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    October 22, 2014
We joined Literacy Connexus . . .

Texas Medical Center (TMC) is the largest medical complex in the world, comprising 21 renowned hospitals, 13 support organizations, eight academic and research institutions, six nursing programs, three public health organizations, three medical schools, two universities, two pharmacy schools, a dental school ( . . .  


And one exceptional ESL class during the lunch hour on Thursdays, thanks to the ministry of nearby West University Baptist Church.




"The church's main ESL program takes place on Wednesday nights," said Director of International Ministries Kathleen Yarborough. She added that their location in the heart of Houston has always drawn students from the Medical Center, Rice University, University of Houston, and other institutions. 

They decided to offer a weekly higher level brown bag lunch session at TMC to give visiting international scholars the opportunity to practice their English using the medical terminology required in their fields. Doctors, researchers, nurses, and others, speak to the students about their areas of expertise, explaining how their work ties into their faith. Students practice dissertations and 30 second elevator speeches about their research, and even play games to help reinforce the medical terminology.  




"I enjoy having a chance to see them learn about God and Jesus when they've never had a chance to do that," Kathleen said. God is doing so much in people's lives; it's exciting to come alongside and be a part of that."


Like WUBC's brown bag lunches at TMC, there are hundreds of unique ESL programs across Texas, specifically tailored to the needs of their students. They include language, citizenship, computer, crafts, and family activities; many include youth tutoring and programs for children. They're held at churches, community centers, and other locations, at various times and days of the week.


What would a tailor-made ESL program look like in your church or community?


The son of an ESL student with Kathleen Yarborough
Coming Soon . . .

November 1st is the day we celebrate families reading together. Learn more about this day at the National Center for Families Learning.

Click here for fun opportunities for learners of all ages to explore, discover, and grow together.
Bookcases for the Border . . .

Ninety (90) of them, in fact, thanks to the hard working volunteers at First Baptist Church, Georgetown.

These bookcases are available right now--along with 450 books--for a Border mission project.

Reply to this email or call 817-696-9898 if interested.

Lester Meriwether, Executive Director
Offices at Henderson Hall - Agape Baptist Church
3954 Southwest Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX  76116

Mailing address:
3020 S. Cherry Lane, #123168
Fort Worth, TX 76121-3168
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Pam Moore, Editor   

Trivia Challenge 
1. The most popular boy's name in Turkey is :

a) Yusuf  


b) Mohammed
c) Ibrahim


d) Ali  

2. The Greek word theodidaktoi is found only one time in the New Testament, and had never been recorded before Paul's use of it. Found in 1 Thessalonians 4:9--for those who want to take a sneak peek--the word means:  


a) written by God


b) taught by God


c) understood by God


d) united with God    

3. In the 1500s, Spanish sailors wrote about el golfo de las yeguas, a band of irregular and unreliable winds at sea. Translated into English, the horse latitudes are located both north and south of the equator at what latitude?    


a) 40 degrees   


b) 30 degrees


c) 15 degrees

d) 5 degrees 




Problem accessing  the answers? Reply to this email and we'll shoot them your way.  

These instructional links may help: 


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