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Literacy Connexus News
October 31, 2012
We joined Literacy Connexus . . .

Franklin Ave. Baptist Church of New Orleans had the privilege and honor of partnering with Literacy Connexus, along with the WMU of Texas and the First Baptist Church of Zachary, La. The partnership took place during the annual SBC children's day camp, with Tenettie Griffin, Kimberly Pace, Tanya Richardson, and Shannon Brown representing FABC. The day camp's mission project consisted of 150 book shelves that would be assembled (with power tools) and signed by the children. It was a wonderful opportunity for them to get some hands-on mission experience and feel the joy of being a part of God's plan to help the less fortunate. It also helped to open their young eyes to the reality that literacy missions is a much needed ministry all around the country.


SBC Day one of the literacy missions project consisted of the various age groups taking turns making the bookshelves. Day two consisted of all of the books and bookshelves being delivered to New Orleans area churches for distribution to people in their communities. The following churches participated: Temple of New Life Baptist Church, Iglesia Bautista Getsemani, First Baptist New Orleans, Solid Rock Spanish Baptist Church, and Franklin Ave. Baptist Church. (Franklin Ave. Baptist Church is planning to distribute their items during their December food and clothing giveaway. They will be given by the children on mission as Christmas gifts.) All of the churches that received the books and bookshelves were so happy to be able to use them as a tool for outreach.


The partnership with Literacy Connexus also had an impact on the FABC volunteers. One of the volunteers said that she wanted to rejoin the children's mission because of her experience at the day camp. Tenettie, another volunteer, has already planned a family reading fair for the church that will take place next year. Shannon, who is also the New Orleans area literacy missions coordinator for the Louisiana Baptist Convention, is planning to work to get other churches involved with starting literacy ministries and using Literacy Connexus as an example and an inspiration.


Shannon Brown

Franklin Ave. Baptist Church, New Orleans, LA.  

Gulf Coast Literacy Conference

February 2nd will be here before you know it. Plan now to attend the Gulf Coast Literacy Conference at Houston Baptist University. Register online.
Lester Meriwether, Executive Director
4802 Highway 377, Suite 14
Fort Worth, TX  76116
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Pam Moore, Editor