviewers
- Orange Week #16 (6/27/2012)
- Orange Fitness, Perfect Orange Training, Diet Workshop
- Blue Week #16 (6/6/2012)
- Blue Fitness, Bluish Website, Diet Workshop
- Gold Week #16 (5/31/2012)
- Gold Fitness, Consistent Spontaneity?, Gold Self-Sabotage
- Green Week #16 (5/23/2012)
- Green Fitness, Natalie Portman's Prep for Black Swan, Green Self-Sabotage
- Orange Week #15 (5/17/2012)
- Orange Careers, Keirsey's Artisans
- Blue Week #15 (5/9/2012)
- Blue Careers, Keirsey's Idealists, Diet Styles Workshop
- Gold Week #15 (5/2/2012)
- Gold Careers, Keirsey's Guardians, Are You a "Best Fit"?
- Green Week #15 (4/26/2012)
- Green Careers, Keirsey's Rationals, Wrong Careers
- Orange Week #14 (4/10/2012)
- Orange Job Benefits, Working for REI, Hire Me Cheap
- Blue Week #14 (3/28/2012)
- Blue Job Benefits, Working for Goodwill, Don't Try to Change Group Thinking
- Green Week #14 (3/8/2012)
- Green Job Benefits, Best Companies to Work For, More Time With Family
- Orange Week #13 (2/29/2012)
- Attract Orange Clients, Orange Marketing, 4-Color Marketing Summary
- Blue Week #13 (2/23/2012)
- Attract Blue Clients, Blue Marketing, Keeping Promise to Learn Something New
- Gold Week #13 (2/16/2012)
- Attract Gold Clients, Marketing to Golds, Saving Money by Color
- Green Week #13 (2/9/2012)
- Attract Green Clients, Greens on YouTube, Diet Tips
- Orange Week #12 (1/26/2012)
- Orange Resolution: Be Less Scary; Orange Movies, Diet Styles
- Blue Week #12 (1/19/2012)
- Blue Resolution: Decide and Act, Blue U.S. Secretary of Education, Don't Give Up on Your New Year's Resolutions
- Gold Week #12 (1/11/2012)
- Gold Resolution: Get to the Point, 3 Ways to Tie Your Shoes, Four Windows Workshops to Order
- Green Week #12 (1/5/2012)
- Green Resolution: Curb Your Skepticism, Green New Years Video, Get Your Friends to Take 4W Survey
- Orange Week #11 (12/27/2011)
- Regain Orange Trust, a Best Orange Commercfial, 2011 Complete Archive
- Blue Week #11 (12/21/2011)
- Regain Blue Trust, 3 Blue Commercials, More on Compatibility
- Gold Week #11 (12/15/2011)
- Regain Gold Trust, Commercials, How Compatible Are You?
- Green Week #11 (12/7/2011)
- Regain Green Trust, Bad Bank Commercial, What Color Is Santa Claus?
- Orange Week #10 (11/29/2011)
- Better Orange E-mails, Orange Video, Holiday Presents by Color
- Blue Week #10 (11/17/2011)
- Better Blue Emails, Blue Video, Presidential Temperaments
- Gold Week #10 (11/10/2011)
- Better Gold Emails, Gold Safety on YouTube, Guess the Epitaph
- Green Week #10 (10/26/2011)
- Better Green Emails, Non-green Physics, Fat From Your Personality
- Orange Week #9 (10/20/2011)
- How to Motivate Oranges, TV ad for Oranges, I Fear My Orange Friend
- Blue Week #9 (10/14/2011)
- How to Motivate Blues, TV ads for Blues, Winning Contest Email Content
- Gold Week #9 (10/5/2011)
- How to Motivate Golds, TV ad for Golds, Contest Rules
- Green Week #9 (9/30/2011)
- How to Motivate Greens, TV ad for Greens, Leadership West follow-up
- Orange Week #8 (9/21/2011)
- Uncover Oranges without survey, Mailer's and Trump's hands, Roadmap for killer sales
- Blue Week #8 (9/14/2011)
- Uncover Blues without survey, Jane Fonda's Blue hands, Can't Blue people get rich?
- Gold Week #8 (9/8/2011)
- Uncover Golds without survey, Dan Rather's Gold hands, I can't please a Gold person
- Green Week #8 (9/1/2011)
- Uncover Greens without survey, Green hands, Do not pidgeonhole me
- Orange Week #7 (8/25/2011)
- Oranges on a diet, Brad Pitt, We can't hire Oranges
- Blue Week #7 (8/18/2011)
- Blues on a diet, Jessica Alba on YouTube, Blue careers
- Gold Week #7 (8/11/2011)
- How Golds diet, Jennifer Aniston on a diet, I love Golds, but...
