 Feb. 17, 2016
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . . .

Is it any wonder that the burden to teach adults to read was first felt and acted upon by the Church?

Over 80 years ago, Frank Laubach became a literacy pioneer while working as a missionary with the Moro people of the Philippines. After a slow start, he earned trust by learning their language and enough about their Muslim religion to discuss and exchange ideas. He then developed a dictionary and simple method of teaching them to read in their language.

Laubach needed 20 teachers plus volunteers to keep up with the eager Moros. When his depression-era funding ran out, a native chieftain saved the day: "I'll make everybody who knows how to read teach somebody else, or I'll kill him."

Opportunity Knocks . . .

March 31-April 1, 2016 
San Antonio, TX 
How can I impact my community
for the Kingdom of God?

Workshops include: 
  • Biblical Justice and the Problem of Everyday Violence
  •  More Than Sex - Dealing with Same Sex Relationships
  • Christians and Public Schools - Together for the Common Good
  • And More

Featured speaker Jen Hatmaker is a New York Times best-selling author, mother, and justice advocate.

Learn more at  
Just Around the Corner . . .

Workshops include:

Presented by:
More Upcoming Events . . .

TEX Training
Cross-Cultural Witnessing
February 19
TEX Training
Higher Level
February 20
North Texas Math Literacy Symposium
February 26
Metroplex Literacy Conference
March 5
Dallas Baptist University
West Texas
Literacy Symposium
March 19
Panhandle Literacy Symposium
April 9
Literacy Texas Conference
August 1-3
San Marcos
Lester Meriwether, Executive Director 
Offices at Henderson Hall - Agape Baptist Church
3954 Southwest Blvd., Fort Worth, TX  76116
Mailing/shipping address:
3020 S. Cherry Lane, #123168
Fort Worth, TX  76121
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Pam Moore, Editor     
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Trivia Challenge
1.  Twitter is used by more citizens of this country per capita than any other country in the world:

a) Saudi Arabia

b) Denmark

c) France

d) Australia

2.  In Bulgaria, nodding one's head up and down conveys:

a) yes

b) no

c) anger

d) sadness

3. The  old man the boat. This is an example of a concept that may be difficult to teach ESL students. It is:

a) nonsense

b) a grammatical sentence

c) a sentence fragment

d) a line from Coleridge

Problem accessing  the answers? Reply to this email and we'll shoot them your way.  
These instructional links may help: