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In This Issue
Getting Trust From Golds
Effective Commercial
Who Are You Compatible With?
Quick Links



Gold folks can be pretty tough on the "trust factor". See the first article. And who are you the most compatible with? Check out the third story.

Regaining Trust From Golds





Many corporations have as a goal for 2012 to regain the trust of their customers. Let's give those companies a face again by focusing on messages that banks should be sending to their customers - and this week from a Gold point of view.


First of all, the answers to last week's Green questions would ALL be relevant and useful to people of all four Colors.


What questions would Golds ask? Remember, Gold people make up nearly half the entire world. Golds are protective, detail-oriented guardians. Their middle name is RESPONSIBILITY and all that the word implies. Here are some of their questions for a business to regain their trust:

1.    How long have you been in business and how reliable and honest have you been over all those years?

2.    Do you continually demonstrate unshakable loyalty and high respect for your clients?

3.    Are you good at your word, i.e., is there a zero gap between what you promise and what you deliver?

4.    Does everything about your customer service image and customer service delivery bear the marks of professionalism and credibility?

5.    Do you treat people seriously and with the highest standards of good manners, or do you come off as simply trendy or even silly?

6.    When you make mistakes, do you exceed expectations to rectify them - even atone for them?

7.    Do I feel that I am a member of a solid organization that I can boast about?

8.    Am I treated as a person or as a number?

9.    Do you represent the very best traditions of your industry, i.e., do you meet the highest standards of the greatest institutions in your field?

10.Is everything you do and say clear and unmistakable?





Commercial for Stock Trading Company
Dedicated Support Teams -- Scottrade Commercial
Dedicated Support Teams -- Scottrade Commercial

This commercial is only 30 seconds, but note that it makes a strong case for customer support that all four Colors might relate positively to. Doing business online may feel too risky to some, so this ad plays up not only live interaction with their support staff but one-on-one meetings inside buildings of brick and mortar.

If you look over the questions posed by both Greens and Golds in these last two issues, you might be impressed with the number of answered questions with only 30 seconds of TV time.

P.S. It took a lot of time to find this. You won't believe how unimpressive the majority of money-industry commercials can be.





 Who are you most compatible with?



One person in nearly every workshop asks me what two Colors are the most compatible for a good relationship. My first answer is that it's difficult to maintain a powerful relationship when there are no shared values in the first two Colors of your spectrum. For example, a Blue-Orange person may struggle to stay on fire with a Gold-Green person. 

Let's clarify that: The Blue-Orange person will HIGHLY value intimate closeness, plenty of sharing, a mountain of kindness, spontaneous fun, plenty of options, and artistic endeavors. The Gold-Green person will likely find the Blue-Orange values less important than a highly planned life, adherence to traditions, a continuously balanced checkbook, orderliness, plenty of alone time for intellectual activities, and more informative and engaging coversations than a lot of small talk. 

And if one is an introvert, the other an extravert -- well, you can predict further possible barriers to high energy and excitement in the relationship.

Don't get me wrong. Opposites do attract, and quite often opposites enjoy each other's company intensely. In a phrase, they "complete each other." However, my experience with hundreds of clients is that, although all couples need to work at building their relationship every day, the "opposite" folks often have to work harder to make it work out -- and sometimes that's TOO hard.

Do people who are "alike" turn out better? Sometimes, but not necessarily. Experts, e.g.,,  say that people of similar temperaments may end up competing for the higher ground in values, can share common weaknesses and, as parents, may model the their same worst traits for the children. One thing for sure, what a person dislikes about himself he may dislike even more in the mate.

So what Colors are the most compatible? The simple answer, in my opinion, is that one should first look for a sizeable number of shared values. The vital and innate things that we share make it earier to relate, to bond, and to support joy over all possible conflicts.



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Jack Dermody
JackDermody dot com

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