- Green Week #7 (8/3/2011)
- How Greens diet,, Andy Rooney on a diet, What Green love looks like
- Orange Week #6 (7/26/2011)
- Oranges handle recession, Michael Jordan, an Orange is hard to live with
- Blue Week #6 (7/20/2011)
- Blues handle recession, Oprah Winfrey, Blue guy hates being Blue
- Gold Week #6 (7/12/2011)
- Golds handle recession, Mother Theresa, Gold secretary speaks out
- Green Week #6 (7/7/2011)
- Greens handle recession, Warren Buffett, My Green wife is no fun
- Orange Week #5 (6/29/2011)
- Do Oranges sell BEST? Orange Erin Brokovich on YouTube. Mom keeps throwing me out!
- Blue Week #5 (6/22/2011)
- Are the best sales people Blue? Adam Sandler on YouTube, I'm Blue, but I scream and yell!
- Gold Week #5 (6/14/2011)
- I hate sales people, Are Gold folks the best sales people? Jimmy Carter as iconic Gold
- Green Week #5 (6/7/2011)
- Are the BEST sales people GREEN? Watch Dr. Phil on LEADERSHIP. Do NOT call me HEARTLESS
- Orange Week #4 (5/31/2011)
- You are LUCKY to have an Orange boss; Bill Clinton is Orange; STORY -- Oranges & Golds get along?
- Blue Week #4 (5/23/2011)
- You are LUCKY to have a Blue boss, Richard Gere is Blue, My Aunt Gina will not shut up
- Gold Week #4 (5/16/2011)
- You are LUCKY to have a GOLD boss, Condoleezza Rice is Gold, My Orange boss is disgusting
- Green Week #4 (5/9/2011)
- You are LUCKY to have a GREEN boss, Margaret Thatcher is Green, Who is meeting you at the airport?
- Orange Week #3 (5/2/2011)
- Ten Ways to Earn Respect of an Orange Person, How Orange is Donald Trump? I don't last long in most ot my jobs
- Blue Week #3 (4/25/2011)
- Ten Ways to Earn Respect of a Blue Person, The Very Blue Princess Diana on YouTube, My Blue Boss Drives Me Crazy
- Gold Week #3 (4/18/2011)
- Ten Ways to Earn Respect of a Gold Person, Gold Martha Stewart on YouTube, My Goldness Almost Got Me Fired
- Green Week #3 (4/11/2011)
- Ten Ways to Earn Respect of a Green Person, Green Mark Zuckerberg on YouTube - the Facebook Founder is GREEN!, STORY: My Blue Boyfriend is Too Nice
- Orange Week #2 (4/4/2011)
- My Orange Friend Jim, Orange-Blue Anna Kournikova on YouTube, STORY: In Workplace Full of "Concrete Sensitives," How Can an "Abstract Thinker" Best Navigate?
- Blue Week #2 (3/28/2011)
- You May Be a Best Choice for Leadership in Times of Change If You are Blue!, Sargent Shriver on YouTube: Shriver Was a Can-Do Blue, STORY: I Would Have Raised My Orange Daughter Differently
- Gold Week #2 (3/21/2011)
- Gold Gatekeeper Guardian George Washington Was the Best Possible First U.S. President, Carter and Bush on YouTube: Two Gold U.S. Presidents Were Stark Contrasts in Their Need for Responsibility, STORY: My Blue Boss Runs Endless, Useless Meetings
- Green Week #2 (3/7/2011)
- Greens Want to Know How Much You Really Know, Jewel on YouTube (Talk-Show Host Enjoying the Company of a Blue-Orange Person), STORY: Some Employees Won't Show Up On Time
- Orange Week #1 (2/28/2011)
- Want to Fence In Your Orange Love-One? Forget About It!, Sampras and Agassi on YouTube: One Gold and One Orange; STORY: My Green Boss Doesn't Give Much Direction
- Blue Week #1 (2/21/2011)
- It's a Myth That Blue People Waste Time, How You Can Figure Out Colors Without a Survey, STORY: My Gold Hubby Says "No" To Everything
- Gold Week #1 (2/14/2011)
- Most Managers Tend to be GOLD!, Are You the Color You Think You Are?, STORY: My Ex Was a Sloppy Blue
- Green Week #1 (2/7/2011)
- Some Greens May Balk at Valentine's "Mush", Are you an ET or an Earthling, STORY: My Orange Wife Knows Best