I Joined Literacy Connexus . . . Archive
(Del) Rio Summer Games and More
Faster, Higher, Stronger--LT Conference
Ricardo Brambila's Bicycle Story
Southwayside Baptist ESL VBS
Banking on Books
Build 5 Challenge
ABCs with the Apostles
Show Me State
Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer
Panhandle Literacy Symposium
Little Refugees
Fifteen Minutes
The Gift of Reading
Teach or Die . . . Adult Literacy
Making the Grade--High School Equivalency
We Joined CWJC and CMJC
The Best Deal in Texas
Merry Christmas 2015
Happy Thanksgiving 2015
Parlez vous Anglais?
What's for Lunch
Literacy on the Border
Connecting to Cornerstone
Sweet (and Savory) Nuthings
Is the Executive Director of Literacy Connexus Nuts?
Aw Nuts! A Guide to Gentle Swearing
You Might Be Nuts over Reading if . . .
NTGD Explanation
TEX Talk
San Marcos Mission Good Neighbors
Harlingen Housing Authority--We joined LC . . .
A Slippery Slope
Advocating to the State Board of Education
Lighthouse Harbor Baptist Church
Olmito Summer Meals
ABC Primer
Feeding and Reading
Outstanding People--TEX Trainers
Meaning to the Utmost Degree
Kathy Hillman--I joined LC . . .
Pueblo de Palmas family reading fair
Who Cares?
Ready for School
Sue Matkin--I joined LC . . .
Thank you, Wanda
Your Best Year
Christmas 2014
CWatson--I joined LC . . .
Nuts over Reading 2014
Maurine Frost--I joined LC . . .
Lori Donley--I joined LC . . .
West University Baptist Church--We Joined LC . . .
Gambrell Street Baptist Church--We Joined LC . . .
ABC's of Literacy Connexus
International Literacy Day
Myla Marley--I joined LC . . .
Alphabet Soup
FBC Blanco--We joined LC . . .
Off and Running in Los Fresnos
Pastor's Reading Club
FBC Gonzales
Kathryn Thompson--I joined LC . . .
Wilshire Baptist Church--We joined LC . . .
Salute to H.D. White
Ten and Running
Baylor Urban Missions--We joined LC
Willing Workers Welcomed
Teacher of the Year
Legacy of Phil Strickland
For the Love of Literacy
We joined Literacy Connexus--Dallas Baptist Association
Join the Gulf Coast Literacy Conference
Happy New Year
Merry Christmas 2013
Benjamin Franklin Once Said
Where's Waelder?
FBC Zachary--Four for Four
Join the Adventure
Karen Peiser--I joined LC . . .
Big Tex? No, TEX joined LC . . .
We Joined Mary Hill Davis
Calvary Lutheran . . . We joined LC
Lester Meriwether . . . I joined Literacy Texas
Center of Hope . . . We joined LC
Lakeshore Dr. Baptist Church . . . We joined LC
Alliance UMC joined Literacy Connexus
We joined Agape Baptist Church. .
Christian Chapel Temple of Faith--We joined LC . . .
You joined Literacy Connexus
Barbara Irving--I joined LC . . .
The Stranger Among Us
FBC Abilene--We joined LC . . .
Chuck Moore--Drafted into LC . . .
Spring Break in Eagle Pass
Phyllis Merritt--I joined LC . . .
Connie Anthony--I joined LC . . .
Matthew Johnston-- I joined LC . . .
Kathy Cervantes-- I joined LC . . .
Literacy Connexus Joins Project Apple Tree
Merry Christmas
Join ProLiteracy!
Agape Ebenezer Karen Baptist Church Fort Worth--We joined LC . . .
Franklin Ave. Baptist Church--We joined LC . . .
Charlotte Watson--I joined LC . . .
Mary Fae Kamm--I joined LC . . .
Paula Tanner--I joined LC . . .
Larry Floyd--I joined LC . . .
Wendy Ross--I joined LC . . .
Lynda Bertram--I joined LC . . .
Blenda wilson--I joined LC . . .
WMU of Texas--We joined LC . . .
Robert Cepeda--I joined LC . . .
Literacy Connexus Joins with Children
Beth Avery--I joined LC . . .
Western Hills Primary--We joined LC . . .
Joining together to give books and the gospel
WHUMC--We joined LC . . .
The Burch Family--We joined LC . . .
Shewanda Riley--I joined LC . . .
Caroline Bell--I joined LC . . .
We joined LC--Blackberry Baptist church
Allison Blush joined LC
La Frontera Ministries International joined LC . . .
Joining together in Brownsville . . .
End of Year Appeal for Ideas
Christmas Greeting from Lester
FBC Zachary, Lousiana--I joined LC . . .
Tricia Baldwin--I joined LC . . .
Sarah Starr--I joined LC . . .
Dora Parnell--I joined LC
Join Literacy Connexus
FBC Copperas Cove Kids--We joined LC . . .
Catholic Charities--LC joined . . .
Billie Sue Fields--I joined LC . . .
Hays Hills--We joined LC . . .
Lyle Crossley--I joined LC . . .
Carol Prevost--I joined LC . . .
Shelby Ferguson--I joined LC . . .
Rob Rogers--I joined LC . . .
Pam Moore--I joined LC . . .
Harlene Sadler--I joined LC . . .
Robin Feistel--I joined LC . . .
Literacy Connexus
4802 Hwy 377, Suite 14
Fort Worth, Texas 76116
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