Nuts over Reading!
  1. Books are your go-to gift for all occasions for everyone on your list.

  2. You have ever slogged your way through the day in a fog because last night you could not put the book down.

  3. On an airplane, you peek sideways to see what your seatmate is reading.

  4. You have reading material tucked away in your car in case you get stuck somewhere.

  5. You secretly enjoy waiting rooms because it gives you the chance to read guilt-free in the middle of the day.

  6. You love the feel and heft of a book, but, to your surprise, have discovered e-books can satisfy, too.

  7. You think the shelf behind the toilet is a bookshelf.

  8. Your library printout indicates you've saved over $2,500 this year by borrowing instead of purchasing books . . . and it's only September.

  9. Some of the people you relate to most are fictional.

  10. You cannot imagine life without books.
Every Texan deserves to go Nuts over Reading.
With your help, we can give
more books to more families.  
Lester Meriwether, Executive Director

North Texas Giving Day is Thursday. The button below links to a Literacy Connexus donation page which will be activated that day from 6 a.m. until midnight. 
  • Sixty-one percent of low income families in America have no books at all in their homes for children.   (Progress in International Reading Literacy, 2011)
  • Studies indicate just one book for every 300 children in poverty.   (Reading is Fundamental)

  • Reading proficiency by the end of third grade is the most important predictor of high school graduation and career success; yet, 80% of children in poverty do not reach this milestone.   (The Campaign for Grade Level Reading)